The Dissolute Evil Doctor

C952 Evil Traps

C952 Evil Traps

0Four seconds, excluding the second he chopped it down, only three seconds left.    


Lin Yi did not have time to curse at the Heavenly Punishment. Just as he was about to draw his saber, he realized that the saber was stuck in the rock.    


"F * ck, are you trying to mess with me on purpose?" Lin Yi cursed. Just as he was about to escape, a huge suction force suddenly came from the rock and forcefully sucked him in.    


With a rumble, a bolt of lightning struck down, lighting up the entire sky. In just a second, Lin Yi would have been turned into charcoal.    


Lin Yi's body rolled like a ball, going down a very steep slope.    


He did not want to roll like this, but the suction force made him unable to stand up at all. What annoyed him the most was that this was too embarrassing. Fortunately, he did not come with Weiwei, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.    


He did not know how long he would roll until he felt his body become light and fell from a high place with a bang. Only then did he stop rolling.    


Lin Yi touched his head, which was in pain from the fall, and could not help but curse, "Who the hell dug such a strange hole? You want to smash me to death!"    


Lin Yi got up from the ground. What surprised him was that there wasn't the slightest fluctuation of thunder essence here. Compared to outside, this place was much calmer.    


"Heavenly Punishment Old Man, Senior Chi Songzi, I have already entered the cave. Why aren't the two of you making a sound?" Lin Yi secretly transmitted his voice, but there was still no response. His voice was like a stone sinking into the ocean.    


This situation was extremely strange. Lin Yi couldn't help but recall the last time he fought Muh Dingchuan. That time, he couldn't contact the Heavenly Punishment and the others, and the Soul Realm was sealed. Could it be that it was the same this time?    


When he thought of this, Lin Yi became nervous all of a sudden. Although he was in a bad condition the last time he encountered this situation, it wasn't to such an extent. With his current strength, he would die if he played like this!    


However, things had already developed to this stage. There was no time for him to think too much. All he could do was to charge forward in one go.    


He took out the flashlight from the Storage Ring. Although this thing appearing in this world was somewhat out of line, it was much better than those primitive fire pikes.    


With the light, Lin Yi could feel more at ease. Lin Yi saw the surrounding scenery. It was an empty room. The surrounding walls were dark, and there were all kinds of strange human-shaped patterns carved on them.    


Some of the people in the patterns had their hands cut off, some had their legs broken, and some even lost their heads. However, even so, those people were still fighting crazily.    


Lin Yi stared at the pictures closely, as if he had merged with them. He saw the miserable scene of fighting, which made his usually tough heart feel a strong impact.    


He seemed to feel the blood of the God of Slaughter boiling in his body. His eyes began to turn red, as if he wanted to throw himself into the battlefield.    


At this moment, a cool breeze suddenly came from his Dantian, and it immediately woke Lin Yi up.    


Cold sweat was dripping from Lin Yi's forehead. He didn't dare to focus on watching anymore. He clearly felt that if it wasn't for the cool energy just now, his soul would have been sucked in.    


He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked into his dantian. Only then did he realize that the two stalks of Heaven's Mandate Grass were the source of the cool energy.    


Lin Yi could even feel that the Heaven's Mandate Grass was laughing at him. This made him feel ashamed. He laughed and said, "Thank you all. I will pay attention next time."    


He took a deep breath and stopped being attracted by those pictures. He began to search for the whereabouts of the Thunder Spirit Bead. Since the Heavenly Punishment and the others were so certain, then there must be a Thunder Spirit Bead in this mountain.    


However, what surprised Lin Yi was that this stone room was clearly man-made. Could it be that someone purposely placed the Thunder Spirit Bead in this place? If that was the case, there would definitely be many traps and mechanisms here. Under this kind of situation where he had lost contact with the Heavenly Punishment and the others, Lin Yi immediately felt the pressure multiply.    


He gripped the Evil Blade. A gentle force came from within the Evil Blade. It calmed his emotions. There was a tight connection between this Evil Blade and Lin Yi. It was a soul connection. Therefore, even if Lin Yi did not have any inner Qi, he could still use the power stored within the Evil Blade. As long as he didn't encounter anything too abnormal, he should be able to protect himself.    


Lin Yi gripped the Evil Blade tightly and walked forward step by step. There was a door in front of him. Lin Yi had a premonition that if he wanted to find the Thunder Spirit Bead, he would have to open that door.    


One step, two steps, three steps...    


Lin Yi walked forward step by step. What surprised him was that he had walked more than ten steps, but he did not encounter any danger. This situation was too abnormal!    


"Did I really think too much? Could it be that the person who designed this stone room never thought that someone would come? So there are no traps set up here? " Lin Yi muttered to himself. According to the current situation, it was very likely that this was the case.    


Thinking about it, he relaxed a little and continued to walk forward, walk, walk, and then step on the floor.    


"Damn it, I'm going to be unlucky." Lin Yi was stunned. In an instant, a strong sense of danger came from all directions. Lin Yi used his flashlight to scan the surroundings. He saw black holes in the walls. The danger came from those holes.    


"Concentrated attacks without any dead corners, this is disgusting!" Lin Yi was stunned. He didn't have time to think too much. A large number of sharp arrows came from all directions. Lin Yi could see them. The arrows were all carved with runes. It should be to break the warrior's protective inner Qi.    


Lin Yi did not even think about it. He hurriedly ran towards the door. Although his defense was strong, being shot by so many arrows at such a rapid speed made Lin Yi's hair stand on end.    


He spun his body and the God Killing Power stored in the Evil Blade exploded, turning the first wave of arrows that were about to hit him into powder. At this time, he was only ten meters away from the door, ten meters, and a second to reach it.    


However, when he used his strength to dash forward, he actually hit a transparent wall with a bang, and then very beautifully turned into a "big" word.    


A large number of arrows shot towards him from all directions. After the arrows, there was still a wave of raging fire, followed by an icicle, and then a poisonous spray. Lin Yi just lay there, silently enduring all of this.    


"Damn it, Second Uncle! Who set up such a vicious trap? If it wasn't for my strong defense, I would definitely be tortured to death!" Lin Yi's body slowly slid down, and then fell to the ground with a plop.    


The attack of the trap finally stopped. After a full ten minutes of attack, the person who set up the trap probably didn't think that anyone would survive.    


Lin Yi did not have any good clothes on him, even though his defense was strong. The waves of crazy attacks still left many fine wounds on his body. If it wasn't for the Heaven's Mandate Grass' vigorous life force healing him, he would have been in an even worse state.    


When he stood up, his body already turned to ashes, scattering onto the ground.    


What made him a bit relieved was that the transparent wall already disappeared, so he didn't have to worry about how to break the wall.    


He sighed and took out a set of clothes from the Storage Ring to change into. Then, he prepared to walk towards the door.    


However, when his flashlight swept in front of him, he was completely dumbfounded and stunned.    


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