Supreme Conceited Emperor

C52 ambush

C52 ambush

0"What's the matter?" Su Jue asked coldly.    


Zhao Qingfeng smiled sinisterly and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time."    


"Looking for me?" Su Jue was suspicious, he did not believe that Zhao Qingfeng would dare to deal with him.    


"Yes, it's just that I didn't expect that I would come at such a timely time. You just so happened to help me kill this Vampiric Barbarian Cow." Zhao Qingfeng laughed.    


Su Jue laughed coldly, "Do you think you have the chance to take the animal core from me?"    


Zhao Qingfeng's expression suddenly turned incomparably large, and said: "Su Jue, I advise you to hurry up and give me the animal core, or else your friends would be in for a disaster!"    


"Friend? Du Can! " Su Jue frowned, and thought of Du Can.    


"Looks like you're not stupid. If you want to know where he is, then hand over your animal core and come with me!" Zhao Qingfeng said fiercely.    


Su Jue pondered for a moment, then said: "Zhao Qingfeng, are you sure you want my animal core?"    


"Nonsense, hurry up and bring it over." Zhao Qingfeng shouted in anger.    


Su Jue took out the animal core from the Vampiric Bull that he had just collected, and threw it over to Zhao Qingfeng. "I hope you do not regret this, now, bring me to Du Can."    


Although he knew that the other party had prepared a trap for him to jump into, Su Jue still chose to go.    


What should come will eventually come. It's better to settle things earlier than later.    


Zhao Qingfeng looked at the animal core in his hand, and his face revealed a look of ecstasy. With this animal core, he would be a true Heaven's Pride disciple.    


"Su Jue, the one who should regret is not me, but you." Zhao Qingfeng then took a step forward and left.    


From the direction that Zhao Qingfeng was heading in, Su Jue could determine that it was inside the forest. In other words, Du Can was surrounded and taken away by people inside the forest.    


If the ones who caught Du Can were the disciples of the Tianwu Academy, then it was nothing.    


Because the forest was tightly guarded, the academy would not allow any non-examinees to enter the forest.    


An hour later, Zhao Qingfeng arrived under a huge ancient tree. Su Jue followed closely behind.    


"Since we've brought him here, the rest is up to you." Zhao Qingfeng called out to the empty ground, and not long later, a few people jumped down from the big tree.    


"Thank you, Young Master Zhao." A masked man in black said.    


Zhao Qingfeng did not reply, he only looked at Su Jue and said: "Goodbye, Su Jue!"    


With that, Zhao Qingfeng left with a loud laugh.    


Su Jue did not stop them because he knew that his enemy was these men in black.    


"Where's Du Can?" Su Jue asked.    


"Bring it up."    


The man in the lead waved his hand, and a few other black clothed men came out from behind the big tree. The one in the lead was precisely the unconscious Du Can, and he was completely drenched in blood.    


Seeing that, Su Jue's face immediately darkened.    


His rebirth dry boundary didn't have many friends, Du Can was one of them.    


"What is it? Angry? If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have done it earlier. This is just the beginning, after I take care of everyone around you, I will pay an unimaginable price! " The leader said coldly.    


"Cut the crap. Deal with him." At this moment, another person appeared and urged.    


At this time, four people had already appeared under the big tree. According to their True Essence fluctuations, Su Jue could determine that these four people were at the ninth layer, tenth layer, and eleventh layer!    


was not afraid of a level nine martial artist, because that was still at the Refinement Realm. However, a level ten martial artist was at the Transformation Realm.    


A body transformation martial artist's true essence had already begun to change towards the Earth Terminus Qi. This process of transformation would cause the true essence to become more pure, so every time the body transformation level increased their strength and body, it would also be a great change.    


From the ninth level to the tenth level, one's strength would rapidly increase by ten bulls. In the future, there would be even more bulls and their physical attributes would far surpass that of the Refinement Realm.    


"Don't be in such a hurry. With us here, how could he escape?" The person in the lead laughed.    


