My Fiance Ran Away

C236 With Me Around the Sky Won't Fall!

C236 With Me Around the Sky Won't Fall!

0A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him.    


Seeing that Lian Yuncheng had left, Niu Pengju wanted to follow him closely, but he saw Wang Li still lying there like a dead dog. He hurriedly waved his hands at Chu Yang. "Don't count first. I have to take him away."    


"With your courage, you are really a disgrace to the word 'silkpants'." Chu Yang curled his lips in disdain, then hugged the completely dumbfounded Zhou Tangtang. He sat down on the sofa and said to Wang Yunxi, "When we go back, tell Lian Yuncheng not to have any bad intentions. Otherwise, he won't know how he died. Oh, right. I'll have to trouble you to send a letter to Deputy Governor Lian. If you extend your hand into someone else's house, you'll be in danger of being cut off."    


"I promise I will bring your words!" Although Wang Yunxi was a scholar, his performance in front of the evil forces was much better than Niu Pengju and the others.    


Seeing Wang Yunxi holding the driver, Niu Pengju carried Wang Li out of the living room in a panic. Faan Jing, whose face was pale, was stunned for a moment. Without saying anything to Chu Yang, she hurriedly ran to the second floor.    


Zhou Shuhan also woke up at this time. She no longer cared about what Chu Yang told her not to ask anymore. She even forgot to guard her stunned father. She should have come out of Chu Yang's arms and asked urgently, "Chu Yang, Chu Yang, how can you do it? You are in trouble now!"    


"Yes, yes, Chu Yang, how can you do it?" Zhou Heping, who loved peace, also nodded his head as if he was fiddling with garlic. He looked as if the end of the world had come.    


"Consultant Zhou, I didn't make a move. I only moved my legs and elbows." Chu Yang smiled indifferently.    


“ Sigh... Chu Yang, you still have the mood to joke at a time like this? " Zhou Shuhan finally knew that she was still in Chu Yang's arms. She hurriedly struggled to stand on the ground and reached out to grab Chu Yang, wanting to pull him out.    


Chu Yang stood up." What's wrong? "    


"Hurry up and leave. I think it won't be long before they bring people back!"    


Chu Yang shook his head and sat on the sofa again. "That's impossible. Your mother is still a Mayor now, right? They did not dare to bring people to cause trouble. Besides, I'm not afraid even if I come. "    


" But I'm afraid! I'm afraid they'll take revenge on you!" Seeing Chu Yang still so calm, Zhou Shuhan was already anxious to cry. She grabbed one of his arms with both hands. "Chu Yang, I beg you, hurry up and leave. Leave Ji Nan and find a place they couldn't find. When the matter here is settled, I'll go find you! Don't worry, I am yours and will always be yours. Even if I die, I won't do anything that will let you down! Hurry up and leave. If you're late, it'll be too late. "    


Chu Yang was rarely touched, but after hearing what Zhou Tangtang said, He was touched and wiped his eyes. Damn it, there was no sign of getting wet. He could only hold the silly girl's hand with both hands with a serious face. "Tangtang, did you forget what I said to you when we went downstairs? Moreover, even if you forgot, how could I abandon you in this kind of situation? If I get into trouble and leave it at that, would I still be human? How can I be worthy of your affection? What face do I have to live in this world..."    


Just as Chu Yang entered his rare state of deep affection, Faan Jing stumbled down the stairs. She held a small white bag in her hand and one of the slippers on her right leg also ran away. However, she did not care about her usual reserved image. The wind was like a half-elder Xu... She ran in front of Chu Yang and Zhou Shuhan. She stuffed the bag into her daughter's hand and grabbed Chu Li's shoulder. She said repeatedly, "Chu Yang, quick, quick. Take Tangtang and run away. Otherwise, they will take revenge on you! I understand these people. Take the bag. It contains all of my and Lao Zhou's savings. It's enough. Find a place to live peacefully for the rest of your lives!"    


"Mom, I can't leave. What will happen to you and Dad if I leave?!" Zhou Shuhan cried as she threw herself into Faan Jing's arms and said with incomparable regret, "It's all my fault. If I had agreed earlier, perhaps everything would have been fine."    


Faan Jing also had tears streaming down her face as she reached out and patted her daughter, "Tangtang, mom did not blame you at all. Instead, she wanted to apologize to you. If I didn't want you to marry Lian Yuncheng with this rotten idea, I wouldn't have implicated you. Tangtang, my poor child..."    


Seeing his wife and daughter crying in tears, the eyes of the old good man, Lao Zhou, also turned red. He stretched out his hand to roll up his sleeves and shouted angrily," Chu Yang, quickly take Tangtang away! I want to see who dares to touch a hair on my wife's head!" He shouted and walked towards the kitchen. It seemed like he wanted to get a kitchen knife.    


Seeing the fearless spirit of the Zhou family, Chu Yang felt ashamed of his pretentious behavior just now. He hurriedly pulled Zhou Heping, who was screaming, and shouted with some annoyance, "Stop messing around. With me here, the sky won't collapse!"    


"Please believe in me, believe in justice..." Before he finished his words, Chu Yang lightly slapped his own mouth. He scolded, "What time is it, still pretending to be cool... Alright, Mayor Faan, Tangtang, don't cry first. Give me a few minutes. I want to call."    


