Goddess's Personal Magical Doctor

C12 If He Failed to Act Cool He Would be Slapped in the Opposite Direction

C12 If He Failed to Act Cool He Would be Slapped in the Opposite Direction

0Dodging Faang Xiaojiao's slap, Chen Tye said with a serious face, "Your situation right now is not looking good. I hope you can calm down." I can tell you, if you don't cooperate with my inspection, it's very likely that you won't be able to have children in the future. "    


"You …" Faang Xiaojiao was so angry that her face turned red. However, when she saw the look of anger on his face, she suddenly became nervous.    


Could it be that I really have contracted some sort of illness?    


"I don't believe you!" Gritting her lips tightly, Faang Xiaojiao was still scornful. "Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you're my man. I'm an underage!"    


However, Chen Tye was very serious: "I'm a doctor, if you don't believe me, you can go to other gynecological hospitals to check on me. But I advise you to go now. "    


Faang Xiaojiao was stupefied. She had only wanted to take the opportunity to tease him, but she hadn't even had the chance to do so before checking that something was amiss?    


After hesitating for a moment, Faang Xiaojiao bit her lips and asked, "Do you want to finish taking it off?"    


As he spoke, the fawn couldn't help but bounce up and down in his heart. If he really wanted to take it off himself, or take off what he shouldn't, would he resist or submit?    


Chen Tye didn't think too much about it. From her pulse, it seemed that her situation wasn't so good. Although it wasn't too serious, it would cause problems if it continued to develop.    


He then replied seriously, "Lie flat on the bed and pull down your pants."    


"You, aren't lying to me?" Faang Xiaojiao stared at him with uncertainty. His expression was so serious that it instantly turned her anger into worry.    


He had been so serious when he was helping Xiao Ying, so he probably wasn't someone who would lie to her.    


"I'll say it again, you can doubt my character, but please do not doubt my profession." Chen Tye answered seriously.    


Faang Xiaojiao bit her lips and hesitated for a while, but eventually she walked to the bed and lay down. Closing his eyes, he slowly pulled down his pants with a reddened face …    


Looking at the pink color that was exposed and the black light that was shining, Chen Tye was really shocked, "Enough, there's no need to go any further. "Then..." Just exposing your lower abdomen and bladder will do. "    


Damn it, such a hot Little Pepper was wearing pink!    


It seems like it's true that all women have a soft spot for pink …    


Sitting beside the bed, Chen Tye tried his best to be serious as he pressed her bladder lightly with his right hand. However, as he pressed on it, the gap in his pants would always open up, blinding him.    


F * ck, I can't be reckless, she's a young girl!    


Chen Tye cursed in his heart. However, he couldn't help but float over when his peripheral vision wasn't listening to him. Before he could see clearly, he hurriedly moved away.    


Faang Xiaojiao's face was flushed red. His hand was a little cold as it pressed down on her body, causing her to tremble uncontrollably. It was as if her entire body had been drained of energy and she could not resist at all.    


If he continued to touch the ground, what would he do?    


"Enough!" Chen Tye said in a low voice. He took his hand back reluctantly.    


Faang Xiaojiao quickly pulled up her pants. Chen Tye glanced at her and felt disdain in his heart. This Little Pepper was actually quite conservative. She was way too far away from Xiao Ying.    


Sitting behind the counter, Chen Tye still had a serious expression on his face as he wrote down the record. Faang Xiaojiao sat on the bed, her face flushed red, her hands still covering her pants. She felt a little regretful in her heart.    


When she heard that he couldn't have children, she immediately panicked. In retrospect, he shouldn't have lain down. He must have seen something that he shouldn't have!    


"Your situation is quite optimistic," Chen Tye said calmly. "If I'm not mistaken, the last time you came to my aunt's place, you must have exercised very hard, which caused your endocrine system to be disordered. If another month passed, it would contract even more severely, and at that time, it was very likely that there would be a pathological change. This disease, to a large extent, causes cancer. "    


Faang Xiaojiao's face turned pale, implying that she almost had cancer?    


Luckily, there was still time, otherwise …    


Suddenly realizing that something was wrong, Faang Xiaojiao glared at him. "Why should I believe you?"    


Chen Tye glanced at her in dissatisfaction. Ignoring her doubts, he continued, "I can prescribe a pill for you. However, the school hospital doesn't have these medicines. You have to get your parents to buy them at the Chinese pharmacy. From today onwards, you will need to take a week of traditional Chinese medicine. Let me remind you, this is a big matter and I am not lying to you. "    


A woman's illness was indeed very troublesome. In Chinese medicine, it was not unreasonable to rather treat men than women. In ancient times, few studies on the illness of women, coupled with the complex structure of the body, made it even more difficult to treat.    


