My Fiance Ran Away

C447 Your Wife Is so Beautiful How Can You Bear to Die What?

C447 Your Wife Is so Beautiful How Can You Bear to Die What?





At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the meeting room of the Cloud Water Group's Beijing branch.    


Chai Murong drank a mouthful of tea and raised her head. There was an elegant and calm smile on her face. She swept her gaze across the faces of the high ranking officials and then used her long and tender right index finger. Pointing at a bronze coloured promotional page on the conference table, she said, "If we can successfully start these two projects... In the next ten years, the Cloud Water Group... In China, high-end monitors and aerospace equipment will be in the lead. "    


All the higher-ups had happy and excited expressions on their faces. They all nodded to show that the chairman was wise.    


Chai Murong raised her chin slightly and continued, "Of course, if you want to have a big return, you need to put in the corresponding effort and risk. In this one month, there were many wise people in the group. They all gave different opinions. I am very happy about this. Because this shows that everyone is concerned about the corporation. They are truly treating the corporation as..."    


Chai Murong, who was in a good mood and had a good mood, was talking to the higher-ups about the better tomorrow of the company when someone knocked on the door of the meeting room.    


Official Chai frowned and stopped talking.    


During the meeting, although she had never ordered anyone to bring a phone to the meeting room, she had never received or made any phone calls during the meeting.    


Since the boss was already like this, how could these underlings dare to bring a phone to the meeting? Even if someone accidentally brought it over, they would quickly turn it off.    


Chai Murong doing this was nothing more than using this kind of method to tell everyone that I do not like to be disturbed during a meeting...    


But now, someone knocked on the door when Chairman Chai was in high spirits.    


Immediately, the heads and the eyes of the twenty plus people all looked towards the door.    


The door opened.    


Everyone saw that Chairman Chai's absolute confidant, Ling Hsing, had pushed open a gap in the door. He held a phone in his hand and waved it at Chairman Chai.    


"Hehe, everyone take a closer look at the information first. We can discuss it freely. I'll go and take a look." Chai Murong smiled apologetically and stood up.    


The secretary of the former General Manager of the Beijing Branch behind her quickly pulled the large chair behind her.    


Wait. After Official Chai walked out of the meeting room, Ling Hsing handed her the phone. He said in a low voice, "It's Head Liu Changshan from the General Logistics Department of the Z People People's Liberation Army."    


Chai Murong was stunned. The Military Logistics Department? I have never dealt with this department before. Why is their leader looking for me?    


The General Logistics Department of the Z People Civil Liberation Army: Command, Political Affairs Department, Finance Department, Military Affairs Department, Health Department, Armory Department, Military Transport Department, Ship Transport Department, Oil Department, Logistics Department, Basic Building Department, Factory Management Department, Administrative Department, 13 other departments.    


The Head Logistics Department could be said to be a person with a lot of work and authority.    


But now, this Minister, who was rarely seen by ordinary people, actually took the initiative to call Chai Murong. No wonder Ling Hsing did not care that she was in a meeting and also wanted to inform her.    


After Ling Hsing handed Chai Murong the phone, he took a few steps back and turned around.    


Chai Murong looked at the phone in confusion and wanted to say something. However, she covered the phone with her hand and took a few steps forward. She casually pushed open the door of a department and leaned against the door. He waved at the employees inside who quickly stood up to greet the chairman, indicating for them to go out first.    


The employees did not understand why the chairman wanted to kick them out of the office, but they did not dare to ask anything. They hurriedly walked out and closed the door for her.    


After taking a deep breath, Chai Murong used her right hand to hold the phone by her ear. Her left hand went around her chest to her right ribs and slowly walked to the window. "Minister Liu? Hello, I am Chai Murong of Cloud Water Group. When you called just now, I was in a meeting... Hehe, you are too polite. I am just a small businessman. Mm, if you need anything, just say it."    


" Cough! " On the other side, Liu Changshan coughed and stopped his useless nonsense. He said in a deep voice, "Chairman Chai, Chu Yang is your legal husband, right?"    


Chu Yang!?    


Minister Liu had actually called for Chu Yang? Why would he call me? Could it be that the guy who went to the Fourth Base of Huaxia... Causing trouble outside? No! If he got into trouble, the base leader could only inform Old Master Chu. He wouldn't look for me directly.    


Then, then why did he look for me directly?    


Chu Yang, he wouldn't, wouldn't he...    


Minister Liu's words were like a low voltage current. It rose from under Chai Murong's chin and instantly numbed half of her face. She saw from the window glass that her smile was unnatural, carrying with it a panic that she had never felt before.    


Just when Chai Murong suddenly felt inexplicably terrified and at a loss, Minister Liu's voice sounded again, "Chairman Chai, are you there?"    


Chai Murong was shocked and said with a stutter, "I, I am!"    


"I want to confirm that you and Chu Yang are legal husband and wife, right?"    


"Yes, yes, if the Chu Yang you are talking about... This year... 25 years old, 1.7 meters tall, weighing 68 kilograms. Although he smokes, his teeth are very white, and his blood type is AB... " In one breath, Chai Murong took all of Chu Yang's social relationships and information that she had, as if she was memorizing a book. It took almost a minute to finish describing, "If that Chu Yang matches these, then he should be my legal husband."    


