Abandoned Youth

C335 Market Stalls

C335 Market Stalls

0Waiting until Lin Han arrived at the Zhou Family courtyard.    


It was Zhou Xiaobai who was preparing to go out.    


"Elder Brother Lin!"    


Zhou Xiaobai was surprised to see Lin Han.    


"Where are we going?"    


Lin Han looked at Zhou Xiaobai, who was carrying a snakeskin bag.    


Zhang Xuan asked.    


"My parents rented a stall in the market and sold some farm vegetables."    


Zhou Xiaobai wiped the sweat from her forehead.    


"Isn't he rich?"    


Lin Han was confused.    


"It took a lot of money to recover after the operation."    


Zhou Xiaobai smiled shyly.    


"If it's not enough, why didn't you tell me?"    


"Uncle, auntie, I just had an operation, so I'm not too tired."    


Lin Han said.    


I just had a lung transplant.    


If he was too tired and had an infection in his lungs, it would not be worth it.    


"Elder Brother Lin, thank you for your good will."    


"However, it's not good to keep troubling you."    


Zhou Xiaobai explained.    


"No trouble, no trouble at all. I'm your sister's comrade, just a little help."    


Lin Han said.    


"Elder Brother Lin, then there's nothing I can do!" It's really great that you gave me this courtyard. "    


"There's a place to grow vegetables in the backyard. Mom and Dad are just thinking of all sorts of dishes, setting up a stall and selling vegetables!"    


Zhou Xiaobai smiled mischievously.    


Ye Zichen started to joke with Lin Han.    


"However, Elder Brother Lin, don't worry. Xiaolong is much more sensible now. He's the one who does all the heavy work."    


"I've been helping too. I won't tire my parents."    


Zhou Xiaobai explained again.    


She was very satisfied with the current situation in the house.    


His parents were cured, and Zhou Xiaolong stopped gambling.    


It was the life she had always dreamed of.    


Of course, if his sister also lived with them.    


That would be perfect.    


"I'll help you."    


Seeing Zhou Xiaobai's appearance.    


Lin Han also smiled.    


Then she helped Zhou Xiaobai to carry the snakeskin bag.    


Zhou Xiaobai looked at Lin Han's back and smiled shyly.    


"Unfortunately, Elder Brother Lin is already married. Moreover, Royal Daughter of Qin Family is so pretty."    


Zhou Xiaobai sighed emotionally.    


If it weren't for Elder Brother Lin, his family would still be in deep water right now.    


Bamboo Horse Street cuisine market.    


This was a huge market in the outskirts of Jinling.    


It was extremely lively.    


Because, the prices of the housing in the Jinling City area was too expensive.    


There were many young people working in Jinling City.    


They all live in the suburbs where the rent is relatively cheap.    


Moreover, it was the weekend and many young people would come to the market to buy vegetables.    


This caused the market to be very lively.    


Zhou Xiaobai led the way while Lin Han carried the snakeskin bag. Soon, they saw Zhou Xiaolong, who was fiddling with vegetables at a corner booth.    


There was a large oven on the side, Zhou Xiaolong would throw corn and sweet potatoes into the oven from time to time.    


Many young people who passed by liked to buy it.    


"Mom and Dad."    


Zhou Xiaobai called out.    


His father, Zhou Li, and his mother, Yang Lihua, turned around.    


He looked towards Zhou Xiaobai.    


At the same time, he opened his mouth and said in heartache, "Little White, you must have worked hard! Here, drink some water. "    


His mother, Yang Lihua, prepared to pass the water over.    


However, Zhou Xiaobai handed the water over to Lin Han.    


"Dad, mom, this is Elder Brother Lin. He helped me carry the bag today."    


Zhou Xiaobai started her introduction.    


"Ah!" You are our family's Xiaoqing's comrade. Aiyo, our family must thank you!    


With tears in her eyes, Yang Lihua wanted to kneel down and thank Lin Han.    


Zhou Li was also prepared to kneel down in front of Lin Han.    


The old couple were tormented by illness and could not be bothered about it.    


He still needed to waste his child's time taking care of him.    


If Lin Han didn't appear, the hospital would have to operate on them.    


Then, the entire Zhou Family would be destroyed.    


"Uncle, Auntie, you don't have to be like this. This is what I should be doing."    


"Moreover, everything was given by Little Qing."    


Lin Han quickly stopped the two elders from kneeling.    


"What's more, you two elders have just finished the operation, so you don't have enough time to recover. It's not suitable for you to work too hard."    


Lin Han said.    


"Mr. Lin …"    


Zhou Li said.    


However, Lin Han quickly waved his hand: "Xiaoqing and I are of the same age as him, so please call me Xiaohan!"    


"Xiao Han, you don't know. The environment in the courtyard you prepared is really too good. The air is also fresh, and we've all recovered quite well."    


Zhou Li was overjoyed.    


"That's right, there's also the vegetable patch in the backyard. There's really nothing to say about the dishes grown here."    


Yang Lihua squinted her eyes as she laughed.    


"It's good that you like it, but don't be too tired."    


Lin Han laughed.    


"Not tired, not tired, now Xiaolong is sensible, he's the one who does all the heavy work."    


Yang Lihua looked at her son's figure as he worked.    


He was also incomparably gratified.    


Now, though, life was poor.    


But, the family reunited and sold some side dishes.    


Compared to the previous days, it was simply heaven.    


"This is what Little Qing wants to see, right!"    


Lin Han smiled.    


"Elder Brother Lin, when did my sister retire like you!"    


Zhou Xiaobai asked.    


As soon as Zhou Xiaobai said this, Zhou Li, Yang Lihua and Zhou Xiaolong immediately looked at Lin Han expectantly.    


"Xiaoqing is at the Northern Realm, and is well recognized by the higher ups there. She probably won't be back for a while."    


Lin Han said.    


"Ah!" Big Sis is so amazing, it's a pity that I didn't have the time to come back and take a look!    


Zhou Xiaolong exclaimed.    


"That's good too. Our country needs her. It is our honor."    


"This time, if it wasn't because the country gave her so much money, we two of us wouldn't have the money to treat her illness."    



"It's for the country."    


Zhou Li said proudly.    


"I just don't know if my daughter is full in Northern Realm, or if she's sleeping well."    


Yang Lihua touched her tears.    


"You old woman, how can we lose her in the army?"    


Zhou Li said some harsh words, but the depths of his eyes could not hide his worry.    


"Brother Dao has come. Hurry up and pack up."    


At this moment.    


There were quite a few panicked voices in the market.    


Quite a few people were preparing to pack up their stalls.    


"Stop, stop. Those who want to run, just run."    


"However, don't show up at the market tomorrow, otherwise you'll get your stalls destroyed."    


A group of six to seven sloppy-looking young men swaggered into the market on Bamboo Horse Street and shouted.    


Originally, those hawkers were preparing to pack up their stalls.    


They all returned to their stalls dejectedly.    


"Forget it, forget it. I can only give them the money."    


"Sigh!" The market has to collect the booth fees and now there's even a protection fee. These days are getting harder and harder to come by! "    


"There's no helping it, setting up a stall and still being able to live. If we don't set up a stand, even eating would become a problem!"    


Many people had bitter looks on their faces, but there was nothing they could do.    


"This Zhanmadao is truly getting more and more outrageous. No matter what, the people who sell vegetables here are all neighbors. How could he be so ruthless as to charge protection fees?"    


Zhou Xiaobai said angrily.    


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