The Dissolute Evil Doctor

C508 Come If You Can

C508 Come If You Can

0Lin Yi and Ying Shuangshuang found a relatively remote hotel. He needed to recover his strength before the police did a carpet search, so he had to hide.    


Lin Yi asked Ying Shuangshuang to buy the herbs to make a strong healing medicine called Meridian Changing Powder.    


This kind of healing medicine could forcefully stimulate the residual inner Qi in the meridians. When this inner Qi was stimulated, it could awaken the Wishful Dragon Bead and Dust Cleansing Bead in his body immediately.    


However, this method was extremely dangerous and the pain it endured was also very great, especially when the meridians were impacted. If one did not have strong enough willpower, they would not be able to withstand it at all.    


"Brother Lin, aren't these medicinal herbs going to be brewed? There seems to be nothing here." Ying Shuangshuang had a puzzled look as she asked in a low voice.    


"That is an ordinary medicinal herb. The medicine that I am preparing now does not need to be so troublesome." Lin Yi smiled slightly and opened the paper bag. He took out all the medicinal herbs inside.    


Next, Ying Shuangshuang saw an unbelievable scene. Those ginseng, ganoderma, antlers and the like were easily crushed into powder by Lin Yi.    


Lin Yi mixed all the powder together. After a while, the originally colorful powder began to fuse together and finally turned into a pile of golden powder.    


These golden powder emitted a strong medicinal fragrance. Without a doubt, the medicinal strength must be shockingly great.    


Ying Shuangshuang widened her eyes and looked at Lin Yi. She said, "Big Brother Lin, you aren't going to directly swallow this medicine, are you?"    


"That's right. This is also the simplest and most direct method. Don't worry. Since I have done this, there will definitely be no problem." Lin Yi smiled slightly and spoke to dispel Ying Shuangshuang's doubts.    


He carefully folded the paper, then aimed at his mouth and poured all the powder into it.    


When the powder entered his mouth, Lin Yi felt as if he had swallowed lava. The hot temperature quickly exploded in his mouth. That kind of feeling was hard to describe with words!    


The medicinal effect had not even reached the meridians, yet it was already so painful. If it reached the meridians... Lin Yi did not dare to imagine it.    


Ying Shuangshuang saw Lin Yi's incomparably painful appearance and her expression immediately became incomparably nervous.    


Lin Yi immediately sat down cross-legged, and allowed the hot energy to explode within his body. He felt as if all the internal organs in his body were burning. However, this kind of burning did not only cause pain.    


There were originally many hidden injuries in his body, but under the effect of the warm current, those hidden injuries began to recover faster. It could be said that he was in pain and happy.    


However, there was still not a trace of inner Qi in his body. Looking at this situation, he estimated that he would have to endure a period of pain.    


Very quickly, the Meridian Changing Powder began to take effect on his meridians. That kind of feeling was as if thousands of needles had been pierced in his meridians in an instant. That kind of pain was simply indescribable.    


Fortunately, his endurance was extraordinary, and he forcefully endured that kind of pain.    


At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly heard the sound of brakes coming from outside the hotel. Several powerful auras came from outside. Intuition told Lin Yi that an expert was coming!    


Outside the hotel, a dozen men in black got off the two to three Oladi cars. The leader was wearing a black suit, and there was a pair of sharp eyes on top of his hooked nose. Judging from this aura, his strength was definitely not lower than a Qi Transforming Stage.    


"That kid and that girl from the Ying Family are here? Hehe, they really have the guts to beat up our young master. They actually came to such a small hotel to fool around. They really thought that our Wu family wouldn't be able to find them. What a joke!" The leader sneered. His voice was very loud. It was as if he wanted Ying Shuangshuang and Lin Yi to know.    


Ying Shuangshuang's expression immediately changed and she quickly ran to the window. Through the window, she saw the group of men in black downstairs and her face immediately darkened.    


Of course she knew those people. The Wu family, which had always been a martial arts sect, had always nurtured many martial arts experts. It was precisely because of those martial arts experts that no one dared to provoke the Wu family, fearing that they would take revenge on them.    


Now, the Wu family had actually sent out these martial arts experts. It was obvious that they were going to take them down.    


A panicked expression appeared on Ying Shuangshuang's face. She hurriedly ran to Lin Yi's side and said nervously, "Brother Lin, what should we do? Those people are very powerful. We only have two of them. Why..."    


"Don't worry. I said that I am here. Even if the sky collapses, you don't have to be afraid. Hehe, I was afraid that they wouldn't come. Since they came... That's even better." A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face as he slowly stood up from the ground.    


The effect of Meridian Changing Powder in his body was currently healing the injuries in his body, but it still did not awaken the inner Qi in his body.    


Lin Yi knew very well that in this situation, the best way was to use external forces to attack.    


Now that such a group of people had suddenly appeared, it was a good opportunity for him. He could use the battle with them to stimulate the melting of the medicinal strength in his body and achieve the effect of absorbing the medicinal strength.    


Lin Yi sneered and lightly patted Ying Shuangshuang's small hand. He said, "Wait for me here. I'll go play with them. Don't worry, such a group of small fries won't be able to hurt me at all."    


Ying Shuangshuang nodded and said, "Then be careful. If you can't beat them, run immediately. Although the people of Wu family are ruthless, they won't dare to do anything to me."    


"Alright, alright. If we delay any longer, they will rush over. Be obedient and watch from above. Remember to cheer for me." Lin Yi gently pinched Ying Shuangshuang's small face, then directly rolled out of the window.    


After a round of dispelling force in the air, Lin Yi very easily landed on the ground. The impact of landing on the ground made his body shake. A strong pain hit him, making him break out in cold sweat.    


However, the effect of the Meridian Changing Powder spread faster. Lin Yi believed that as long as he had enough impact, he would definitely be able to regain his strength!    


As soon as Lin Yi landed, he was discovered by those people. The leader turned around and looked at Lin Yi. After a careful look, a proud smile appeared on his face.    


"That's right, it's you, kid. I never thought that you would have such guts. There are so many of us here. You're not afraid. I, Wu Dang, admire brave people the most, but unfortunately... Your little life is coming to an end here."    


The leader of the group was called Wu Dang, the second steward of Wu family. He was a cruel and merciless man, and his means were extremely cruel. He sneered and looked at Lin Yi as if he was looking at a dead man.    


Lin Yi smiled faintly and shook his head, "Afraid? If I was facing a group of experts, perhaps I would be a little afraid. However, trash like you can't arouse my fear at all."    


" Hahaha, what a sharp-tongued little bastard. He clearly doesn't even have inner qi. Yet he's still so arrogant! Do you believe that I can stab you to death with a single finger?!" Wu Dang burst into laughter. Seeing how arrogant Lin Yi was, he actually had the urge to play cat and mouse.    


"Is that so? Then I'll stand here and poke you. If you have the ability, come at me!" Lin Yi laughed lightly. He really stood there without moving at all. The ridicule and disdain were clearly expressed in his words.    


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