The Military King Is Back

C15 Throwing Knives Throwing Knives!

C15 Throwing Knives Throwing Knives!

0Ye Fei carried Lau Manman into the elevator and put her down. Her face was not red, and she was not breathing.    


Lau Manman, on the other hand, was flushed red. After being hugged by Ye Fei, the alcohol had filled her body, and her stomach was in a mess.    


Just as the elevator door opened, Lau Manman pushed open the door and rushed into the toilet to vomit.    


Lin Qingwan waited and waited, but Ye Fei and Mu Rong still did not come back. Looking at the table full of dishes in front of him, she was so hungry that she drooled. They pinched a fried potato strip and were eating it secretly. Lau Manman suddenly rushed in and gave her a scare.    


"Ye Fei, what's going on? Who is that woman? Why is she so crazy?" Lin Qingwan hurriedly stuffed the remaining half of the potato strips into her mouth and said indistinctly.    


"Her name is Lau Manman, Mu Rong's roommate. She is that model. She was drunk and met a gangster. I beat up the gangster and Mu Rong sent them to the police station."    


Ye Fei took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. He walked to the dining table and saw a table full of dishes. His eyes lit up. "These were all made by Mu Rong? I didn't expect that she would be so carefree. She is actually a good cook. "    


"Mu Rong specially made it for you. Oh... I also benefited from you."    


Lin Qingwan looked at her phone, "Mu Rong told us to eat first. There is no need to wait for her."    




Ye Fei pulled a chair and sat opposite Lin Qingwan.    


He had been carrying out missions overseas on the battlefield. He slept in the open and occasionally had a good meal. It was just trash food like hamburgers and fries. He had long been fed up with it.    


At night, he only ate two bowls of ramen. He was so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back. As he ate Mu Rong's food, he felt that every dish was delicious.    


Lin Qingwan's appetite was small. She ate a few mouthfuls and was full. She looked up and saw Ye Fei wolfing down the food. She thought to herself, Which refugee camp did he escape from? He's so hungry.    


While the two were eating, the sound of water rushing came from the toilet. Lau Manman supported herself against the wall and walked out with a pale face.    


"Manman, do you want to eat some?" Lin Qingwan said in a hurry.    


Lau Manman waved her hand weakly and returned to her room. Before she closed the door, she glared at Ye Fei and closed the door.    


Ye Fei stepped forward and saved her. Lau Manman was originally very grateful to Ye Fei.    


However, Ye Fei did not go through her permission later on and carried her without permission.    


In Lau Manman's view, Ye Fei took advantage of her drunkenness to eat her tofu.    


Ye Fei's position in Lau Manman's heart fell drastically. It was no different from those lecherous lecherous lecherous disciples.    


Ye Fei saw Lau Manman's resentful gaze and could only helplessly smile.    


No matter how enchanting Lau Manman was, she was not Ye Fei's dish. The reason why he carried her back just now was that Ye Fei was used to the most efficient way. But he forgot that this was no longer a battlefield where every second counted. Instead, it was in a bustling city.    


It was already three o'clock in the morning after dinner. Mu Rong had not returned yet.    


Lin Qingwan was already yawning non-stop. Usually, she would go to bed at ten o'clock at the latest at night. Today, she performed exceptionally well.    


"Where should I sleep later?"    


Ye Fei scratched his head and asked a question that he had been confused about for a long time.    


"You can sleep on the sofa today." Lin Qingwan scratched her head and went into her bedroom. She changed into pink Snoopy pajamas. She did not even take a shower and fell asleep on the bed.    


Ye Fei leaned on the sofa and covered himself with a thin towel.    


He had just flown back from South America and had not fallen over due to the jet lag. He did not feel sleepy at all.    


Ye Fei closed his eyes and recalled everything that had happened today. He sighed in his heart. It turned out that the city was like a battlefield, full of danger.    


Since he could not sleep, Ye Fei's expression became serious. He took out a rectangular wooden box from his pocket and placed it on the table.    


"Ancestors above!"    


Ye Fei put his palms together and bowed to such a thing with a pious look on his face.    


After that, he carefully opened the box.    


A flying knife emitting a cold light was lying on the red silk cloth.    


This flying knife was three inches and seven inches long. It was made of meteoric iron. There was a layer of star-like light on the surface of the knife. When he reached out his hand, he could feel a bone-piercing coldness coming from his pores before he touched the knife.    


The most eye-catching thing was that there was a small word "Li" under the handle of the knife.    


This flying knife was passed down from Ye Fei's ancestors. He had wondered why his family had written Li on the flying knife instead of Ye on it.    


He had once asked his grandfather this question.    


His grandfather Ye Chong sat on the stone stool in front of the door, smoking his pipe. His eyes were as bright as stars, "Fei, our Ye family's ultimate flying dagger skill was passed down to us by a master named Li. He was trapped by love. He lived a lonely life without any children. Our Ye Family is his true descendant. "    


Ye Fei couldn't help but sigh when he thought of his grandfather.    


When Ye Fei was twelve years old, his grandfather left this flying knife passed down from his ancestors to Ye Fei. He told Ye Fei that as long as he could control the knife with his Qi, he would know where he had gone.    


This year, Ye Fei was twenty-one years old, and his grandfather had been missing for nine years.    


Ye Fei returned to the country not only for the pension of his comrades, but also to find his grandfather.    


However, Ye Fei had honed himself on the battlefield for nine years, and there was still a certain gap between him and the realm of using qi to wield a saber.    


Ye Fei remembered that his grandfather had said that the realm of a martial artist was divided into Houtian and Xiantian realms.    


Houtian martial artists trained their strength and used force to control a saber.    


Innate Martial Cultivator trained their Qi and used their Qi to control their blades.    


Ye Fei had trained hard for many years. According to the ancient Ye family technique, he had already trained his inner strength in his body. He could also pour his inner strength into other things.    


Although it was not to the point where he could hurt others by plucking the flowers.    



In Ye Fei's hands, plastic knives, pencil, and other things could cause shocking damage with his inner strength combined with the Ye family's flying knife skills.    


However, for some reason, Ye Fei's inner strength could not be injected into this ancestral flying knife!    


Ye Fei held the flying knife with both hands. His face was red, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He used all his strength, but the flying knife did not move.    


"Sigh, if you want to hurry, you will not be able to reach it. It seems like I am still very far from the Xiantian realm. The most urgent matter now is to protect Lin Qingwan and take some time to cultivate."    


Ye Fei sighed and put away the flying knife. He sat cross-legged on the sofa and practiced the Ancient Law of Ye. He wanted to cultivate his Qi in his body so that he could enter the Xiantian realm one day earlier. He found the message left by his grandfather on the flying knife.    


Unknowingly, a night had passed, and the sun had risen.    


"Ha, today is another sunny day!"    


A beauty in black lace pajamas yawned and walked out of the bedroom.    


She seemed to be a little short-sighted and did not see Ye Fei on the sofa. She walked into the bathroom and did not close the door. She squatted on the toilet bowl and was about to pee when she saw an unfamiliar man sitting cross-legged on the sofa.    




Chu Mo rubbed her eyes and confirmed that there was indeed a strange man on the sofa. She screamed loudly.    


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