Godly Conceited Son-in-law

C45 Aunt and Aunt

C45 Aunt and Aunt

0In business English class, Su Xing still didn't have a good expression towards Guan Yang. There were several times when Guan Yang ignored her and treated him like a transparent person.    


After class, Guan Yang wanted to go to the office to help Xin Tongyue ask for a leave of absence. He followed behind her, but she didn't even look at him as she walked with her hot face against his cold buttocks.    


At this time, Xu Li walked in and saw Su Xing angrily staring at Guan Yang. She asked, "What happened?"    


Xu Li was the female teacher of the adulterous couple that Guan Yang had bumped into when they were flirting in the office with Su Xing. Perhaps it was because she had served Dean Han Qingguo well, that she was promoted to Vice Director by the next day in Han Qingguo.    


When she met her colleagues in the past, they had addressed her as Teacher Xu. Now, she had to address them as Director Xu instead.    


Guan Yang glanced at Su Xing, but didn't say anything. He placed Xin Tong Yue's leave slip on the table and walked out of his office. The moment he closed the door, Su Xing smashed a stack of documents onto the ground.    


Xu Li didn't understand what was going on with this teacher and student pair, but Suko was known to have a good temper in the office. What had this student done to make her angry like this?    


However, Xu Li was now the Deputy Director, so she couldn't be bothered to care about such a small matter. She didn't ask any further and walked over to her seat to take a look at the materials.    


"… …"    


Nothing had happened during the day. After school, Guan Yang got on his own Mercedes-Benz.    


Along the way, Ouyang Ruo Lan who was beside him took the initiative to nestle in his arms. After a while, she asked, "Guan Yang, yesterday … "Who is good between her and me …"    


Guan Yang wisely chose not to speak, instead, he held Ouyang Ruo Lan's little face and gave her a kiss with a "Ba Ji" sound.    


Ouyang Ruo Lan whispered into Guan Yang's ear, "Tonight, I want you to compensate me."    


Guan Yang smiled and said, "As you command, my wife."    


However, Ouyang Ruo Lan's small face was at a loss. She said, "Home …" "Yesterday, a guest came and said that she was your master's junior sister. When she heard that you were going out for the night, she flew into a rage …"    


"What?!" Guan Yang suddenly stood up, held Ouyang Ruo Lan's shoulder and said, "Is little martial uncle here?" She really came?! "    


Ouyang Ruo Lan nodded.    


Guan Yang was sweating profusely.    


Grandmother, my dear Grandmother!    


This little teacher didn't come early or late, why did he come last night?    


Returning to the West Ridge villa, as soon as he stepped into the house, Guan Yang felt a peculiar coldness in the air. Guan Yang braced himself to walk into the living room, and found Mystic One sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. Luo Wange had placed a cushion on the floor to do yoga.    


"Did you enjoy last night?" Guan Yang didn't even dare to raise his head to look at her. He could tell from his tone alone that his little martial uncle was truly angered.    


Mystic One moved the newspaper aside and glanced at Guan Yang before hastily withdrawing her gaze.    


What a joke. If the four disciples of the Celestial Sect of Wonders were four wolves, then the youngest junior sister would be a tigress. When a tiger gets angry, who would dare to stroke their beard?!    


In this situation, he didn't dare to protect his disciple anymore.    


Faced with the question from the young master, Guan Yang did not dare to retort. He could only smile, lower his head in silence, admit his guilt, and make a face of repentance.    


"Speak!" Where did you go last night, what did you do, and with whom? " The more Mystic Spirit spoke, the angrier she became. As she spoke, she turned her head and shot a glare at Mystic One, causing Mystic One to shudder.    


The meaning of this glance was very deep. It was, of course, because you, the master, had spoiled your disciple to this state, as well as your crappy seniors and juniors! However, since they weren't present, they could only vent their anger by glaring at him.    


Guan Yang still had some experience dealing with the little martial sister. With his honest, lenient, and resistant attitude, he just didn't say anything. He just kept silent, and from time to time, pretended to be a little pitiful.    


Just as the Xuan Spirit was questioning Guan Yang, the doorbell rang. Ouyang Ruo Lan rushed over and opened the door. It turned out to be her 'little aunt', Luo Wanjun.    


Luo Wanjun was Luo Wange's younger sister. Earlier in the year, when Luo Wange had married into the sect, she had often visited her sister in the mountains. These few years, her sister had gone down the mountain and moved into a villa in the West Ridge.    


When Ouyang Ruo Lan was young, she would come to the West Ridge villa to play with her cousin every few days. Naturally, she also met Luo Wanjun.    


As the mistress' younger sister, Guan Yang also wanted to call Luo Wanjun 'aunt'. Seeing that it was her who had come, the corner of Guan Yang's mouth curled up imperceptibly.    


When he was young, he had been scolded by his wife in the mountains. No one dared to speak up for him, and only Luo Wanjun had the audacity to confront the mystical spirit head on and start a crime on his behalf.    


Coincidentally, Luo Wanjun didn't come to see his sister today. He heard that Guan Yang went down the mountain and stayed at the West Ridge villa, so he came to take a look.    


When they entered the room, they saw the tense atmosphere and heard Ouyang Ruo Lan whispering what had happened, so they walked over to Guan Yang and placed a hand on his shoulder. They gently smiled and said, "Xiao Yang, what's wrong? I haven't seen you in a long time, why are you always angering your Martial Aunt the moment we meet? "    


Guan Yang turned his head to look at his aunt and smiled. His expression was very "accurate" as he pinched out a hint of bitterness. He knew that as long as he caused Luo Wanjun to feel sorry for him, he would be able to resist his aunt's raging storm.    


"Uhh … okay aunt, hur hur. I just spent the night outside."    


"Are you alright? What do you mean nothing? Do you even have logic? " Hearing Guan Yang's words, the Profound Spirit became angry.    


Angry to the extreme, she pulled out a refined and soft sword from her waist with a clanging sound. She pointed at Guan Yang and said, "Kneel! "Family law!"    


"What are you doing?!" Luo Wanjun suddenly became anxious. He stepped in front of Guan Yang, blocking his way and said angrily, "You are the only one who knows family law? "Your Celestial Sect of Wonders is so powerful. If they have a temper, why is it that they only know how to use their own juniors?"    


"Little Yang has been going through the wind and rain since he was young. He could carry out missions to help you earn money. Why didn't you say that!?" Little Yang is not even 10 years old and has to go through a life of licking blood from the blade. Why don't you say that!? "Oh, now that he's only staying the night and not returning, you won't forgive him!"    


"Little Yang, let's go. We're not staying here anymore. Let's go to aunt's place!"    


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