Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C104 Reward

C104 Reward

0Was it the daughter he rescued?    


Lan Yixing looked at Chang Sheng, unable to believe no matter what that it was actually his daughter that he had saved. This person was a little too young, and he even looked a little foolish.    


"That's right, the Little Sister Ke Er was saved by Chang Sheng." Chang Sheng heard someone mention him, and nodded her head heavily. After she finished speaking, he suddenly wrinkled her nose, and looked towards the house through Lan Yixing: "It smells good, it smells good, there's delicious food inside, Chang Sheng is hungry, Chang Sheng wants food."    


With that, Chang Sheng did not wait for Lan Yixing's call for his, and rushed into the room. Without taking the chopsticks, he extended his hand and grabbed something that was made of some unknown material, and stuffed it into his mouth.    


"This …" Seeing Chang Sheng's actions, Lan Yixing was stunned. This, this brat thinks this place is his own? How was this the actions of a normal person, this was simply a fool!    


Guo Feng looked at his young master who was wolfing down his food, put the fan on his waist and cupped his hands towards Lan Yixing: "County Governor, please forgive me. My young master has always been like this since his birth.    


"Humph, who dares to blame Chang Sheng!" When Lan Keer heard Guo Feng's words, she then looked at his father who was frowning. With a cold snort, she grabbed his father's hand and forcefully grabbed it, raising her head to look at his father's face. Since Chang Sheng saved me, of course I have to reward him. I can't blame him, can I? "    


"Yes, yes!" Lan Yixing nodded again and again, and said loudly: "Chang … Yes, since Chang Sheng has captured a great bandit, he should naturally receive a heavy reward. Today is the first day we will eat and rest, and tomorrow morning, this official will personally reward Chang Sheng in public. "    


"That's more like it!"    


Lan Keer smiled as she released her grasp on her father's arm, ran into the room, and walked in front of Chang Sheng, holding onto a cup of tea and offered it to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, eat slower, don't choke on it, no one will snatch it away from you."    


Lan Keer's actions caused Lan Yixing to frown. Although his own daughter did not have a cold, unfeeling personality, she rarely interacted with others, and not to mention she was so close to someone from the opposite sex. Furthermore, she even poured tea for them. Why was she so close to this fool?    


Also, who else could this Chang Jia have? Since Ke Er had already said it, that Chang Sheng was the one who caught his, then he would definitely not lie. However, this fool seemed to be around the same age as Ke Er, and was definitely not a match for the great thief. It should be that another expert from their family subdued the great bandit and then allowed the fool to save him.    


Lan Yixing secretly thought that it should be so, but, since the great thief had already been caught, and his daughter was saved, he had no reason to expose her.    


Chang Jia, the three of them, and the two from the Lan family, the five of them finally sat down on chairs in front of the table.    


The food for dinner was prepared extremely lavishly. There were all kinds of delicacies that flew in the sky and climbed on the ground. Even the usual dishes that could be seen on other people's tables were also made into flowers, and the taste was several times more delicious.    


Chang Sheng awkwardly grabbed onto a pair of chopsticks, quickly sweeping through the tofu on the table. He had never eaten such delicious tofu before, it was smooth, fresh, and even had a slight spicy flavor, it was extremely delicious. Within a few seconds, the tofu on the plate had been completely swept away by him.    


Chang Sheng stopped eating and swept his eyes across the table. His gaze suddenly stopped in front of the bowl in front of Lan Keer.    


"Little Sister Ke Er, Chang Sheng wants to eat your tofu!"    


"What!" Lan Yixing heard and his eyes widened, he turned and glared at Chang Sheng. This guy actually dared to say that he wanted to eat's tofu in front of him, does he want to die?    


"Chang Sheng wants to eat Little Sister Ke Er's tofu." Chang Sheng answered very seriously as he pointed at the tofu in the bowl in front of Lan Keer.    


"You, you …" Lan Yixing slammed the table in anger. Before she could finish her sentence, Lan Keer suddenly spoke out.    


"Come, Chang Sheng, Little Sister Ke Er will give you tofu to eat." Lan Keer blushed. She picked up the tofu in her bowl and placed it in the bowl that was full of mistakes in front of Chang Sheng. How could they understand that? When she said tofu, he meant tofu, but her father actually slammed the table! Chang Sheng was their savior, how could he be so kind to their savior!    


Being stared at by his own daughter, Lan Yixing finally realised that Chang Sheng was just a fool. That's right, a fool wouldn't understand the meaning of eating tofu, he was really overthinking it!    


Just as Lan Yixing thought about it, Lan Keer's voice sounded by her ear.    