Fortunately, as Ghost Doctor, Chen Tye didn't resist the disease and even spent a lot of energy researching it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to see through Little Pepper's illness.    


Faang Xiaojiao lowered her head and looked at him. She didn't seem to be lying no matter how she looked at it, and she had already believed him in her heart. In the future, you have to remember that you are my man. You are not allowed to treat other women, especially those like you … A woman is sick. "    


Chen Tye's black face was full of disdain, "Little girl, you're overthinking it, I'm a doctor …"    


As he spoke, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the door with a frown. Faang Xiaojiao also turned around to see Zhao Degui walking over with a policeman.    


"It's him! He intentionally beat up the students, and he even molests an underage female student!" When he reached the door, Zhao Degui pointed at Chen Tye who was inside with a bit of pride on his gloomy face.    


The policeman was somewhat helpless. He took out a small notebook from his pocket and asked in a low voice, "Do you have any evidence to prove that he molested a girl?"    


Zhao Degui pointed at Faang Xiaojiao and said, "She was the one who bullied her. "She's my student. I hit her once in the morning, and she's in the cafeteria at noon …"    


"Bullshit!" Faang Xiaojiao screamed with a dark face. She was so angry that she almost died.    


The sudden scream stunned Zhao Degui. He looked at her in confusion, "Student Fang, is something wrong? "This person is not worthy to be the school doctor at all. He beat up Yang Qingyu, and he even hit you …"    


"None of your business!" Faang Xiaojiao cursed angrily, "Zhao Degui, I'm telling you, if you f * cking dare to speak such nonsense, I'll kill you!"    


The vicious look on his face stunned Zhao Degui. What the hell was going on? He just wanted to stand up for them. Was that wrong?    


The policeman frowned, "This student, watch your words." Please cooperate with our investigation and explain the situation. "    


"He's my boyfriend. Can't we just love each other?" Faang Xiaojiao shouted angrily. It was already shameful enough, but Zhao Degui actually asked the police to advertise it. This was a pace that would make her lose all face!    


"No, Student Fang …" Zhao Degui really felt that his brain was not enough. He stared blankly at the furious Faang Xiaojiao with a stupefied expression.    


"I'm warning you, if you dare touch my man in the future, I'll annihilate you." Faang Xiaojiao pointed at Zhao Degui's nose forcefully, completely disregarding the existence of the police.    


The policemen were dissatisfied. Why was this girl so popular? She dared to threaten her teacher at such a young age. What was the point in growing up!    


Immediately, the policeman said coldly, "Student, if you continue to act like this, I have the authority to detain you …"    


"Don't, don't," Zhao Degui reacted and laughed dryly in panic, "It's okay, this is a way of communication between us, don't mind it, comrade police. Our main goal this time is to target this inferior school doctor. "    


Chen Tye was speechless. Until now, he still couldn't understand Faang Xiaojiao's words.    



She was a young girl, he had to show her face!    


Sure enough, Faang Xiaojiao couldn't control her anger any longer. She raised her hand and slapped him.    




Zhao Degui almost vomited blood from the slap. His face instantly turned hot and he became even more confused.    


The police was shocked. They rushed over to hold Faang Xiaojiao down. Chen Tye reacted even faster. He grabbed Faang Xiaojiao's hand and pulled her back, hugging her tightly. He looked up and smiled at the policeman. "I'm sorry, she was too impulsive."    


"How is this impulsive? He actually dared to hit teacher!" The policeman was very angry.    


Zhao Degui covered his face in defense: "It's fine, I'm really fine, just randomly hit." However, he felt rather wronged. What was going on?    


Faang Xiaojiao struggled to say something, but Chen Tye quickly covered her mouth and forced a smile. "Comrade Police, I didn't beat up any students, nor did I molest any girls. We were just joking."    


Zhao Degui moved his lips and wanted to retort. However, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind and he immediately shut his mouth. If he still didn't know why Faang Xiaojiao was so angry, then he really wouldn't be able to think straight.    


With a wronged expression, Zhao Degui had to turn around and explain to the policeman: "Maybe I misunderstood, sorry to trouble you."    


The policeman frowned and snorted, "You'd better take care of this first. Call the police if you can't!"    


After which, he turned around and left in a bad mood.    


Chen Tye was relieved and let go of Faang Xiaojiao. Seeing that Faang Xiaojiao was about to hit her again, Chen Tye frowned and held her down, saying in a deep voice, "He's your teacher!"    


These words caused Faang Xiaojiao and Zhao Degui to be stunned as they looked at him in confusion.    


Chen Tye continued, "As a student, beating a teacher in school is not right. However, you can only fight when the holidays come. It's best if you fight to the death. "    


For such a brainless teacher to be able to survive until now was truly a miracle …    


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