I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C230 A Message Board That Can Travel Through Time and Space

C230 A Message Board That Can Travel Through Time and Space

0Riko turned her gaze downwards and found that the words left behind by the mages from different eras were arranged layer by layer under the message.    


"Brother, are you still alive? Predecessor M Faraday, stay. "    


"Have a good journey... - Hand of God, C. M. Calvin, stay."    


" Brother, I took advantage of the fact that Level Six Titled Sword Saint wasn't home yesterday. Sneaking into his house and turning him green. I hope there is no duel in heaven. Tonight, we are all French people. - - Pangalei, stay."    


" Have a safe journey, leave your name on the god's note. - Max Ensco. "    


"Leave your name on the god poster. - - Elsa Boer."    


" What... is this thing... " Riko gently used her hand to draw across the rough stone wall and touched the marks of the rich era, but because of the content on it, she did not know what kind of expression she should make.    


Just beside the last words left behind by that Titled Devil Instructor called Garova before his death, there was another sentence carved. Moreover, there were clearly more people who left messages here... This made the silver-haired girl unable to help but move closer to take a look out of curiosity.    


"My name is Isaac, Gravitational Ruler... Future people, where are you? Are you looking at me? Have humans arrived in the starry sky? Can you change your fate? Have my efforts been tested? Do you... still remember me?"    


As time passed, the engravings gradually became blurry, but it did not affect her from recognizing the words on it.    


This was actually left behind by Mage God and Isaac...    


Perhaps it was because of this reason, there was a long string of messages below.    


"Big brother is mighty, domineering, and has lived for thousands of years. I don't know anything else. - - Holy Witch of the Oblique Tower, Galileo."    


"Big brother... I'm looking at you... - Elemental Summoner A. Lavashi.    


" Hurry up and stop staying in Gaul. It's not safe for you to come to the United State to find me. I promise I won't beat you to death. Change the author of the thesis to me. We are still good friends. Ignite Public, Pristley, stay."    


" 1: I'm here. 2: I'm looking at you. 3: No, I don't know if the trip to the Plane counts. 4: I don't know... 1: I'm here. 2: I'm looking at you. 3: None. I don't know if ___ travel counts. 5: Probably... 6: I remember! The boss has lived for thousands of years! - - Pioneer M.Faraday, stay.    


"My heart aches for a second upstairs. Toad, you definitely wouldn't have thought. In order to not use magic to carve words on the wall, I specially cultivated a special Pea Shooter that can help me hold a hammer and chisel. Now, as long as I speak, it will automatically carve my words on the wall. Hey, why are you writing so slowly? Hurry up and carve! I haven't even eaten dinner yet, so I'm going to drag it down to watch the door. Damn it, why the hell did you carve the rest of them? Hurry up and f * * king stop for me. Greg Mengdel.    


"For so many years, only Sir Faraday has answered a serious question. I'm shocked. Secretary of Calligraphy, Li Man. "    


" Sir Li Man, do you want to buy the wand? - Faraday.    


"?? Riemann."    


"Look, we recently released a limit of 100 Faraday Faraday wand. The tip of the staff was embedded with an adult Peak of the Rank 8 lightning Griffin Magic Crystal. The body of the staff was made of high-quality magma cypress from the 14th level of the Abyss. With the addition of the two elements of electricity and fire, each of them has a unique serial number! It's suitable for a high-level Great Devil Instructor and a Titled Devil Instructor who has just advanced and is not familiar with the power. I think you're not bad. - Faraday!"    


" Sir Faraday, are you crazy about poverty? - - Li Man."    


" I want it! - - - Light Painter Christian Doppler"    


"Thank you for your patronage. The goods have been sent - Faraday."    


"This thing isn't easy to use - Doppler."    


"You're neither good at electricity nor fire. What are you buying this thing for... a scam. - Calculating Minister of Finance, Li Man! "    


" Don't tell me I'm the only one who thinks that wand is actually quite easy to use? - Scorching Ears.    


Riko Hasegawa looked at it line by line and could not help but twitch the corners of her mouth.    


She could imagine that the entire Titled Mage Palace... wasn't as solemn and sacred as she had imagined. Then, names and titles that shone brightly in the eyes of ordinary people were carved on the wall in neat rows. On the back of the plain words, every single one of them was flickering with the glory that could light up an era. Well, the second half of the sentence was theoretically correct. But...    


However, the words left behind by these Great Great Mage warriors couldn't make anyone serious no matter what...    


Some begged for protection before the duel, some openly said that they had cheated on Titled Sword Saint, and some even tried to promote the wand.    


The silver-haired girl finally understood.    


The entire Titled Mage Hall was not a solemn memorial hall, nor was it a beacon that was inscribed with glory for the worship of future generations. It was purely... an extremely ancient message board that had traveled through time and space.    


That was all.    


Because only Titled Devil Instructor warriors could enter this palace, and not even the guards guarding outside could enter, this secret was naturally only known by Titled Devil Instructor warriors.    


The impression that the outside world had of this palace was perhaps because they had been worshipping powerful warriors for a long time, and had been deified into something Riko had heard from others.    


"If that's the case..."    


Riko raised her head and looked up at Isaac's message. She was curious how Mage God could have carved words at such a high place if he did not use magic. Because even if she stood on her tiptoes and stretched her hand up to the limit, it would only be half the height of the line. This way, either Isaac could fly or he was a giant. Or he sat on the shoulder of the giant.    


Future people, where are you? Are you looking at me? Have humans arrived in space?    


The silver-haired girl stared blankly at the third sentence.    


Were humans in space?    


Then, she made up her mind.    


She put the chisel and hammer aside - - - she would definitely get the hammer, no way... It would definitely hurt. Riko thought as she accurately used the edge of the blade on the hard black stone wall. The content was carved on the blank space near Isaac's message.    


"Hello, everyone. My name is Rico Heskava. Title..."    


Riko raised her head and looked at the distant sky through the skylight at the top of the hall.    


... "Star Seeker."    


At this time, it was still bright daylight.    


The glaring sun covered the light emitted by all the distant stars.    


The stars could not be seen.    


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