I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C98 I Can Fly

C98 I Can Fly

0There's light up here?    


These few words did not cause too much of a stir among the fanatical believers. Everyone only thought that this crazy fellow was spouting nonsense.    


Although it was hard to find anyone who dared to openly deny Holy Spirit Watt in a few years, it was actually quite rare. However, this had nothing to do with most ordinary people, especially those who lived in St. Parland. Two-thirds of the people there were religious workers with firm beliefs.    


This weak shout was naturally drowned in the cheers of hundreds and thousands of fanatical believers. They gathered in front of the Steam Temple to watch the execution.    


"Burn him to death!" People shouted.    


Almost no one noticed that in a corner of the square, a young girl with green hair had recorded these words in her notebook.    


Many years later, these words became the only proof that this man had been burned to death.    


Shu Hsingnan went over to take a look, but the girl immediately closed the notebook.    


"Let me take a look."    


Angarmarin hesitated for two seconds and finally handed the notebook to her. Angarmarin's expression was somewhat unwilling but it could not be seen because she seemed to have this kind of expression all along.    


Shu Hsingnan opened it and casually flipped it.    


There seemed to be everything in the notebook, from some unusual magic spells to messy Formation Array Theory knowledge. Shu Hsingnan even found a simple painting on one of the pages. The lines were twisted together, and the painting seemed to tell the audience the essence of an abstract art that was difficult to understand. Shu Hsingnan really could not tell what the painting was.    


She went to Angarmarin's side and pointed at the painting.    


"Papaya, what is this painting?"    




The green-haired girl replied expressionlessly.    




"Look, this is your head." Angarmarin pointed at an irregular rectangular shape, "This is your body and hair."    


Shu Hsingnan suddenly began to doubt how she had passed the Formation Array Theory test.    


On the other side, the execution was still going on.    


The burning flame below the stake rose into the air, like the tongue of some kind of man-eating beast licking something. Looking from afar, the scene in that direction was swaying in the high temperature. A blurry figure was swaying in the heat.    


The metal execution rack had long been burnt black, but the deceased did not let out any screams from the beginning to the end. He did not even struggle, his face full of satisfaction. He had a calm and strange smile on his face. This obviously did not satisfy the believers gathered in the square. What they wanted to see was this person who blasphemed Watt. He screamed and struggled in the fire, and finally died in extreme pain. And now, this person's serene and calm smile made them feel as if they were being looked down upon.    


Riko tightly tugged on Meiko's clothes. She bit her lips and leaned against the blond Shield Knight.    


After all, this was the first time she saw someone die.    


"Do you want to save him?" Meiko asked.    


The silver-haired girl shook her head, not knowing what to do. She felt that her brain was in a mess and she was unable to think. Thus, she could only respond instinctively. "I don't know" Riko said softly.    


"Then don't look."    


The blonde Shield Knight reached out and blocked the mage's eyes.    


In Riko's eyes, the world had passed in the darkness for a long time.    


After a while, she seemed to have discovered something and whispered something.    


"He might be right."    


"What?" Meiko did not hear her clearly.    


"I mean, there is light on the surface." Riko tried her best to maintain the connection with the Eye of the Sorcerer. She continued to explain to Meiko, "Furthermore, I did not see the legendary giant monster. The plants and animals on the ground are all growing well."    


The explorer was tied to the execution rack and burned for half an hour until his body completely turned into an unknown black object. The fuel under the execution rack was also burnt down, leaving only a few sparks in the burning ash.    


The crowd had also dispersed, and a group of people took the elevator back to their original residence. The cardinal in red was nowhere to be found, and now a few guards were trying to find a way to deal with the corpses and execution rack.    


"They've all been burned"    


Meiko could not help but put her hand on Riko's head and messed up her beautiful silver hair. In fact, ever since the first time they met, she had never seen Riko have any tendency to cut her hair. Now her hair had already grown to the extent that it could reach her legs. This involuntarily made Meiko wonder how the silver-haired girl managed her hair. But when she thought that Riko was a magician, she decided not to think about it.    


The group slowly walked past the wide square.    


"Rikku, do you know revival skill?"    


Loli Merlin suddenly asked without warning.    




Riko was stunned for a moment and pointed at the corpse that was being dragged away in the distance.    


"Do you want me to revive him?"    


"No, I just suddenly thought of this question, so I asked you."    


"Maybe I can. I remember that there was a life type spell that could do it."    


"Then you're really amazing."    


Edina, who was dragging a big cloth bag, suddenly appeared.    


"What spell are you talking about?"    


"Sister, they know a very powerful thing called magic." Carol stood up to explain. She even used her hands to make a flying motion. "These people can fly!"    


"This means that you can walk in the air?"    


The great inventor asked in confusion.    



But before she could get any answers, the group had already arrived in front of the grand gate of the temple. It was open, and the complex gear structure on the door was unknown if it really had some use or was only used for decoration. However, just before anyone could enter the temple, two guards standing at the door stopped them without saying a word.    


"Tell me your identity and purpose!"    


Edina dragged the huge linen bag and took a step forward.    


"I have something important, please let me see the Pope!"    


"Ridiculous! How can you see Lord Neville as you wish?"    


The two guards saw the situation and raised their guns to chase them away. Loli Merlin narrowed her eyes. When she lifted the wand and was about to send out a fireball skill, she was stopped by Riko.    


"Pope Garb Neville, where is he in this building?"    


"The Pope's residence is on the third floor of the Temple. This is known by everyone. Wait! What do you want to do?"    


Riko did not continue to pay attention to the two guards who raised their guns with a vigilant look. She turned her head and softly chanted a spell.    


The light Wind Element lifted the group of people into the air and gradually moved away from the ground. Loli Merlin especially proudly turned her head and faced the stunned inventor girl.    


"This is magic." Black Haired Great Devil Instructor said with a smile.    


As Lorin rose, she tried to mock the two guards who were also stunned.    


"I can fly!"    


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