The Dissolute Evil Doctor

C206 An Awkward Supermarket Shopping

C206 An Awkward Supermarket Shopping

0Lin Yi's words caused Hwa Chuchu's face to turn even redder. Even her neck turned red.    


She nodded slightly. En. Her voice was so low that even Lin Yi could not hear it clearly.    


Lin Yi got up from the bed and gently picked Hwa Chuchu up. His movements were very gentle, as if he was hugging an exquisite piece of art.    


They quickly entered the bathroom and Lin Yi skillfully took off Hwa Chuchu's clothes. This girl drank quite a lot and the smell of alcohol on her body was very strong.    


This was the first time Lin Yi took off Hwa Chuchu's clothes. When he took off her clothes, he, who had always been familiar with it, was actually a little nervous.    


Hwa Chuchu crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her skin was pink and very hot. This was the first time she took the initiative to expose herself in front of Lin Yi. For some reason, she suddenly felt a little nervous.    


Lin Yi's fiery eyes ignited the fire in her heart. Her body seemed to be burning and boiling. That kind of feeling was hard to describe with words.    


At this time, the spray was suddenly opened and warm water poured on her body. Hwa Chuchu suddenly jumped up like a frightened little bird and was hugged by Lin Yi.    


Lin Yi quietly looked at her. At this moment, it was as if time had stopped.    


Both of their eyes were filled with desire. It was a kind of physiological and psychological desire.    


Gradually, their mouths moved together. They kissed deeply, and their heartbeats were so clear.    


Lin Yi's big hand started to move and move... Suddenly, he smelled a faint smell of blood, as if it came from beneath Hwa Chuchu.    


In the small supermarket next to his house, Lin Yi was holding more than a dozen bags of colorful paper products to the cashier counter. As a pure newbie in this area, he did not know what to buy.    


Su Fei? Yue Yue Shuang? Or 8 degrees of space?    


He suddenly realized that there was a new challenge in his life. If the legendary Hunting God, who killed without blinking, bought a sanitary pad for a woman, if he told others about it, he would probably laugh himself to death.    


However, the truth was that people did not know whether to laugh or cry. Lin Yi suddenly realized that when the heavens made fun of him, he could only bear it obediently.    


He had already prepared the guns and bullets. How could he have thought that his aunt Cheng would come out halfway? Only he could feel that kind of bitter feeling.    


He still remembered that when he walked out of the hotel, he saw a few lackeys of the Dragon God Gang at the door. When they saw him walk out of the hotel to the supermarket, they kept reminding Lin Yi that there was a condom in the hotel and that he didn't need to go to the supermarket to buy it.    


Buy a condom my ass! Lin Yi really wanted to beat them to death!    


Of course, he didn't dare to tell them that he was going to buy that thing. If they found out, as the boss, it would be very difficult for him to raise his head in front of them in the future.    


When he returned to the hotel, Hwa Chuchu was wrapped in a bath towel and covered with a towel. When she saw Lin Yi carrying a big bag, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


"Mr. Yi, I told you to go by myself, but you insisted on going. Look at you now, acting like a thief." After Hwa Chuchu let go of her emotions, she became much more cheerful. She did not hesitate to make fun of Lin Yi.    


Lin Yi rolled his eyes at her snappily and said, "You heartless bad girl, I am the boss of a gang. I helped you buy this thing, and you still have the nerve to mock me? No, my body and mind are both severely injured. You have to think of a way to cure me. "    


When Lin Yi finished speaking, his eyes greedily gouged out Hwa Chuchu's body. The flames in his body burned fiercely.    


Hwa Chuchu found the bag that she wanted from the bag, took out one, and ran to the bathroom to change.    


After changing, she said shyly, "Mr. Yi, I am not in a good time today. How can I help you treat your body and mind?"    


Hwa Chuchu revealed a delicate look. Of course, she knew that Lin Yi was very uncomfortable right now, but in this condition, it was not suitable for her to do that.    


They all knew that communicating in this kind of situation would cause great harm to both parties' bodies. Hwa Chuchu was not worried about herself. She was afraid that Lin Yi would be hurt.    


Lin Yi smiled sneakily and said, "If I had known earlier that your area would be blank, I would have prepared everything for you!"    


Lin Yi took out a USB from his pocket and inserted it into the computer in the room.    


Very quickly, some naked men and women appeared on the computer. Then, all kinds of strange sounds and pictures appeared in Hwa Chuchu's ears and in front of her eyes.    


Hwa Chuchu was stunned as she watched. Although she kept saying that she wanted to give her body to Lin Yi, she did not know what to do at all.    


Last time, she stole a glance at the battle between Lin Yi and Loong Kui and barely knew a little about it. Now, looking at this educational film again, she suddenly realized that doing that thing did not have to be like that.    


"Chuchu's wife, how's your learning going? Can we start now?" Lin Yi turned off the video and Hwa Chuchu woke up from her serious learning state. Her hands were still shaking up and down.    


She nodded very seriously and said in a deep voice, "I almost understand. Some things that I don't understand probably need to be verified in practice. Mr. Yi, you lie on the bed first. I'm coming."    




Lin Yi originally thought that Hwa Chuchu would resist, but he didn't expect her to be so cooperative. Moreover, her comprehension ability was quite good. Lin Yi's body and mind were relaxed.    


When it was almost night time, the two of them reluctantly got up from the bed. After a day of rest, both of them recovered to their best state.    


Just as the two of them left the hotel, Lin Yi received a call from an unknown person.    


After he picked up the phone, he only heard a sound. A trace of surprise appeared on his face and he said with a smile, "So it's beautiful Yueshu. Why did you want to call me? Did you miss me?"    


Lin Yi, on the principle of not messing around, was an idiot and immediately launched an attack on this ice mountain beauty.    


"I didn't miss you, don't think too much." Hee Yueshu's voice was still so cold, as if Lin Yi owed her a lot of money.    


Lin Yi sighed and looked very helpless. Other women were easy to train, but this ice beauty, he really could not do anything about it.    


Hwa Chuchu saw his depressed look and could not help but be curious. What kind of woman could make Lin Yi have such a headache?    


"Alright then. Tell me, why are you looking for me? Is there something wrong with me again?" Lin Yi sighed lightly. Towards such a woman, he could only slowly grind her down. Hee Yueshu was the first woman he had taken a fancy to when he came to Pinghu.    


"I don't feel uncomfortable anywhere. Something happened to Sun Wen. Last time, you did something to him, but you never helped him get rid of it. I didn't expect that just a few days ago, he suddenly had a high fever. He was sent to the hospital for treatment. The doctor had already sent down the patient's critical condition notice, saying that the fever would not go down tonight. He would not be able to survive. The people from the Sun family found out that this matter was related to me, so they sent people to look for me. They even put pressure on our He family. I'm looking for you because I want you to help me solve this problem. I don't want to drag so many people into this mess because of me"    


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