Provocative Beauty



0The policewoman walked up to Zhang Hao and said coldly, "Stand up."    


There was a sense of irresistibility in her words, coupled with her strong aura, Zhang Hao subconsciously stood up.    


Then, without waiting for Zhang Hao to react, the policewoman magically pulled out a pair of shining handcuffs and immediately cuffed him.    


Zhang Hao was dumbfounded. He hurriedly said, "Comrade Police, I am a good person, a good person. Did you arrest the wrong person?"    


The policewoman gave a cold laugh, "I'm the one who caught you, Zhang Hao!"    


Hearing the other party reveal his name, Zhang Hao was dumbfounded.    


The policewoman looked at Zhang Hao with disdain and said coldly, "I am Wu Yu's aunt, the police station's Director Liu Yufeng."    


It was no wonder that Wu Yu didn't suffer from a concussion after beating someone up. It turned out to be an aunt of his.    


Looking at the imposing Liu Yufeng in front of him, Zhang Hao immediately understood that Zhuang brother must have asked Liu Yufeng to arrest him when he found Wu Yu.    


Thinking of this, he did not utter a single word. He lowered his head and knew that he was done for.    


Liu Yufeng coldly snorted. "Look at your cowardly look."    


She curled her lips and pushed Zhang Hao into the police car.    


As the police car started to move, Zhang Hao sat obediently on his seat.    


Liu Yufeng glanced at Zhang Hao through the rearview mirror and said with disdain, "You're not talking this time? I heard that when you stole someone's wife, didn't you put in a lot of effort? "    


Zhang Hao still did not say anything.    


"Bastard." Liu Yufeng spat out in disdain.    


Zhang Hao was infuriated for a moment. He thought that a disaster was going to befall him anyway. At most, he could just enjoy the moment.    


"Not bad, I did quite well." Zhang Hao said in a rough voice, "Look at how angry you are, it must be because your man doesn't usually make you feel good, right?"    


Hearing this, Liu Yufeng became as angry as a cat with its tail stepped on.    


"Bastard, what are you talking about?"    


Seeing her angry, Zhang Hao became even more proud of himself.    


"I said your man definitely won't do. If you want to be comfortable, you still have to find me."    


Liu Yufeng was a director herself, and she was usually swift and decisive.    


She was so weak and weak, yet she acted like a mouse seeing a cat. How could the bed satisfy her?    


Liu Yufeng, who had her sore spot poked by Zhang Hao, naturally had a frosty expression on her face.    


"If you don't want to suffer, then shut up!" Liu Yufeng berated.    


Only then did Zhang Hao shut his mouth and look out of the window, only to discover that this road was actually headed towards the village.    


"You want to bring me back to the village?" Zhang Hao quickly asked.    


"That's right." Liu Yufeng said coldly, "Wu Yu told me to capture you and bring you back."    


Hearing this, Zhang Hao's vision turned black.    


Although Zhang Hao didn't know anything, he knew that his clandestine love with Sis Xiang was not illegal.    


If he was caught by Liu Yufeng, he would only suffer a little.    


However, if he was sent back to the village, it was unknown how Wu Yu and Brother Zhuang would deal with him.    


Zhang Hao's heart skipped a beat when he thought of the eyes that were almost spitting fire from the big brother last night.    


It's over!    


But at this critical moment, Zhang Hao couldn't think of anything. His hands were still cuffed.    


When the police car finally stopped in front of Wu Yu's house, Liu Yufeng directly pulled Zhang Hao inside.    


The deeper he went, the more frightened Zhang Hao was. He was afraid that the strong man would rush towards him with the watermelon knife in hand.    


However, what made Zhang Hao slightly relieved was that Wu Yu was alone in the room.    


He was in the middle of watching TV when he saw Liu Yufeng and Zhang Hao walk in.    


"He's brought you here. I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first."    


Liu Yufeng seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Wu Yu. She turned around and left without saying a word.    


After Liu Yufeng left, Wu Yu looked at Zhang Hao and suddenly said coldly, "Zhang Hao, how dare you!"    


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