My Fiance Ran Away

C725 You Don't Understand My Love!

C725 You Don't Understand My Love!

0This kid won't forget what he promised his sister, will he?    


After hearing Chu Yang ask why she stopped his car, Liang Xin coldly snorted. She lifted her chin and said with slanted eyes, "Hmph, I naturally have a reason to stop you."    


Chu Yang started the car again. "What reason? Tell me. It was best to hurry up because I still have something urgent to do. I don't have time to listen to you smashing toads here. "    


Liang Xin frowned. "What urgent matter do you have to do?"    


"The heavenly secrets cannot be leaked."    


"Pooh, bullshit secrets of heaven." Liang Xin spat and asked, "Chu Yang, you have no conscience. Don't tell me you really forgot about what you promised me?"    


Chu Yang looked at her strangely. "Aren't you the director of City Bureau now? Besides this, what else did I promise you?"    


Liang Xin rolled her eyes. "God, you have no conscience. You really forgot about this matter!"    


"Hey, please don't be so ambiguous when Chief Liang speaks." Chu Yang said seriously, "Generally speaking, the word 'heartless' is only suitable for couples in love. But the relationship between the two of us can definitely be called pure and clean. There is not the slightest hint of affection. For the sake of my reputation, I suggest that you... "    


Liang Xin once again raised her hand and was about to hit him. After Chu Yang shut his mouth, she angrily asked," Let me ask you, what is today's week? "    


"Today should be... Sunday, right?" Chu Yang thought for a while and suddenly remembered the words he and Koo Mingchuang had heard when they were 'passionately hugging each other'. Then he suddenly understood. "Oh, I remember now. Your parents said they would invite me to your house on this Sunday!"    


"At least you haven't been muddle-headed. Hmph, you turned off your phone when I called you. That's why I had no choice but to send someone to investigate your whereabouts. " Liang Xin had an indignant look on her face. "I looked for you for a long time before finding you, but you forgot about this matter. You really have no conscience!"    


Chu Yang frowned and asked, "Can I not go first today? In the future... "    


Liang Xin's face really darkened, "No!"    


"Why not? I have something to do!"    


Liang Xin straightened her neck and said, "Even if you have something to do, you can't! At ten o'clock in the morning, my parents were already ready. But you didn't go all the way until noon. I called you but your phone was turned off, and my mom kept nagging in my ear. That's why I used the City Bureau's power to find out where you are. But now you say that you have something to do and you don't want to go. Then how are you going to explain it to the old man when you let me go home? Sister! Where is my face? Besides, this is the first time I've invited a man home as a guest."    


Hearing Liang Xin addressing him as' sister ', Chu Yang felt that even though she had only been the director of City Bureau for a few dozen hours, she was still putting on airs.    


"Also, how should we deal with Lian Yuncheng and the others? You have to tell us, right?" Liang Xin did not think that she might be a little too confident, until she saw the playful expression on Chu Yang's face. She asked in confusion, "Why are you looking at me like that?"    


"It's nothing. I just want to know if you also addressed your subordinates as sister when you were in the City Bureau's office." Chu Yang did not mind how to deal with Lian Yuncheng and the others, so he was too lazy to ask.    


Liang Xin's face turned red, then she curled her lips and said, "Tsk, sister, I will not do things that are out of place. Don't look at me in my uniform now, but I'm taking a break. Only then did she speak more casually. Alright, don't bother talking about him, just give me a word. Are you going or not?"    


"Look at your fierce look. Can I not go?" Chu Yang said with a headache, "But what kind of identity do I have to go? Your boyfriend is also your male friend? If your parents misunderstand that I'm a good husband, then wouldn't I be at a disadvantage? I'm still a tender virgin today..."    


Liang Xin was furious and raised her hand to punch Chu Yang again," What kind of loss are you suffering from! "    


"A gentleman uses his mouth but does not attack. Don't use force to threaten me." Chu Yang could not retort. He smiled slyly. "Why don't I say that he is your boyfriend?"    


"Sure. Anyway, it's not true. After this meal, Mom and I can find an excuse to kick you." Liang Xin replied indifferently.    


"Okay. Then leave me the address. I will definitely come to your house before evening." Chu Yang pondered for a moment and said, "But let's make this clear first. I can only stay at your house until midnight at most. No matter how much force you use to threaten me, I will not spend the night at your house... Aiyo, why do you always attack? Don't think that I can't beat you. I just don't want to lower myself to the level of a woman."    


"Who told you to be so annoying when you speak?"    


"Alright, alright, I won't say that anymore, alright?" Chu Yang put a cigarette in his mouth and slowly parked the car by the side of the road. "Get out of the car. I'll go and prepare."    


"Prepare what?" Liang Xin thought he was preparing a gift. She quickly put on a 'I'm thinking for you' look and said, "Although my dad likes to drink the best quality Tie Guanyin and my mom loves to be given high quality cosmetics, this time you can only be considered as acting. No matter what, I can't let you lose money just because I'm treating you to a meal, right?"    


