Regal Guard of Dragon

C2 The Strange Car Accident

C2 The Strange Car Accident

0Upon hearing those words and witnessing her actions, the members of the Xia Family stood petrified in shock. Surely, Xia Mengyao did not have a fever, right? Could her words possibly mean that she won't enter the Ancestral Shrine if Chen Feng isn't allowed to enter?    


"Xia Mengyao, are you going to betray the Xia Family because of an outsider?" Xia Hao questioned with an ashen look. He certainly never expected Xia Mengyao to utter such brazen words for Chen Feng's sake. One had to know, the Ancestral Worship Ceremony existed as one of the most important activities in the Xia Family. Every time the ceremony took place, every single member of the Xia Family would have to be present. This was an iron-clad rule!    


Thus, the descendants of the Xia Family who refused to worship their ancestors during this ceremony would be seen as unfilial!    


If Xia Mengyao refused to enter the Ancestral Shrine today, with Patriarch Xia Yunsheng's temper, he would most likely expel Xia Mengyao from the Xia Family!    


It would an understatement to describe the nature of this matter as being serious.    


"Mengyao, you should go in. Your cousin is right. This is the ancestor of your Xia Family. I, who hold the surname, Chen, certainly do not have the qualifications to enter the shrine," Chen Feng stated as he held onto Xia Mengyao by her shoulders.    


Chen Feng knew very well that either one of Xia Mengyao and Xia Hao had to back down from this matter. Otherwise, both of them would have to face severe punishments.    


But without a doubt, Xia Mengyao would receive a much heavier punishment. Chen Feng naturally did not want to see Xia Mengyao being expelled from the Xia Family because of him. At this moment, he could only step forth and admit his defeat.    


No matter how much humiliation he had to suffer.... No matter how much he would be looked down upon.... Chen Feng was willing to do whatever he could to protect Xia Mengyao.    


For Xia Mengyao's sake, he would even let go of all his dignity.    


"Chen Feng...." Xia Mengyao muttered softly as her eyes turned red. She naturally understood the reason why Chen Feng had to compromise. However, the more he acted this way, the more reluctant she became. After all, she could not help but feel sorry for him.    


"Alright, I'm going to deliver the takeaway. Come back early tonight," Chen Feng said as he feigned his relaxed tone. After he finished speaking, he turned around and went his way without ever looking back.    


Even though he was severely humiliated by Xia Hao, Chen Feng felt surprisingly calm. In fact, he was even delighted. After all, Xia Mengyao had just stated how she would enter the shrine only if he was also allowed to go in.    


This was the first time in three years that Xia Mengyao chose to stand by his side. It was the first time she had ever stood up for him.    


Upon hearing those words, Chen Feng felt that all the grievances he suffered was definitely worth it!    


After he finished delivering all the takeout food, Chen Feng returned home and began preparing dinner.    


After leaving the Chen Family three years ago, Chen Feng had to work on his culinary skills to gain Xia Weiguo's recognition. Thus, he naturally became quite proficient with cooking.    


According to Xia Weiguo's words, men who could cook were all good men.    


At that time, Chen Feng managed to leave behind a good impression of himself for Xia Mengyao. Thus, with Xia Weiguo's support, he quickly became a son-in-law of the Xia Family.    


After his marriage, however, many contradictions slowly broke out.    


As time passed, Xia Weiguo's family business began deteriorating which naturally caused his value to drop drastically. Since Chen Feng did not have any talent in business, he could not help Xia Weiguo whatsoever. Thus, he resorted to delivering takeouts to make his living.    


With the family business continuing to plummet, Chen Feng's mother-in-law, Lin Lan, naturally became more dissatisfied with him. Thus, she often scolded him for being useless and felt that Chen Feng was not worthy of Xia Mengyao. From then on, Chen Feng's life in the Xia Family had only ever gone downhill.    


Had it not been for Chen Feng, Xia Mengyao — with her unparalleled beauty — would definitely have no problem marrying into a rich family.    


Chen Feng could not refute this as he was an illegitimate child. After all, he had no money and had not received any education. Therefore, he could not compare himself to Xia Mengyao, a beauty who had graduated from a famous university and was even praised as the school beauty during those years.    


The only thing he could give Xia Mengyao was his earnest feelings.    


However, in such a society where the strong rules over the weak, sincerity was often the most worthless thing.    


After bringing the prepared dishes onto the table, Chen Feng could not help but feel that something was wrong. Usually, Xia Weiguo and his wife would have already arrived back home at this hour. Why were they so slow today?    


At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.    


"Chen Feng, Dad got into a car accident…"    


At that moment, Chen Feng's expression turned pale. It was indeed Xia Mengyao's voice on the phone; however, the words that sounded out left him in utter disbelief.    