Chu Yang's shout just now was indeed like a raging bull. It scared Lao Zhou so much that he trembled all over. Faan Jing and her daughter also stopped crying and looked helplessly at their savior.    


Chu Yang made a quiet gesture with his hand and took out his phone.    


He flipped through the phone book and thought for a while. Finally, he dialed a number.    


When he heard someone pick up the phone, Chu Yang did not wait for the person to speak and said directly, "I am looking for Hua Mannyu."    


Although the three people of Zhou family felt that a catastrophe was about to befall them, their hearing did not decrease. After hearing that Chu Yang was looking for Hua Mannyu, they looked at each other. Hua Mannyu? Could it be Hua Mannyu from the Mantian Industry?    


Zhou Shuhan might not know Hua Mannyu's true background, but Faan Jing and her husband knew that if Hua Mannyu was from the Mantian Industry, then she was definitely a great god that everyone looked up to!    


Hua Mannyu herself was not only the chairman of the Mantian Industry, one of the three big corporations in China, but also the one with the most beautiful woman. She also had a powerful background behind her!    


But how could Hua Mannyu, who had not been at a disadvantage against Chai Murong many times in the open and in the dark, know Chu Yang? Furthermore, Chu's tone now seemed to be as if he and Hua Mannyu were very familiar with each other.    


What was going on?    


They could only wait and see. The three of them from the Zhou family looked at Chu Yang as if they were looking at hope.    




Hua Mannyu was convinced that she had lost this year's Ji Nan Autumn Car Exhibition, but she was not unhappy because she felt that she had found something she had never seen since she came to Ji Nan.    


What was that thing? Was it the kind between men and women?    


Whenever Hua Mannyu thought of this question, she would shyly shake her head and deny it immediately, This is not love... But what is this? Could it be dependence? Heavens! I have a dependence on a man who raped me? Is it on feelings or on the body?    


Whether it was love or dependence, even if this feeling was derived from the initial feelings of shame, resentment, revenge, and so on and so forth, she was still firmly captured, or rather, captured by someone else.    


Ever since she had those days of 'being inseparable' with someone else, Hua Mannyu could never forget that feeling.    


The strange thing was that she did not have this kind of feeling towards other men that made her reluctant to leave Ji Nan...    


Today, when Hua Mannyu was holding a meeting for the higher ups of the Mantian Industry's Ji Nan branch, the phone that the secretary was holding for her suddenly vibrated.    


The secretary looked at the number on the phone that had 'him' written on it and then whispered to Hua Mannyu, "Director Hua, there is your phone number."    


Hua Mannyu, who was arranging work for her subordinate, did not even look at the phone. She casually waved it, meaning that you can answer it for me. Didn't you see that I was talking excitedly? She really did not have good eyesight.    


The secretary acknowledged in a low voice, then walked to the window to answer the call. Just as she was about to ask if you were that 'him', she heard the other party say, "I'm looking for Hua Mannyu."    


The 'him' in Mandarin could represent a lot of meaning. One of the meanings was that many women liked to type the number of the man they liked into 'him'. ' The secretary was also a woman, and there was also a 'him' on her phone. So after hearing the other party call Hua Mannyu's name so rudely, she carefully said, "Director Hua is in a meeting."    


"You are not Hua Mannyu?" Chu Yang frowned.    


"I am her secretary."    


" Oh." Chu Yang nodded. He took out a cigarette and asked, "Go and tell her not to have a meeting. Just tell her that I have something to talk to her about."    


The secretary looked at Hua Mannyu, who was having a lively conversation, and asked in a low voice, "Sir, Director Hua is really in a meeting. May I know your name? I will ask her to call you back later, okay?"    


Chu Yang said straightforwardly, "No! Get her to answer the phone right now. Tell her that there's a person called Chu Yang waiting for her. I have an urgent matter to attend to. "    


What urgent matter? The secretary hesitated and looked at Hua Mannyu again. She did not know if she should go over and interrupt Director Hua's conversation.    


Just when the secretary was in a dilemma, Hua Mannyu noticed that she was in a dilemma. She frowned and pressed her left hand down and made a pause motion. Then she said, "Give me the phone."    


She did not know who called. Could it be that the person who called did not know that Director Hua disliked calling during meetings? When the higher ups saw Hua Mannyu frowning and asking for the phone, they quickly lowered their heads. They looked at the documents in their hands seriously.    


They had to do this. Last time, they were also having a meeting. Director Hua also frowned and took the call. When she turned off the phone, she happened to see a department manager holding a cup of water and drinking calmly. She immediately fired that guy without any reason.    



It was a lesson from the past. When Director Hua frowned and picked up the phone, everyone had better be careful and not suffer any losses.    


In fact, Hua Mannyu usually had a good temper in the company, even though she had never revealed a smile.    


The reason why she had been so angry the last time was because she had been 'handled' by Chu Yang the next day. That time, it was the City Bureau's Liang Xin who called to ask her to cooperate with her work. Originally, she was in a very bad mood, but the supervisor still had a leisurely expression on his face as he drank tea. At that time, she was furious and drove that person away.    


However, during the meeting, she really didn't want to answer the phone. She was afraid of affecting the way she arranged the work. Now that she saw the secretary holding a phone in her hands, she naturally frowned and took the phone. Without looking at the caller ID, she asked coldly, "Who is it? I am Hua Mannyu."    


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