Su Jue also smiled slightly, and said: "Since you're so confident, then why don't you see him as his real face!"    


"Hahaha, although you know you are provoking me? However, what you said is right. No matter what, you are still a member of the Su Clan. After saying that, the man in black took off his mask and revealed his true appearance!    


"Su Zhanxiong's Guard Captain Su Pocheng should be you." Su Jue looked at the person in front of him.    


"At least you have some knowledge. That's me!" Su Po Cheng laughed.    


"Bastard, what the hell are you doing Su Pocheng?" The black-clothed man behind him was clearly unhappy, and his tone was even more uneasy.    


"Mu Zhonghun, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that he will become a ghost and come find you? "Don't worry, I will make it so that he can't even be a ghost." Su Po Cheng sneered.    


"Mu Zhonghun," Su Jue laughed, in the Su Family's Martial Skill Pavilion, Mu Zhonghun had once stopped him, but in the end he was shocked by his own Nine Suns Burst Fist.    


In a moment, Su Po City had already revealed their identity, Mu Zhonghun did not hide his identity anymore, he only snorted and took off his mask, then fiercely glared at Su Po City!    


"Su Jue, kill yourself, before we attack you, you will die a miserable death!" Mu Zhonghun looked at Su Jue and said.    


Su Jue laughed, then said: "Leave Du Can to me."    


"Alright!" Su Po Cheng laughed, then gave the other two a look.    


The two of them looked at each other and laughed, then immediately struck out with their palm towards Du Can, sending him flying.    


Su Jue's face congealed, a stern look flashed past his eyes, as he grabbed onto Du Can.    


"Big brother!" Being hit on the back by two palms at the same time, Du Can had actually woken up.    


"Speak!" Su Jue held Du Can's hand.    




Du Can squeezed out a trace of a cruel smile, and said: "Become strong, and help me take revenge!"    


Before he finished speaking, Du Can was already speechless.    


"You won't die. You don't need to wait for your revenge."    


Su Jue slowly put Du Can down. His expression was exceptionally calm, and he had only taken a few steps forward: "None of you can escape!"    


His voice was as cold as a sword.    


Immediately after, there was a boom, and the earth shook, Su Jue's figure instantly disappearing, leaving only two foot deep craters beneath his feet.    


Everyone raised their heads at the same time, only to see Su Jue descending from the sky, like a meteor smashing straight towards the two people who were attacking Du Can.    


"You're courting death." The two of them were not afraid of Su Jue at all. In their eyes, Su Jue had talent and was only a disciple at the eighth level of the Extreme Realm.    


The two of them released a palm strike at the same time, attacking Su Jue who was falling from the sky.    


Su Jue raised his hand at the same time.    


Right arm, dragon arm!    


Punch, Nine Suns Burst Fist!    




The surrounding airflow became berserk, and the temperature rapidly rose as well. At the same time, Su Jue's right arm grew many scales, and became pitch-black!    


The furious Su Jue immediately used the dragon arm's strongest form.    




As the iron fists and palms collided, fire burst out and the six little dragons entered the hands of the two men respectively.    




The power of fire mixed with the violent dragon's power, instantly crushing the two's arms. After a heart-wrenching cry, only bones were left of their arms.    


What was even more terrifying was what followed.    


Just as the two of them fell to the ground from the intense pain, their chests also exploded at the same time. Their internal organs were all messed up in an instant, and their bodies were dripping with blood!    


"Ah! Kill me! Please kill me!" A person looked at the hole in his chest and said fearfully.    


At this moment, the two of them were not dead yet, but they were enduring an enormous amount of pain. Furthermore, this pain would last until their blood ran dry.    


Su Jue did not pay attention to the two people on the ground, and only coldly looked at Su Po Cheng and Mu Zhonghun.    


At this time, Mu Zhonghun and Su Po Cheng had long since been stunned by the scene before them.    


They had originally thought that Su Jue was simply not a match for the two on the ground, but the reality was completely out of their expectations.    


