Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0In the Immortal Realm, very few people knew where the Four Major Families and the Four Immortals were, because they were all the same. Although they were both in the Immortal Realm, they all belonged to the world within a world, and the places they lived in were all isolated spaces.    


They were created by their own ancestors. It was impossible for an ordinary person to even find the location of their residence in these spaces, let alone enter these spaces. They were hidden in the endless void, and only special methods were available to them.    


The entrance to the space where the four great clans were was the most hidden because it was related to the safety of their clans. Unless one was a VIP, it was impossible to be invited into the space they were in.    


As a result, the number of people who had entered the space between the Four Great Immortal Clans and the Four Great Aristocratic Families could be said to be few and far between. Even Eastern Monarch had never entered it, and there wasn't even any interaction between them.    


Therefore, the four great immortal clans and the four great clans appeared to be very mysterious. Their status was also very high and they were not much inferior to the three great sects.    


They didn't have any huge backing. If it wasn't for the fact that they were extremely powerful, their lives wouldn't have been so easy.    


After Long Tianhao and the rest followed Xuanyuan Lingyun out of the Central Continent, they entered the void region where the other four realms of Immortal Realm intersected with each other. Xuanyuan Lingyun also stopped at the same time.    


This kind of void zone was not as simple as it appeared to be, instead, it was an extremely dangerous place. Very few people would stay here, and the normally weak ones would not dare to directly cross the starry sky from the Four Great Regions to enter the Central Continent.    


It was precisely because of this piece of nothingness that this place was like a natural moat, separating the Four Great Regions and Central Continent and making it difficult to pass through.    


The Void Region was also considered a forbidden area for Immortal Realm, and even if Immortal Monarch was an expert, they would not be absolutely safe. It was possible that he would encounter an accident, because the void Zone had many factors of uncertainty, especially the space within it being extremely unstable.    


Occasionally, there would be a space storm, and that kind of power was enough to tear everything apart. Even Immortal Monarch Qiang had to be careful, because if he was dragged into the central region, he would die without a doubt.    


At the same time, there were also some extreme substances in the universe, such as the universe's gold shattering flows. At the same time, there were some extreme substances in the universe, such as the universe's gold shattering flows, such    


It was very difficult to obtain in the outside world, as heavenly and earthly treasures were formed in this kind of special environment. Therefore, although the void region was very dangerous, there were still quite a few people who entered to search for treasures, all hoping to get lucky.    


It was undeniable that quite a few people had obtained a few peerless treasures from the void, but at the same time, there were also many people who had died in the void, both in body and spirit. This was a very common occurrence, as there were even people who had obtained high-grade divine artifacts in this void.    


No one knew where it came from, but it also stirred up quite a few people's interest. To seek wealth within risks was not the way other people thought.    


Many people had the same thought in their hearts. How many people would be able to resist a treasure that was so precious that they could soar to the heavens in one step if they were lucky enough to obtain it?    


"Your Xuanyuan Family really knows how to choose a place. It's true that not many people would find out about this place, but the space here is unstable, and there will often be spatial storms erupting. Will there be any effect on the space you're in?"    


Long Tianhao looked at the space he was in and immediately discovered the secret behind it. At the same time, his consciousness seeped into the void, searching for the location of the Xuanyuan Family. As expected, it allowed him to discover a trace of it, even though the space was very secretive.    


Although he did not know where the entrance was, he still locked onto his location. If he wanted to attack Xuanyuan Family, he could do so as if he was dealing with Ethereal Sky.    


Long Tianhao had absolute confidence that he could refine the entire space. Therefore, even if the Four Great Families and the Four Great Immortals didn't submit and curled up in their own space, Long Tianhao still had a way to deal with them.    


"This space was created by my Xuanyuan Family's Divine King, Ancestor. It is extremely stable and the spatial storm here will not attack our space.    


Otherwise, our Xuanyuan Family wouldn't have existed in the Immortal Realm for so many years. I'll open the entrance now, please wait a moment, Thunder Monarch. "    


As he spoke, Xuanyuan Lingyun prepared to open the spatial entrance.    


However, at this moment, Long Tianhao stopped him.    


"Wait a minute, something fun is coming. A space storm is sweeping towards us, so we should avoid it first. However, I think I saw two immortal kings being entangled by the space storm and couldn't get away. I'll see if we can save them."    


Long Tianhao said lightly. His eyes shot out beams of light as he looked into the void.    


"This place is adjacent to the western region, and should be filled with rogue cultivators searching for treasures. It shouldn't be Primordial Monarch's people. After all, Primordial Monarch is busy with battles, so he wouldn't let his immortal lords enter."    


