My Fiance Ran Away

C1487 Happy Days!

C1487 Happy Days!

0After Ma Chongming was promoted to the commander of Chai Fangsi's guards, he had indeed been very conscientious in his work.    


In order to find the whereabouts of Chu Yang and Zeus King, he had closed his eyes for no more than ten hours in the past few days. He was so exhausted that he was on the verge of collapsing.    


However, Chai Fangsi was still not satisfied. Otherwise, he would not have asked coldly, "You said that you have searched all the hiding places you could think of. Then where did you find them?"    


Ma Chongming, whose forehead was pressed against the carpet, answered in a trembling voice, "Four residential special zones, including the sewers and other hidden facilities below. However, there was no result that he wanted to see. Furthermore, in order to prevent the two of them from disguising themselves and avoiding the search, I also request the Left Protector (Skynet) to cooperate with me to deal with over a hundred suspicious people. We have verified their DNA, human magnetic field, and so on... "    


Chai Fangsi stared at Ma Chongming. After he finished speaking in a trembling voice, he slowly said, "Look up."    


"Yes, yes!"    


Ma Chongming trembled and slowly raised his head. He heard Chai Da Zeus King say again, "Look into my eyes."    


"Yes, yes."    


Ma Chongming looked at Chai Fangsi with a pale face. His eyes stopped at the nose of the golden mask. He didn't dare to look up, because even if he didn't, he wouldn't dare to look up. He could feel a strong killing intent, which scared him. He smashed his forehead hard on the floor again and shouted, "Great Zeus King, please forgive me and give me one more chance. Let me work for you! "    


Originally, Chai Fangsi wanted to use Ma Chongming as a warning to others in his fury, but after hearing his shout, he felt that it was a little too harsh.    


Besides, Ma Chongming had indeed been working diligently these few days. Both of his eyes had turned red. It seemed that he rarely rested these days. If he was killed because of this, the other guards might feel cold in their hearts. On the contrary, it was not beautiful.    


Besides, with Zeus King and Chu Yang's anti-tracking abilities, if Ma Chongming could find them easily, it would be impossible unless smoke rose from the ancestral grave.    


Therefore, Chai Fangsi pondered for a moment before he slowly said, What?" Humph. You can get up now. From now on, you have to use all the human resources you have at your disposal. We must find them before dawn the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, you might as well cut off your own head. "    


" Yes, yes! "    


Ma Chongming, who answered like a bug, answered bitterly. After kowtowing a few more times, he got up from the carpet and hurriedly left the hall with dozens of dejected subordinates.    


Chai Fangsi turned around and slowly walked to the golden chair in the middle of the hall. He raised his hand and touched the legs of the chair. No one knew what he was thinking.    


Skynet, who had clearly counted Huang Dongdong's eyebrows, spoke at this time. "I have an idea if I want to find the hiding place of that dog couple."    


Chai Fangsi turned his head and looked at Skynet. His eyes sparkled. "Oh, Left Guardian, what do you have in mind?"    


Skynet left the pillar and took a few steps forward. He said in a gloomy voice, "No matter where this couple hid, how did they escape the magnetic field scan? But as long as they return to Mount Olympus, they should drink water and eat these days. Given their current situation, they definitely wouldn't dare to run out to find food. This means that someone is secretly taking care of them on the mountain."    


Chai Fangsi's eyes lit up. "Yes, you're right. Why didn't I think of this before? Quick, let Ma Chongming in! "    


The golden-armored warrior guarding the entrance immediately went to summon Ma Chongming, who had just walked a short distance away.    


"Left Protector, you are indeed smart."    


Chai Fangsi rubbed his hands excitedly and paced back and forth in front of the chair. "I only need to secretly control the food on the mountain for the next day. Keep a close eye on the recording of every restaurant's business, and pay attention to those who buy food more than they use. Then I can find Spidersilk! "    


As Chai Fangsi excitedly said those words, Skynet smiled complacently. He touched his bare chin with his hand and pretended to be smiling and listening. However, he was thinking in his heart, 'Hmph, everyone says that Z People has the highest IQ. I think it's also very common.' If not for my guidance, I'm afraid that even if you get old... And you won't find the whereabouts of the couple, will you?    


Glancing at the lecherous Skynet, Chai Fangsi sneered in his heart, 'Humph, humph, I didn't expect this idiot to be so much smarter now.' 'But don't you understand that the smarter you are, the more worried I am about you? ' 'Hehe, you should show off. While you still have some use for it, 'he thought. One day, I will let you know that smart people don't live long!    




It was like having a chicken first or having an egg first, this boring topic. When a woman truly fell in love with a man, whether it was because of love or through the vagina, it was always hard to understand.    


Ever since Zeus King had become someone's woman physically, she could clearly feel that she really cared about this guy now.    