"Now, do you have any last words?" With a cold voice that sounded like the sigh of a death god from hell, Mu Zhonghun quietly took a step back.    


"Hmph. You boast too shamelessly. You only killed two useless things. If I wanted to kill you, it would be as easy as blowing off dust." Su Po Cheng said in disdain.    


"Really?" "Then what are you nervous about?" Su Jue said coldly.    


Only then did Su Po City realize that his aura was in a mess. "Su Jue, no matter what tricks you're playing, you won't be able to escape death today."    


"Soaring Sky Slash!"    


With a loud shout from Su Po Cheng, the large blade in his hand swept across the ground, and then his entire body started spinning while carrying the large blade. When he arrived in front of Su Jue, his spinning speed had already reached a terrifying level.    


Su Jue sneered, a yellow light shone from his body as he released the Black Turtle Armor of the ninth floor.    




The spinning blade frantically attacked the Black Turtle Armor.    


First floor, second floor, the Black Turtle Armor was continuously being destroyed. However, at this moment, Su Pocheng's figure was already not even seven feet away from Su Mo.    


And this distance was exactly what Su Jue was waiting for!    


Su Jue's lips curled up, revealing a strange smile, and in the next moment he threw out a punch.    


It was just a simple punch, yet its power was no weaker than a warrior at the eleventh level of the Extreme Mortal Stage.    


More importantly, it was Iron Fist.    




The fist directly broke through the spinning blade edge, smashing onto Su Pocheng's chest.    




Su Po City spat out a mouthful of blood and his entire body was pushed back several meters, as he looked at Su Jue in disbelief: "How can you have such a strong power, and your arm, how can you be so hard and not be afraid of my blade!"    


Faced with such a strange result, Su Po City no longer dared to rashly attack Su Jue.    


"Now, is it time for me to act?" Su Jue laughed.    


Su Po City was startled and looked towards Mu Zhonghun who was behind him: "What are you waiting for, kill him together."    


Mu Zhonghun immediately realized that a Level 3 Star Sword had appeared in his hand, and together with Su Pocheng, he stabbed towards Su Jue with his blade and sword.    


This time, Su Jue did not attack with his bare hands, but took out the level four star sword.    



In terms of weaponry, he was a refiner!    




In just a single exchange, Mu Zhonghun's entire person felt as if he had been electrocuted.    


"My sword!"    


Su Pocheng was also shocked as he looked towards Mu Zhonghun's sword. He saw that a thin crack had already appeared on Mu Zhonghun's sword.    


"Rank 4 Xingjian, I've forgotten that you still have this good stuff!" After he finished speaking, Su Bo City's eyes started burning and he took out a pill from his storage ring.    


"Origin Increasing Pill!" Su Jue frowned.    


"That's right, Origin Increasing Pills." Su Po City laughed sinisterly.    


The Origin Increasing Pill could temporarily increase a martial practitioner's cultivation, and Su Po Cheng's cultivation was originally at the eleventh level of the Extreme Mortal Stage. Once he took the Origin Increasing Pill, he would be infinitely close to Earth Fiend Realm.    


Sure enough, after Siping City consumed the Origin Increasing Pill, its aura continued to rise and its true essence fluctuations also reached a terrifying level.    


"Peak of the Extreme Mortal, half-step Earth Fiend Realm." Mu Zhonghun said in surprise.    


"Unfortunately, it's still not Earth Fiend Realm!"    


Su Jue laughed, and the Grand Sun Primordial Flame ignited crazily inside his body. A resonant bird cry sounded out, and the Three-legged Golden Crow that carried flames once again flew out from Su Jue's body.    


"True spirit!" Mu Zhonghun asked in both surprise and envy.    


True spirits could only be possessed by a true body. And since they were profound bodies, it was simply impossible for them to possess such power.    


"So what if you have a truesoul? The Nine Transformations Bladelike Chi? Kill!" Su Po City whose confidence had increased by leaps and bounds had already looked down upon Su Jue, the battle blade in his hand continued to swing nine times, in the next moment he was about to slash at Su Jue!    


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