My Fiance Ran Away

C444 The Explosion of the Hellfire!

C444 The Explosion of the Hellfire!

0When they saw Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing clean out Saba and the others, they used ropes to pull the speedboat over. Chu Yang, who was holding the rifle and sticking it to the wall of the alley, gave them a thumbs up with his left hand. Therefore... He expressed his admiration for them.    


Before Ye Chuqing could say a few polite words, Akino Anzu who was at the corner suddenly threw her weapon over along the floor and said frankly that she had already disarmed and had something to say to them.    


Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing did not know who the Soul Burying Bell was, but Chu Yang knew very well the character of this poisonous woman. He knew that she was the typical kind of person who would not shed a tear without seeing the coffin. He wanted her to put down her weapon on her own accord. It seemed like it was even more difficult than not allowing dogs to eat sh * t.    


What kind of trick was she playing?    


Looking at the gun on the ground, Chu Yang pondered for a moment and then said, "Very well, then hold your hands behind your head and walk over backwards."    


After hearing Chu Yang's words, Akino Anzu did not hesitate to do as he said. She held her head with both hands and walked backward to the back of the corner.    


Just as Akino Anzu appeared at the corner, Ye Chuqing leaned forward. She grabbed her arm and started to search her body skillfully. When she saw the explosion-proof code box hanging on her wrist, she wanted to pull it down. However, she struggled for a moment before saying, "You can't touch this thing."    


Without waiting for Ye Chuqing to say anything, Akino Anzu immediately said, "Inside is the MD virus, a virus that can be transmitted through the air. Don't ask anything, quickly take me to the speedboat and leave this place! Because there are still a few minutes before the entire base will be blasted into ruins by the self-destruction device. This is also the main reason why I took the initiative to disarm myself!"    


"The base explodes?" Qin Chao's expression changed. "Is what you said true?"    


Akino Anzu smiled bitterly. "Do you think I am lying?"    


With a crash, Qin Chao put the rifle on Akino Anzu's head and shouted, "Take me back to stop the explosion!"    


"It is too late. When I customized the self-destruction device, the repair program was damaged." Akino Anzu said lightly, "I know you are anxious because your companions are still in the base. But now, I really don't have time to go back and inform them."    


Qin Chao was concerned about the safety of Hua Canyu and the others. He did not care whether Akino Anzu's words were true or not. He put one hand on the back of her neck and the other on the back of her heart with a gun. "Quick, take me there!"    


"You are not afraid of death?" Being pushed forward by Qin Chao, Akino Anzu staggered a few steps. The corners of her mouth carried a mocking smile as she turned her head and said, "Don't be too anxious. Just treat it as if your companions are already dead. Even if they found the self-destruction device now, they won't have time to leave the base. "    


Without waiting for Qin Chao to speak, Chu Yang sneered and said, "Tsk, if you really activated the self-destruct device, it should be displayed in some places, right? Do you think our people won't be able to see it? Instructor Qin, you don't have to worry, Jing... If Coldblood was buried here so easily, Then he's been dead for god knows how many times."    


"Yes, that's true." After listening to Chu Yang's analysis, Qin Chao was obviously relieved. He paused for a moment and then said, "But we still need to inform them."    


Akino Anzu shook her head. "There are at most four minutes left. You can't even walk out of this alley."    


"Even if there is one more minute, I still need to give it a try." Qin Chao looked up and said to Chu Yang who did not seem to care, "Chu Yang, wait for me here. I will go and find them alone."    


"Qin Chao, do you think this is..." Chu Yang frowned when he heard what Qin Chao said. He swallowed his words and lowered his gun. "Don't talk for now. I will ask her."    


After Qin Chao said those words, he knew that he had said the wrong thing. He explained in a low voice, "I am not saying that you are afraid of death."    


Chu Yang did not respond to Qin Chao. He just looked at the time and asked Akino Anzu, "How long can it take from here to the front?"    


"The fastest speed will take 13 minutes." Akino Anzu finished speaking and looked at Chu Yang in a daze. "You are also called Chu Yang?"    


"You seem to have seen a second Chu Yang?" Chu Yang replied with a question. Without waiting for her reply, he went straight to the point. "Are you sure that the base will explode in a few minutes?"    


"That was my idea. Of course I'm sure."    


