Almighty Conceited Sovereign

C857 This is Cloud Sea Sect Gu Yue!

C857 This is Cloud Sea Sect Gu Yue!

0was also no fool. When he suddenly thought about how he would get such a big fight out of this, if Wu Fang did not appear in front of them in time, he was stupefied, and his entire body turned cold.    


Time passed slowly.    


To everyone who was waiting for Wu Fang to appear, it seemed like a long time.    


Unknowingly, the sun had set in the western mountains.    


Suddenly, a young man dressed in plain clothes, whose clothes were patched up and whose hair was disheveled, entered his field of vision.    


The young man was trembling with fear as he looked around. When he approached the Moon Flowers cautiously, everyone's attention was focused on him. It was unknown how many pairs of eyes were focused on the young man at the same time.    


If it wasn't for the fact that this young man didn't know martial arts at a glance and didn't have extremely keen senses, these gazes alone would have brought him endless psychological pressure.    


"This young man is strange!"    


"Wait, that youth seems to have something in his hand?"    


"A note?"    


The teenager walked towards the Moon Flowers while trembling in fear. However, he was immediately stopped by the manager of the Moon Flowers.    


"Stop, little beggar. Don't you know where this place is? "Hurry up and get out, your body's stench scared away my customers, see if I break your legs or not …"    


"I … I'm not here to eat, I'm here to deliver a letter!"    


"Send a letter?" Hahaha, you little beggar, do you think laozi is a fool? Who would let a stinky brat like you deliver a letter? You're making up such a reason! Want to eat and drink? Scram for laozi!    


The supervisor raised his leg and kicked the youth to the ground.    


At this moment, a slap appeared behind the manager's head. With a "pa" sound, the manager fell to the ground. The face that was hit immediately swelled up like a steamed bun that had just been steamed.    


How could he know that today, this Moon Flowers had already attracted the attention of all the forces in the city. In order to make Wu Fang enter, let alone a young man who looked like a beggar, even if a half-dead dog wanted to enter the Moon Flowers, he would still be seeking death.    


What's more, this youth had already said that he was here to deliver a letter.    


These words had already attracted the attention of the warriors around, and they felt that this was Wu Fang's news. After waiting for a long time, there was finally news of Wu Fang, and the manager still stopped them, if not for the fact that she was afraid of attracting Wu Fang's attention, the manager's life would not have been saved.    


"Bastard, you're looking down on people, scram for laozi." The one who had slapped the steward was a middle-aged martial artist. After a furious rebuke, he smiled at the young man and asked, "Young man, who is this delivering a letter to?"    


The young man obviously did not know what was going on here, he stood up and said: "I am sending a message to Bai Xuan, may I ask where is Master Bai Xuan? Can you tell me? "    


Was he really sending a letter to Bai Xuan?    




The middle-aged martial artist and all the surrounding martial artists were suddenly enlivened. Their eyes immediately gathered onto the youth's hand. The youth was holding a piece of paper that had already been dyed black by the youth's hand.    


Everyone's heart skipped a beat. They wanted nothing more than to snatch that piece of paper from the young man.    


But everyone knew that Bai Xuan was in Moon Flowers, and whoever dared to snatch this slip of paper would definitely die. Even if the Martial Emperor behind him wanted to help him, it would be too late, so they could only restrain their thoughts.    


But he also felt that it was a little strange. What did it mean, Wu Fang did not come anymore, otherwise, why would he get someone to send a note to him, or perhaps this was just Wu Fang deliberately trying to mystify things and divert his attention?    


"Young man, come up!"    


Just then, Bai Xuan's voice came out from the Moon Flowers, the young man heard it, although she did not know who Bai Xuan was, but upon seeing the voice, no one dared to stop him, and immediately ran towards the Moon Flowers.    


Young man, who asked you to deliver a letter to me, give me the letter, I am Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan had a strange feeling. Previously, Fang Kid did not tell him that there was a way to send a letter, what did he mean by suddenly asking someone to send a letter?    


"Go, young man, this is Master Bai Xuan." Someone beside him who was drinking reminded him.    


Only then did the youth walk towards Bai Xuan, hand the slip of paper to Bai Xuan, and then turn around to leave. He seemed to know that the people here weren't to be trifled with, and if she was a little bit careless, she would lose her life here.    




Bai Xuan could immediately tell that this youth was not fake, and he did not know what relation this Fang Shaobai had, but since this youth had sent a letter, it could not help but indicate that Bai Xuan had taken out a small purse.    


"This is for you!"    


Bai Xuan took out a small bag of gold coins, it was not much, only 3000 gold coins. To warriors, these gold coins could be easily dropped, but for the youngsters, it was a huge sum that could be comfortably spent for a few months.    


It was the first time for the teenager to see so much gold coins. He was so excited that he kowtowed in gratitude. And just at this moment, figures began to gather beneath the Moon Flowers.    


Skysword Sect Big Dipper Sword Emperor, South Heaven Gate Emperor Nanxuan, Absolute God Sect Emperor Liang, Cloud Sea Sect Qin Huisheng    


And so on.    


