Almighty Conceited Sovereign

C1054 No matter how crafty you are!

C1054 No matter how crafty you are!

0Fang Shaobai's words quickly calmed Meng Xuan girl's anger. That's right, the Ye Family was scheming against them, and they were also scheming against the Ye Family.    


Meng Xuan's gaze turned as she stood up and said, "Young Master Fang, I'll go and give the Ye Family some face."    


Fang Shaobai's eyelids jumped, "Go? "What are you going to do? Spread the news that the An clan is preparing to send the compensation to the Gongye clan?"    


"That's right, the Ye Family is oppressing our An Family. How can we let the Ye Family suffer? I must teach them a lesson and let them know that this money is not that easy to take." They also have to bear the pressure from all sides. "    




Fang Shaobai reprimanded her rudely.    


This caused An Sandao, who was standing at the side, to be dumbstruck. Many people knew his temper, when he was young he was fierce like a flame.    


This Fang brat actually dared to reprimand his grandmother. The most infuriating thing was that even after being reprimanded by this brat, her grandmother didn't get angry. Instead, she had a blank look on her face, as if she really suspected that she had done something wrong.    


never thought that Fang Shaobai would disguise herself and Meng Xuanyin to the An family in the same place as him, especially after the storm had passed and there was no one around, she was extremely shocked by the attitude Meng Xuanyan displayed towards Fang Shaobai. Her grandfather's grandmother had actually treated him like a servant, and had even treated Fang Shaobai's words as if they were an imperial edict.    


If he did not know that a great god could not be easily controlled by others, he would suspect that his great grandmother Meng Xuan was actually meeting Fang Shaobai at the Eternity Continent. Maybe Fang Shaobai had something to do with his soul, or else how could it be like this?    


There were too many questions he couldn't explain, and An Sandao couldn't find a suitable time to ask his grandmother Meng Xuan Nu about it either. Seeing that Meng Xuan was being reprimanded, he could not help but say, "What are you saying? My grandma wants to give some face to the Ye Family. What's wrong with that?" You eat and drink here, you don't think about anything, you don't do anything, and you even carelessly blame others.    


"Shut up." Hearing that, Meng Xuan Nu became furious, she raised her hand and was about to slap An Sandao to death.    


"Alright, we're family, what's there to be angry about?" Fang Shaobai drank her wine and casually stopped Meng Xuan girl.    


Although Meng Xuan didn't beat An Sandao up, she was still furious and dragged An Sandao over, "Kneel down and apologize to Young Master Fang."    


Kneel down?    


The great ancestor who had always been kind actually wanted him to kneel down and apologize to Fang Shaobai?    


A huge feeling of grievance and anger rose in An Sandao's heart.    


"Meng Xuan Nu, you don't seem to be a very strict person. You even seem to have a protective personality. Why are you still acting like this?" They had said that they were on the same side as him, but there was no point in doing all of this. "Don't do that again in the future."    


"Ugh …"    


"Alright, An Sandao, you stand by the side. It is the right decision to protect your great-grandmother, no one is going to blame you. Let's not talk about this anymore. Just tell me whether or not you want to give the Ye Family something to regret it. "    


Meng Xuan Nu's expression became serious too, she was no longer concerned with An Sandao messing with Fang Shaobai, "Young Master Fang, from what you're saying, you don't approve of me doing that?"    


"Of course not. The Ye family is waiting to spread the news."    




"Don't you understand? Let's put it this way, the Ye Clan purposely put the An clan at the heart of a storm. Their goal is not just to make the An clan suffer, obediently offer compensation from the seven clans."    


Fang Shaobai smiled slightly, her eyes revealing a wisdom that didn't match her age. Well, it was cunning.    


"Could there be another reason?"    


"Of course."    


Fang Shaobai drank another mouthful of the wine, the Holy Land's wine was truly delicious. Unfortunately, it would not be so easy to drink another glass of Holy Land wine after today. Perhaps, she would have to wait a while.    


"Have you ever thought about the reason why the seven clans clenched their teeth and agreed to such a large compensation that they might not be able to take out? Their hearts are filled with unwillingness and anger. If not for the appearance of Night Erosion, they might have already decided to join hands with you. In this sort of situation, for them to promise to pay compensation within three days in exchange for someone else, is that also a way to slow down their fighting? "    


Meng Xuan was slightly startled. Of course she knew that the seven families were unwilling, and she even knew that one hundred million spirit essence stone for one Martial Saint. To the seven families, this was already far more than they could bear. It was just that they did not think that under the pressure of the night corrosion, the seven families would still dare to have any ulterior motives.    


With Fang Shaobai's reminder, she also suddenly had a bad premonition. If he did not control this matter well, it was possible that the An clan would not hold anything back.    


"The seven great families cannot provide compensation, plus, they are not willing to give it up to begin with. At this time, the An clan was under extreme pressure. If they took the initiative to spread the rumor that they planned to give compensation to the Ye clan, the Ye clan would also bear some pressure. But what do you think the seven great clans would do? "    


"They will …"    


Meng Xuan could not help thinking about what she would do if she was a member of one of the seven great families. After thinking about it, she became extremely terrified.    


