The Military King Is Back

C13 Is He Still Human

C13 Is He Still Human

0It was two o'clock in the morning when Ye Fei and Lin Qingwan drove to Purple Apartment.    


There was a huge difference in temperature between day and night in Huhai City. When Lin Qingwan got off the car, she felt a slight chill and wrapped her clothes tightly. She was afraid of the cold and told Ye Fei that she was on the eighth floor. She hurriedly went upstairs and asked Ye Fei to stop the car.    


Everything in Purple Apartment was good except that she did not have her own parking lot. She could only park in the parking lot beside the road.    


It was midnight, and the parking lot was already full. Ye Fei searched for ten minutes, and finally found a parking spot and drove the car in.    


Before Ye Fei got out of the car, he heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground. He looked over and saw a slim figure walking over from afar.    


It was a beautiful woman wearing sex clothes. She was wearing a sexy red dress and red shoes. There was a light grey leather coat on her shoulder, which made her look even more sexy. It was tempting.    


However, this beauty's footsteps were unsteady, and she was walking unsteadily. She was obviously drunk.    


At 2: 00 AM, a sexy beauty who was drunk was really worrying.    


Considering that she might be an illegal professional, Ye Fei only looked at her a few more times and did not intend to meddle in her business.    


However, Ye Fei saw that behind the beautiful woman in red, there were three lewd men following her.    


These three men hid in the shadows behind the beauty. Their eyes were greedy, as if they wanted to strip her naked.    


"Boss, we followed from the nightclub all the way here to pick up a corpse. Why hasn't she collapsed yet?"    


"Yeah, if she doesn't fall, I think she'll be home soon. We've worked so hard for nothing tonight!"    


"Boss... Why don't we do it? She's already so drunk. If we f * ck her, she won't know who did it!"    


The three men were discussing in low voices.    


Ye Fei sat in the car and heard what they said clearly. He understood what had happened.    


The beauty in red went to the nightclub to play and was drunk by the three of them. She wanted to take turns after she got drunk!    


Of course, the people in the nightclub called this "corpse picking," but they were actually obsessed with it. It was not much different from cheating.    


Being able to play at the nightclub until so late at night, she was not a good woman. After they picked up the corpses, they threw a few hundred dollars to their faces, and normal women wouldn't make a sound.    


"Let's do it this way. Such a good thing, it's a pity that she flew away. Brothers, let's find something to cover our faces and take her away. Let's do it!"    


That boss thought about it again and again and decided to make a move.    


The three of them took off their jackets, covered their faces, and crept behind the red-dressed beauty.    


Unexpectedly, when the red-dressed beauty saw the shadow on the ground, she suddenly turned her head and saw the three masked men. She was so scared that she woke up halfway. She exclaimed, "You... What do you want to do?"    


"Beauty, your alcohol tolerance is not bad. Why don't we find a place to drink a few more cups?"    


"How about coming to my house? My house has a collection of red wine, and... I can teach you how to exercise. I'm a fitness coach, and I know a lot of poses."    


When the three of them saw that their whereabouts had been discovered, they decided to be shameless to the end. Especially that fitness coach, because his coat was covering his head. Reveal! There was a black elastic vest underneath, which was deliberately lifted up. Eight abdominal muscles pulsating.    


"Don't... You, what do you want to do!? I am not the kind of person you think I am! "    


The red-dressed beauty screamed.    


"Cut the crap. On Da Mao, cover his mouth. Don't let her call him over." The boss ordered.    


Big Hairy, the fitness coach, blocked the beauty's fair neck with his thick arms. He opened his big hands and covered her mouth. He grinned hideously and said, "You scream. Even if you scream your throat out, no one will come to save you."    


The three of them raised their hands and legs and dragged the beauty in red into a nearby alley. They didn't care whether this place was dirty or not. They directly took off their skirts and pants.    


Ye Fei saw that it was clearly strong. Was it rape?    


Picking up corpses, one night. Ye Fei wouldn't care about relationships and relationships, but this was clearly rape. Ye Fei saw the adultery, so he couldn't ignore it.    


Ye Fei was a soldier after all, and he had the sense of justice of a soldier in his bones.    


He got out of the car and walked towards the alley.    


The three of them were very nervous. They had been looking around. They saw a man getting off the BMW not far away and walking towards them. Suddenly, one of the men pointed at Ye Fei and scolded, "Don't you f * cking mind your own business! Get lost from where you are!"    


"F * ck, driving a BMW. I don't know which young master he is, but he is an oily man, and he wants to be a hero and save the damsel in distress? Do you see my pectoral muscles? I will slap you to death! "    


The fitness coach saw that Ye Fei was very young and his face was still young. He walked over and said very arrogantly.    


"Get the f * ck out of here. If you stand there again, we'll beat you up!" The boss also said angrily.    


Ye Fei narrowed his eyes. It was rare to see a rapist so arrogant.    


"I told you to get lost, did you hear that?!" A man saw that Ye Fei had no intention of leaving. He became furious and raised his leg to kick Ye Fei.    


Ye Fei did not even need to use a flying knife to deal with these three-legged cats. He took a step forward diagonally, put his right hand's five fingers together, and used a hand knife to cut his tibia bone.    


The man immediately took a few steps back. His leg trembled and could not stand anymore.    


"Aiyo, my god, this kid's hand is like a knife, it hurts so much, it hurts so much..." The man kept shouting.    


The other two people were stunned. The fitness coach shouted angrily, "Are you looking for trouble? I'll f * cking kill you!"    


The fitness coach was very tall, one head taller than Ye Fei. He was like Arnold Schwarzenegger, his hands like sandbags as he punched towards Ye Fei's chest.    


Ye Fei did not dodge. In a flash, he arrived in front of the fitness coach. His hands formed a knife and directly cut into his ribs.    


The fitness coach suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist. All the strength in his body had been drained. He fell limply to the ground, screaming in pain.    


Boss was stunned. His two brothers were very good at fighting, especially the fitness coach. He often fought three or four people by himself, but in front of this young man, they all became paper paste.    


"I'll kill you!"    


Boss took out a butterfly knife from his pocket and played around in front of Ye Fei.    



This man's butterfly knife was pretty good. The blade light danced and formed a light screen.    


Ye Fei's eyes turned cold and the mocking expression on his face disappeared. He strode forward and grabbed Boss's wrist, snatching the butterfly blade from him. His other hand slapped him back and sent him flying to the ground. He said coldly, "I'm telling you, you don't deserve to play with a knife in front of me!"    


Boss covered his face and struggled to stand up. He opened his mouth and spat out a few teeth, and was about to shout.    




Ye Fei waved his hand and a cold light flew over to Boss's nose. The butterfly knife was stuck on the wall next to him. The whole knife was stuck in the cement wall, only the handle was still exposed.    


The boss was stunned. If the knife had been stuck on him, what would have happened?    


A hole would have appeared on his body!    


How strong was his hand force? Was he still human?    


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