Rural Doctor's Romance

C435 Who's Going to Pay for This

C435 Who's Going to Pay for This

0Zhang Cuihua saw that the two of them were about to bicker, so she quickly said to Mao Xiaojun, "Little Jun, help sister-in-law draw the fire water. In a while, we still have to go and feed the pigs."    


"En, okay!"    


Mao Xiaojun did not bother arguing with Zhang Ningning. He walked to the back of the stove and started to light the fire to boil the water.    


Niu Qing had been used to housework at home. Now she also came to the back of the stove. "Brother Xiaojun, let me start the fire. When I was at home, I often helped my parents cook and cook. I often feed the two pigs raised by my family. "    


Mao Xiaojun thought to himself, You're such a good nurse, how can you do such a rough job?    


In the future, if you make all the skin on your body rough, it will be terrible. I want to be good friends with you. Of course, the better the skin, the softer your body, and the more comfortable it will be to teach you a lesson.    


"Sister, you go and rest for a while. Let Brother Xiaojun do these rough jobs."    


After Mao Xiaojun finished speaking, Zhang Ningning walked up, "Sister Niu Qing, these jobs were originally done by men. You are a big girl. After doing these kind of rough jobs, you will also get old quickly."    


Zhang Ningning was angry in her heart every time she saw Mao Xiaojun. Maybe it was because he took advantage of her the last time she was in the rain.    


But when she said these words, Zhang Cuihua felt very unhappy in her heart.    


Zhang Cuihua only had her in the house. Usually, she would do all the work in the house by herself. When Ningning said those words just now, it meant that she would grow old quickly in the future.    


However, she knew that Ningning also did not have the intention. It was to anger Little Jun, so she did not want to anger her anymore.    


Mao Xiaojun finished boiling water, stirred the pig food, and went to feed the pig.    


Niu Qing wanted to go with him but was stopped by Zhang Ningning, "Sister, let Little Jun do these rough jobs. Let's just rest in the room."    


"Then I will help Sister Cui Hua with the cooking."    


"Okay, I'll go with you."    


Like this, the two women took a vegetable basket filled with vegetables and went to the door. They started to clean the dirty things and yellow leaves on the vegetables.    


Mao Xiaojun quickly fed the pigs back. Zhang Cuihua had also prepared the vegetables. She was happy today and made four vegetables that were planted by her family.    


Dinner was also ready, so the four of them surrounded the table and began eating.    


After dinner, everyone sat on the stool and drank tea while resting for a while.    


"Little Jun, we have something to discuss later. Let's call Sis Xiu and go to Uncle Hua's room to discuss it."    


Zhang Cuihua suddenly said she wanted to discuss something, which confused Mao Xiaojun.    


"Sister-in-law, what is it?"    


"You will know in a while. Don't ask now. Sister-in-law is quite tired today. Let sister-in-law rest for a while."    


Mao Xiaojun thought to himself, Last night, I fought with you for so long. It would be strange if you, a woman, weren't tired.    


So, he didn't make a sound anymore. Everyone leaned against the chairs and rested together.    


Actually, Mao Xiaojun was quite tired because he didn't sleep well. He could take a break for a while.    


The four of them only rested for about ten minutes before Wang Xiuxiu walked towards them from outside.    


Wang Xiuxiu saw Niu Qing dressed up and was very surprised in her heart.    


Their Peach Blossom Village did not have such a heavily dressed woman and she did not know where she came from. She looked at Zhang Ningning again and thought that it might be the companion that this girl brought.    


"Sis Cuihua, Big Sister finally found you." When she saw Zhang Cuihua leaning on the chair to rest, she immediately said with a smile.    


Just now, Zhang Ningning and Niu Qing were both resting with their eyes closed, so when the two of them heard Wang Xiuxiu's voice, they opened their eyes.    


Zhang Cuihua almost fell asleep in a daze. When she opened her eyes and saw Wang Xiuxiu, she smiled and said, "Sis Xiu, you are here. I have something to talk to you about. What is it that you want to talk to me about?"    


"Sis Xiu."    


She called out to Sis Xiu, "Sis Xiu!"    


"Aunt Xiu!"    


Mao Xiaojun, Zhang Ningning, and Niu Qing greeted Wang Xiuxiu when they saw her.    


Wang Xiuxiu nodded at the three of them and said to Zhang Cuihua, "Sister is looking for you because of the sick pig. The pigs of five families in the village were poisoned. Initially, the village committee wanted to find a professional veterinarian to treat the pig disease in the village, but there were some people in the village committee who asked for money to cause trouble. There was a disagreement. Therefore, we can't invite anyone to treat the poisoned pigs for a short period of time. "    


Zhang Cuihua thought for a while and asked," Is there someone who doesn't agree with the money from the village committee? "    


Zhang Cuihua was a smart person and she knew that it was because of this matter.    


Wang Xiuxiu nodded, "Yes. Some people think that the village committee should fork out the money, and some people think that the villagers with sick pigs should fork out the money. Isn't this a disagreement?"    


"Sis Xiu, if the villagers pay by themselves, how much will it cost?"    


"If we call them over, it will cost at least 250 yuan. If we divide it like this, each family will have to pay about 50 yuan."    


Fifty yuan was not a small amount to the poor Peach Blossom Village.    


Because they were far away from town, they did not spend money usually. They were old villagers. They did not go down the mountain for almost a year. There were no small stores in the village. During the holidays, their families were poor. He didn't even go to the town. He just went to the small store in Zhang Villiage next door to buy some things. They would make do with the New Year.    


At this moment, every family had to pay fifty yuan. Zhang Cuihua still had some hesitation in her heart.    


The main thing was that the two sick pigs in her house had been poisoned. This money was a little unfair.    


Mao Xiaojun saw that Zhang Cuihua did not speak for a long time and knew that this wife could not bear to pay fifty yuan.    


She was his woman now, so 50 yuan was nothing. So Mao Xiaojun said to Wang Xiuxiu, "Aunt Xiu, I will pay for Sister Cui Hua's family money."    


Zhang Cuihua said unhappily, "You little rascal, you helped sister-in-law pay. Other families are not willing to pay this money. Just 50 yuan from sister-in-law's family, can you hire a professional veterinarian to come up the mountain?"    


"Sister-in-law, at most, I will pay 250 yuan." Mao Xiaojun thought that if he paid this money, it would be a good thing for the villagers.    



The main reason was that he still had ninety thousand yuan in his bank. After he cured Boss Qiao's leg disease, he could still get one hundred thousand yuan.    


Even if he and Wang Yanyan went to find Shen Xin the day after tomorrow, they gave up on renting the land. He paid 100,000 yuan and still had 90,000 yuan, so he was willing to pay this small amount.    


This time, Zhang Cuihua was even angrier. "Kid, do you have a lot of money? Even if you have money, you don't spend it like this. It's not like you poisoned the pig. Why should you pay?"    


After Zhang Cuihua finished speaking, Zhang Ningning also said, "Sister-in-law is right. Whoever poisoned this money should pay."    


Mao Xiaojun thought to himself, 'What does a woman like you know? Didn't you catch the person who poisoned the pig?'    


However, the villagers' sick pigs needed to be treated. Otherwise, it would not be a problem if they were always half-dead.    


Niu Qing listened to their conversation and did not participate.    


Brother Xiaojun wanted to pay for help just now. She felt that Brother Xiaojun was a good person that could not be found anywhere in the village. She could not find such a warm-hearted person in the village.    


Therefore, she was even more determined to follow him in her next life. She had already thought about it. If Brother Xiaojun wanted to have a good relationship with her tonight, she would just give her first time to him.    


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