Goddess's Personal Magical Doctor

C31 Great Sister-in-law

C31 Great Sister-in-law

0When the child finally fell back to sleep, Zhou Yuaanyuaan wiped away the tears on her face.    


Chen Tye looked at the mother and daughter pair with a sour feeling in his heart. In fact, if he was an adult, or more than ten years old, this early stage of cirrhosis was not a big problem. But for a child under the age of one, it was a disaster.     


Cirrhotic cirrhosis is really difficult to treat in its advanced stage, and the only way to deal with it in the world is to change the liver. However, he could actually control the early stages of cirrhosis. It was just that it was more difficult to find.    


After a moment of silence, Chen Tye still couldn't help but say in a low voice: "You …" You have to be mentally prepared. "    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan was slightly startled. She raised her head to look at him, but she was not excited. Instead, she gently caressed her child's face. "I know." Back then, she was born prematurely and almost couldn't survive. The doctor told me that my child is doomed to many calamities, but we will survive them. "    


These words made Chen Tye's heart throb. Looking at this gentle mother, the smile on her face was especially bright.    


Just as he was speaking, the door opened carefully, and the male police officer from before poked his head in. Seeing the two of them sitting inside, the male police officer was really confused. They had been so embarrassed in the interrogation room, and now they were chatting alone next door. What did that mean?    


Seeing the policeman, Zhou Yuaanyuaan put her daughter down carefully and said softly, "I'll take care of it myself. Little Zhao, don't tell the higher-ups about this."    


Little Zhao nodded and walked out without saying anything, but his gaze was rather strange. Could it be that Sister Zhou had a shady relationship with this man?    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan took a deep breath and looked at Chen Tye. She said in a low voice, "Even though you helped me, I will still deal with you." "Now, please follow me to the interrogation room and cooperate with my work!"    


Chen Tye didn't mind. On the contrary, he felt that this kind of woman was the most attractive. The maternal light did not make her lose her mind. She still knew that she was a police officer. Just because of this, this policewoman was definitely worthy of respect!    


Returning to the interrogation room next door, Zhou Yuaanyuaan didn't put any more handcuffs on Chen Tye. The two of them sat opposite of each other, and the atmosphere around them was a little awkward. After all, Zhou Yuaanyuaan's clothes were still wet.    


Of course, Chen Tye no longer had the desire from before. He simply respected his mother.    


"Tell me everything that happened from the beginning to the end." Zhou Yuaanyuaan's expression was serious and her tone was serious.    


Chen Tye didn't hide anything, from the moment he received the call and was stopped on the way back to be framed by the girls.    


The plot was so bizarre that the corner of Zhou Yuaanyuaan's mouth twitched slightly. No matter how she listened to it, it felt like she was lying.    


"Who did you offend?" Zhou Yuaanyuaan asked with a frown.    


Chen Tye smiled bitterly: "You might not believe it if I told you. I just went to work today, and then..." Offended quite a few people. "    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan's face darkened. She was implying that even he himself did not know who it was that would take revenge? " What's your name and your job? "    


Chen Tye twitched, then remembered that he still hasn't explained his background. Chen Tye, you are now the school doctor for Loong Teng High School. " After some thought, he added, "I'm discharged from the military as a doctor."    


"Military doctor?" Zhou Yuaanyuaan was very surprised. She didn't expect this man to be an army doctor. No wonder he could quickly calculate the illness of her daughter.    


However, this was actually not good news for her. Chen Tye just said that her daughter's liver wasn't good. If she was mentally prepared, it would mean that it would be very serious …    


With her face slightly pale, Zhou Yuaanyuaan bit her lips and forced herself to calm down. She said in a low voice, "Right now, someone has already gone to the school to investigate. There will be news soon …" Rest assured, we will not wrongly accuse any good people. "    


His staunch appearance was very heartbreaking.    


Chen Tye wanted to comfort his daughter, but he didn't know how. He didn't have the confidence to cure her daughter's cirrhosis.    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan finished her statement and went out, leaving Chen Tye alone in the interrogation room. About twenty minutes later, the door opened again. It was Officer Zhao who came in. You can go out, someone is coming to bail. "However, we still need to investigate whether or not he was framed."    


As expected, Chen Tye didn't care and followed Officer Zhao out. Chen Tye could not help but ask in a low voice, "Officer Zhao, Officer Zhou brought her daughter to work the night shift?"    


