Immortal Doctor with Super Vision

C20 Courting Death

C20 Courting Death

0"Master, look at how we were looking down on you just now. You don't care about these people, come with us to see the boss!" Otherwise, our jobs will be ruined. " The two security guards came over and begged Zhang Xiaofann with a mischievous smile.    


"You two won't lose your jobs, what does it have to do with a hoodlum like me? You should go back, I don't dare to offend you two Gods." Zhang Xiaofann sat on the three-wheeled motorcycle and smiled as he pretended to be cool.    


"Master, we all have seniors and children. Please forgive us!" The two guards asked Zhang Xiaofann again.    


Zhang Xiaofann stood up. "Fine, I'll give you two a chance. Take a good look at my tricycle, I'll go up with my friends to meet your boss."    


"The two security guards became excited." "Okay, don't worry, we will look after your tricycle like we're looking at a wife."    


"Mm, then we'll be going up."    


After Zhang Xiaofann finished speaking, he called Xiao Qing up the stairs. Originally, Xiao Qing did not want to go, but in order to clarify the relationship between Zhang Xiaofann and the beautiful boss, she went along with him.    


Seeing that Zhang Xiaofann had brought a beauty up, Huang Jiaojiao felt a little unhappy, and asked Zhang Xiaofann while staring at him.    


"Is she your girlfriend?"    


Before Zhang Xiaofann could reply, Xiao Qing had already linked her arm.    


"Boss, you have a good eye!" You immediately saw through my relationship with Zhang Xiaofann. " When Xiao Qing spoke, she was still leaning on Zhang Xiaofann's body.    


Zhang Xiaofann thought: "What shrimp, I can't wait to find a sales channel. If the beautiful woman said that, maybe the channel would be gone."    


Just as expected, Huang Jiaojiao was angry.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, not bad, you truly are an expert at picking up girls. Look at me, I don't have any place to entertain you, how about you guys go somewhere else." Huang Jiaojiao had finally found Zhang Xiaofann and was very happy. However, when she saw that Zhang Xiaofann was having an affair with another woman, she felt very bad.    


"Huang Jiaojiao, listen to my explanation …"    


"What's there to explain to me? I'm not your person, so there's no need to explain to me." Before Huang Jiaojiao could vent her anger, she replied angrily.    


Zhang Xiaofann had no way to explain, he could only follow Xiao Qing downstairs. The two security guards were confused, why did the owner's boyfriend come down so quickly? He looked unhappy, could it be that he broke up with the boss?    


"Master, what happened to you?"    


Zhang Xiaofann was very angry, but he couldn't vent his anger on the two little security guards. Without saying a word, he got on his tricycle and saved them.    


A few minutes later, Huang Jiaojiao ran out from the hotel. Where was that person! "Where did you go?"    


"Who is it?"    


"The farmer."    


"I ran away with another woman."    


"Boss, I say, that farmer doesn't look too good either. She's still flirting with other women in front of you, so let him go. You're so beautiful and you're so rich, what kind of man can't you find?"    


"That's right!" "Boss."    


Huang Jiaojiao was so angry that she stomped her feet.    


"You two shut up. If you continue with this nonsense, I'll really drive you two away."    


The two security guards were so scared that they didn't dare talk anymore, Huang Jiaojiao took out her phone.    


Zhang Xiaofann drove his tricycle all the way, and arrived in front of a street full of snacks, stopping the tricycle in front of them.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, are you even a man? You're so narrow-minded." Xiao Qing said in anger when she saw Zhang Xiaofann not saying a word along the way.    


Zhang Xiaofann snickered.    


"How is it? You destroyed my sales channel, do I need to thank you for that!?"    


"Ai, isn't it just a sales channel? Your food is so good that I can get you what you want right away if she doesn't want it. "    


"Thank you for your good intentions, hurry up and get it. I'll treat you to a bowl of Cold Rice Noodles, then you can go back quickly. Don't bother me anymore in the future." As Zhang Xiaofann said this, he pulled Xiao Qing to a seat and asked the owner for two bowls of Cold Rice Noodles.    


