Strongest Chef System

C34 Most Beautiful Pasta

C34 Most Beautiful Pasta

0"Hur hur, you sure are funny." Lin Feng said with a smile.    


"The meatballs are ready, now I'll make the tomato meatball pasta." Stir-fry onions in a wok, add tomato sauce and add to the sauce to continue stir-frying. He put the fried meat in and fried the noodles together. Add a little black pepper before going out. "I can't resist the delicious pasta. After finishing the noodles, I've almost finished taking out the bread from the oven and putting it on to cool." "Just eating bread and meat is enough to make you feel like you're roasting bread in Xinjiang." Big Zhang Wei swallowed his saliva. It was getting dark. Big Zhang Wei rubbed his hungry stomach and sighed, "This is an outdoor food show. It's only for this meal."    


"Haha, don't be in such a rush." Tong Wen cut the bread into pieces, added to the meat patties, and applied it with tomato sauce, porridge, and human hamburger. It was ready to eat. To the first Western Cuisine King of our Mushroom House! " Hee Qiong said with a smile. And also, welcome to our Demon King Big Zhang Wei! "    




"Thank you!"    


"How's the taste?" Da Hua could not wait any longer. The heavens were moved. This is the most delicious hamburger in the world. " Big Zhang Wei wolfed it down as he spoke. Why do you like hamburgers? " Hee Qiong asked with a smile. As there was a staple dish in the hamburger, the whole table was eaten. To be honest, I'm like a camel.    


If you meet something delicious, you can always eat it.    


"Big Zhang Wei, who is infatuated with hamburgers, buried his head and ate big fellow with all his might, but he was already laughing out loud due to his poor mouth. Chef Wen, do you really have to admire yourself by eating what you cook? The Big Zhang Wei said.    


"No, the cooks don't like to eat what they make." Tong Wen said indifferently. "He was already used to people praising his culinary skills." Brother Feng is like my mother's pasta. " Da Hua said as he ate.    


"Actually, I'm your mother. Did you not recognize me?" Lin Feng was joking.    


"Da Hua, don't tell me you didn't recognize me? Every time I cook for you, I feel a sense of accomplishment. " Lin Feng was joking.    


"I love you." Da Hua pretended to be deep in thought and said, "Sigh, I seem to have eaten too much, but I can't stop at all. It's like I'm sick." Big Zhang Wei said in an exaggerated manner.    


"I'm going to open a restaurant with the Brother Feng." Da Hua thought that he was being sentimental. "Aiya, I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep." When he was full, Da Hua laid down on the bed. Hee Qiong thoughtfully covered him with a piece of clothing.    


This is where you make your favorite burger. Big Zhang Wei continued. Were you built on a brick? "    


"The fried dough sticks are generally good if there's fried liver and steamed buns. I'm talking about tomorrow's dry spots." Big Zhang Wei said shamelessly. That won't do. I'm going to fry the fried dough sticks tomorrow morning because I bought the Social Bucket Extrusion at the supermarket today. " A fried dough stick is fine. "    


"Our party is about to begin!" Big Zhang Wei shouted. "Ah, are we going to the party?" Da Hua was shocked. I forced you to have a party? "    


"Me and you?" Da Hua continued. Me and my mother. My mom didn't come. " "The Big Zhang Wei said with his mouth wide open. Da Hua doesn't understand what you're saying at all. " Lin Feng said helplessly. Last time we were on a show, we needed to talk to each other, and I didn't understand what he was doing. " Da Hua said. "But it's also done! No matter what, it's always a episode." Big Zhang Wei had a look of indifference. I think I can start any time you want. If you don't want to join, then keep working. "    


"The specialty of our program is when no one cares, everyone can do whatever you want." Hee Qiong ridiculed. Big Zhang Wei directly tied the sound system to the stove for two batches of multiple uses. He could cook and act as a chef.    


The teacher was ready for the test and the party began. A band from the Flowers is so great that it's turning the room upside down! " Ha! Oh, ha! JOE Oh, that's the time to come. With this, it became better and better, "Da Hua. What are you sleeping for? "Hurry and get up, hey", the passion that was left behind in Da Hua's body disappeared completely.    


Music with a sense of movement. However, Lin Feng was sleepy, he yawned and walked to the chicken coop. It was so late at night that he had to put the duckling into the chicken coop. Tong Wen carefully carried the newborn duckling into the chicken coop, "Don't be afraid. There are three mother chickens here. They'll take care of you! "    


"What's your name for this festival?" Big Zhang Wei suddenly asked.    


"Mushrooms." Da Hua answered absent-mindedly.    


"Ah, this program of ours is called Mushroom," Big Zhang Wei said as he held his forehead. Ye Zichen said in surprise. The magic of music was based on the two people in the Mushroom, who wrote the theme song with tacit understanding.    


"Mushroom, it's so comfortable! There are ducks and sheep in there! And my uncle. "    


"Because the dishes cooked by the Chef Zhang are extremely delicious. Every day, we eat them in a round, round manner."    


"My Mushroom House, has eaten a hamburger today, and it might be the most delicious hamburger in my life. My Mushroom House," Tong Wei, you're really talented! "Lin Feng gave a thumbs up in praise.    


"You flatter me. Chef Tong, what other talent do you have?" Sensing that Big Zhang Wei would not think of having a midnight snack again, Lin Feng immediately shook his head and said, "I'm already so talented that I'm no longer interested after feeding you all. I'm going to bed. "    


"Thanks for your help! Let's end the concert early!" Teacher Hee, who was always the most caring, had already made the guest a bed in an attempt to give them the most comfortable sleeping environment. Before going to sleep, he reminded Big Zhang Wei sincerely and earnestly, "Tong Wei, you really like eating these junk food.    


"Good, good, good. "Thank you for mother's concern!" Big Zhang Wei was speechless. Fuck you. "Stinking brat," Hee Qiong laughed and scolded.    


"Turn off the lights and go to sleep. See you tomorrow!"    


"See you tomorrow!" Just like that, a happy day for Mushroom House passed …    


The ducklings in the chicken coop began to cry out as if to say, "Everybody get up. We're going to eat! "    


"The days of the Mushroom House are good, you can sleep until nature wakes you up!" Hee Qiong yawned and said. "Good morning. I really don't want to work today!" Lin Feng complained the moment he arrived.    


"Lin Feng washed his face and brushed his teeth before starting a fire. Although he was complaining, he still had to continue working. "Why are you doing it again!" Hee Qiong asked with a smile.    


"What should I do? It's not up to you pigs to eat!" Big Zhang Wei, who had just walked out of bed, came to the courtyard. Hearing the two of them chatting, he asked embarrassedly: "Today, we still need to pick corn, do we still need to pick corn?"    


"How about we go pick it now?" Hee Qiong asked. I think it's okay to take that Xiaomi. " Da Hua suggested. "Alright, let's get the equipment and go collect the millet." Hee Qiong said.    


"The most glorious job of all is morning training!" Zhang Wei shouted happily. Hee Qiong and Big Zhang Wei carried their small basket and walked towards the wheat field while chatting.    


"Little Mi, you can use it at home, right?" Zhang Wei asked. "No, it's because I grew it myself. If I don't take it, it will be gone, and it will be a waste." Hee Qiong explained. The wheat fields were very close, and soon, the two of them arrived.    


"It's right here. We already took in a lot yesterday," Hee Qiong said. Isn't this old corn? When I came here yesterday, I thought it was old corn. " The Big Zhang Wei said.    


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