"Okay." Chu Yang nodded and said to Qin Chao, "In that case, let's go to the speedboat first. We will make plans after five minutes."    


"No, I don't care if this woman is telling the truth or not, but I have to go and take a look now." Qin Chao immediately rejected Chu Yang's suggestion.    


"What if what she said is true?" Chu Yang said unhappily, "If that's the case, won't you lose your life?"    


"Even if you want to lose..." The stubborn Qin Chao had just said this when he suddenly heard Chu Yang shout, "Be careful!"    


Qin Chao heard the warning and quickly took a step back. From the corner of his eye, he saw a shiny thing flying straight to the top of the alley, making a slight sound of an explosion.    


"Ah! Purgatory Spear!" Akino Anzu also saw that thing at that time, and her eyes suddenly widened. She cried out involuntarily as Chu Yang, who was standing behind them, He had already pounced on her and Qin Chao, as well as Ye Chuqing, who was squatting and searching her body. She fell to the ground in an instant.    


Chu Yang had never seen a Purgatory Gun before, and he had no idea what kind of destructive effect it would cause.    


However, from Akino Anzu's expression, he could tell that this thing was very scary.    


That was why he subconsciously pushed the three of them to the ground while Akino Anzu screamed.    


Hiss! Hiss!    


Chu Yang was ready to welcome the loud noise when he pushed the three women to the ground. However, to his surprise, there was no loud noise. Instead, there were some almost inaudible hissing sounds that flew past his ears. Then, there was no more movement.    


"What is this thing?" Chu Yang waited for a while and then stood up. He pointed the gun at Akino Anzu's head and said to Qin Chao, "Take her to the speedboat first. If you want to find someone, I should. "    


"I think this woman said the base is going to explode. She might be bluffing." Qin Chao was also very puzzled by what had just happened. After she got up from the ground, she went with Ye Chuqing. She grabbed Akino Anzu's arm and said to Chu Yang, "Why don't we get on the boat and wait first."    


"You guys go first. I saw that night..." Before Chu Yang could say Yeh Cuicann's name, he suddenly shivered.    


Then, a boundless coldness started to rise from his bones. He had no choice but to stop and subconsciously wrap his clothes.    


After seeing Chu Yang's abnormal actions, Ye Chuqing quickly asked, "Chu Yang, what happened to you!?"    


"Why, why do I suddenly feel a little cold?" Chu Yang could clearly feel his teeth chattering.    


"Cold?" Ye Chuqing and Qin Chao looked at each other.    


"Cold? That's right." Akino Anzu, on the other hand, laughed gloatingly. "Hehe, I already said earlier that the thing that exploded... It was created by a weapon called Purgatory Spear. Inside its bullets were all broken steel needles that had been soaked by the snake venom. As long as you were hit by a steel needle, it wouldn't take long. Your bloodline will be frozen, and a layer of frost will appear on your skin..."    


Just as she said this, Ye Chuqing raised her hand and gave her a slap, "Smelly woman, shut the f * ck up! If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will shoot you to death!"    


Just like how Ye Chuqing's slap landed on someone else's mouth, Akino Anzu was too lazy to resist. She only laughed softly and muttered, "I am not lying. This was how a person who was shot by the Purgatory Spear died. Hehe, the base should be exploding soon. If we don't leave now... We'll all die here."    


In terms of ability, whether it was Qin Chao or Ye Chuqing, Akino Anzu's martial arts skills were superior. She was not a match for either of them alone. But now, not only was there a spear on her forehead, And... That loud sound that could kill could be heard at any time.    


The Soul Burying Bell, which had been calculating the time of the explosion, had long forgotten that she was actually very awesome. She was just like those ordinary people, hoping to leave before the explosion.    


"How should I help him resolve the crisis?" Ye Chuqing reached out her hand to grab Akino Anzu's collar and shouted in a low voice, "Tell me!"    


"Magnetic iron! Use the magnetic iron to suck it out!" As Akino Anzu spoke, she suddenly turned around and looked at the constantly trembling Chu Yang. She laughed loudly. : "It's all in vain. Even if there's a magnet now, it won't be able to save you! Because it's too late. If you're a man, you should let us women go first... "    


With a bang, Qin Chao turned the handle of the spear and smashed it on the back of Akino Anzu's head. After seeing her roll her eyes and collapse on the ground, he coldly said, "Even if you want to leave, you have to stay. Ye Chuqing, take off the box on her wrist. "    


"Okay." Ye Chuqing agreed and went to undo the buckle on Akino Anzu's wrist.    



