Strongest War Chant

C54 Join Team

C54 Join Team

0In the blink of an eye, three days had passed. During this time, Wu Shuang had always been at home with his parents, so when he was free, he would call Wang Miaoyan. This morning, he received a call from Wang Yuanshan requesting him to report to the Shangning City Hall.    


The main hall of the Shangning City was located in the new economic area of Dawn. The main hall was a fifty story skyscraper, with an eye-catching dragon-shaped mark hanging on the building. There were military guards surrounding it, making it impossible for ordinary people to get close to it.    


Wu Shuang's taxi was stopped outside and could only walk inside. From the self-closing crystal door to the champagne coloured hall, Wu Shuang walked into the elevator and pressed the button on the 30th floor.    


In a spacious and bright office that was covered in ink paintings, Wang Yuanshan stood with his hands behind his back facing the window. Sitting on the wooden chair in the room was a tall and silent one-eyed man.    


Moments later, knocking sounds came from outside the office, followed by a figure pushing the door open and entering …    


Wang Yuanshan turned around and saw a energetic young man appear in front of him. The one-eyed man also turned his head around, while his eyes were filled with coldness and scrutiny.    


"Wu Shuang, you're here." Wang Yuanshan laughed, "Elder Cui said that you must join the Silver Team to get more tempering and growth. That's why I arranged for you to join one of the top Blood Hunting teams in our city."    


Wang Yuanshan pointed at the one-eyed man and said: "This is the captain of Blood Hunting Squad — — Zhou Feng, you should get to know each other."    


"Yes." Wu Shuang arrived in front of the one-eyed man with a smile and extended his hand: "Hello, Captain Zhou. My name is Wu Shuang. Please give me your guidance in the future."    


Zhou Feng didn't stretch out his hand. He only glanced at him and said, "Newbie, I heard that you're this year's Martial Courtesan?"    


"That's right, I wonder what Captain Zhou would like to teach us?" Wu Shuang retracted his hand and stood still. Because he had already prepared himself, he wasn't angry at the moment.    


"It's not really a lesson, I just want to tell you, do not confuse Demon Beast s in the wild with those little kittens and puppies in captivity. Your title, in my opinion, is bullsh * t."    


Zhou Feng's tone turned cold: "Also, I have yet to admit your identity. If you make any mistakes, I will kick you out of the team without hesitation. Do you understand?"    


"Understood." Wu Shuang stuck out his chest and said loudly. Suddenly, he felt like he was in the middle of a year's military training.    


"Very well, let's go." Zhou Feng stood up, nodded to Wang Yuanshan, and pushed open the door and walked out.    


"Elder Wang, then I'll take my leave as well." Looking at the bitter face of Wu Shuang, Wang Yuanshan laughed out loud and said, "Zhou Feng is an outstanding warrior, you have to learn from him more. Also, this is your first time in the wild, you have to pay attention to your safety."    


"Alright, I understand." Wu Shuang left the office, caught up to Zhou Feng and asked, "Captain Zhou, where are we going now?"    


"Go take a mission." Zhou Feng was very careful with his words and did not hesitate to argue.    


The two of them took the elevator to the third floor and entered a place similar to the stock exchange hall. On the three large screens, different levels and types of missions were displayed.    


If you are interested, you can consult the task window for details. However, once you accept, you must complete the task within the specified time limit, or you will deduct the corresponding contribution points.    


Wu Shuang noticed that most quests' rewards were contribution points and spirit points, and some of them were entity rewards of War Song or Warsong Outfit, but these types of quests were all Level B and above.    


Seeing Zhou Feng, two people walked over from the mission hall seats. One of them was more than two meters tall and had extremely muscular body while the other had a medium build with a pair of slender red phoenix eyes.    




The two of them greeted each other at the same time. Their phoenix eyes glanced at Wu Shuang beside Zhou Feng and said, "Are you the newbie that was forcefully sent over?"    


"Yes, my name is …"    


"What's your name is not important, but you better not drag us down, or else …" Dan Feng stuck out her tongue and made a gesture to wipe her neck.    


"Lee Loong, don't scare the newbies." The muscular man smiled and said to Wu Shuang, "Ignore him. My name is Soong Tan, you can call me Tank. Welcome to the group."    


"Hello tank, my name is Wu Shuang." Soong Tan's attitude made Wu Shuang instantly get closer to him. He felt that the team wasn't that bad after all.    


"How's the selection for City H's quest going? Is there anything of high value?" Zhou Feng asked.    


"Brother Zhou, a fifth line city like H City has been taken away by others long ago. Now, all that is left are the looting and exploration missions." Lee Loong said in dissatisfaction.    


All the places outside the safe area were collectively called Occupied Region, and the cities that had fallen were named after their initials. They were divided into one to six lines with respect to the concentration of Demon Beast, of which the third to fifth lines were occupied by cities, where Combat Team activities were the most frequent.    


"Mm, then I'll just accept a mission to sweep the area. No matter how small it is, it's still meat." Zhou Feng walked towards a task window after saying that.    


It was Wu Shuang's first time in the mission hall, so he asked curiously, "Tank, what is a mission to sweep?"    


"It's to hunt specific Demon Beast. They are usually demon soldiers, and the reward will be settled by the number of demon soldiers they hunt. Because the reward is not big, most of the small teams did it while they were at it." Soong Tan explained.    


After accepting the quest, the Blood Hunting team took the special railway line set up by Commonwealth of Hundred States and rushed to City H which was located in the vicinity of Shangning City.    


Three hours later, the train stopped at the military region of H City. More than thirty Heavenly Sound Master s alighted from the train, forming six Combat Team s and walked towards the military region.    


"Wu Shuang, most of the fallen cities have military zones for us to rest and replenish. We can also receive random quests or sell Demon Beast materials here. If we are in a occupied city above C-list, we can even see mobile supply points."    


Soong Tan pointed at a tower in the middle of the military sector and said, "Do you see that tower? That's where the missions will be handed over to us. The surrounding buildings are all kinds of shops, and the outskirts is a place for us to rest temporarily. "    


While they were talking, the Blood Hunting team had already arrived at the bottom of the tower. A bearded officer threw a key to Zhou Feng and said: "Pirates, your team is resting in Building 13."    


"Old Zheng, is there any news recently?" Zhou Feng caught the keys and asked with a grin.    


"Hehe, yes, but the price …" Big Beard chuckled and said: "The Demon Beast materials you are hunting this time, you must at least sell to us thirty percent of your Supreme Emperor Alliance."    


"Sure, deal." Zhou Feng said straightforwardly, "But you have to give me a discount for the expenses here."    


All of the staff in the military region came from the four great forces. Although they wore the uniforms of Commonwealth of Hundred States, in reality, they were all under their own jurisdiction.    


It was just that the price was a bit lower. If they weren't particularly in a hurry to sell it, most of the teams would go back to deal with it.    


The military area of City H wasn't very big, and there were only around a dozen residential buildings, which was not more than a small district. Soon enough, the Blood Hunting Squad found their own room, a suite that was about a hundred square meters with three bedrooms and one living room.    


Zhou Feng, as the captain, took one room by himself while Soong Tan, due to his big size, also took one room. Originally, Lee Loong also wanted to take one room for himself, but after being ordered by Zhou Feng, he had no choice but to squeeze together with Wu Shuang …    


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