"Father, what kind of rewards will Chang Sheng get when he catches the great Jiang Yang bandits?"    


"Ugh …"    


Upon hearing his daughter's words, Lan Yixing thought for a moment, then said: "Originally, County Palace had already placed a bounty on those who capture great bandits, of which one of the four offenders would receive two hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver, while the main culprit, Li Chuan, received five of them with two million taels of silver. This totals to three million taels of silver."    


Saying nothing here, Lan Yixing paused for a moment. Realizing that everyone, even Chang Sheng who was fiercely eating, had turned his gaze towards himself, he continued: "However, Chang Sheng, you have captured a great thief, and you even saved my daughter, the savior of the Lan family. How could I, Lan Yixing, treat you unfairly?    


"But, dad, I remember that if we capture a great bandit, we can reward him with an official position, right?" To the side, Lan Keer's voice sounded once again. Ever since she returned home, she had been thinking about how to make Chang Sheng and the others stay in the County Palace. For this reason, she had scrolled through her father's study, and even read some books that she had never read before.    


"Yes, my Daqi Dynasty has a rule that we can be officials if we capture a great bandit." Lan Yixing spoke helplessly: "However, we are not certain that we can become officials. In the past, there were many people who caught the Jiang Yang bandits, and the Jiang Yang bandits' bounty was even higher than Li Chuan's. However, none of them were officials. This is because, according to the dynasty's rules, it is possible, but not certain, whether the official wanted to bestow the reward to the person who caught the thief or not, is up to County Governor to decide. "    


Lan Yixing turned his head to glance at his daughter, and then, his eyes landed on Chang Sheng. "Of course, Chang Sheng is Ke Er's savior, so I must give him this official position. Tomorrow, at the County Palace yamen, I will personally announce the appointment of Chang Sheng as the search lieutenant! "    


"Search for an ensign? "What kind of official position is this?" This was the first time she had heard of this official title.    


This is a very special official position, there are no soldiers under your command, neither official nor military officer, nor any rank. However, this is a position set down by the imperial government, and every month, you can also receive a salary from the imperial government, but you can still be promoted to an official if you search for the ensign to do well. Just like the provincial capital's Vice Chief Constable, he was promoted from there. "    


Although searching for an officer didn't have any power, there were still a lot of people who wanted to become an official who didn't have any connections and wanted to buy this position. There was a limit to the number of envoys in a county. There could be at most five of them. In the past, he had already sold them off for four Lieutenant, but now there was only one spot left. He was prepared to keep it for a high price, but now his daughter had asked for it. Since his daughter had spoken, and she was his daughter's savior, there was no reason for him to not let her be his general unless Chang Sheng refused to be his general!    


Lan Yixing looked at Chang Sheng and asked: "Chang Sheng, are you willing to be this search lieutenant and capture those vicious bandits?"    


"A great bandit?" Senior Sister Piao Miao, are all the great Jiang Yang bandits villains like Li Chuan? " Chang Sheng did not immediately answer, but turned around and asked an ethereal question.    


"Yes, all the bandits are villains!" Misty nodded.    


"Big scoundrel, Chang Sheng likes to catch big scoundrels the most, if Chang Sheng wants to catch scoundrels, what kind of lieutenant does Chang Sheng want to be?!" Chang Sheng looked at Lan Yixing with excitement!    


was laughing in his heart. Searching for a lieutenant was simply a carefree job, but it was perfectly useful to him. He could use this position to stay in the County Palace and secretly investigate the accounts of Marketplace. If he could capture more of these bandits, then the atmosphere in the entire county would definitely become better. With fewer bandits, and people's lives would definitely be more peaceful, then the entire county would be able to move closer to the golden age!    


Only in Golden Age would the cultivation of Flourshing Age Immortal Art have twice the effect with half the effort!    


By Chang Sheng's side, Lan Keer was so happy that she almost jumped when she heard Chang Sheng's answer. Great, Chang Sheng was going to be the search officer, then he would have to stay in the capital. He would not be lonely in the future!    


In a single meal, other than Lan Yixing, the other four people had a great harvest. An hour later, Chang Sheng, covering his round stomach, left the Blue Palace with Misty and Guo Feng together and returned to Chang Jia.    


It was night, and the night was ten o'clock, outside the County Palace prison.    


A handsome figure wearing a white robe suddenly appeared at the entrance of the dungeon.    


At the entrance of the dungeon, the two bailiffs responsible for keeping watch suddenly became spirited. Looking at the man in white who had suddenly appeared, the two of them quickly drew the sabers at their waists and shouted at the man in white, "Who are you?    


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