"What you said and what we have in our hands, Chai Murong said. Completely consistent. " Minister Liu thought for a moment and said, "Actually, we also know about Chu Yang's social relationship. But after that, we were afraid that his old man would not be able to accept this fact. That's why we found you first. If you are free now, please go to the General Logistics Office at No.22 Fuxing Road, Beijing. There are comrades from Fourth Base waiting for you here. I have something to give you..."    


Chai Murong did not hear what Minister Liu said because her phone had fallen to the ground.    


If it was during the warring era, after the sacrifice of the active soldiers, apart from the formal reporting process, the family members of the martyrs would be notified. Usually, it would be the company instructors or comrades.    


On the fourth day after confirming that Chu Yang had died, Xiang Nantian didn't care about his physical disability and insisted on personally flying from the South Sea to Beijing.    


Although Xiang Nantian was currently sitting in a wheelchair, ten years ago, He was a legendary figure in the military. He was so mad that he wished he could stab a hole in the sky, such as Hu Mietang, Qin Yuguan, and the others. They also regarded him as their elder brother. In front of him, they could only lower their heads and bow.    


Therefore, when Xiang Nantian's wheelchair was pushed off the plane by Second Lieutenant Sunn, The two warrior cars that had been parked below the plane slowly drove over. The two second lieutenant who opened the door and jumped out of the car waved at him with excitement in their eyes.    


Xiang Nantian slowly returned the military salute and said in a low voice, "Before I came, I had already informed Minister Liu, who is in charge of logistics, through the military commissar. You can just send me directly to him."    




The task of entrusting the director of the logistics department to personally participate in the matter of comforting Chu Yang's family was the result of Xiang Nantian and the military commissar's discussion.    


As for General Liu Changshan, after receiving this mission, he naturally would not decline. After asking about the confirmed time of Xiang Nantian's flight to the capital, he sent someone to wait at the airport two hours in advance. He was sent directly to the General Logistics Office at No.22 Fuxing Road in Beijing.    


After Xiang Nantian and Minister Liu met, they exchanged a few simple greetings and handed him a document with detailed information on Chu Yang's social relations.    


After Minister Liu finished reading the information, he said with a solemn face, It's best not to tell Chu Longbin about this matter first. If he can't handle the blow and something happens to him, it will be a crime.    


The two of them discussed for a long time and finally confirmed that Minister Liu would personally call Chu Yang's legal wife, Ms. Chai Murong. They asked her to come here and take Chu Yang's belongings first so that she could leak some information. Then, she tried to convey the bad news to Chu family in a euphemistic way.    


There were three reasons why Xiang Nantian and Minister Liu chose Chai Murong.    


First, it was because she was Chu Yang's wife. In terms of relationship, she should be a direct relative that was even closer to his father and mother.    



Second, it was because Official Chai was the kind of person who had seen great storms (mainly because he had been assassinated several times). After hearing the bad news, he should have strong mental support.    


The last thing was: Xiang Nantian and the others had heard that her relationship with Chu Yang was not very 'deep'. In this way, after she saw someone's inheritance and will, It would not be like what was shown on TV, where one would cry and pass out.    


In order to convey the bad news of Chu Yang's sacrifice to Chu family, Xiang Nantian and the military commissar had discussed many secret plans.    


It couldn't be helped. Don't look at me like a hooligan. But he had a good grandfather and a good wife! Who would dare not to treat his matter as a big deal? Otherwise, Xiang Nantian, this' cripple ', would not care about King Hongming's dissuasion. He insisted on coming here personally to leave Beijing, which had been around for more than ten years?    




Minister Liu and Xiang Nantian were sitting in a wheelchair in the office. The other was sitting in a wheelchair. While they were quietly smoking on the sofa, the soldier appeared at the door. "There's a car outside. The driver said that there was a lady with the surname Chai in the car. They want to see you, Chief! "    


"Quick, let them in!" Minister Liu stood up from the sofa.    




Minister Liu and Xiang Nantian looked at each other. At the same time, they pressed the cigarette in their hands into the cylinder.    


A few minutes later, the sound of high heels knocking on the floor, which usually sounded very pleasant, came from the corridor on the third floor. An orderly with a pale face appeared at the door of the minister's office with a beautiful woman.    


"You are Chu Yang's wife, Chai Murong, right? Please come in!" Minister Liu took two quick steps to the door. He reached out and shook Chai Murong's hand lightly, then personally went to make tea for her.    


Chai Murong quietly walked into the room and walked all the way to the front of the wheelchair.    


Sigh, Chu Yang, your wife is so beautiful, how can you bear to die?    


Xiang Nantian looked at this one in a million girl in front of him and sighed in his heart. Then he slowly raised his hand and gave her a solemn military salute.    


"Leader, I, I am Chu Yang's legal wife, Chai Murong."    


Chai Murong naturally would not give the same military salute as Xiang Nantian. She just went straight to the point and revealed her identity and waited for the next words.    


After putting down his hand, Xiang Nantian picked up a black paper bag from his leg. He handed it to Chai Murong, "I am the principal of Fourth Base in Huaxia, Xiang Nantian. Comrade Chu Yang was unfortunately sacrificed when he was carrying out a top secret mission four days ago. I represent all the officers of Fourth Base in Huaxia to express my deepest apologies to you. "    


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