The Dissolute Evil Doctor

C1296 Complete

C1296 Complete

0Lin Luobo looked at Lin Yi with a burning gaze. Lin Yi really didn't know what to say. This kid's sperm was in his brain? That's not right. At such a young age, he shouldn't have developed there, right?    


"Looks like I have to give him an ideological education. Why don't I send him to kindergarten?" This idea suddenly popped up in Lin Yi's mind. If this devilish brat didn't take care of him properly, he would really be crippled.    


Lin Yi glanced at him and was about to speak when Little Sapling suddenly smiled and said, "Lord Lin Yi, since the two young masters want to play, I have a good idea. As the Ruler of this universe, you can do it according to your thoughts. Creating a creature that is at least a realm weaker than you... Of course, as your cultivation has yet to reach the Sovereign Realm... Thus... Creating living beings in this universe permanently is still not something that can be done for the time being. "    


Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and he said, "You mean, I can temporarily create a few monsters to play with them?"    


Little Sapling nodded with a smile and said, "That's right. You can create the monsters you want based on the cultivation of these two young masters. Everything depends on what you think."    


When Lin Yi heard Little Sapling's words, the corner of his mouth curled into an evil smile. This little girl was also very cynical. Using this method to deal with these two kids was too perfect.    


Lin Luobo felt that the atmosphere was not right and hurriedly shouted, "No, no, no. We don't want to fight the monsters. I just want to play with the children! Dad, you won't let the two of us fight those fierce monsters, right?"    


"Oh? Is that so? I've asked you before, but you seem to say that you usually play around with monsters. And you're saying that the monsters are too weak. Hehe, now I'll do as you wish, increase the monsters' strength a bit, I'll let you guys have a good time " Lin Yi said with a smile. That smile, no matter how you look at it, it's dangerous.    


Lin Tudou hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Uncle Lin, I didn't say anything! I'm still a little baby, I haven't weaned yet. You won't let me fight the monsters, right?"    


"Not weaned? I started to be interested in girls even though I haven't weaned? Stop talking nonsense with me. My mission today is to bring the two of you to play. How can I not let you enjoy yourselves to your heart's content?" Lin Yi said with a smile. As he spoke, he had already begun creating.    


Lin Luobo and Lin Tudou were so scared that their faces turned pale. It was over. This time, it was really over. When Lin Yi became serious with them, it would be absolutely terrifying!    


However, the two of them soon rubbed their eyes and looked at the creature Lin Yi created in disbelief.    


Those were clearly two little girls carved from jade. They looked to be about five or six years old, and their cuteness was definitely not inferior to Little Sapling's. They just stood there, looking shy and shy.    


Lin Luobo's eyes immediately lit up. He looked at Lin Yi with gratitude and said, "As expected, a tiger does not eat its cub. Dad, although you say it so fiercely, you are actually still very good to me!"    


Lin Yi nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, to my own son, of course I have to be very good. Lin Xie is my brother and his son. I think he is as important as my son. Two young ladies, I will leave these two little brats to you. Don't neglect them."    


"Yes, my lord." The two little girls smiled and bowed, then ran towards Lin Luobo and the other two.    


Lin Luobo was really happy. As a standard Imperial Sister Control, he had already infected Lin Tudou.    


Very quickly, Lin Yi turned his head away, because the two little girls were using an incomparably crazy fighting method to torture the two of them.    


After a while, miserable screams were heard.    


"Dad, the two of them are beating people up!"    


"Uncle Lin, I didn't provoke them. Why did they hit me!"    




Lin Yi knew what to do. He had already set the two little girls up. At most, he would beat them up and not really do anything to them.    


With the two of them "playing" with Lin Luobo and the others, Lin Yi would be able to find time to create the rules.    


Lin Yi's actions were very simple. He only immersed himself in this universe and merged his consciousness with the universe.    


At this time, he seemed to see a piece of white paper without any flaws or traces.    


Little Sapling's voice rang in his ears, "Lord Lin Yi, please write the rules on this piece of paper. Everything will change because of you."    


Lin Yi smiled and said, "So magical? Hehe, then I really have to give it a try."    


Various kinds of power of laws appeared on Lin Yi's body, Life Death Law. Time and space law, wind law, fire law... All the Law energy wrapped around his body like ribbons of light. An incomparably sacred Qi was emitted from his body. After that, it condensed into various colors of brush and ink.    


Lin Yi waved his hand indifferently. Every time he waved his hand, a color would appear on the white paper. That was the writing of the law.    


Lin Yi was completely immersed in the creation of the rules. He finally knew why he wanted to comprehend so many rules back then. It turned out that it was all for this day.    


When the last rule was written on the white paper, Lin Yi's universe suddenly trembled. It was as if there were countless gears perfectly connected. A huge machine operated perfectly just like that.    


Lin Yi took a long breath and woke up from that state. He was surprised to find that Little Sapling had grown into a 15-16 year old girl and was looking at him with vigor.    


"Congratulations, Master. Your prototype of the universe has been completed. Everything is on the right track. As long as your cultivation base breaks through, the universe will evolve again. However, if you want to create life forever, you have to wait until you surpass the monarch realm. Reaching the Monarch Realm. That will do!" Little Sapling said with a smile. That sweet smile made people feel warm.    


Lin Yi stared straight at Little Sapling. Compared to his universe, he was more interested in the changes of this little girl.    


Little Sapling'er noticed that Lin Yi's eyes were not right and her face turned slightly red. She said, "Sir, after your universe rules are complete, I received the reward of the Heavenly Dao Ancient Tree. Her growth speed increased a little. I'm still young, sir, if you want to... it's still too early. "    


When Little Sapling said this, her face became even redder.    


Lin Yi's face suddenly changed. He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no. Little Sapling, you think too much. Why would I have such a beast's thought? My god, could it be that my image has already become so vile? Does everyone think that I'm a big stallion?"    


Little Sapling'er could not help but burst out laughing and said, "Your playfulness has long been famous. Otherwise, why would Sister Cuihua be cheated by you?"    


"No way. When did I lie to that girl? It was clearly her... Sigh, forget it. No one would believe me even if I said it. He might as well just admit it. My name is Shiying. Sigh..." Lin Yi let out a long sigh. He would never be able to clear his name even if he jumped into the Yellow River. It was better to admit it frankly than to give up the reputation of being hypocritical.    


As Lin Yi spoke, a huge palm print came from afar. It carried the momentum of rushing thunder, and it was unstoppable!    


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