Rural Doctor's Romance

C299 Something Big Had Happened

C299 Something Big Had Happened

0Closing the land permit, Mao Xiaojun gently pushed Zhang Yuehong who was sleeping beside him, "Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang!"    


After a few calls, Zhang Yuehong slept too deeply and did not wake up at all.    


Mao Xiaojun thought, You sissy still want to force yourself. I haven't even used my full strength yet and you are already paralyzed and unable to wake up.    


This is also good. I will leave a note for you. When you wake up, you will understand when you see the note.    


It could also prevent you from being indecisive and not accepting my land permit.    


Mao Xiaojun got off the bed and found a fountain pen in the room. He found an empty piece of paper and wrote a paragraph on it. He put the paper in the land permit and placed it on the bedside table in the room.    


Everything was settled. He stood by the bed and looked at the sleeping Zhang Yuehong.    


Goodbye, Sister Zhang.    


He walked to the door and gently closed the door.    


Once he walked out of the door, there was no turning back.    


He suddenly felt sour in his heart. It was useless even if he felt sad. He still had to bear the responsibility that he had to bear.    


After leaving Zhang Yuehong's house and closing the door, Mao Xiaojun left.    


Just now when Zhang Yuehong was talking to Zhang Ningning on the phone, he knew that Zhang Ningning's family was looking for him. Then go outside their clinic and wait. When they are there, I will take the initiative to turn myself in and take responsibility.    


Mao Xiaojun quickly arrived outside the Hand Healing Clinic. Because the clinic was closed, there was no one around.    


He sat down at the entrance of the clinic and waited for the Zhang family's people to come.    


However, after waiting for more than an hour, not a single person from the Zhang family appeared. He originally had Zhang Ningning's phone number. Later, when he returned, ... He took out the note with his phone number a few times and threw it somewhere.    


It looked like it was almost three or four o'clock in the afternoon. He couldn't wait for anyone, so he had to turn himself in at the police station.    


Mao Xiaojun got up and walked to the police station in town. When he reached the entrance of the police station, he walked in without hesitation.    


There was a young and beautiful policewoman at the front desk. When she saw Mao Xiaojun come in, she asked, "Young man, what's the matter?"    


Mao Xiaojun walked over and sized up this young female police officer. She had a pretty face and short black hair that gave her a very elegant temperament. There was a nameplate on her high chest clothes. It said, Police number: 2038, Zhuang Li.    


It turned out to be a female officer. He immediately whispered, "Officer Zhuang, I'm from the Chief."    


"What did you do?" He heard the young man say he came from the Chief, and just as he asked the question, Zhuang Li suddenly felt that it was not safe to ask alone. "Wait. I will get my colleagues to come with me. In a while, you will tell them the crimes you have committed."    


Thus, she shouted at the two police officers inside, "Old Gao, Liu, come over here for a while. Someone has committed a crime and turned himself in."    


After hearing the voice, the two police officers inside immediately came out.    


The police officer called Old Gao sized up Mao Xiaojun for a while, then took out the notebook in his hand. "Young man, name, age, degree of education and home address, and what crime did you commit? Tell me in detail."    


Thus, Mao Xiaojun told him everything about himself.    


After the policeman heard him, he asked, "You said that you treated a patient with the surname Qiao the day before yesterday?"    


Mao Xiaojun nodded. " Yes!"    


"Do you know the patient's full name?"    


"I don't know!"    


"Are you a doctor? Wang Yao asked. Do you have a medical qualification certificate?"    


Mao Xiaojun shook his head. "No."    


Officer Wang asked Mao Xiaojun while Zhuang Li followed Mao Xiaojun's instructions. She had already applied for investigation from the higher public security information department. The night before yesterday, in Jiangbei Province, was there a 50-year-old male fatty with the surname Qiao who died in a medical accident?    


The results of the investigation were quickly relayed back to him. In these three days, there were no patients with the surname Qiao in Jiangbei Province Hospital. After getting the results, Zhuang Li shook her head at Old Gao, meaning that there was nothing like this at all.    


"Mao Xiaojun, we have already recorded this matter. You can go back now."    


"Ah! Officer, I am here to take the lead. Aren't you going to arrest me? "    


When she just entered the police station, Zhuang Li felt that this fellow was a little silly. When she walked over to her side, he even stared at her chest a few times. Originally, she did not take it seriously. But now, this guy actually refused to leave even if he wanted to. He even wanted them to catch him. He concluded that this guy's brain wasn't normal.    


"I told you to leave, but you still refused to leave. Is there something wrong with your brain?"    


"Officer, I really committed a crime. You guys have to investigate this thoroughly."    


Mao Xiaojun thought to himself, I have already turned myself in. You useless police officers still treat it as if nothing has happened and let me leave.    


Seeing that this guy was getting excited, Zhuang Li immediately became angry. "Okay. Report your home number and let your family take you to the hospital to see a doctor. This is the police station, not a mental hospital."    


Mao Xiaojun was furious in his heart. You b * tch, you even treat me as a mental patient!    


You think you are great just because you have big breasts? You think you're awesome just because you're wearing tiger skin?    


If I didn't commit a crime, I would definitely make you a woman so obedient in the future.    


"Officer, I'm the only one in my house. There's no one else, and there's no phone in the house."    


"Then do you have any relatives? Ask them to take you to see a doctor." Zhuang Li was getting angrier and angrier. This brat was really a fool.    


"I don't have any relatives either. I don't know who to look for!"    


Zhuang Li gave Old Gao and Liu a look, then the two of them walked out and dragged Mao Xiaojun out of the police station.    


"Get lost. This is not a place you should go."    


Mao Xiaojun saw the two of them push him out of the police station, then went in again and closed the door.    


He sighed helplessly. "You bunch of idiots. I'm the leader. You actually chased me out as a mental patient. In the future, if you really want to arrest me, I'll run far away too. I won't let you find me."    



Since no one wants to turn themselves in, I won't turn myself in.    


After leaving the police station, Mao Xiaojun was still angry. He knew very well that Boss Qiao wouldn't be fine. He might still be unconscious at this moment. If something really happened, those people in the police station would arrest him.    


If you guys throw me out today, I will hide far away from you guys and won't be able to catch you. I'll make you guys suffer from the scolding from the higher-ups.    


Now that I can't return to the Peach Blossom Village for the time being, where should I go?    


While Mao Xiaojun was strolling on the street, he was thinking about where to hide. He walked to the entrance of a pet shop and saw an advertisement on the wall with a large sum of money.    


He walked closer and took a look.    


On it was written that Ling County was paying a large sum of money for a consultation poodle. If the illness could be cured, the reward would be thirty thousand.    


Her mother, this family was really rich. Thirty thousand yuan, to treat a dog's illness, was also awesome.    


Ling County was a high school county town for Mao Xiaojun. Oh right, I'll go to Ling County to hide. I'll also go and see what kind of illness that dog from a rich family has. If it really is cured, thirty thousand yuan will be in my hands.    


Thus, Mao Xiaojun walked towards the long distance bus station.    


In the police station, the director received a call from his superior, asking him to immediately bring people to arrest Mao Xiaojun from Peach Blossom Village.    


"Zhuang Li, bring some people to arrest the Peach Blossom Village's Mao Xiaojun. You must catch him today, or else I will question you!" The director immediately handed the task to Zhuang Li.    


"Ah! Mao Xiaojun from the Peach Blossom Village? Isn't he the lunatic from before?" Only now did Zhuang Li realize that she had made a huge mistake. She was extremely anxious.    


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