Regal Guard of Dragon

C8 Where Is Your Electric Car

C8 Where Is Your Electric Car

0Xia Mengyao pursed her lips tightly, not saying a word. She knew that Xia Zilan had always been brooding over the matter of her being the number one beauty in Xia Family, so as long as she found the chance, she would ridicule her. Xia Mengyao had long since gotten used to it.    


Xia Mengyao remained silent, while Xia Zilan became even more proud of herself.    


"Mengyao, when will Chen Feng buy a car for you? He can't possibly let you ride in the back of an electric car every day under such a hot weather. Life is too hard for you."    


"Does it have anything to do with you?" Xia Mengyao glanced at Xia Zilan in disgust.    


The corner of Xia Zilan's mouth lifted as she pretended to have understood, "I'm sorry, Mengyao. I forgot that Chen Feng is a delivery boy. His salary is very low. If nothing goes wrong, he won't be able to afford a car in his entire life."    


Xia Mengyao gritted her teeth in anger. Xia Zilan belittled Chen Feng in front of her, which made her angry. However, she couldn't refute it because what Xia Zilan said was the truth. Chen Feng's salary, not to mention buying a car, just maintaining a normal life was difficult.    


"Mengyao, how about you don't let Chen Feng deliver takeout and let him work under my husband. My husband's company has been recruiting security guards recently and the salary is not bad, at least it's better than delivering take-out. Chen Feng can still hope to buy a car after working hard for eight to ten years."    


Xia Zilan sneered. Unlike Xia Mengyao, she had a good husband. Her husband was the HR manager of the company at such a young age. His salary was a million yuan a year, so she was very confident in front of Xia Mengyao every time.    


Xia Mengyao simply turned her head away, not looking at Xia Zilan.    


Xia Zilan snorted disdainfully, but Xia Mengyao ignored her. There was no point in continuing to mock Xia Mengyao.    


At this moment, a black Audi A8 drove into the company's main entrance. Behind the Audi A8, there was also a Jetta taxi.    


Xia Zilan was very happy to see the Audi A8.    


"Mengyao, my husband came to pick me up. Stay here and bask in the sun." Xia Zilan walked towards Audi A8 with a complacent look on her face.    


Xia Mengyao bit her lips as she glanced at Xia Zilan. It was impossible for her not to be jealous. Xia Zilan's husband would come to pick her up every day in an Audi A8 of nearly 1 million, while her husband could only ride an electric bike.    


Sometimes when it rains, they get wet.    


The black Audi stopped in front of the company's entrance and the window slowly rolled down, revealing Zhao Shihua's handsome and handsome face.    


"Hubby!" Xia Zilan rushed forward and kissed Zhao Shihua on the cheek.    


"Zilan, get in the car."    


Zhao Shihua smiled and glanced at Xia Mengyao. A trace of amazement flashed in the depths of his eyes. Three years had passed, and Xia Mengyao was still as beautiful as ever. Not only did years of time not leave any traces on her face, it even added to her mature charm.    


Next, he looked at Xia Zilan beside him. Although she looked pretty with thick makeup, she was on a completely different level compared to Xia Mengyao, who was as beautiful as a hibiscus.    


"If only I was a step earlier than that trash," Zhao Shihua thought in his heart. Three years ago, the person he had first taken a fancy to was Xia Mengyao, not Xia Zilan. However, just when he was about to pursue Xia Mengyao, news suddenly came out that Xia Mengyao was married!    


Xia Mengyao was married to a delivery man.    


At that time, Zhao Shihua felt that the sky had fallen. However, what had happened had left him with no other choice. Helpless, he could only choose Xia Zilan.    


However, in his heart, he had never been able to let Xia Mengyao go. Even after he heard that Xia Mengyao wasn't living happily ever after she got married, he had thought of divorce Xia Zilan and once again pursue Xia Mengyao.    


However, this sort of thing could only be imagined.    


Zhao Shihua sighed and was about to leave when he saw a familiar figure in the rearview mirror.    


Why is he here? Zhao Shihua smiled playfully.    


"Mengyao, I'm sorry I'm late." Chen Feng got out of the taxi, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and headed straight for Xia Mengyao.    


"I'm fine." Seeing that Chen Feng didn't ride an electric bike today, a hint of doubt flashed across Xia Mengyao's eyes, but she didn't say anything.    


"Let's go back." Chen Feng laughed.    


"Chen Feng, where's your electric car?" Xia Zilan's sinister voice sounded. In the past, when Chen Feng came to pick up Xia Mengyao, he would at least ride an electric bike. Today, he didn't even have an electric bike. Could it be that they were ready to walk?    


Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Does it have anything to do with you?" He knew that Xia Zilan did not like Xia Mengyao, so he would not give her any face.    


Xia Zilan was speechless. They were indeed husband and wife, and the words they said were all the same.    


However, she was polite to Xia Mengyao and not Chen Feng, "How can you speak like that? You have no rules, do you not know that I'm your cousin? "No manners!"    


"Xia Zilan, be civilized when you speak." Before Chen Feng could say anything, Xia Mengyao already stood up with a cold expression.    


"What's wrong, Chen Feng is trash, why aren't you letting people criticize him..."    


Before Xia Zilan could finish her sentence, a handprint appeared on her face.    


Xia Zilan was stunned, Zhao Shihua was stunned, and Chen Feng was also stunned.    


Only Xia Mengyao gritted her teeth and said with a cold expression, "You're not allowed to say he's trash again."    


She was hit? Xia Zilan was stunned.    


"Stinking bitch, I'll kill you!"    


After recovering from her shock, Xia Zilan screamed and pounced towards Xia Mengyao with bloodshot eyes.    


At this moment, Chen Feng couldn't stand there and watch any longer. He quickly protected Xia Mengyao behind him.    


Zhao Shihua also walked over with a gloomy face. He originally wanted to go and help, but when he saw the tall Chen Feng, he stopped and pulled Xia Zilan back.    


If they were to fight, Zhao Shihua knew that he would have no chance of winning against Chen Feng, who had been training all year round. Thus, Zhao Shihua did not want to lose face here.    


"Zhao Shihua, what are you pulling me for? This bitch beat your wife. You're not helping me, but you're even pulling me!"    


Xia Zilan screamed hysterically without a trace of elegance. This scene attracted quite a few employees to watch. Zhao Shihua's expression was as dark as water and he felt very ashamed.    


"Enough!" Zhao Shihua pulled Xia Zilan and glared at her viciously.    


"Xia Mengyao hit me."    


Chen Feng's expression turned cold. He suddenly walked forward and slapped Xia Zilan.    


He didn't mind Xia Zilan calling him a trash, but if she insulted Xia Mengyao, he definitely wouldn't allow it.    



His slap was much heavier than Xia Mengyao's earlier one. A few handprints appeared on Xia Zilan's face.    


"Chen Feng, you useless trash, if you dare to hit me and Xia Mengyao dares to hit me, you dare to do it too! I'll fight you to the death!"    


Touching her burning face, Xia Zilan went completely crazy. She immediately got rid of Zhao Shihua and pounced towards Chen Feng.    


Xia Zilan was petite, but she was no match for Chen Feng. He slapped her again and again, almost causing her to faint on the spot.    


"Hubby, hubby, he hit me, I'm not going to live!"    


Xia Zilan was on the verge of collapse.    


"If you can't control your stinky mouth any longer, I don't mind breaking it!" Chen Feng said coldly. The cold glint in his eyes made people believe that he would really do that.    


This scene stunned many people nearby. Even Zhao Shihua and Xia Mengyao were stunned.    


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