My Fiance Ran Away

C1443 Fingers Move!

C1443 Fingers Move!

0Every time Chu Tiantai talked about his grandson to Yun Ruoxi, he would be annoyed.    


Lao Chu's words that hit Yun Ruoxi the most were these words. You are only looking at Yangfeng's child now, but you are so tired that your back is sore and your legs are hurting. If you give birth to a few more, you will die of exhaustion early on.    


Every time, Yun Ruoxi would use this sentence to refute, Even if I am exhausted to death, I am also looking forward to having a few more grandsons and granddaughters!    


However, Yun Ruoxi also knew about having a few grandsons. It was not enough for her to just mumble and mumble. The most important thing was that it depended on her precious son's ability.    


Therefore, after Lao Chu's' guidance 'several times, Yun Ruoxi's attitude of looking forward to her grandsons and granddaughters became much calmer. She often used the phrase' let nature take its course 'to comfort herself.    


However, just as this thought had been calm for a long time, Zhou Shuhan told Yun Ruoxi at this time, I am pregnant!    


"What, what, you are pregnant!?"    


After a moment of daze, Yun Ruoxi recovered her senses. She immediately grabbed Zhou Shuhan excitedly and repeatedly asked, afraid that this little girl would also learn from Chai Murong. She lied to herself that she was pregnant and made herself happy for nothing. That would be too dishonest. To lie to the old man, you also have the face to do so!    


"Yeah, Auntie, I, I have been here for two months."    


After seeing Yun Ruoxi's extremely excited appearance, Zhou Shuhan's heart was filled with joy. All of the feelings of loss, grievance and whatnot were instantly reduced to ashes. So Granny did not react just now and gave me a scare!    


"Aiyaya, this is great, this is great. Let's go, let's go. Hurry up and follow me to see Doctor Bu. I want her to examine you again. You don't know, Doctor Bu is a famous specialist in TCM in Beijing 301 Hospital. What? What she is best at is taking the pulse. Well, well, you must let her take a look. Let her tell you what you should be careful of in the future. Don't forget that Xiyu Province is not the mainland... "Yun Ruoxi nagged and pulled Zhou Tangtang without any explanation. She walked out of the house and went to find Doctor Bu.    


Following Yun Ruoxi and Zhou Shuhan's departure, the living room became quiet again.    


The bright sunlight passed through the door and shone on the floor. It drew a large rectangular bird in a cage under the sunlight. The bird narrowed its eyes under the sunlight and stood on the small wooden cross. It curled up comfortably and did not move.    


Hua Mannyu, who was on the bed, was also lying quietly. However, the five fingers on her right hand were on this quiet morning. Slowly opening and closing, it startled a bird that was used to her being an 'inanimate object'. It suddenly spread its wings and flew around in the cage. It let out a frightened chirp...    




No matter what kind of person Chai Fangsi was, he was undoubtedly a talented person who had a good view of the big picture.    


Especially after becoming a Mayor in Z Country, he was more familiar with how to control his subordinates.    


Everyone knew that the official circles of China were full of mutual deception and intrigue. Ordinary people would not be able to do it, so a certain international relationship expert exclaimed, The elites in this world who can turn the tides and turn the tides are all in China's official circles!    


Without a doubt, Chai Fangsi was such an elite. He was able to play freely in China's official circles. He used the power in the government to 'fight one group, pull one group, and comfort one group' in Mount Olympus to deal with the barbarians who were still squatting on the trees and acting like monkeys when our ancestors started to study Lu Cuisine and Sichuan Cuisine. It was absolutely a piece of cake.    


This was because in just a month's time, Chai Fangsi had completely taken control of the Mount Olympus. Not only had the twelve Sovereigns and eighteen warriors been selected as the leaders of the middle and upper echelons, they had also established the position of Left and Right Protectors.    


Undeniably, Skynet, who had made great contributions in seizing the Mount Olympus, was given the title of Left Protector.    


The other Protector was called Barut.    


Barut was originally an atomic energy expert. He could make use of the available resources. Although the power of the explosion couldn't be compared to those tons of nuclear bombs, He could definitely be considered a top chemical weapon expert.    


Barut had already made a name for himself when Zeus King controlled Mount Olympus. It was just that he was not good at drilling, so he had been suppressed by his superiors and did not have the chance to make a name for himself.    


Fortunately, when Chai Fangsi attacked Mount Olympus, Barut's superior died in bed. Therefore, his golden era arrived in a spectacular way. Recently, he had been developing smaller and more powerful nuclear bombs in peace. It would be best if they could be stored in his pocket. At that time, he would take them out and use them as grenades...    


In fact, in addition to Skynet and Barut, there was another person who was especially valued by Chai Fangsi: Stephen, a biochemical weapon expert.    


Unlike Barut, Stephen did not know much about atomic chemical weapons, but he could use the knowledge he had to create a group of biochemistry experts for Chai Fangsi.    