One expert after another appeared, and instantly arrived at Moon Flowers.    


Before the delivery boy could come back to his senses, he was already in the hands of Absolute God Sect's Liang Di.    


Bai Xuan's expression changed as she said angrily: "Liang Chaoqun, what are you trying to do? A dignified Martial Emperor attacking someone who is not even a Martial Disciple, do you still want face?"    


"Hmph, Bai Xuan, don't try to play along with this emperor, we all know what our goal is today, Wu Fang hasn't appeared for so long, yet this man is here to send you a letter, even if he is an ordinary person, he has to explain everything clearly."    




"Bai Xuan, why must you be angry? Let us see the note. If it's a letter from Wu Fang, it wouldn't be appropriate for only you to know."    


The Martial Emperor s of the various sects were like wolves and tigers, each and every one of them unrestrainedly pressured Bai Xuan, even if she was unwilling to hand over the paper slip.    


Bai Xuan could only hand over the slip of paper.    


However, when the contents of the paper slip was revealed to the public, everyone's expression changed.    


What was written on the note?    


Just a sentence.    


A sentence filled with provocation and mockery.    



"Hahaha, you foolish fools, each and every one of you had surrounded Moon Flowers like a cage trying to trap someone. Do you think this daddy is stupid, that you idiots want to capture this daddy in your next life! "I'll tell you here, from today onwards, don't even think about letting me refine the Rebirth Pill for you idiots. Just wait until you're crippled."    


Everyone's face turned green, the Moon Flowers was full of curses and roars, so many of them had never been humiliated like this before.    


This Wu Fang had actually set a precedent for them to play around with, and mocked them to their bones. If news of this got out, would they still have any face to meet anyone else?    


After the angry curses had somewhat calmed down.    


Absolute God Sect Liang Di Liang Chaoqun picked up the youth who delivered the letter and said angrily: "Brat, tell me, where is the person who made you deliver the letter? If he dares to lie, this emperor will immediately make it so that you will never reincarnate."    


The youth was so scared that his face turned pale.    


His pants were dripping with yellow water.    


This scene immediately caused everyone to frown.    


In the end, there were people who didn't like what they saw and were more afraid of losing face. Even if Liang Chaoqun had nothing to do with anyone else, under such a public gaze, threatening such a youth, once the matter spread, there would definitely be someone who would say that after their group of Martial Emperor s had been humiliated by Wu Fang, they did not have the ability to find Wu Fang, and had instead used an ordinary person to vent their anger.    


Someone spoke out, "Enough, Liang Di, put this person down first. This person definitely has nothing to do with Wu Fang, at most, he will just be a small flower that Wu Fang found on the street. What is the use of asking him that?"    


Hearing someone say that, Liang Chaoqun felt too embarrassed to hold on to the messenger boy, so he placed him down. However, his face was still cold, and the teenager sat on the wet floor, trembling, not even daring to raise his head.    


"Little brother, don't be afraid. We won't hurt you. You just need to answer a few questions and you can leave. Not only can you leave safely, you will also be rewarded. What do you think about 10,000 gold coins?"    


A Seven Stars Sect stood out, her gentle and tranquil voice was like a gentle breeze, and only then did the trembling delivery youth gradually stop shaking. With his fear lessened, he still dared to raise his head to look at her.    


Suddenly, someone came to find me and gave me ten gold coins. He said that he wanted me to come to the Moon Flowers to deliver a letter to Master Bai Xuan, and said that Master Bai Xuan would even reward me.    


"Where did the person who asked you to deliver the letter go?" The continued to ask with a smile.    


"I don't know! He didn't say anything, but I saw him walking in the direction of the city gate. He was moving very fast, as if he was in a hurry to leave."    




Wu Fang ran away?    


Everyone's face changed, feeling shocked and angry at the same time. If they really allowed Wu Fang to leave the Ice City, then the world would be vast, and if Wu Fang truly had the heart to hide, who would be able to find him?    


Just as everyone was beating their chests and stomping their feet, the Seven Stars Sect girl asked again, "Little brother, do you still remember what that person looks like?"    


The boy who delivered the letter nodded. "I remember."    


"Then tell me, what does that person look like?"    


"I don't know how to say it, but I know how to draw. Can I draw it?"    


"Of course you can. It would be even better if you could draw it. I will give you the pen and paper. As long as you can draw it, I will reward you 30,000 gold coins."    


The female Martial Emperor did not hesitate and immediately brought out a pen and paper, spreading them out for the young man to draw.    


The youth obviously didn't know how to hold a brush properly. He was holding it tightly in his fist, but his drawing skills were quite talented. Very soon, an image of an image of a person appeared on the paper.    


When people saw the figure clearly, they were shocked.    


How is this Wu Fang, this is not Wu Fang at all.    


Suddenly, a young Wu Zong walked up to the front of the crowd, she glanced at the portrait and cried out involuntarily: "This is Cloud Sea Sect's Gu Yue!"    


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