Urban Omnipotent Son-in-law

C6 You're so Powerful Why Didn't You Go up to the Sky

C6 You're so Powerful Why Didn't You Go up to the Sky

0Mo Nan, who was standing at the door, swallowed his saliva as he looked at the snow-white body on the bed.    


A ripe cabbage was placed in front of him. Should he pluck it or not?    


Mo Nan was momentarily stunned. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and walked in with a smile on his face.    


Sun Wenwen's clothes were untied, but fortunately, he came in time and did not cause any worse results.    


It could be considered a blessing in misfortune.    


"Do you need help?" Mo Nan narrowed his eyes and tried not to look.    


At this moment, Sun Wenwen, who was wearing only a little and revealing a large part of her body, suddenly heard a sound. She was crying and her closed eyes suddenly opened.    


Seeing that there was actually another person beside the bed, she was extremely shocked. Thinking about what happened just now, she could not help but feel fear in her heart.    


"Ah! Don't... don't... don't come over..."    


Sun Wenwen, who was unable to move, was lying on the ground. She desperately shouted at the top of her lungs. Her eyes were filled with fear.    


Obviously, she thought that Mo Nan, who had suddenly come in, was a bad person. She thought that he was just like those people from before, trying to do something bad to her.    




Amidst the piercing and piercing screams that almost pierced Mo Nan's eardrums, Sun Wenwen realized that she was only wearing a little. Her face, which was filled with anger and fear, instantly turned red with embarrassment and anger.    


She hurriedly wanted to pull the blanket over to cover herself, but found that there was nothing above the bed.    




There was another scream. She was so flustered that she did not know what to do. She could not find anything to cover her body.    


She could only use her hands to block the important places in order to prevent herself from leaking out.    


Mo Nan narrowed his eyes slightly and a playful smile appeared on his face. Could such a large area be covered with just two hands?    


Seeing Mo Nan using a strange gaze to look at her, Sun Wenwen's delicate and angry face was both angry and angry. It was boiling hot. Using the last bit of strength, she repeatedly shouted, "Get out! Get out! Get out!"    


Are you sure you're okay? " Mo Nan was still a little worried. He looked at Sun Wenwen with clear eyes.    


"Get out!" Sun Wenwen's sharp voice echoed in the room. Her eyes were full of anger. She was about to kill Mo Nan.    


Then, she wanted to get up and put on her clothes, but she found that she did not have any strength in her body. She could not use any strength at all. She could not even sit up.    


Not to mention putting on her clothes.    


"Ah! Ah!"    


Perhaps it was anger or unwillingness, Sun Wenwen struggled a few times but still ended in failure.    


In the end, she collapsed powerlessly.    


Mo Nan, who was just about to leave, saw her like this. He wanted to laugh but was speechless. "Do you need help?"    


Sun Wenwen took a long breath and laid there powerlessly. She looked at Mo Nan, who had not left yet, and really wanted to say that she did not need it.    


But she was powerless and had no choice. She could not keep doing this. She could only wear this.    


She bit her lips. Her eyes were filled with tears as she gently tapped her lips. She nodded in agreement.    


Mo Nan rubbed his nose and walked to the bedside to observe. His skin was quite good. He could only watch and not do anything. It was a pity.    


"Have you seen enough? Help!" Sun Wenwen was annoyed and embarrassed when she saw Mo Nan staring at her.    


"How can I see enough of such a beautiful body?"    


Mo Nan smiled. Sun Wenwen almost spat out blood because of anger. This guy was too shameless.    


At this moment, she regretted keeping Mo Nan.    


Just as she was in a daze and thinking about how to fight back against Mo Nan, she suddenly realized that her hand had been grabbed. She was so scared that her whole body trembled. She looked at the owner of this hand in panic. "What are you doing?"    


Mo Nan ignored her murderous gaze. His expression was indifferent and calm. He said coolly, "You have been drugged! Now I will help you force the medicine out of your body."    


Immediately, Mo Nan's hand was like a massage, slowly pushing up along Sun Wenwen's wrist until it reached her shoulder.    


"Ah... Ah..."    


This push of his caused Sun Wenwen to suffer quite a lot. It was as if her entire skin was about to be torn off.    


Under the pain, her delicate face became somewhat ferocious.    


"You can't take it anymore?" Mo Nan rolled his eyes in annoyance, but he was secretly pleased in his heart.    


He did not expect her skin to be so good. It was tender and smooth, like a piece of tender tofu. With a light pinch, it would be crushed.    


Perhaps because he did not have the heart, the strength of Mo Nan's massage gradually weakened under Sun Wenwen's miserable screams, but it was still extremely painful.    


"Hey... You... What are you doing..."    


Although it was very painful, Sun Wenwen still maintained a trace of consciousness. Very quickly, she discovered that Mo Nan's hand was actually slowly moving towards other parts of her body.    


She was so frightened that her expression changed abruptly. She was scared, shocked, and even a little shy.    


Her completely red face was like a ripe apple. It made people want to swallow it in one go.    




Mo Nan shouted softly but did not stop. He slowly moved his hand on Sun Wenwen's smooth skin.    


"Ah... En... gently..."    



Just when Mo Nan's hand was about to touch Sun Wenwen, Sun Wenwen was so scared that her face turned pale. She closed her eyes and did not dare to look. She only said some vague nonsense.    


Mo Nan looked up and found Sun Wenwen's face was red and her body was a little hot. He could not help but laugh in his heart. He did not expect her to be so sensitive.    


Without stopping, Mo Nan continued pushing.    


As Mo Nan's hand slowly moved from his upper body to his thigh, Sun Wenwen was surprised to find that other than a little bit of red, the place where she was pushed by Mo Nan actually had some water droplets that looked like water.    


"Ah... What's going on?" She said in shock.    


Mo Nan smiled and said, "This is called Pushing the Palace Blood. Use the method to force the remaining medicine in your body out of your body through the capillaries."    


Sun Wenwen looked at the water stains on her body as if she did not understand what was going on. She massaged her back. It was not like she had never done it before, but it was the first time she had done something like Mo Nan.    


Although it was very painful at the beginning, as the water stains were expelled, she felt an indescribable sense of comfort all over her body.    


It was as if she was steaming with sweat. It was extremely comfortable.    


Looking at Mo Nan again, Sun Wenwen found that his forehead was actually sweating. Beads of sweat flowed down his clearly determined face and dripped onto the bed sheet.    


She thought that Mo Nan's technique should be different from the usual method of pushing the Palace into the bloodstream.    


People were even more tired!    


Looking at Mo Nan who continued to treat her, the anger in Sun Wenwen's heart disappeared.    


She finally knew that Mo Nan did not take advantage of her.    


However, the more clear-headed she was, the more shy she felt. Her shy face turned red.    


A pair of apricot eyes looked at Mo Nan curiously and said softly, "I didn't see that your technique was so good. It was not any worse than those professionals."    


Mo Nan was stunned. He looked up and said, "This is it? To me, it's not a big deal. If you like it, I can help you push it every day."    


Who asked you to help me push it every day? You're shameless!    


Sun Wenwen glared at him unhappily and said, "Just a few words of praise and you will go to heaven. You are not proper! You're so powerful, why didn't you go to heaven?"    


"I want to! But there's no one to accompany you, it's too lonely! " How about you accompany me to the heavens? " Mo Nan grabbed Sun Wenwen's ankle and smiled." I'll take you to fly. I'll take you to experience what it means... "    


Sun Wenwen's face turned red. She was so shy that she wanted to find a crack and crawl into it.    


At this time, she suddenly felt a comfortable feeling that was like an electric shock. Sun Wenwen immediately cried out.    


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