Xiao Qing was not happy. She had clearly arranged for Zhang Xiaofann to meet her today, but why did she hear the meaning behind Zhang Xiaofann's words? It was as if she was the one who was pestering Zhang Xiaofann.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, do you like that female boss?"    


"I, how could I like her?"    


"You don't like to be so angry."    


"I …"    


Just then, Zhang Xiaofann's phone rang. Zhang Xiaofann took out the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but he still connected to it.    


"Zhang Xiaofann, where are you? Let's discuss the supply contract for the vegetables. I'll give you one kilogram of heaven defying vegetables for sixty yuan, what do you think?"    


"What shrimp …"    


"If you think it's low, then eighty yuan a kilo will do. I want as much as you have." Huang Jiaojiao anxiously asked from the other side of the phone.    


Huang Jiaojiao was a businessman. After getting the results of the analysis on the heaven defying vegetables that Zhang Xiaofann grew, she had personally tasted the heaven defying vegetables that Zhang Xiaofann grew. The taste was absolutely amazing.    


Zhang Xiaofann was also surprised. He had probably guessed the value of these heaven defying vegetables, he would definitely not forget to take a bite out of a tomato he took from the tricycle.    


"Hey, Zhang Xiaofann, are you still there?"    


"We can do this earlier, but in the later stages, my vegetables will be on a large scale. I want 10% of the profits from these vegetables. If you think you can, we will sign an exclusive supply agreement." Zhang Xiaofann was also not an ordinary person. After discovering the value of these heaven defying vegetables, he knew how to maximize his own benefits.    


"Alright, but at least two thousand catties of heaven defying vegetables per day." On the other side of the phone, Huang Jiaojiao stated her additional conditions.    


Zhang Xiaofann was able to supply the two thousand catties of heaven defying vegetables, so he immediately agreed to it.    


Following that, Zhang Xiaofann brought Xiao Qing back to the village. He signed the exclusive supply agreement, and returned to the countryside happily.    


Xiao Qing really wanted to follow Zhang Xiaofann to the countryside, but she felt that it would be too unreserved. After all, she had only just returned from the Zhang Xiaofan's house, she decided to go again in a few days.    



"What? One kilogram for eighty yuan? Damn! In my entire life, I've never heard of any vegetable that could be so valuable." Wang Yumei was surprised when she heard the good news.    


Zhang Chengshi did some math and found out that there were at least fifteen thousand kilograms of Nitian Food s in their garden. Just this wave alone, they could sell for fifty thousand yuan, which was more than five years' income from planting corn. If this continued, they could repay all the money they had borrowed from their relatives in half a month.    


"Old man, what did I say before, investment in education is the most useful thing. Look at our family's Xiaofann, he is very promising now."    


"You're right, I was wrong before."    


"Of course, we'll hire someone to pick the heaven defying vegetables later." Wang Yumei happily said, and was about to go pick some heaven defying vegetables! village tyrant Tian brought a few villagers in, with a shovel in hand.    


"Zhang Chengshi, I like the piece of land where your parents produced heaven defying vegetables, I will buy both your home's land and the vegetables produced in it. Name a price!" village tyrant Tian said as he threw the cigarette on the ground and extinguished it with his foot.    


Zhang Chengshi was so scared that he wanted to smoke. Zhang Xiaofann told Zhang Chengshi to stop worrying about this matter and to retreat to the end. Since village tyrant Tian wanted to court death, he did not need to treat village tyrant Tian as a villager.    


"Hehe, I'm fine with buying it all. Give me ten acres of farmland and a hundred thousand yuan. We'll sign the contract right away."    


"Ten mu of farmland, one hundred thousand. Zhang Xiaofann, I think you are seeking death. Do you not know what color the white knife will be if you go in?" As village tyrant Tian spoke, he took out a blade and waved it in front of Zhang Xiaofann, scaring both Wang Yumei and him into trembling.    


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