"Qin Chao, don't worry about this for now. Hurry up and go to the speedboat!" Once again wrapped in his clothes, Chu Yang said in a deep voice, "I will go and bring Yeh Cuicann back first, then try to contact King Hongming and the others."    


"Okay. Come over quickly. We will wait for you!" Ye Chuqing agreed and did not bother to take off the password box on Akino Anzu's wrist. She grabbed her hair and dragged her onto the speedboat with Qin Chao.    


"It should be very soon!" Chu Yang threw the cold Assault Rifle on the ground and quickly ran around the corner. He came to Yeh Cuicann, who was lying on the ground with her body curled up. He bent over and held her in his arms. He looked at Ruth, who wanted to raise the gun but did not have any strength. He did not care about her. He turned around and ran towards Qin Chao.    


Ever since Ruth brought her out of the laboratory, Yeh Cuicann had subconsciously sealed herself. She was held in Chu Yang's arms like a puppet. She did not move. Her white hair fluttered along with Chu Yang's running, revealing her devastatingly beautiful but lifeless face.    


Looking at the woman in his arms, and thinking back to her beauty when she was in Beijing, The cold Chu Yang could not bear it, so he whispered into her ear, "That, that Yeh Cuicann, you... do you still remember me? I, I am Chu Yang!"    


I am Chu Yang.    


Chu Yang!    


A long time ago, that name in those four words... Of course, the main reason was because of the Sun Stone Bracelet on someone else's body. It even surpassed her original husband and became synonymous with her beautiful life in the future.    


Chu Yang, this name was like the key to opening the cage. It was more like a bolt of lightning that pierced through the dark clouds, immediately lighting up Yeh Cuicann's heart. Her dull eyes flashed and she muttered, "You, you are Chu Yang?"    


"Yes, yes, I am Chu Yang!" Chu Yang hugged Yeh Cuicann and just turned the corner. He suddenly felt a tremor under his feet. It was as if there was an explosion that was extremely far and very close. The sound came from all directions at the same time. It drowned his roar at Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing, who had already jumped onto the speedboat. "Run!"    




With a loud sound that shook the entire mountain, the heat wave reached thousands of degrees in an instant. Mixed with some burning debris, from the center of the explosion, along the alley, Like a fire dragon, it spread rapidly. All the moving objects in the passages of the base were driven by this huge heatwave towards a vent.    


The moving objects inside included Chu Yang, who had already carried Yeh Cuicann to the side of the underground river's small pier.    


It really, really exploded!    


With the sound of an explosion, Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing, who were on the speedboat, did not even have time to react before they were pressed to the deck by the heatwave.    


Swoosh! Swoosh!    


The huge airwave caused by the explosion broke the rope of the speedboat that was tied to the cable. It shook violently on both sides, like a small paper boat that was about to fly into the sky. It rushed out along the river with a swoosh.    


Waves of heat waves that almost burnt the air to ashes, under the continuous loud noises, rushed out. It stayed in the space for more than a minute before it withdrew its claws with interest. Hiding at the top of the underground river, with a provocative look, He looked at the speedboat that was moving quickly in the river.    


Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing, who were hugging their heads, felt that the heat on their backs was no longer hot. They immediately raised their heads and looked at the place where the speedboat had stopped. From afar, they saw the place where the speedboat had stopped. The debris, including the dead bodies, that had been blown out by the heatwave, was burning.    


The disgusting smell of roasted meat was changing with the hot and cold air currents, directly impacting Qin Chao and Ye Chuqing's sense of smell nerves.    


"Urgh..." Qin Chao raised his hand and covered his mouth. His sobbing eyes stared at the river surface and shouted, "Chu Yang!"    


"It was all this bitch's fault! What are you keeping her for?" As she listened to Qin Chao's sobbing, Ye Chuqing stared blankly at him. She suddenly cursed and kicked the unconscious Akino Anzu off the speedboat.    


Before she could vent her anger, she picked up the rifle and pointed it at Akino Anzu, who had not yet sunk into the water, and started to... Pew! Pew! Pew!    


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