"Big Sister, don't worry. Actually, you don't have to hint at me like this. When the time comes, I won't go empty-handed." Chu Yang looked at Liang Xin, who was proud of herself, helplessly. He waved his hand and said, "I asked you to get off the car because I have to go home and change. Even if I don't take you seriously, I still have to leave a good impression on the elders, right? Maybe when the elders see that I look like a flower and jade, they really want to give their silly daughter to me... Get out of the car, get out of the car!"    


Chu Yang talked nonsense as he leaned over to open the car door. He pushed Liang Xin out of the car without giving her any explanation. Then, with a bang, he closed the car door. He stepped on the accelerator and left.    


"Damn, he just left me on the road and did not care about me? What the hell is this!"    


Liang Xin, who was thrown to the side of the road, looked at the place where the car drove off. She threw a punch in the air and put on a straight face. She shouted at the two young men who were standing by the side of the road and looking at her in a daze, "Look, what are you looking at? What if you want to eat at the princess's house!? ”    




When Chai Fangsi returned home after hosting a city council meeting, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.    


He had just walked into the courtyard of Mansion Number Two in the city council courtyard when he saw his mother, his third wife, and hurriedly welcome him. He stopped in his tracks and asked curiously, "Third wife, you seem to be in a hurry. Is there something wrong?"    


"Young Master." Third wife turned her head and looked at the small building. She grabbed Chai Fangsi's arm with one hand. In a low voice, she told him everything that happened when Chai Murong lost her temper, "Young Master, Miss has been packing her things this afternoon. It seems like she is going to leave."    


After hearing Third Sister-in-law's words, Chai Fangsi felt a headache coming on.    


He knew that there was only one person who could make his cousin, who couldn't hold back anymore, so angry, and that was Chu Yang.    


"Ai, third sister-in-law, where's Murong?" Chai Fangsi patted Third Sister-in-law's shoulder, signaling her not to worry.    


"He's watching TV in the living room."    


"Okay, go ahead. I'll go take a look."    


Chai Fangsi handed the briefcase to his third wife and quickly walked to the living room. He pushed the door open and walked in.    


Chai Murong, who was half lying on the sofa, eating an apple and watching TV, saw her cousin come in. She moved slightly and said lazily, "Brother, you're back? What was so good about being an official? She was as busy as a thief every day. Have you eaten yet? Do you want me to give you Soo Soo's cooking skills? "    


Although Chai Fangsi and Chai Murong did not grow up in Beijing, the siblings were very close, so the officials were very casual in front of her cousin.    


"Haha, no need. I have already eaten my work meals outside." Chai Fangsi looked at the big bag beside the coffee table and smiled as he walked to the sofa and sat down. He took out an apple from the fruit plate and peeled it. "You have been playing so crazily these few days. You must be tired, right?"    


Chai Murong raised her hand to cover her mouth and yawned. "It's alright. Anyway, I am quite happy."    


"As long as you are happy." Chai Fangsi put the peeled apple on the plate in front of Chai Murong and rubbed his hands together. "Murong, who did you lose your temper with this afternoon?"    


"No..." Chai Murong's big peach blossom eyes blinked twice. She wanted to deny it, but she saw her cousin looking at her and smiling. She understood that it must be Third Sister-in-law who heard what she said, so she awkwardly chuckled a few times. She sat up straight and sniffed her little nose. She said with disinterest, "Who else can make me angry? Of course, it was that son of a b * tch, Chu Yang. Sigh, brother, you don't know. Before I came to Yunnan... I left the phone I used for him, but it's only been a few days. When I called him today, I found out that the son of a b * tch actually gave me the phone I left for him. He gave it to another woman as a gift! Evaluation, is this the work of a human? I'm not angry. How can I not be angry!?"    


" That's why you packed your luggage and prepared to rush to Jiannan to seek justice from him? "    


"That's right. Of course I can't swallow this insult!" Chai Murong gritted her teeth and said, "I have decided that even if I don't kill him this time, I will die with him!"    


Chai Fangsi looked at his cousin, who was getting more and more excited, and shook his head with a bitter smile. "Murong, since you have left him, you will not interfere with the marriage between him and Hua Mannyu. Why do you care about him? Although it is very detestable that he gave the phone you gave him to another woman, it also proves that he really does not care about you. Why do you care about him? Murong, listen to my advice. According to the conditions of our Chai family and your own advantages... What kind of man do you want to find that you can't find? You don't have to hang yourself on a tree like him."    



Brother, your precious sister's virginity was pierced by that bastard. I can't hang him from that crooked tree, what else can I do?    


Chai Murong, who had a firm belief that once she was dried up, she would have to do it again and again. She listened to her cousin. After persuading her in this manner, she sighed somewhat anxiously. "Sigh, that's what I'm saying. I've been thinking the same thing over the past few days. But whenever I think about him being intimate with other women, and I can't interfere with them, I can't do anything about it. I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. "    


"What's so uncomfortable about that?" Chai Fangsi smiled disdainfully.    


"Brother, you don't understand my love."    


Chai Murong said helplessly, "I have already regarded that kid as a pig that I personally raised. It was not easy to raise him. But someone else took it and slaughtered it. Do you think I will be willing? Sigh, I feel very uncomfortable right now."    


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