Ever since that day, Zeus King did not let this guy touch her again, but every time Chu Yang fell asleep, she would always stare at him blankly for a long time.    


After hiding in this lounge, Zeus King felt that she was fulfilling her duty as a wife. Apart from not feeding him food, she had to not only clean his wounds, but also help him urinate.    


With Zeus King's high and mighty status in the past, and his arrogance of looking down on all living things in the world, even if he beat someone to death, no one would believe that she would serve a man like this.    


And most importantly, this guy might end up fighting to the death with him in the end.    


But now, Zeus King really took care of him like a virtuous wife, so this matter sounded a little strange.    


As for that Chu person who even ate and slept with his butt facing the sky, he seemed to feel that it was very normal for Zeus King to serve him like this. Sometimes, he would even make others angry.    


What was even more unbearable for many men and women was that this fellow was completely a chatterbox.    


As long as he was full, finished pulling, and did not sleep, his mouth would never be idle. He could find a topic to talk about, even if it was about a woman giving birth to a child. He could argue with Zeus King for a long time until he made Zeus King so angry that his face turned red. He raised his hands and made a gesture that he wanted to strangle Zeus King. Only then would he be willing to let it go.    


If Zeus King was replaced by another woman, even if it was Shaang Lige and Yeh Cuicann, who obeyed Chu Yang's orders, Perhaps after they could not take it anymore, If they did not want to strangle him, they had to strangle themselves to avoid listening to his nagging. Silence fell upon his ears.    


She didn't know what was going on, but perhaps Zeus King would get angry when he was choked by someone, or perhaps he would make the posture of strangling him. However, deep in her heart, she had the same feeling as Chu Yang.    


Zeus King felt that she enjoyed this kind of life very much. She actually faintly hoped that Chu Yang would never be able to stand up and walk, so that she could serve him for the rest of his life. Living this kind of seemingly monotonous and boring life, but it was a very fulfilling life.    


Serving the people she cared about was actually a kind of happiness, wasn't it?    


At the very least, Zeus King currently had this kind of feeling. Even she herself couldn't understand why. She just felt that these few days were the happiest few days of her life.    


It was already the morning of the sixth day after Chu Yang was injured. In another two hours, the sky would be bright.    


Zeus King, who was used to kneeling in front of the sofa and sleeping, woke up early like a few days ago. He maintained his chin on his arm and his arm on the edge of the sofa as he slept. He slightly opened his blue eyes. He stared at Chu Yang, who was in deep sleep, without moving.    


After a few days of rest and recuperation, although Chu Yang could not stand up to walk for the time being, his face was much better.    


Especially when he was sleeping, the faint smile on his lips made him look a little... pure. It made Zeus King have an impulse to gently touch his face.    


I enjoyed all the time I had with him. Am I considered to have fallen into depravity? Like Hera, I am also in this lounge.    


After staring at Chu Yang in a daze for a long time, Zeus King thought of this problem in his mind. But she immediately denied it. No, I didn't fall like Hera, I didn't! At least these days, I didn't indulge like the two of them. I only made a small sacrifice for him to get better as soon as possible and work with me to take back Mount Olympus.    


Women's thoughts always carried an evil nature that men would never be able to guess.    


Just like Zeus King, her first time. She had obviously been snatched away by Chu Yang, and now she was enjoying her current 'life' even more. But she had to find ten thousand reasons to hide her true thoughts.    


Zeus King stretched his numb legs and looked at Chu Yang, thinking, If he really helps me take back the Mount Olympus... Then in the future... Or will I fight to the death for the ownership of most of the properties in 2012? Well, there is no room for negotiation. I will definitely not leave behind the foundation left behind by my ancestors. To let outsiders have it for free, even if I have a very, very good impression of him. But between him and me, it is just a kind of impure mutual exploitation relationship.    


Finally, as Zeus King watched Chu Yang letting his imagination run wild, he stretched out his right hand in disobedience. He gently touched Chu Yang's cheek, his eyes blurred: If he helped me take back Mount Olympus, then he must use this to negotiate with me. Then I can only give Hera to him. En, if he is willing to think for me, he can understand that I cannot lose 2012's mood. Can I be his lover?    



Just as he thought of this, Zeus King's thoughts quickly changed again. But if he was still unwilling to do so, then I would still have to fight him in the end. But when that time comes, will I be able to do anything to him? Sigh, who can tell me what to do? Or, or...    


Zeus King tightly bit his lips. He touched Chu Yang's cheek with his right hand and slowly slid it to his neck.    


One. A crazy and scary thought, just like how Zeus King and Chu Yang loved each other and enjoyed it. It occupied his whole body. [Why don't I strangle him now, and then I'll kill myself?] As long as a person died, they would know nothing. [What do you mean you don't need to worry about him anymore?] Perhaps this is the final result of me and him?    


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