Rural Doctor's Romance

C259 Bathing in the Middle of the Night

C259 Bathing in the Middle of the Night

0Zhang Cuihua felt that it was inappropriate for Niu Qing to take off Little Jun's pants.    


She quickly said to Wang Xiuxiu, "Sis Xiu, Sister Niu Qing has never really dated a man before. It is not appropriate for her to pull Little Jun's pants off. It will scare the sister."    


Zhang Cuihua's words made Wang Xiuxiu puzzled. How did a woman like you know that Little Jun would be scared when his pants were pulled off? Could it be that you have seen it before?    


But thinking about it, it was not very possible. Although Mao Xiaojun often went to Zhang Cuihua's house, it was only to help. If he really wanted to bully Zhang Cuihua, he wouldn't have the guts to do so.    


She guessed that the light from her phone just now illuminated Little Jun's pants. Zhang Cuihua saw that his pants were indecent.    


Since it was not some shady matter between the little rascal and Zhang Cuihua, this was the reason.    


Whatever, today this little rascal must make a fool of himself.    


Hence, Wang Xiuxiu said to Niu Qing, "Sister, don't be shy. It's not a big deal to take off Little Jun's pants. Men are more or less the same. If you get married in the future, you still have to have children with men. At that time, you'll also be mentally prepared. "    


"However, Brother Xiaojun is currently sleeping. If I really pull off his pants, he will wake up and find that his pants are missing. He will definitely blame me." Niu Qing was still a little worried in her heart.    


Wang Xiuxiu thought about it and what Niu Qing said was right. When the little bastard fell asleep, even if she pulled off his pants, it would not be exciting and this guy would not feel embarrassed.    


"Then wait for him to wake up before you pull off his pants."    




Niu Qing thought that this was the only thing she could do now. She would wait for Brother Xiaojun to wake up first.    


On the other side, Tao Gui walked out of the house with a flashlight and headed northeast. Soon, he arrived outside the Lin Meizhu.    


Not far away from the Lin Meizhu was Prunus Armeniaca. Usually, no one would be in his house during the four seasons. But now, he found a dim light in Big Root's house.    


He hadn't seen anyone coming back from his house during the day. Why was the light in the house now? Could it be that there was a thief in the house?    


Tao Gui was a little worried. He immediately called his nephew, Tao Ziqiang, and asked him to wait for him in the house and come out at any time.    


After that, Tao Gui quietly approached Prunus Armeniaca.    


The lights in Tao Dagen's room were lit in the kitchen. When he got close to the kitchen, he turned off his flashlight and rubbed it against the glass outside to see what was happening inside.    


When he saw it, he was suddenly shocked.    


Her mother, wasn't this Tao Dagen's little daughter, Tao Rongrong? Why did that little girl take off her clothes and take a bath in the kitchen?    


This made Tao Gui's eyes widen.    


The little girl was eighteen years old this year. She was in high school in the county. She usually stayed in school and did not go home. In the middle of the night, she actually went home.    


Tao Gui kept staring at Tao Rongrong who was cleaning her body with a towel. He was so excited that he forgot that he was going to Lin Meizhu to mess with that woman tonight.    


This girl's body had developed so well in two to three years.    


Tao Gui used his hand to compare the size of her chest, which was about the same size as Lin Meizhu's slutty wife. However, the little girl's body was strong and elastic.    


After Tao Gui looked for a while, his body suddenly had a reaction.    


Tao Rongrong, who was taking a bath inside, did not notice that the old man was staring at her from the outside.    


Today, she had rushed back home at the last minute. She was supposed to stay in the small supermarket that her parents opened during the summer break and help look after the small store at the same time.    


Because the college entrance exam was about to start, the teacher asked every student to practice in the countryside during the summer break, and to write at least three thousand words of practical experience during the beginning of school.    


Ever since Tao Rongrong went to high school, she rarely went back to her hometown to the countryside. She only came back two or three times a year. The practical test in the school this time was quite strict. She had to rush back to her hometown. She had to stay for a while longer to figure out the specific situation in the countryside. For example, what was planted in the fields all year round? Also, the government's current policy on the peasants in the countryside.    


Therefore, she left the county this afternoon and returned to her hometown. When she returned to the Peach Blossom Village, it was already dark.    


It was currently a hot day. After walking for two hours on the mountain road, her clothes were drenched in sweat.    


The water basin in the house was in the kitchen, and there was still water in the water tank in the kitchen. She thought that there was only Lin Meizhu's family by her side. Lin Meizhu's husband did not come home all year round. Furthermore, it was already so late and the people of Peach Blossom Village had already gone to sleep. No one would see her taking a shower in the kitchen.    


Therefore, she took off her clothes and scooped some water from the well into the basin. Then, she took a shower.    


However, she did not expect Tao Gui, that old man, to have an affair with Lin Meizhu tonight. She happened to see that her house's lamp was on. She came over to steal a look and even peeked at her taking a shower.    


Tao Rongrong had almost finished showering, and her body was much cooler. She also felt a little sleepy now, so she put on clean clothes and underpants. She also put the clothes and underpants that she had just changed into in the washing basin and planned to wash them tomorrow morning.    


Water splashed on the ground. She used a mop to drag them once. She felt that her mouth was a little dry, so she took the bowl and scooped a bowl of well water to drink.    


As she raised her head to drink the bowl of well water, Tao Gui, who had been waiting outside the window, rubbed his head against the window. He discovered that Tao Rongrong, this little girl, was not wearing any clothes. His chest kept shaking, which made him extremely irritated.    


He suddenly had the urge to rush into the house and bully this woman.    


However, it was a crime to barge in and bully Tao Rongrong.    


He was the secretary of the village, so he could not do such a thing. It seemed that the fire in his body still needed to be vented on Lin Meizhu, that woman.    


Just as he was about to leave, his phone suddenly rang, giving him a fright.    


Damn it, which bastard would call me in the middle of the night?    


In order to prevent Tao Rongrong from finding out, Tao Gui immediately took his phone, which was still ringing, and ran to the back of a big tree on the side of the road. Only then did he take a look.    


Damn it, it was that little bastard, Ziqiang. He called me in the middle of the night to ruin my plans!    


Although he was angry, Tao Gui still answered the phone.    


On the other side, Tao Ziqiang's voice immediately sounded.    


"Uncle, is there anything wrong with the village?"    


It turned out that after Tao Ziqiang received Tao Gui's call, he had been waiting for Tao Gui to call again, but he had waited for half an hour and had not called. He was worried, so he called to ask about the situation.    


"Ziqiang, nothing happened in the village. Uncle just heard dog barking outside. He thought that those hooligans came again last night. Uncle had just looked at the flashlight and found that there was no one there. It was two wild dogs fighting over an entire female dog."    



"It's good that you're alright!" Tao Ziqiang was very sleepy at the moment. When he heard Tao Gui say that he was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Ziqiang, then you should rest early. Uncle is also sleeping."    


"Okay, Uncle!"    


After hanging up the phone, Tao Gui turned on his flashlight again and slowly walked towards the Lin Meizhu.    


Tonight, I will definitely take care of that woman.    


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