The Military King Is Back

C69 Problems

C69 Problems

0"The Shanghai University is allowed to listen in, but not just any Tom, Dick, and Harry can come in. You brought a migrant worker here, but he couldn't understand you at all. What else can you do besides messing around in the classroom?" A girl mocked. She was Wu Haomin's admirer. She bore a grudge against Ye Fei for hurting Wu Haomin in the morning.    


Qin Xiaomeng's beautiful eyes widened and she said angrily, "Who said he was a migrant worker?"    


A girl said, "Fine, fine, fine. Even if he is not a migrant worker, if he wants to listen in at our university, he needs to have a hearing certificate. You ask him if he has it?"    


Qin Xiaomeng did not speak for a moment. She had forgotten that the school indeed had the rule of a hearing certificate. But usually, no one would specially investigate this thing.    


Some students even openly spent money to invite the miscellaneous staff outside to teach for them. No one said anything.    


However, rules were rules. Qin Xiaomeng did not know how to explain it to Ye Fei now. She could only softly say, "Ye Fei, have you handled the hearing?"    


Ye Fei shook his head. He did not expect that it would be so difficult for him to attend a lesson in university.    


"Forget it. Since it is like this, I will go out!"    


Ye Fei sighed and prepared to stand outside the classroom to wait. At this moment, the old professor on the podium spoke.    


"Everyone, stop arguing. This student wants to listen in. That's good. Learning is endless. It doesn't matter if you have a foundation or not. If you want to learn, you want to listen in. That's not wrong. However, if you really don't understand, I still don't suggest you waste your time here. Time is precious, youth is priceless. Everyone, don't waste your time on this matter. As for the hearings, you just need to get one after class. Alright, everyone, please take out your textbooks. Today, we are going to talk about a difficult formula. Everyone, listen carefully. If you can't hear me clearly, you can raise your hands and ask me."    


Qin Xiaomeng heaved a sigh of relief and sat down. She whispered, "Luckily it is Prof. Nie's class. He is super good! Academic is good too."    


Ye Fei nodded and sat very upright. He carefully listened to Prof. Nie's lecture in front of him.    


Prof. Nie also enjoyed a great reputation in the academic world. The lesson was really well taught and easy to understand. He talked and talked at the front. He analyzed the formula from the beginning to the end and basically broke it open. He crushed it, and the lesson was very interesting.    


However, today's lesson was indeed very difficult. The student listened for a while. They felt that their brains were insufficient, but none of them raised their hands to say that they did not understand. Instead, they began to look left and right. Many people looked at Ye Fei's back. They whispered, "He is sitting straight, like a primary school student. Do you understand? What's the use of not understanding him? "    


Ye Fei completely turned a deaf ear. He had never been to school before, so he cherished this hard-won learning opportunity.    


Today's lesson was indeed too difficult. Even Qin Xiaomeng, who had studied well, after listening for a while today, she became impatient. She quietly touched Ye Fei with her palm. Seeing Ye Fei ignore her, she stared at the blackboard in boredom. He completely emptied himself, and his soul flew to god knows where.    


This advanced algebra class was a major class, and it would take one and a half hours. Prof. Nie's saliva flew everywhere as he explained the two formulas. In just one hour, the blackboard was filled with calculations.    


He found a classmate and helped him wipe the blackboard. Seeing that it was still early, he wrote down two practice questions on the blackboard. He said to the students, "Everyone should understand the formula, right? Now let's consolidate the two questions. These two questions have a certain degree of difficulty, so it's fine if you can't solve them. However, if you can solve them, you can get extra credits."    


Prof. Nie waved the roster in his hand, indicating that he wasn't just saying it.    


When they heard the credits, everyone's eyes lit up. They hurriedly looked at the questions on the blackboard. Most of them were dumbfounded. They couldn't even understand these two questions, let alone solve them.    


There were only a few top students in the class. After looking at them for a long time, then, they began to slowly deduce the answers on the paper with a pen. They all wanted to solve these two questions. However, for the time being, they didn't have any leads. It was as if this was a competition of intelligence.    


Qin Xiaomeng was one of them. However, she had a small gap in class today, so she had no idea where to start. She turned around and looked at Du Wenxing. He seemed to have some clues and was quickly writing something on the paper with the pen.    


Du Wenxing felt other people's gazes on him. He suddenly looked up and saw Qin Xiaomeng looking at him. He hurriedly put his arm in front of the paper to prevent her from seeing what he was writing.    


"Tsk, who is it? Do you really think I am peeking at your answer?"    


Qin Xiaomeng coldly snorted, her eyes showing disdain. She would never like a petty man like Du Wenxing.    


Qin Xiaomeng did not look at Du Wenxing either. She just remembered that Lin Qingwan was sitting at the back of the classroom.    


At noon, Qin Xiaomeng passed by the administration office and took a look. She knew that this beautiful sister was a transfer student from an American Ivy League elite school and that she had already graduated from her undergrad. As for the others in the class, they were only in their first year, so she would definitely do it.    


In fact, not only Qin Xiaomeng looked at Lin Qingwan, some of the other students also heard some news and turned to look at Lin Qingwan.    


At this moment, Lin Qingwan's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and her hands were still hugging. She did not have the intention of writing the questions and saw that the students were looking at her. She coldly snorted and rolled her eyes. It was as if the question was too simple, and she didn't even bother to do it.    


In fact, Lin Qingwan was secretly complaining in her heart.    


She had long heard that mathematics in China was much harder than in America.    


Lin Qingwan also thought that her brain was not bad. Mathematics in China was not difficult for her.    


Only after seeing her today did she know.    


Mathematics in China was not just difficult, it was simply abnormal.    


She had been studying undergrad at an Ivy League university in the United States for four years. When she returned to Hua Country, she did not even know how to do first-year questions. If others knew, they would laugh their heads off.    


At the same time, Lin Qingwan sadly discovered that if she wanted to pass the supplementary exam in the country smoothly, it would be as difficult as ascending the heavens.    


Qin Xiaomeng retracted her gaze and found that Ye Fei did not start writing. Instead, he was staring at the two questions on the blackboard. He also seemed to be in a daze.    


It was no wonder that Ye Fei had never attended junior high school. It was a bit too much to ask him to do two questions that even university students could not understand.    


Twenty minutes later, Du Wenxing suddenly raised his hands and stood up first. He said, "Professor, is the answer to the first question 3?"    


"Oh, Wenxing, you calculated it. It's really not bad!"    


Prof. Nie smiled and said, "The answer to the first question is indeed 3. It seems that you have already figured out this formula. At your level, you can already take the postgraduate entrance exam. I have already guessed that if someone can solve this problem, it must be you!"    


"Hehe, this formula is actually not complicated. The question is also very simple, but it requires a little bit of thought."    


Du Wenxing had a modest expression that deserved a beating. As he spoke, he turned around and glanced at Ye Fei and Qin Xiaomeng. He said, "I think that most of the students in the class can solve this kind of question. If they can't solve it... Hehe, then there's a problem with their intelligence."    


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