Temptation of Beauty



0Zhang Qiang breathed heavily as he tried his best to suppress the urge to jump onto Song Chun'er's body.    


Song Chun'er gradually came to her senses. Looking at her drenched clothes and thinking about what had just happened, her face turned as red as sunset glow.    


She put on Zhang Qiang's coat and returned home. Her entire body was wet, and she had to quickly change her clothes.    


The spot the dean had just touched seemed to be faintly burning. Song Chun'er felt nauseous and prepared to take a bath.    


Zhang Qiang thought for a long time before deciding to have a good talk with his sister-in-law. He pushed open the door and entered the room, but Song Chun'er wasn't there?    




There was no reply. There was a pile of clothes on the brick bed. The most eye-catching item was a piece of pink cloth.    


Is this sister-in-law's underwear? In Zhang Qiang's mind, the image of Song Chun'er's white legs and her perky hair instantly flashed through his mind.    


The desire that he had expunged with great difficulty was once again ignited when he saw Song Chun'er's undergarments.    


Zhang Qiang carefully picked up the thin fabric. The exquisite touch made him feel as if he had touched Song Chun'er's skin.    


It was as if he could see Song Chun'er in her undergarment, standing in front of him and flirting with him.    


There was still a faint stain of water on his underwear. He went closer and took a whiff, and a fishy smell entered his nose.    


Was this what sister-in-law left behind?    


Thinking of how this place had once encompassed the most beautiful part of his sister-in-law, Zhang Qiang became excited.    


He mysteriously wrapped the thin cloth around his desire, and imagined that it was Chun'er he was carrying. Slowly, he began to move.    


He exerted force in his hand, as if he was holding the tender white hair in his hand.    


When Song Chun'er returned from her bath in the east room, she heard heavy panting coming from her own room.    


She gently pushed open the door and saw a scene that shocked her!    


Zhang Qiang held her underwear and consoled himself.    


He had his eyes closed, and an intoxicated look on his face.    


"Sister-in-law ?"    


His voice was filled with a strong desire. Song Chun'er was shocked. 'Qiang Zi couldn't be thinking about me, right ?'    


Anger welled up in his heart. She was his blood related sister-in-law, how could Qiangzi do such a thing?!    


Song Chun'er pushed open the door and entered. She looked at Zhang Qiang angrily and asked, "Qiang Zi, what are you doing?"    


Seeing Song Chun'er walk in, Zhang Qiang's burning desire disappeared from his body, and the underwear in his hands fell off.    


Song Chun'er froze for a moment before quickly turning around. "Quickly put on your pants!"    


Zhang Qiang hurriedly put on his pants, "Sister-in-law, let me explain ?"    


Song Chun'er slapped his face, causing him to be stunned.    


His heart was filled with bitterness, but he was also a bit afraid that his sister-in-law would get angry.    


Not knowing how to explain, Zhang Qiang rushed out of the door.    


Song Chun'er stared blankly at her hand. Just now, she was so angry that she couldn't control herself and slapped Zhang Qiang.    


She then thought, "Qiangzi is still young, and just when his blood and vitality are at its peak, he might have just been muddle-headed and used her undergarments ?"    


Song Chun'er was a little regretful. She shouldn't have hit him just now, but it seemed that she would have to have a good talk with Qiang Zi tonight.    


Zhang Qiang slowly wandered off and returned home late at night.    


His sister-in-law would definitely be angry with him. Right now, he didn't dare to face Song Chun'er.    


However, the moment he returned home, his mother immediately stuffed him into her sister-in-law's room.    


"Mom, can't you just let me rest for a day?" he said helplessly.    


"Rest for what? I'm the one hugging the grandson for real!"    


As soon as they entered, they saw Song Chun'er changing into her pajamas and they were stunned.    


Her face flushed as she hurriedly put on her clothes. The deep ravine that faintly revealed itself caused Zhang Qiang's heart to skip a beat.    


The atmosphere between the two of them was a bit awkward. Zhang Qiang lowered his head, not daring to speak for fear of being scolded.    


Finally, it was Song Chun'er who broke the silence. "Qiang Zi, what happened today was my sister-in-law's fault. I shouldn't have hit you."    


Zhang Qiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Song Chun'er in disbelief. His sister-in-law wasn't angry?    


"Sister-in-law, I didn't ?"    


Song Chun'er interrupted her. "From what sister-in-law said, I know you're young and it's normal for you to be impulsive."    


She was actually very shy. Her small face was pink and looked very attractive.    


"You haven't done this to anyone else, have you?"    


What Song Chun'er feared the most was Zhang Qiang making a mistake and going down the wrong path.    


If it was anyone else, she might not necessarily be able to forgive Qiang Zi.    


Zhang Qiang shook his head, and Song Chun'er relaxed.    


"In the future, if you need anything, just ask sister-in-law."    



Zhang Qiang's heart was pounding. What did his sister-in-law mean by this?    


Song Chun'er suppressed her embarrassment and said, "If you want to use underwear, then use sister-in-law's."    


After thinking for an entire afternoon, she finally figured it out. It was only a piece of undergarment. Besides, Qiang Zi had helped her so much, so shouldn't I help him?    


"Sister-in-law ?"    


Zhang Qiang felt as if he was in a dream. This dream was way too blissful!    


As usual, he turned around, and Song Chun'er's coquettish voice rang out from behind him.    


This voice made all the blood in his body rush towards one direction. Zhang Qiang couldn't help but think to himself happily, 'Sister-in-law is so good to me, can I be a little bolder?'    


The small mirror on the table reflected Song Chun'er's current appearance. Her jade-like hands constantly moved around her body, her plump and proud looking body lightly quivering with her movements. Her pink-white thighs were opened wide, making the scene seem exceptionally captivating.    


His brother was away from home all year round, so his sister-in-law must be very lonely, right?    


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