The Military King Is Back

C48 Crazy Xue Bing

C48 Crazy Xue Bing

0When the fat woman heard that Ye Fei had an accomplice, she was so scared that she collapsed on the chair. She was like a pile of mud, while the others were like springs on their feet. They jumped up and helped the fat woman up. They lifted their feet and left.    


When Mu Rong saw this scene, he was right. These people were all scum who bullied the weak and feared the strong. Once he heard about Ye Fei's identity as a terrorist, he immediately became afraid and didn't dare to continue blackmailing them.    


When they heard Ye Fei and his accomplices, they were so scared that they wanted to escape.    


"Hey, why are you all leaving without saying a word? Our police haven't thanked you properly yet!"    


Murong deliberately walked up and stopped them. He said seriously, "You have made a great contribution. Not only do you have the banner, but you also need to see the report. Go on TV and let everyone know that you have arrested an international S-class wanted criminal. A hero! "    


"Hero my a * s, and you're even on TV? Doesn't that mean you'll let everyone know about this? This fellow's accomplices also know that it's because of us that he was caught? "    


One of the middle-aged men cried out in fear, "He's a terrorist! A devil who kills without blinking his eyes... Let his accomplices know... Will they bear a grudge and kill our entire family?"    


"With their organization's ferocious nature... this kind of thing has happened before. However, you have to believe in our police, our government, we will definitely protect you! "    


Murong patted his chest and said.    


"I will believe you!"    


One of the middle-aged women was already crying. She pushed Murong away with all her strength, and the few of them ran away as if they were running away. The idea of suing Ye Fei had long been washed away by fear.    


Murong was behind them, and he didn't forget to call out, "What I told you just now was confidential. Don't speak nonsense."    




These few people were about to cry. They couldn't wait for no one to know about it. If Ye Fei's accomplices knew about it, they wouldn't be able to bear the consequences. Did they really think that their lives were too long?    


Just as these few people walked to the entrance of the police station, a few reporters ran over with microphones in their hands, carrying cameras on their backs, and surrounded them.    


These people were all reporters from the Huhai City's tabloids. Before they entered the police station, they had specially called over to disgust Ye Fei and the police.    


A female reporter held up the microphones and asked the fat woman. She wanted to ask what was going on with the case, but she did not expect the fat woman to suddenly shout like crazy. She rushed in front of the young man carrying the camera and scratched and scratched him. She wanted to take the camera away.    


"What... what are you doing!" The female reporter was stunned.    


"Don't shoot, don't shoot. I'll beat up whoever shoots!"    


The two middle-aged men immediately understood. If the television station were to take pictures of them, if they were to be released from the news or posted in the newspaper... and then seen by the terrorists' accomplices, their family would be finished!    


Thus, they also joined in the chaos and tried to snatch the reporters' cameras.    


The young cameraman saw that their eyes were red and they were breathing heavily. Their faces were extremely ferocious due to fear. They were simply crazy. Of course, they would not hand the cameras over to them.    


They continued to snatch the cameras.    




More than fifty thousand Nikang cameras fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.    


This was the front door of the police station. A police officer immediately rushed out and arrested these crazy middle-aged men and locked them in another detention room.    


After entering the detention room, the few middle-aged men let out a long sigh of relief. They had never thought that the detention room would be such a safe place.    


When these few people entered the detention room, Ye Fei had already been released from inside.    


Murong looked at Ye Fei and said with a smile, "How unlucky. It has only been a few days and you have already entered the palace twice. Go back and quickly take a shower with grapefruit leaves!"    


Ye Fei helplessly smiled and looked at Murong. "Ever since I met you, my tone has been very bad. It must be you who passed on your bad luck to me!"    


Although Ye Fei said this, he understood in his heart why he was so unlucky that he could encounter all kinds of problems.    


Bad luck was one aspect.    


On the other hand, it was because Ye Fei had been a soldier for a long time and was somewhat out of touch with this society. There were many things that other people were used to, but Ye Fei could not see through them. There were some incompatible things.    


Not only Ye Fei, but every retired soldier would have this kind of feeling.    


In the end, most people suffered because of the various phenomena in this society. They changed themselves and sharpened their edges.    


However, Ye Fei didn't intend to change himself.    


"My life is like a flying knife. When I encounter such obstacles, I can only sharpen the edge of my blade and kill until I become extraordinary!"    


Ye Fei's eyes lit up. He did not have a trace of confusion or regret towards his own path in life.    


"By the way, Officer Murong, where is Lin Qingwan? Is she still sleeping? Give her a call and tell her some good news! I've already retrieved her video!"    


Ye Fei took out the hard drive and USB drive, waved it and suddenly said.    


"Ah! The video has been found?"    


Murong's eyes widened as she stared at Ye Fei in disbelief. "How did you do it? Could it be because of these videos that caused a conflict with these people? Great, tell Ms Qingwan this good news. She will definitely pass out from joy! "    


Murong was very happy. He waved his hands and feet as he took out his phone. He called Lin Qingwan and reported this great news. However, Murong was very surprised because he called her. It turned out to be: The number you dialed cannot be connected.    


"What's the situation? Is my phone broken, or is Ms Qingwan's phone broken?"    


Murong looked surprised. She used the landline in the office to call Lin Qingwan, but she still couldn't get through.    


"Where is Ms Lin? Is she in the apartment?"    


Ye Fei had an ominous feeling in his heart. His face became gloomy and he said with a frown.    


"She's not in the apartment. She received a call early in the morning. It seems that she received a call from a vice president. He said that the company had an urgent matter, so he went to the company." Murong stroked her chin and said after thinking for a while.    


... "Vice president?"    


Ye Fei's body suddenly shook, and he hurriedly said, "That Vice President, is his name Xue Bing?"    


"Yes, his name is Xue Bing. Why? Do you know him?" Mu Rong said in surprise.    



"Oh no!"    


Ye Fei exclaimed. Xue Bing must be up to no good by asking Lin Qingwan to come over so early in the morning.    


Ye Fei blamed himself in his heart. He had indeed made a mistake this time.    


He thought that Xue Bing would definitely pack up his belongings overnight and prepare to run away. He did not expect that this man would actually kill his way back and take the opportunity to meet Lin Qingwan while Ye Fei was dealing with the traffic accident.    


This was a good move that Ye Fei did not expect. It was also an extremely crazy move!    


"Murong, where did Xue Bing ask Lin Qingwan to go? Is it the company?" Ye Fei walked forward and grabbed Murong's shoulder, asking eagerly.    


"No... It seems to be Victorious Return Hotel."    


Murong thought about it seriously and said slowly, "I was wondering why the Vice President didn't go to the company when she was looking for her."    


"Victorious Return Hotel... this stupid woman actually went there. She didn't even have the slightest bit of vigilance!"    


Ye Fei looked anxious. "Give me the key to the electric motor! Otherwise, it would be too late!"    


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