I Am A Billionaire

C249 A Circle That Won't Fit in

C249 A Circle That Won't Fit in

0As soon as they got out of the car, someone welcomed them.    


"Aiyo, Brother Xiao, you're here."    


A few businessmen who were smiling like flowers looked at Xiao You as if they had seen a golden treasure. They all rushed forward and pushed Lin Xiao to the side.    


Standing outside the crowd, Lin Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


These snobbish people.    


"Coming, coming, coming. We'll talk at the table later. Excuse me, let my son come over." Xiao You perfunctorily brushed them off. When he saw that Lin Xiao was separated by a group of people, he was immediately unhappy. He pointed at the people in front of Lin Xiao and asked him to move aside.    


The group of people suddenly quieted down.    


"Son... son?"    


Xiao You walked straight to Lin Xiao's side, patted his shoulder, and raised his eyebrows at them. "Yes," he said. "This is my son. He's here today to see someone."    


"This..." Look at the group of people. I looked at you. No one would have thought that Xiao You would suddenly have a son.    


"This is adopted?" Someone boldly looked at him a few more times and whispered to his companion beside him.    


The voice was neither loud nor soft, and Xiao You happened to be able to hear it.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? This is my son." Xiao You looked over and frowned.    


That person realized that he had said something wrong and immediately apologized. He really wanted to slap himself.    


"Old Xiao, when did you have a biological son?" He had a good relationship with Xiao You and had cooperated with him several times. He looked at Lin Xiao with a questioning look.    


"I found it a long time ago. It's still the foreign project. I just came back now. Otherwise, I would have brought him out to see you." After Xiao You finished speaking, he waved his hand and didn't say anything else.    


He was not willing to say anything, and the others were too embarrassed to continue asking. It was like a press conference.    


There were quite a few people at the cocktail party. These people were all the people who tried to curry favor with them.    


When a group of people entered the door, they attracted a lot of attention.    


Lin Xiao, who was standing beside Xiao You, naturally received a lot of attention and discussion.    


Not long after they entered the door, Boss Hao came over yesterday. Behind him was a short and stout boy.    


"Old Xiao, you're finally here. I thought you'd gone back on your word. I was just about to go to your house to catch you." Boss Hao laughed and hooked his arms around Xiao You's shoulders. Xiao You didn't give him any face and let him do as he pleased.    


Lin Xiao couldn't interrupt the conversation of the elders in front of him. He turned his head and saw the short and fat boy staring at him.    


"Hello?" Lin Xiao took the initiative to greet him.    


The boy paused for a moment before replying. "Hello, I'm Hao Jie."    


"My name is Lin Xiao." Lin Xiao reached out and touched his fingertips.    


"Are you Uncle Xiao's son?" Hao Jie was very curious about Lin Xiao. When he heard that his surname was Lin and not Xiao, his curiosity reached its peak.    


"Yes." Since Xiao You brought him out, then it proved that his identity could be revealed.    


"You're really amazing. Uncle Xiao is the richest man. I heard you recognized him after I heard you were him? " You're really lucky. " Hao Jie did not know if he did not know how to speak or if he did it on purpose. What he said was not pleasant to hear.    


Lin Xiao looked at him. He did not want to be a fool.    


Boss Hao, who was in front, heard his son's words when he turned his head. The expression on his face cracked.    


"Hao Jie!" Boss Hao almost roared out Hao Jie's name.    


Hao Jie shivered and shrank his neck. He still couldn't figure out what had happened.    


"Dad, Dad, we agreed not to be angry today. There are so many people here. You have to give me some face, don't you?" Hao Jie said with a coy smile.    


Boss Hao did not want to be angry at such an occasion, but Hao Jie's words were too unpleasant to hear. He had no choice but to glare at him. He turned to Lin Xiao and said, "I'm sorry, Lin Xiao. Little Jie doesn't know how to talk. He doesn't mean any harm."    


Lin Xiao smiled and said that he knew.    


Hao Jie finally understood what had happened. He was relieved that Lin Xiao misunderstood. He quickly went to Lin Xiao's side and explained, "I didn't mean anything else. I, I am just a bit quick with my mouth, but my brain, please don't lower yourself to my level!"    


Just based on his IQ, Lin Xiao felt that it would be a waste of time to argue with him.    


"Don't worry, I am not that petty." Lin Xiao gave him a perfunctory reply.    


"Well, why don't I take you to the others? They are all having fun there. These kinds of parties are all here with their father. They're not willing to stay in here." Hao Jie was afraid that he would say something wrong. He was silent for a while. He wanted to ask for an opportunity to make up for his mistake, so he pointed outside. He said that he wanted to bring Lin Xiao into the new circle.    


Lin Xiao was looking forward to it.    


After talking to Xiao You, Xiao You was happy to let Lin Xiao go and get to know more people he knew. It would help his business in the future.    


He followed Hao Jie out. Before he arrived, he heard a group of people shouting and the laughter of a girl.    


Hao Jie naturally heard it as well. He cursed these idiots in his heart. They actually dared to call her miss at such a cocktail party. They were not afraid of being seen by their father and being killed by her.    


"Hehe, they, they played quite well." Hao Jie did not know how to save the face of this group of rich second generation. He could only laugh dryly to hide his embarrassment.    


Lin Xiao still politely replied with a smile, indicating that he knew.    


They went to the big pavilion in front of them, and the inside was full of people.    


"Hey, Hao Jie, why are you here so late? Quick, go and buy some wine for the brothers. It's time to finish." When the group of people saw Hao Jie come over, they all turned around with malicious smiles on their faces. It seemed like they wanted to trick Hao Jie.    


"Fine, fine. Didn't I ask my dad to call him over? Just treat it as me being late to treat you guys to a drink." Hao Jie was helpless. In front of this group of people, his aura was obviously weak.    


"Then I have to thank Young Master Hao." The group of people still acted obediently even after getting a bargain, teasing and shouting.    


"Hao Jie, who is this person beside you? He's quite pretty. What's wrong? You're looking for a man now?" Soon, someone noticed Lin Xiao's presence, but before Hao Jie could introduce him, They guessed it themselves. What he said wasn't pleasant to hear.    



Hao Jie was almost angered to death by the mouths of these second generation ancestors. He hurriedly shouted for them to stop talking.    


However, the angrier Hao Jie was, the more the crowd started to make noise.    


Lin Xiao watched quietly from beginning to end without saying a word.    


"Lin Xiao, hurry up and introduce us." Hao Jie was so anxious that he poked Goo Lin Xiao.    


Before Lin Xiaogaang could say anything, he was interrupted again.    


"What are you introducing us to? We don't want to listen to you. You can go and introduce yourself to Hao Jie later. It will dirty our ears." Another person jumped out and spoke.    


If what he said just now was a joke, then this sentence was equivalent to putting malice on the table.    


"What are you guys talking about?! Do you know who he is?!" Hao Jie was completely anxious. He helplessly shouted at this group of people.    


Humph, who? " Of course, the group of people knew that Lin Xiao did not come out to sell, but it was not easy to enter their circle.    


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