"From the looks of it, you probably thought of it too. That's right." The seven great families would definitely bypass the An clan and go straight to the Ye Clan. They would pay a price and ask the Ye Clan to decide on their course. They might even decide to subdue the Ye Clan. At that time, the An clan will be in an awkward position. "    


"Damn it, so the Ye Clan has such thoughts. Their target is the seven great clans and not the An Clan."    


Upon coming to a realization, Meng Xuan glared furiously at Zhang Xuan.    


Fang Shaobai didn't think that it was anything special. She just wanted to see who had the better strategy, and this was no different from a fight. Sometimes, it was even more brutal than a fight where the fists hit the flesh. It was possible that only one person had died fighting each other, and it was possible that one of them had died.    


The reason why the Ye Family was here was to sacrifice an An Family to recruit Roche and the other seven families. From the Ye Family's point of view, protecting a small An Family was not worth anything compared to gaining seven families that were more powerful than the An Family.    


"Then what should we do? In this situation, the Ye Family seems to be in an invincible position. Even if we don't spread that rumor, the Ye Family will still send people to spread it. "Even if there weren't any rumors, those seven clans could have just bypassed us and gone straight to the Ye Clan …"    


Meng Xuan was very agitated. Even though she had dug the hole and calculated the success, the probability of the harvest was zero. It seemed like this was not going to be a easy game to break out of.    


"What you said is not wrong. Ever since Night Erosion appeared, the situation is no longer within our control. The Ye Family will not let us truly get that compensation." Otherwise, how could Night Erosion agree to give the seven families three days? "    


"That old fart."    


"Haha, don't be angry. We have plenty of opportunities to punish them. As for now, we're going in two steps. With luck, we managed to collect a fortune. If we don't get lucky and capture those hundred Martial Saint s, we won't lose out. "    


Meng Xuan's eyes lit up. The hundred plus Martial Saint s were still in her control, even if she did not obtain the ransom, capturing those hundred plus Martial Saint s would be a huge gain. Thinking about this, his mind felt much more comfortable.    


Besides, there was still Young Master Fang.    


"Young Master Fang, seeing how calm you are, you aren't worried at all. Could it be that you already have some good ideas?"    


"It's not really a good plan. They've plotted against us, but we've plotted against them in the other direction!"    


Fang Shaobai laughed slyly, and said a few words in a low voice, and explained his strategy in a simple manner. It took his a long time to regain his composure. He smacked the table and said in a pleasant surprise, "Good, Young Master Fang, your idea is brilliant. If it succeeds, not only will you be able to obtain a large amount of resources, but you will also be able to scam the Ye Family. The most important thing is that our An Family is clear about our relationship with each other."    


An Sandao had also heard Fang Shaobai's scheme, and her entire person was immediately in a state of shock. When she came back to her senses, her heart was filled with cold air. Damn it, this Fang fella is too cunning and vicious. Such a young man, where did she get such thoughts from?    


Such a person could actually command a god. Offending such a person was simply a dead end.    



Without a doubt, there were only three days left. It was very urgent.    


Regardless of whether Fang Shaobai's plan was good or not, it was all to steal time from the Ye Family. Meng Xuan girl did not hesitate and quickly followed Fang Shaobai's plan.    


This plan was divided into two steps. The first step was for Meng Xuannu to take the lead. Her job was to act. He gave the order to recall all the An clan members who had traveled to find resources for the An clan, and put on an appearance as if the An clan was in a grave danger.    


She had nothing to do with the second step, but Lao Cang was the main character of the second step.    


Lao Cang quietly slipped out of the An clan and without bringing anything, she wore the Thousand Mask Mask that Fang Shaobai had lent him.    


This mysterious treasure had already been refined by Fang Shaobai's Jade Sea Secret Essence, with which, it was almost eighty percent refined.    


With such a high degree of refinement, Thousand Faces really could have gone through all the changes without leaving any trace, but it was a pity that there was not enough time. Otherwise, if Fang Shaobai had completely smashed Jade Sea's Secret Essence down, it was extremely possible that she could completely refine Thousand Faces and give birth to a miraculous "identical" ability.    


Even so, Lao Cang who had grasped onto a thousand faces, wearing this mask, easily turned into a Night Corrosion. No matter if it was her appearance, or her Qi, it was impossible to tell whether it was real or fake.    


Just like this, Lao Cang swaggered into Roche's house with the appearance of a thousand faces eroding in the night. After making all sorts of promises with an corrosive tone, the Roche even opened the treasury of the Roche, allowing Lao Cang to plunder them.    


After Lao Cang ruthlessly looted a large amount of wealth, she left the Luo Family under the respectful gaze of Roche, followed by the Xie Family and the like. In just a short day, she had actually visited all seven great families.    


Until Lao Cang brought back a portion of resources worth more than ten billion spirit essence stone to the Square Realm, where a great god of the Ye Family quietly came to the Roche.    


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