I Am A Billionaire

C17 Setting up a Company

C17 Setting up a Company

0"Ask away." Liu Yan closed his eyes. He seemed to have given up resisting.    


"Did Duan Ming tell you to do this?" Lin Xiao asked her.    


After a moment of hesitation, Liu Yan nodded. "Yes."    


"What did I tell you?" Lin Xiao asked.    


Liu Yan hesitated for a long time and finally said, "He gave me money and asked me to help him."    


Once he said this, Liu Yan knew that he had no way to turn back. She could not take her tens of thousands of yuan.    


Lin Xiao was obviously very satisfied with this result. He put away the recording pen with a smile and waved his hand to signal the men to let her go. Before he got into the car, Lin Xiao turned his head. "Teacher Liu, slow down on the road. Maybe there are bad people."    


Liu Yan's face was pale. His lips moved but he did not say anything in the end.    


Lin Xiao got into the car and Bai Shuang called him.    


"How is it?" Bai Shuang asked anxiously.    


Lin Xiao said, "Nothing. Everything is settled."    


His tone was a little smug.    


Bai Shuang paused for a second and then smiled. "Okay."    


Lin Xiao felt that his tone was too obvious. He coughed awkwardly. "I will go to the counselor tomorrow."    


Bai Shuang acknowledged and said that everything was as he said.    


The next day, Lin Xiao came to the counselor's office. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open and walked in.    


The counselor was a very young woman. She heard that she was a graduate student. She came here as soon as she graduated. She had a big baby face and big eyes. She looked about the same age as them.    


When she saw Lin Xiao come in, she only frowned and did not take the initiative to say anything.    


If she was talking about the most difficult obstacle during her teaching period, she would definitely choose Lin Xiao first.    


"Teacher Zheng." Lin Xiao greeted her obediently.    


Zheng Tianminn could not ignore him and could only grumpily reply. After she finished speaking, she asked worriedly, "Are you alright?" Did you get into trouble again?"    


Lin Xiao knew that Zheng Tianminn had a problem with him because of this matter and did not care about her attitude. He only said, "Teacher, I have some objections to my punishment for cheating."    


It would be fine if he did not mention this. Zheng Tianminn was about to explode with anger when she mentioned this. "You still have the nerve to say it? Do you know how much responsibility I have to bear because of this matter?"    


"Teacher, I came here for this matter." Lin Xiao looked serious. "I did not cheat."    


Zheng Tianminn took a deep breath. "Lin Xiao, you better prove that what you said is right. Otherwise, I will be angered to death by you."    


Lin Xiao was waiting for her to say this. After she finished speaking, he took out a recording pen and handed it to Zheng Tianminn without hesitation. "Teacher, listen."    


Zheng Tianminn did not expect Lin Xiao to have evidence. She looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.    


At this time, the teachers all went to class. Only Zheng Tianminn was writing a report about Lin Xiao cheating and punishment. When the sound of the recording pen came out, her eyes became serious.    


After listening to Liu Yan's intermittent confession of the truth, Zheng Tianminn still gave Lin Xiao a suspicious look.    


"Is this all true?" she asked.    


"Teacher, don't worry. This is absolutely true. If you don't believe it, you can personally call Teacher Liu over to ask." Lin Xiao said seriously.    


Zheng Tianminn took a few deep breaths and held the recording pen in her hand. She nodded at Lin Xiao. "I know. Don't worry. I will give you an answer. If I can punish Duan Ming, I will follow up."    


Lin Xiao felt bad when he saw the green color in her eyes.    


"Teacher, when the matter is over, I will treat you to a meal. Sorry to trouble you."    


Zheng Tianminn shook her head. "You are my student. This is what I should do."    


After exiting the office, Lin Xiao exhaled and scratched his head in frustration.    


When he turned his head, he saw Bai Shuang leaning against the wall waiting for him.    


"Why are you here?" Lin Xiao asked happily.    


Bai Shuang smiled. "Come and see Young Master. I'll talk to you about some serious matters."    


"Let's talk outside." He was afraid the students would see him, so he said cautiously, "Let's go outside.    


"Okay." Bai Shuang nodded.    


On the way, Bai Shuang turned her head to look at Lin Xiao and suddenly asked, "Young Master Lin, do you have any plans for the future? Is there anything that you really want to do?"    


Lin Xiao thought for a moment and shook his head slightly. "My dream was to become rich. Now it is realized."    


Bai Shuang was stunned for a moment. She was amused by him.    


After laughing, she was about to get down to business. Bai Shuang took the opportunity to sit on a stool at the side. "Do you have any thoughts of starting a company?    


Lin Xiao also sat down. When he heard this, he paused and turned his head in disbelief. "Setting up a company? Me?"    


Bai Shuang nodded.    


"I can't..." Lin Xiao said uncertainly. He knew his own limits.    


"Why?" Bai Shuang seemed to be expecting it. She did not look surprised.    


"I do not have any experience in running a company and I have enough money to spend..." Lin Xiao only realized that his reason did not seem to be very good.    


"You just said you wanted to become rich. Do you really think your dream has come true?" Bai Shuang's question hit Lin Xiao's heart, making his heart tremble.    



Actually, he had always had this worry. Money was not a living thing. It could not reproduce and survive. If it was gone, then it was gone. Could it be that he would have to rely on his father who did not show himself in the future?    


Lin Xiao fell silent.    


Bai Shuang knew that he was shaken, so she did not rush him. She gave him time to think.    


"I have 100 million now." Lin Xiao suddenly said.    


"Yes." Bai Shuang nodded.    


"I can save and use it for the rest of my life." Lin Xiao continued.    


"Yes." Bai Shuang continued.    


"But this is very cowardly." Lin Xiao said with a frown.    


"Yes." Bai Shuang did not give him any face.    


"How do we open the company?" Lin Xiao took a deep breath and decided.    


"With me here, you don't have to worry too much." Bai Shuang said with a smile.    




Lin Xiao understood. Since there was such an opportunity in front of him, why did he still run away? He knew that he was weak and that he had not gotten rid of his original shadow. Since he knew it, why did he not make any changes?    


It was a good opportunity to start a company.    


Bai Shuang also felt a little comforted. Luckily, Lin Xiao was not the kind of person to give up on himself.    


"What company are we going to open?" After confirming his intention to open a company, Lin Xiao was obviously excited. He rubbed his palms and looked at Bai Shuang.    


"This still needs to be discussed, but what can be confirmed is that the funds to start the company now..." Before Bai Shuang could finish her sentence, she heard the phone ring.    


Lin Xiao took out his phone and saw that the caller ID was a counselor.    


A flash of surprise flashed across Lin Xiao's eyes. He nodded at Bai Shuang and picked up the phone. "Hello, Teacher Zheng, what's wrong?"    




Bai Shuang was planning to start the company when she heard Lin Xiao raise his voice. She turned around and saw Lin Xiao's angry face.    


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