The Dissolute Evil Doctor

C105 Baptism of the Marrow

C105 Baptism of the Marrow

0Open the Eight Extraordinary Meridians!    


Lu Xiaoyun and Loong Kui were both shocked. Lu Xiaoyun was shocked that what was written in Wuxia novels was actually true. Loong Kui was shocked that Lin Yi was actually willing to pay such a huge price for Lu Xiaoyun to open the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. This was not a simple matter.    


"Lin Yi, are you sure you can do it? Opening the Eight Extraordinary Meridians is not that simple. Even if my grandfather were to attack, he wouldn't be able to do it. " Loong Kui said very seriously, clearly very worried.    


"Don't worry, just because Old Man Loong can't do it doesn't mean that I can't do it either. I learned more than him. I used the Godly Doctor Sect's method." Lin Yi smiled faintly. If it was anyone else, they would have to use their powerful inner Qi to continuously impact their meridians. With the help of his powerful mental strength, he opened the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. It would consume a great deal of energy, and it might even affect their foundation.    


However, Lin Yi's method was different. He used the Divine Needle to draw the meridians. Using silver needles to replace the impact of inner Qi, the price he would have to pay would be much smaller. Furthermore, Lu Xiaoyun would not suffer intense pain from the impacts of her meridians. This was what Lin Yi cared about the most.    


Lin Yi took out a Divine Vein Needle and slapped it on Lu Xiaoyun's palm. Lu Xiaoyun only felt a mosquito staring at her. That Divine Vein Needle actually disappeared!    


"Don't move. Just sit there. I will help you to open your meridians." Lin Yi's tone was very serious. He immediately released his mental energy. Under the support of the Dust Cleansing Bead's power, the following process was very smooth.    


Very quickly, the Divine Vein Needle swam in Lu Xiaoyun's body for a week before returning to Lin Yi's hands. At this time, Lu Xiaoyun's pores were all black. Even some black dirt appeared on her face, carrying a faint smell.    


Before Lin Yi could say anything, Lu Xiaoyun suddenly jumped off the bed, and crazily took a nightgown from the cabinet, then ran out of the room and rushed into the bathroom.    


Loong Kui looked at this scene in shock and said, "What happened to her? Why is there so much dirt?"    


"That is the impurities in her meridians. I used the Divine Vein Needle to force them out. Of course they would become like that. You just need to wash them. Hehe, using this method to open up her meridians, as well as the effect of cleansing her meridians and removing her marrow... You will probably be able to see the changes in Xiaoyun in a while." Lin Yi had a mysterious look on his face, but Loong Kui did not think much of it. Who knew if Lin Yi was bragging.    


Very soon, Lu Xiaoyun opened the door and entered the room. Her appearance made Loong Kui's eyes light up.    


Lu Xiaoyun's skin was even fairer than before, and it faintly flickered with a glow of light. That was the luster emitted by inner qi. Furthermore, the temperament on her body also underwent a huge change and seemed to have an additional trace of nobility.    


Lu Xiaoyun very much enjoyed the feeling that her body gave her, and said very happily, "Mr. Yi, I feel that my body has become much lighter than before. It is as if I can fly with a light jump. It is really too wonderful! Is this the feeling of eight extraordinary meridians being opened? "    


" Actually, your current changes have really exceeded my expectations. It should be because your aptitude is more outstanding, right? You already have inner Qi, even though you're only at the early stages of the Spirit Cultivating Realm. However, your cultivation will be much smoother after this. From now on, you'll practice the Jade Lady Skill. This is already the most suitable skill for girls in my hands. " Lin Yi smiled and said. He had already reached the extent of pampering Lu Xiaoyun.    


"It would be great if you can practice the Jade Lady Technique well. Even if it's me... I've only reached the fourth stage, probably the fifth. Talent. Qi Transforming Stage." Loong Kui looked at Lu Xiaoyun with an envious expression. If she had also been like this at the beginning, she would have been able to cleanse her marrow. She estimated that her current achievements would be even higher.    


Lin Yi could feel her intentions and smiled bitterly, "Don't blame me for favoring you. There is a prerequisite for me to use the Divine Needle to cleanse the marrow. We are at least two levels apart from each other. I have just reached the Qi Transforming Stage. And you are almost at the peak of the Dark Qi Stage. I really can't help you. "    


"Who asked you to help me? When I reach the Qi Transforming Stage, I'll refine the impurities in my body. Hurry up and cultivate, don't talk so much nonsense. Today, you still want to fight a group of K People. If you don't recover a little bit more, when the time comes, you will lose all of a sudden. How disgraceful will that be!" Loong Kui said snappily. She closed her eyes and quickly entered into a state of cultivation.    


Lin Yi smiled bitterly. After telling Loong Kui all the chants, the three of them began to meditate for a long time with their legs crossed.    


The next morning, after the three of them finished eating breakfast, they hurried back to Pingdeng University.    


This time, the China and Korea Medical Exchange could be considered an international competition. Therefore, Ping Cheng University was very lively today. All kinds of branded cars could not stop.    


This competition would be broadcasted live by the television station, and it would be very popular on the Internet.    


KCountry had been competing with China all these years. The competition for the various world's non-material cultural heritage made many Huaxia People very angry.    


As long as there was an amazing figure in China, there would be an expert from the K Country who would immediately jump out and say that he was from the K Country.    


Just like this time, they clamored that TCM was just a branch of their TCM. They came all the way to China just to defeat TCM and verify this theory.    


The others had already fought their way to their doorsteps. How could China give in? In this way, this exchange meeting had already been hyped up. All the eyes in the country were fixed on Ping Da. In a moment, this competition became the hottest news in the country.    


This was the first time Lu Xiaoyun had seen such a scene. She was really a little nervous. She gently grabbed Lin Yi's hand and said in a low voice, "Mr. Yi, you must not be nervous. Relax and fight with them. They are not your match!"    


Lin Yi laughed and said, "I am not nervous at all. Sister Xiaoyun, you are even more nervous than me!"    


"I am not as calm as you. If it were me, I would be stared at by all the Huaxia People. I'm definitely nervous to death." Lu Xiaoyun muttered to herself. Indeed, there was no smoke in this battle. Lin Yi could only win. He could not lose. If he lost... He would definitely be condemned by thousands of people. The outcome could be imagined.    


"Lin Yi, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Hurry up and bring the plate with you. Today, you are the leader of our Celestial Empire's Celestial Empire's Celestial Empire's TCM. Do your best! " Hee Jiajin gave Lin Yi an identity plate with an excited look on his face.    


He had 100% confidence in Lin Yi. This kind of competition was too easy to predict.    


"Don't worry. Since I am here, I will do my best to break all the K People." Lin Yi chuckled with a relaxed look on his face.    


"Hmph, don't be too careless. It will be bad if you fail miserably in an easy task. You'll make it seem like you're the only genius here. None of us are weaker than you." A mocking laugh came from behind Lin Yi. Hee Yueru slowly walked towards him. Behind her were three people, two men and one woman. They all had an imposing manner.    


Among the three of them, a thin and tall man wearing gold-rimmed glasses saw Lin Yi and quickly walked over. His sharp eyes met Lin Yi's and said, "You are Lin Yi? What right do you have to be our captain? I want to challenge you! "    


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