Cyborgs were generally man-made humans that were not naturally produced. They were created using biochemistry technology.    


From a scientific point of view, biologically speaking, biologically speaking, biologically modified humans were actually a chemical reaction system that had metabolism and could maintain a certain form for a certain period of time. The existence of such people usually appeared in science fiction movies.    


Actually, in reality, there was also this type of research. In D Country, in Lixi and Yachen, there was a scientific research on Mechanical Biochemical Humans.    


Of course, this kind of open research was only to help paralyzed patients use the power of their thoughts. To operate computers, television, or artificial limbs, the scientists in both places had already achieved preliminary results. They could directly implant the chips into the patient's brain. They would work together to strengthen the connection between biochemistry and electronics.    


Putting aside the research on biochemistry, there were still some advantages and disadvantages. However, it could not be denied that biochemistry had characteristics that normal people could not compare with: they had no emotions, no pain, and no fear of thinking. Obedience to orders is completely blind, very similar to the 'Regenerative Warrior' in science fiction movies. They were probably half androids.    


When Zeus King was in control of Mount Olympus, Stephen's biochemical technology had already reached a very mature stage.    


However, Zeus King felt that producing such a cyborg was too against the heavens, so he had never announced and implemented this technology.    


However, after Chai Fangsi found out about it, he immediately treated Stephen as a treasure. Very soon, he was given enough resources, so that he could develop a biochemical warrior that completely submitted to him in the shortest time possible.    


Chai Fangsi did not 'promote' Stephen because he was afraid that this undeserved reputation would affect his research, but in fact, the treatment he received was no less than Skynet and Barut's.    




Today, when the last ray of light from the setting sun was also blocked by the clouds in the sky, Chai Fangsi, who was sitting in the office behind the Palace of Gods, received Stephen.    


What was different from Zeus King was that when Chai Fangsi received anyone, He would not even put on a grand show, what was the point of having all twelve of the major gods present? He liked to meet people who were useful to him alone, and he didn't want those people to bow and greet him at all times. Just like that, they sat face to face and discussed in detail, appearing very human-like.    


This kind of method of talking about work and interacting with his subordinates while also at the same time, was learned by Chai Fangsi from Huaxia's official field. Using it on these people who had never come into contact with China's official culture, the effects were even more prominent. Otherwise, Stephen would not have been so excited about the saying 'a scholar dies for his friends'.    


In fact, when Chai Fangsi had just destroyed the Mount Olympus, Stephen and the others had already gotten used to listening to Zeus King's slaves. It wasn't that they didn't want to fight back, but they chose to surrender in the end. They quickly accepted the fact that they had been replaced because of Skynet. He controlled the weapon system on the mountain. If anyone dared to act rashly, Then they would die in a very rhythmic way.    


In the face of life and death, Stephen and the others chose to follow Chai Fangsi. This was undoubtedly the right choice, and the new boss had such a good temper. Unfortunately, he was also wearing a mask on his face, so that the people could not see his true face.    


Although Chai Fangsi had already abolished the bad habit of bowing when reporting work, Stephen was still sitting in Zeus King's seat. (Chai Fangsi used to call him Zeus King) Before this, ... He could not help but put his right hand on his chest, bend down and say, "Great Zeus King, Stephen came today to congratulate you!"    


Just like Chai Fangsi, who was sitting on the sofa as a Mayor in the country. His sitting posture was quite formal. After hearing what Stephen said, He held onto the sofa with both hands and leaned forward slightly. " Oh, my dear biologist, do you have any good news for me?"    


"Reporting to the great Zeus King, after a month of hard work, the research team led by me has made a successful breakthrough in the transplantation of brain chips."    


Stephen said excitedly, "The seven warriors who implanted the chip three days ago have all overcome the rejection without exception. They survived successfully, and during the transplant surgery, We don't need to open their heads. We just need to open the central nervous system at the back of their necks. A controller with three thin needles was installed on them, and they used the serum fusion technology... "    


Next, there was a long string of explanations from Stephen.    


Chai Fangsi did not understand these explanations with a large number of biological terms. It could be said that he had heard the whole story, but it did not stop him from making a look as if he was listening with great interest. It made people think that he understood it too. In fact, he did not know anything.    


It took enough time for Stephen to finish reporting his results after ten minutes. Only then did Chai Fangsi lightly applaud. "Good, very good. Thank you, Dr. Stephen, for your hard work. My dear Dr. Stephen, if things are really as you said, Chai Fangsi said. I will give you four beauties of different skin colors at once, as well as a reward of ten million pounds!"    


In the Mount Olympus of Zeus King's era, no matter who made outstanding contributions, The reward he (she) received was nothing more than the fact that he could bring his immediate family to live on the mountain. He would never give these people any material rewards, let alone use beautiful women to win over their hearts.    


However, Chai Fangsi, who was well-versed in human greed, would not be foolish enough to give up such a method when he first took control of the Mount Olympus. Otherwise, he would be a fool.    



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