Xuanyuan Lingyun analyzed after hearing Long Tianhao's words.    


"What you said makes a lot of sense. I took a look and they are indeed not from the Primordial Monarch clan. They should be experts from the Western Regions. They will be here soon, so I'll save them."    


Long Tianhao nodded and agreed with Xuanyuan Lingyun's analysis.    


At the same time, everyone saw a terrifying spatial storm sweeping towards them at an astonishing speed. Wherever it went, space shattered. At this moment, everyone understood why the space in this void was so unstable.    


There was a space storm in the market here, and the space constantly shattered. After the space storm, the space had reassembled itself and repeated itself. It would be strange if the space here was stable!    


"Lei Ling, I'll leave those two to you."    


Hearing that, Lei Ling nodded his head and disappeared.    


At this moment, at the edge of the space storm, two similar looking young men were constantly struggling, trying to escape the space storm. If this continued, they would definitely die here.    


"Big brother, what should we do? We can't escape. "    


"Sorry, second brother, I've hurt you this time. I shouldn't have let you accompany me to this damned place to find some treasure, otherwise I wouldn't have encountered this damned space storm. Damn it."    


Big brother, we are brothers, we will die together, but unfortunately, we won't die on the battlefield, so dying here is too depressing. If I knew earlier, I would have joined the army and attacked Primordial Monarch.    


In the space storm, the two brothers both had bitter expressions on their faces. To die like this was indeed a somewhat sullen death. They would rather go to the battlefield and die on the battlefield.    


Just when the two of them were crying out in frustration, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. It was Lei Ling. The space storms couldn't touch his body at all. In this space storm, Lei Ling wasn't affected at all.    


"Since you are unwilling, we still have a chance now. I'll rescue you out. Remember, after you leave, go to the front line and attack Primordial Monarch."    


Lei Ling said indifferently. He lifted the two of them with both hands and disappeared into the space storm.    


With a flash of light, Lei Ling had already returned to Long Tianhao's side. At the same time, he also put down the two brothers, but at this moment, the two brothers were completely shocked. They were even more shocked than after experiencing a space storm.    


"Thunder Monarch, let's hurry up and leave. The space storm is coming. Even if we are caught up in it, it will be very troublesome."    


Xuanyuan Lingyun furrowed his brows. At this point, Long Tianhao still hadn't moved. Seeing the space storm had arrived in an instant, it was no joke. He didn't want to be caught up in it.    


"No worries, it's just a mere space storm. It can't cause any harm to us."    


Long Tianhao said indifferently. He didn't seem to be flustered at all, nor did he have any intention of leaving.    


Xue Qi and the rest looked calmly at the incoming space storm. Since Long Tianhao said it was nothing, then it was absolutely nothing. However, the eyes of the two brothers saved by Lei Ling were filled with fear. They unconsciously took two steps back.    


They had just experienced the devastation of the space storm and had already developed a fear of it. They did not want to be caught up in it again, but they had suffered quite a bit from it before, and with the shock and fear in their hearts, they did not even have the strength to escape anymore. They could only helplessly watch as the space storm swept towards them.    


Just as the space storm was about to arrive, Long Tianhao slowly stretched out his hand and pointed at the space in front of him.    





With Long Tianhao's low shout, the spatial storm seemed to have stopped. It froze in front of everyone's eyes and not a single fluctuation of spatial energy could be seen. It was as if the spatial storm had disappeared.    


Long Tianhao waved his sleeves at the space in front of him. Immediately, the space storm dispersed like clouds, and in a few moments, it was a scene that was as calm as the clouds.    


The space storm dissipated, and everything returned to normal. At the same time, the space here became much more stable than before.    


Xuanyuan Lingyun's eyes were wide open and he could not believe everything that was happening before his eyes. A terrifying space storm had died down just like that, as though a cloud of smoke had been blown away. It was not difficult at all.    


The eyes of the two brothers that were saved by Lei Ling were glazed, as if they had seen a ghost. Just now, Lei Ling saving them already shocked them greatly.    


And they didn't see Long Tianhao use any big tricks either. They just casually waved their hands and it was over. Their brains couldn't process anything at all, and they couldn't understand what was happening in front of them.    


Who were these people? In other words, what kind of monsters were they? Could immortals possess such power?    


In fact, how could they know that when Long Tianhao was in the Magic World, he already had a deep understanding of Spatial Force. As his strength continued to increase, his understanding of Spatial Force became deeper and deeper.    


Long Tianhao's ability to control the power of space far exceeded that of ordinary people. With his current understanding of space, calming down this normal space storm was indeed nothing. It was easily resolved.    




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