Starts With Fusing Devil Crystal

C336 A Letter from Sally(2)

C336 A Letter from Sally(2)

0As time passed, Ashley still did not appear. Reg's heart began to feel a little tense. Could it be that something happened to Ashley that caused her to not be able to arrive on time?    


Reg absolutely did not believe that Ashley would calculate the wrong day. He was very clear about Ashley's care.    


Just like that, everyone waited until noon lunch time. Ashley still did not appear. Just as Reg was about to call the waiter to serve the food, a middle-aged man suddenly came to the door of the restaurant.    


The middle-aged man was wearing a neat butler uniform and his entire body was meticulous from head to toe. Standing at the entrance of the hotel, the middle-aged man lightly scanned the room. He walked to the counter and asked, "Is there a person called Reg living here? Is he Fa? "    


Reg was looking at the middle-aged man when he suddenly heard him mention his name. He immediately stood up and walked over with big steps.    


There were very few people who knew Reg's name, and it just so happened that today, Ashley was the only one who came to find Reg in this hotel.    


Although he hadn't talked to the middle-aged man yet, Reg knew that this middle-aged man must be related to Ashley.    


At the same time Reg stood up, the middle-aged man suddenly turned his head and his eyes fell on Reg's masked face. There was doubt and vigilance in his eyes.    


Reg walked straight to the middle-aged man and said in a low voice, "I am Reg. Fa, you are looking for me?"    


The middle-aged man's face relaxed, but the doubt in his eyes did not decrease. As if he did not understand why Reg was wearing a mask, the middle-aged man nodded at Reg and said," You are Reg. Mr. Fa, I was asked to deliver a letter here... "    


The middle-aged man stopped talking as if he was waiting for something.    


Reg looked at the man's expression and knew that he did not trust him. He said directly, "Is the person who asked you to deliver the letter a girl called Ashley? Dells?"    


Hearing Reg say Ashley's name, the middle-aged man's face relaxed. He smiled and said, "It seems that you are really Reg. Mister Fa, yes, it was Miss Ashley who asked me to come here to deliver a letter to you. "    


The middle-aged man flipped his hand and a sealed letter appeared in his palm. Reg noticed that the middle-aged man's hand was well maintained and his hands were shining like jade.    


Reg took the letter but was not in a hurry to open it. Instead, he asked, "Where is Ashley? Did she not come?"    


The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Miss did not forget about the half year appointment with you, but she had something to do at home. I really cannot go away, so I asked me to deliver her handwritten letter to you today. As for the specific reason, I think you'll know after reading the content of the letter"    


Reg heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he was a little disappointed that Ashley didn't come, at least she was fine and safe.    


Reg invited the middle-aged man and Mi Xue back to his room and sat down. Only then did Reg open the letter.    


There was only one page inside, and the words were not much.    


Reg finished reading very quickly. Ashley apologetically told Reg in the letter, she was not able to arrive on time for the half year agreement. She had overcome the Devil Body and her strength had increased by a lot when she returned home. It had caused a series of changes in the family. During this half a year, while she was bitterly cultivating, she had to be busy with some internal conflicts within her family. After half a year of fighting... The overall situation had already been decided, but there was still a very troublesome matter... She had to deal with it properly before coming out to find Reg.    


Ashley requested Reg to leave her contact information. Once she finished dealing with the matters in her hands, she would go and find Reg. At the end of the letter, Ashley also said that she had returned home. She used some secret skills to cultivate and her strength improved very quickly. She even joked that Reg also had to work hard to cultivate. Otherwise, she would surpass Reg...    


Looking at the last part of the sentence, Reg seemed to recall Ashley's cute expression when she stood in front of him when she excitedly said that she was one level higher than him when she reached the Third Grade Devil Mentor.    


When Reg read the letter, the middle-aged man also sat quietly. However, his eyes swept across Mi Xue and the others, especially Mi Xue. He could clearly sense that these few people's strength had reached the level of Devil Battle Master, but this Reg who received the letter seemed to only have the strength of the Battle Master. It was really a little strange.    


"Back then, because young miss had the Devil Body, she was looked down upon by everyone in the family. Even Miss' parents' line of descent lost a lot of power, and Miss left in a fit of anger. However, I don't know how I managed to find a way to get past the Devil Body. When I returned home, I was already at the Devil Mentor level. She had surpassed the young generation of the other families because the cultivation of the Devil Body would advance very quickly. His cultivation strength in the family for half a year would advance by leaps and bounds, and he would become the leader of the young generation..."    


As the middle-aged man pondered in his heart, he looked at Reg who was focusing on reading the letter. However, because of the mask covering his face, he could not see Reg's true face. He could only see his calm and spirited eyes.    


"According to what the young lady said, the reason she was able to break through to the Devil Body was because of the help of this young man called Reg. I was very anxious about not being able to attend the appointment in the past half a year, and I was actually forced to personally deliver this letter. She also instructed me to leave behind a way to contact Reg in the future, as if she was very afraid that I would not be able to see him again in the future... "    


"It's always easier to cherish friends you make during hardships. Miss... it seems like you have developed feelings for this young man called Reg?"    


Reg looked at the letter and carefully read it twice. After making sure that he did not miss anything, he folded the letter and carefully put it back into the envelope. He then put it away and raised his head.    


Seeing Reg raise his head, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "May I know if you have any message or letter for me to bring back?"    


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