'My father-in-law got into a car accident?'    


"Mengyao, don't worry, I'm on my way to the hospital right now," Chen Feng hurriedly comforted her before hanging up the phone. He then immediately rode his electric bike to the hospital.    


When he arrived at the hospital, Chen Feng found that Xia Mengyao was sitting on a bench crying silently.    


On the other hand, his mother-in-law, Lin Lan, was walking back and forth in front of the emergency room.    


"Mengyao, what's going on?" Chen Feng asked anxiously as he trotted up to Xia Mengyao.    


Before Xia Mengyao could say anything, Lin Lan walked over and slapped Chen Feng's face with her palm.    


Chen Feng's face instantly seared with pain.    


"You still dare to ask what's going on?!" Lin Lan shouted as her face rose with anger. "You useless brat, where did you go this afternoon? Why did you not pick Lao Xia up from work today?"    


Chen Feng stood petrified in shock. Normally, he would be the one to drive Xia Weiguo home after work. The reason is that Xia Weiguo had once injured his leg and could not drive properly ever since.    


Even after Xia Weiguo paid his repsects to this ancestors at the Xia Family Ancestral Shrine, he did not give Chen Feng a call.    


Thinking that Xia Weiguo would not be coming back today, Chen Feng completely forgot about picking him up.    


"Mom, I'm sorry," Chen Feng said apologetically. Although the accident did not happen because of him, he nonetheless should have paid closer attention to Xia Weiguo.    


"Will apologizing now help anyone? You worthless brat! You married into my Xia Family for three years, yet you have accomplished absolutely nothing!" Lin Lan said hysterically as her mood crumbled. "If anything serious happens to Lao Xia this time, you better divorce my daughter and get the hell out of my Xia Family!"    


Lin Lan's voice echoed through the halls and attracted the attention of many people.    


But at this moment, Chen Feng could not care about losing face. Xia Weiguo was not only his father-in-law, but also his savior. Chen Feng would definitely not let anything happen to him.    


"Who is the patient's family member?" A doctor suddenly walked over and asked.    


"I am, I am." Lin Lan and Xia Mengyao hurriedly went up to greet him.    


"The patient is currently suffering from massive internal bleeding. The condition is very serious and requires immediate surgery." The middle-aged doctor said with a solemn tone.    


Hearing those words, Lin Lan nearly fainted on the spot as her vision darkened. Xia Mengyao's expression turned bleach pale as if she had just seen a ghost.    


"Doctor, please arrange the surgery as soon as possible. We can accept whatever the cost is," Chen Feng said in a deep voice.    


"Alright, sign your name first. After doing so, pay the surgery fee over at the payment office." As the middle-aged doctor spoke, he took out an agreement. Chen Feng then signed his name on it.    



Glancing through the surgery fees, however, Chen Feng's pupils contracted in shock.    


Five million yuan!    


This was an astronomical figure!    


Which surgery in this world required five million yuan to perform?!    


At that moment, Chen Feng felt that something was amiss. With Xia Weiguo's current financial situation, not to mention five million yuan, even five hundred thousand yuan would be a strain on him.    


Could they have made a mistake in their calculation for the surgery fee? Chen Feng arrived at the payment office and hoped for that possibility.    


But after asking at the payment office, the staff confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the surgery fee.    


Five million yuan!    


Chen Feng's heart sank immediately. Since he worked as a takeout delivery man, he would only be paid 6000 yuan per month at most. Thus, he never imagined he would have to spend 5 million yuan all at once.    


Furthermore, Xia Weiguo's current condition was extremely serious. It was already too late to transfer him to another hospital.    


Where would he even go to find five million yuan?    


Even if he asked for help from someone, would they even lend such an ridiculous amount to him?    


Chen Feng was getting more and more frustrated by the second. Never had he felt that money was so important.    


"Young master...." A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind him    


Chen Feng immediately turned around, only to meet the gaze of Chen Zhong, who was looking at him with a smile.    


In that split-second, Chen Feng finally pieced the puzzle together.    


"You were the one responsible?!" Chen Feng shouted as he clenched his fists in anger. At this moment, even an idiot would be able to discern that Chen Zhong was the one responsible for this accident.    


The sudden car accident.... The sky-high surgery fee of 5 million....    


Every step had been meticulously calculated.    


This was all to make him return to the Chen Family!    


Chen Zhong simply shook his head and said with a smile, "Young Master, what are you talking about? I don't seem to understand…."    




Before Chen Zhong could even finish his words, Chen Feng had already thrown a vicious jab towards his face, resulting in the sudden burst of blood from the old man's nose.    


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