Officer Zhao suddenly stopped and turned around to look at him, sighing, "Actually, she didn't want to be given a holiday by the higher-ups. Her husband, who was also a policeman, had died last year. She had been bringing her to work for the last four months of the year, and most of them were night shifts. "Ai …"    


Officer Zhao shook his head and sighed as he spoke. Sister Zhou was just too stubborn. She could have been at ease at home taking care of her children, but she insisted on doing so.    


Chen Tye was quite surprised. He didn't expect Zhou Yuaanyuaan's background to be so tragic. Her husband had sacrificed himself. Perhaps she thought that this job carried the same ideals as her husband …    


After following Officer Zhao out, Su Meiqing waited outside coldly. Chen Tye didn't know whether to laugh or cry from the murderous look on his face. If he wanted her to bail him out, he would rather not!    


"Hmph, let's go!" Su Meiqing shot him a cold glance before she turned around and walked out of the room with an arrogant expression on her face.    


This fellow is really too good at causing trouble. He clearly said that he would return to treat the students, but he actually beat the female student up … They were worse than beasts!    


Even though she didn't really believe that he could do such a thing, with so many people watching, could it be that the girl had already escaped naked? How could a girl do such a thing when she cared about her reputation?    


However, Chen Tye didn't follow him and shouted softly: "Wait a moment, I still have something to do. Officer Zhao, I need to talk to Officer Zhou first. "    


Su Meiqing was slightly taken aback. She turned her head to look at him, but didn't say anything and just sat down.    


When he returned to the room, Chen Tye didn't knock on the door and just pushed it open. After all, it would be a sin to knock on the door and wake the child up when he finally fell asleep.    


However, the scene that entered his eyes almost caused him to die from embarrassment.    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan was lifting up her clothes with a bottle in her hand. Her large breasts were exposed without restraint. Clearly, she was preparing food for the child!    


It wasn't that he was heartless, but the situation was really too irresistible. He awkwardly stood at the door, unsure whether he should retreat or enter.    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan turned her head to find him standing there looking embarrassed. Her face turned red as she put down her clothes in a hurry. It was so much that she even forgot to lock the door!    


"Ahem, about this, someone bailed me out." Chen Tye felt his scalp go numb as he laughed dryly.    


"Yeah, I know." Zhou Yuaanyuaan had her back to him and her neck was red. As the wetness on her chest increased, the baby's food began to flow out uncontrollably.    


Chen Tye bit his lips and forced himself to let go of his thoughts as he continued, "Tomorrow at around 10 AM, go to the Fourth Army Hospital and find a doctor called Zhao Dong. Tell him that Chen Tye told you to go, and he knows what to do. "    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan couldn't help but turn around and nod gratefully. "Thank you!" He was a military doctor, so he definitely knew a lot of famous doctors.    


"Tell him I want a detailed report. It'll take about an hour to check, and you'll get the report around noon. Whatever the situation, don't panic, okay? " Chen Tye said gently.    


Seeing him like this, Zhou Yuaanyuaan's heart warmed and her eyes reddened as she nodded her head. No matter how strong she was, she still felt uncomfortable in her heart. It was just that she didn't want to show it.    


Pursing his lips into a smile, Chen Tye said as gently as he could, "Come and find me immediately after you get the report. I will be the school doctor at Loong Teng High School, and I will definitely wait for you there tomorrow. "    


"Thank you …" Zhou Yuaanyuaan was really touched. Her tears started to flicker uncontrollably.    


His tone made her anxious heart finally feel a little at ease …    


Thinking for a moment, Chen Tye said, "Sister-in-law, try your best to make the child eat on the spot. Her liver is not good, it's a little rotten, and it has a great effect on her body. " There was no teasing, and his tone was very sincere.    



This was basic respect for a single mother!    


Zhou Yuaanyuaan was stunned for a moment before reacting. Her cheeks turned red again as she bit her lips and nodded. She just thought it was too much and too much of a waste to get rid of it. Besides, she had to be on the night shift, so she didn't necessarily have time to nurse …    


Taking two steps back, Chen Tye suddenly bowed deeply towards Zhou Yuaanyuaan. Zhou Yuaanyuaan's actions caused her to stare at him dumbly, not knowing what he was doing.    


After a full minute, Chen Tye stood up and left without saying anything.    


This is a great mother, a great policeman...    


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