Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C32 If You Eat too Much Fat You will be Killed

C32 If You Eat too Much Fat You will be Killed

0Du Kang was still wondering if he had seen this green octopus head somewhere before.    


Du Kang was sure that he had never seen this person before, but where did this strange sense of familiarity come from? And...    


The other party seemed to be muttering something, but also seemed to be waiting for something.    


Interesting. What did this octopus head want to do?    




However, nothing happened.    




Du Kang turned around and prepared to leave. He was here to see if there was anything interesting. He wasn't here to stare blankly at the octopus head.    


The moment Du Kang moved, the green giant waved its hand.    


The tide dispersed.    


Only two mountain-like bodies were left standing on the ground.    




A long, long time ago, it had always liked to eat.    


Whether it was the wonderful taste of eating, the satisfaction of eating after eating, or the novelty of trying new food, all of these fascinated it.    


It was not like any other kind of person who forgot to eat and sleep, and only wanted to fly.    


However, it was still very weak at that time. Hunting was not an easy thing. It was normal to have a meal and a meal.    


The feeling of hunger was not good, and it was even more so for it.    


When it was hunting, it had seen other creatures, such as a carapace monster with a pair of appendages. That carapace monster was so fierce, it ate wherever it went, and left no living creature behind wherever it went.    


So strong...    


For the first time in its simple mind, it had an intuitive concept of strength.    


The stronger it was, the more efficient it could hunt, it could eat at any time, and even eat until it was full.    


Thus, he had to become stronger.    


First, it had a desire other than its appetite.    


It began to consciously train its body and its hunting techniques. Days passed. Its hunting efficiency also increased.    


Finally, it also did the same thing as the carapace monster it had seen before, where it could eat wherever it went.    


However, it could not live the life it wanted to be full.    


It had become stronger, its size had become bigger, and its appetite had also increased.    


The food it obtained from hunting was still unable to fill its stomach.    


Finally, after finishing all the food it could hunt, it left the ocean and set foot on land.    


It could feel that there was more food in this place without water.    


As for whether it could go ashore... it had never considered this, as long as there was food. Everything was not a problem.    


As expected, there was more food on land, and he was very satisfied.    


After fully displaying its hunting skills, it felt a long-awaited satiation.    


In the process of hunting, it did not find any other creatures to chase away, so it did not hesitate to categorize this area as its hunting ground.    


This way, it would be able to eat its fill in the future...    


However, not long after, this happy time was broken.    


It was a loud sound that shook the sky.    


It felt the smell of food. - - -this was different from its previous food, this aroused its curiosity.    


Thus, it had not seen the carapace monster for a long time.    


This carapace monster became even stronger...    


It stopped its body and cautiously maintained a distance from the carapace monster.    


It knew the other party's methods and did not wish to become its enemy.    


In its eyes, the other party clearly did not have any intention of letting it go. In fact, it had already taken an offensive stance.    


What? It was stunned, it had never seen anything like this before. It wasn't normal to display such a blatant killing intent in front of him.    


"Hou - Wu!!" It roared furiously. The other party should be able to understand what it was trying to say.    


That carapace monster really did stop. It was very satisfied with its own judgment.    


What happened after that was beyond its expectations. The carapace monster seemed to have been enraged, and was grinding its claws.    


Facing the carapace monster that seemed to be in a state of fury, it did not hesitate to summon its own kind in the vicinity.    


If it lost its life, it wouldn't be able to eat anything. It was very clear about this point.    


After that, the carapace monster even wanted to follow him back to his nest. This was undoubtedly the attitude of someone who wanted to kill him to the last man.    


Fortunately, this carapace monster did not follow for too long. It only circled around a few times before returning to the ground.    


This encounter had given it an alarm.    


The land was not a safe hunting ground. It was even more dangerous than the ocean.    


Let's get out of here first...    


After a long time, its body grew bigger and bigger as it cautiously hunted along the way. Although its strength increased along with the change in its body, its overly large body also affected its hunt.    


Now, even if it lurked underground and ambushed, it wouldn't be able to hunt any prey.    


