Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C665 Cruel Ghost Cultivators

C665 Cruel Ghost Cultivators

0Among the ghost cultivators who had burned their souls, more than ten of them had actually stopped burning their souls.    


"Huh? Why did they stop burning their souls?"    


The scene in front of them made the Black Panther feel more and more confused. He asked in surprise, "Although it's true that the souls can stop burning, these souls have already suffered serious injuries. Even if they stop burning, even if they return to their bodies... Not to mention the huge drop in strength... And because of the damage to his soul... It will cause a lot of sequelae. "    


"What side effects?"    


"[For example, one's strength will always remain at the current level, or even drop, and their life force will be insufficient.] Moreover, there will be headaches from time to time, which is a kind of pain that comes from the soul"    


" Is that so? Then why do they want everyone to burn their souls together?"    


Yang Xuan felt even more puzzled. If what the Black Panther said was true, then these ghost cultivators should have no reason to do what they did before.    


At this moment, the Black Panther spoke once again, "I seem to have thought of a possibility, but I'm not sure yet."    


As the Black Panther spoke, those ghost cultivators had a new movement. After Yang Xuan was forced back by the fluctuations of the ghost cultivators, he took advantage of the time before Yang Xuan and the others could react. These ghost cultivators who had stopped burning their souls grabbed their companions' souls and stuffed them into their mouths as if they were eating meat. They started chewing. Although the souls that were swallowed by their companions had painful expressions on their faces, they had no intention of resisting. Yang Xuan couldn't help but feel shocked by this scene.    


These spectral cultivators were actually so ruthless. Not only did they use living people as resources during cultivation, but they also didn't show any mercy when attacking their companions.    


Every time a dozen or so souls that had stopped burning swallowed a soul, the damaged souls would be restored to a certain extent. After an average calculation, everyone swallowed the souls of two or three of their companions. The speed at which the spectral cultivators devoured their companions was very fast. It could even be described as wolfing them down. After swallowing the souls of their companions, the dozen or so people seemed to burp in satisfaction. The fluctuations emitted from their souls were even more intense than before when they didn't burn their souls.    


As for the dozens of ghost cultivators whose souls had been devoured by their companions, after their souls had completely disappeared, their bodies that were still hovering in the air also exploded. Just like the ten ghost cultivators who sacrificed themselves to Kuan Shu, they turned into a mist of blood.    


The souls of the surviving ghost cultivators quickly returned to their bodies and absorbed the flesh and blood of their companions into their bodies.    


As a result, the dozens of ghost cultivators that were originally densely packed... There are only a dozen of them left. Apart from Kuan Shu who was still fighting with Lee Zong, the rest of them had already recovered to their peak condition. They had even improved a lot compared to their peak condition.    


Yang Xuan thought to himself, "This is bad." He turned around and tried to escape. Although he was strong enough to fight against more than ten Sixth Stage ghost cultivators, he still had no chance of winning.    


More than ten ghost cultivators attacked at the same time, aiming at one point of the formation. The formation that was on the verge of collapse was instantly shattered by a round of attacks from the crowd, and those ghost cultivators regained their freedom.    


"Stinking brat, you still want to run?"    


A gloomy voice sounded behind Yang Xuan. It was the spectral cultivator who had just broken through the formation. Someone had already arrived behind Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan could feel a dangerous Qi coming from behind him. He activated the Smoke Step. He forcefully shifted his position in the air. At this moment, he finally saw the person behind him. It was Loong Wu, who had a big grudge with Yang Xuan.    


A long spear condensed from black smoke appeared in Loong Wu's hand, and he thrust it towards Yang Xuan's heart. Yang Xuan immediately felt his hair stand on end. He threw out a punch and collided with the long spear.    


The long spear shattered under Yang Xuan's fist, and turned into many pieces. However, it didn't fall to the ground. These pieces of energy were controlled by Loong Wu. They left a lot of wounds on Yang Xuan's body.    


"Black Panther, come and help me."    


Yang Xuan thought to himself. He let go of his mind and let the Black Panther control his body. Although in terms of combat skills, Yang Xuan did not fear Loong Wu. However, Loong Wu's strength had increased a lot compared to before. Although he had not fully digested the strength he had gained from his companions. However, he was now close to the Perfection.    


One should know that as his cultivation base increased, even if it was a small realm difference... As for the small realm gap between the Sixth Stage and him... It could be said to be like the difference between heaven and earth, let alone a False Sixth Stage who was close to the Seventh Stage.    


As the Black Panther quickly took over Yang Xuan's body, the aura on Yang Xuan's body suddenly changed, becoming ancient and ancient.    


"Junior, don't be so arrogant."    


An old voice came out of Yang Xuan's mouth, making everyone present... What? This old voice wasn't unfamiliar to Yang Xuan. He had heard it many times from the Black Panther. If the Black Panther was like a child that had not grown up, then the Black Panther that made this aged voice... It was more like the old monster that he had said had lived for tens of thousands of years.    


Although Yang Xuan's sudden voice startled Loong Wu, he quickly reacted. This was because when the Black Panther escaped from Desolate Ancient Land, it had said that his strength could only be maintained at the same level as Yang Xuan. Although Yang Xuan was already a half-step Nascent Infant, he had yet to transcend the heavenly tribulation. Strictly speaking, he was still a Fifth Stage Perfection.    


Therefore, even after the Black Panther took control of his body, Yang Xuan's body was still emitting the aura of a Fifth Stage Perfection.    


Loong Wu sneered at Yang Xuan and said disdainfully, "Stop pretending. You have ruined so many good things of mine. I won't let you go easily today. To be able to meet you here, I can only say that the heavens are helping me. Don't worry, I won't let you die a quick death."    


As Loong Wu spoke, the Spiritual Force once again condensed into a long spear in his hand. However, it was different from the long spear that was formed purely from black Qi. The long spear that appeared this time was a pale white color. It was as if it was made from white bones, and there was an aura attached to it. It also appeared exceptionally powerful.    


Without waiting for Yang Xuan to speak, Loong Wu held the spear in his hand and threw it at Yang Xuan's chest with all his strength.    


The long spear had yet to come into contact with Yang Xuan's body. Through the Black Panther's soul, Yang Xuan could already feel the piercing pain coming from his skin. Obviously, the long spear thrown by Loong Wu this time was not so easy to deal with.    


However, the aura coming from the Black Panther's soul didn't seem to be the Black Panther that Yang Xuan was familiar with.    


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