I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C184 After the Explosion

C184 After the Explosion



On the way back to Fort Lerge, Riko turned her head and asked.    


"Can you give me a name for this spell?"    


Loli Merlin blinked.    


She remembered the moment when the spell was activated, the center of the explosion lit up with an extremely bright light. Even though the black-haired girl was at the Great Devil Instructor, she still felt a trace of pain in her eyes.    


That was not something that any spell that existed in human history could compare with.    


Even a terrifying forbidden spell was on a completely different level in the face of such power.    


"Actually, I don't really know how to name it. How about calling it the Day of Destruction?"    


The silver-haired girl nodded gently.    


"That sounds pretty impressive."    


"Do you have to stand at the center of the explosion and cast your spell? Won't that be dangerous?"    


"No. As long as I add the Wind Element into the incantation, it can push forward for a distance before detonating. "    


This was not a problem for Riko. There were at least three ways to make the magic's range exceed its killing radius, but the silver-haired girl did not plan on using any of them.    


With her own strength, even if she stood at the center of the explosion, she would not receive any damage.    


Furthermore, Riko did not plan on giving this spell to anyone. This spell was not designed for other Titled Devil Instructor to use. It wasn't only because of the difficulty of casting the spell, but also because of its destructive power. She completely understood that this spell had to be firmly grasped in her hands.    


Although even the strongest mage in the world, Clark Edinberg, might not have enough magic to complete this spell, no one knew if anyone would be able to use it in the future.    


The silver-haired girl had written this magic in order to end this meaningless war and then move back to Lotterdall to continue living a peaceful and comfortable life like before.    


She did not want to see the entire world burn in hell.    


Two hours later, Riko returned to Fort Lerge.    


Although the enemies on the other side of the border did not show any signs of attacking, Winkelmann was not idle either. He was commanding the guards to build an additional defense system on the plains in front of the fortress.    


As a permanent fortification, the fortress itself was strong enough, but it did not mean that they had nothing to do.    


It had been more than a week since the war began. The first batch of Advanced Magicians from Moscow Rus should be arriving at the front line soon. This huge country in the east also had nine Titled Devil Instructor mages, including Nierka Tymoshenko, who had reached level eight. He was the Protector Mage of Moscow Rus. Clark Edinberg's evaluation of him was, "If he didn't spend so much energy on the periodic table, the time he would need to break through to level eight would be fifty years less than mine."    


Him appearing on any front line was not a good thing for the alliance's military.    


Turing stood at the top of the fortress and looked down at the land in front of her. The huge machine behind her was still swallowing and spitting paper strips as usual. It was full of metal parts. The silver-haired girl really wanted to fly over and ask her if the machine was heavy.    


It was as if there was an endless amount of paper in the left pocket of the girl's clothes. After passing through the machine, the strips of paper were stuffed into the right pocket of her clothes. After an entire morning, there were no signs of change in this situation. Riko wondered if this note was infinitely long.    


She could now see that although it looked very strange, it actually had magic. It should be a kind of magic tool. It was just that the common magic tool's functions were basically used to increase elemental affinity and solidify magic. Turing's machine seemed to be used to strengthen her computing ability, which allowed her magic to be used precisely and perfectly.    


This was indeed not very common.    


Riko still did not forget that she still needed a wand.    


Originally, when she was in the Palewhite, she planned to buy a big house with a laboratory in the center of Lotterdall when she came back. But because of the outbreak of war, her wish had obviously failed for the time being.    


The silver-haired girl pulled Loli Merlin and she slowly descended.    


Turing saw their appearance.    


Turing half-turned her body and cutely tilted her head.    


"How is your magic experiment?"    


"It's okay. What are you doing?"    


Before Riko could finish half a sentence, the piece of paper attached to Turing's back suddenly floated out. It spun and tied the silver-haired girl to the spot.    


Turing looked at the silver-haired girl and went forward to pinch Riko's cheek, which was unable to move.    


"You are so cute."    


"Alright, I am not joking anymore."    


As she spoke, the extremely long piece of paper returned to the girl's pocket like a small snake that had a life of its own.    


Loli Merlin opened her mouth and looked in Riko's direction. After she received Riko's slight nod of approval, she continued.    


"Rikku invented a very powerful magic that might end this war. The light of the magic is brighter than the sun."    


Turing raised her eyebrows.    


"The explosion created a huge mushroom cloud." Black Haired Great Devil Instructor opened her arms with a serious expression, "It was about that big."    


The red-haired girl looked a little confused. She blinked her beautiful eyes, "How big is it?"    


"I'm five kilometers away, I can't see very clearly. It's probably a few kilometers tall, too."    


" But, according to my understanding of magic, this kind of magic shouldn't appear in theory. "    


Even though Turing was one of the few people in the Alliance military who knew about the "Rico Group" on the map of the command center, it was not that she didn't know the strength of the person in front of her. Even if he was a Level 9 Titled Devil Instructor, he wouldn't be able to create such an effect.    


Therefore, she could only assume that the person in front of her was either exaggerating or joking with her.    


Loli Merlin blinked mysteriously.    


"You should have a chance to see it too. When that time comes, you will know."    


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