Dragging its hungry body, it returned to the ocean.    


Hunting in places with water would at least be more convenient.    


After swimming for a while, it encountered a group of unknown creatures.    


There was a fish head on its torso, and it also had four limbs... but it was too small.    


However, there were a lot of them, they should be able to fill its stomach more or less...    


The reaction of these unknown creatures was beyond its expectations, they carried out a large amount of food.    


This is...?    


Although the hunger was so strong, the cautious creature still chose to only try a little bit.    


This group of creatures seemed to be very happy?    


It could no longer resist the hunger. The food in front of it was quickly swept clean.    


It was still not enough...    


It swept its gaze over these creatures.    


Too small...    


But at least it recovered some of its strength.    


Sensing the presence of some nearby existences, it could tell that those were the hunting grounds that those existences had created for it.    


Thinking back on the fish-headed creatures it had encountered just now, they should all be the targets that were being hunted.    


However, when faced with it, those existences that were originally at the top of the local food chain couldn't even withstand a single blow.    


The truth was also like this, after a great battle, it returned full of food.    


The long-awaited satiation made it feel satisfied.    


It also had some new ideas.    


Perhaps he could use these weak creatures as bait to attract some prey?    


It felt that this was a good idea.    


Thus, it began its symbiotic relationship with these weak creatures.    


The progress was very good. With these weak creatures as bait, it had indeed hunted quite a number of prey. And every time after the hunt ended, these weak creatures would spontaneously offer more food, making it even more satisfied.    


These weak creatures even built a nest for it.    


This was the first time it felt shocked.    


It was hard for it to imagine that this spacious and exquisite nest was built bit by bit by these small things... One had to know that even it could not create a nest like this.    


These weak creatures also had some advantages...    


After a long time, it observed these weak creatures in the nest. It did not need to take the initiative to go out and hunt anymore, these weak creatures would offer enough food.    


The body structure of these weak creatures seemed to be very convenient...    


The longer it observed, the deeper it understood this point.    


Unknowingly, it grew a torso and a pair of hands and feet.    


These weak creatures expanded its nest and provided more food - as its body grew bigger, it needed more food.    


Finally, its body became the ideal shape, but it became even hungrier.    


And the food these creatures offered became less and less.    


He should think of another way...    


It thought of these weak creatures.    


A long time was enough for him to understand everything about these creatures, and it was also enough for him to understand some other powers.    


The language of these weak creatures, it began a declaration of war.    


It was very clear that these weak creatures would bring it enough food.    


It was just as it had imagined, the food was being delivered endlessly, and it was very satisfied.    


However, the development of things still had twists and turns.    


Not long ago, these weak creatures sent news that its own kind was currently unknown whether it was alive or dead. According to the description of these creatures, it was certain that the carapace monster was the one who had attacked it.    


In fact, it was already too late when it received the message... The shrimp people's mobile fortresses were already running all over the ground.    


It did not think highly of them. That same kind... It didn't know what they were thinking all day long. After such a long time, it could not tell where it had become stronger. It was also surrounded by a group of stinky creatures that could fly.    



However, he was different.    


It felt the powerful power contained within its body.    


That carapace monster was very strong.    


But it was stronger...    


It gave the order without any hesitation, preparing to fight the battle personally.    


These weak creatures were unable to deal with the carapace monster...    


Besides, such a strong prey must be eaten while it was still fresh...    




After arriving at the scene, it realized that the situation was a little different from what it had imagined...    


The other party was even bigger than it was, not even a bit inferior to it.    


It growled and mobilized the water energy it had comprehended to attack the carapace monster in front of it.    


The other party... didn't seem to have any reaction?    


However, the other party only stopped there, and didn't make any other movements.    


Was the attack too weak?    


It increased the strength of the attack.    


The opponent still didn't react.    




Under this deadlock, the carapace monster in front of him began to move.    


Was it going to attack?    


It did not hesitate to withdraw the tide. Although it was its home ground in the water, it was more suitable for the opponent to use.    


And now...    


Its huge feet stepped on the ground with force and it clenched its fists.    


Its attack was reversed...    


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