Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0There were only twenty or so jade thrones in the hall. With one glance, one could tell that they were prepared for the peerless powerhouses among those people. With one look, it was obvious that they weren't prepared for Long Tianhao and the others.    


After all, no one expected Long Tianhao to arrive so quickly. Besides, they were enemies with Long Tianhao right now, so naturally, they couldn't be so polite as to prepare any seats for Long Tianhao.    


However, Long Tianhao didn't care. He didn't plan to sit on these thrones that were already prepared. With a wave of his hand, dozens of dark green thrones appeared out of thin air. These thrones weren't made of any material, but were made of Long Tianhao's heaven and earth origin energy.    


However, with Long Tianhao's ability, even if it was an ordinary expert of Immortal Monarch, it would still be difficult to destroy this throne condensed with Essence.    


With a move of his body, Long Tianhao appeared on a throne in the middle, while Long Feng and the others sat beside Long Tianhao. Ao Feng, Xue Qi, Zi Feng, Zi Yun, Qin Wu, Wu Tie, and the others also sat down.    


Only then did they sit down, while the others were obediently standing behind the dozen or so Thrones, even Chen Xiao, Tian Ling, Jin Ling, and Xue Tian had no rights to sit down, they could only stand at the back, which made Chen Xiao a little unhappy, pouting as he muttered.    


"It's not like I'm part of it again. It wouldn't be hard for me to get another chair. You're really stingy."    


"Since you want to do that, why don't I give you my seat?"    


How could that small movement escape Long Tianhao's eyes? He could not help but smile faintly at Chen Xiao.    


Chen Xiao quivered when he heard Long Tianhao's words. Every time Long Tianhao used this tone to speak, there would be nothing good. It meant that he was in trouble. He was already experienced in this kind of thing.    


"Uh, no need. Dad, you've worked hard. Of course it's you. I'm just a little kid, so I'm standing pretty good, right, Brother Tian Ling?"    


Chen Xiao smiled apologetically as he wanted to ask the Sky Spirit to say a few good words for him.    


However, what made him speechless was that the Sky Spirit acted as if it did not hear him and turned its head to look around.    


He didn't know what he was looking at, Chen Xiao knew immediately that he was going to die this time. He cursed in his heart that the Sky Spirit wasn't willing to help his little brother at all.    


"Alright, quiet down a bit. Right now, you're doing some serious work. Don't keep creating trouble for me, or else you'll be in trouble."    


"Oh, got it."    


At this moment, Chen Xiao finally quieted down. Although he was joking and wanted to make everyone happy, after hearing Long Tianhao's words, he knew that if he continued messing around, the consequences would be very serious.    


Moreover, he also knew that Long Tianhao, Long Huang and the others loved him a lot, so they wouldn't really blame him. Everything was for his own good. As long as he was obedient, he would always be pampered.    


Not long after, the other powerhouses also entered the palace. They saw that there were more than a dozen people on Long Tianhao's side, but they didn't take their seats. This made them feel better, even though they were shocked by Long Tianhao's words.    


However, they were, after all, experts from a large power and had seen quite a bit of the world. Thus, their auras did not weaken. The big figures from the various powers followed the previous order and the experts from their faction also stood behind them.    


Since Long Tianhao wanted to talk to them, they would listen to what Long Tianhao had to say. They were not afraid of Long Tianhao, so they believed that the result wasn't what Long Tianhao wanted.    


"Everyone, are you thinking that if I were to make a move, you would be the ones to suffer a mutual destruction. No one would be able to reap any benefits from this, right?"    


Just as thoughts were running through the minds of the various factions, Long Tianhao opened his mouth and spoke his mind.    


Immediately, many people revealed unnatural expressions. Long Tianhao was really too terrifying. He could even guess what they were thinking.    


"Everyone, if you don't speak, and look at everyone's expressions, it would seem that I've guessed correctly. Hahaha, what I want to say is, do you all have the opportunity to die together with me?"    


"Long Tianhao, what do you mean?" Are you looking down on us, the four hidden immortal races? Or are you someone who has underestimated the Four Major Families and Ethereal Sky? "    


The moment Long Tianhao said this, it immediately drew the attention of the patriarch of the Three Headed Six Arms Illusory Sky Clan. At the same time, it also brought the other factions into the conversation, obviously trying to put some pressure on Long Tianhao.    


"Hahaha, do you think that I will be afraid of you just because you have three heads and six arms? What's the use of having more hands and heads? Do you really think you're Third Prince Nezha? You dare to speak to me in such a loud voice. "    


Long Tianhao first laughed, then his expression changed. A hint of killing intent appeared in his eyes as he shouted at the Illusory Sky Clan's chief. Compared to his voice, Long Tianhao was not afraid of anyone.    


Hearing Long Tianhao's roar, the Illusory Sky Clan's patriarch was stunned. He never expected Long Tianhao to say something like this. At the same time, he also didn't know who the Third Prince Nezha Long Tianhao spoke of was.    


No matter if the patriarch of the Illusory Sky Clan was confused, everyone else was also confused. Long Tianhao's forces were strong, but they were not ordinary people.    


No one had ever dared to speak to them like this. Long Tianhao's performance was a bit too domineering and he completely did not put them in his eyes.    


"Long Tianhao, what do you mean? Are you trying to provoke my anger? Do you think our Illusory Sky Clan is really afraid of you? "    


After a short moment, the Illusory Sky Clan's patriarch finally regained his senses. He flew into a rage and smashed the throne with a slap, shouting angrily at Long Tianhao.    


"Are you trying to provoke me? Are you not convinced?" "If you're not convinced, then come out and fight. What's the use of shouting so loudly afterwards? If you're a man, then come out and fight. Otherwise, don't scream in front of me."    


Long Tianhao really didn't give these hidden immortals any face as he said this to the Illusory Sky Clan's clan leader without restraint. At the same time, a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes.    


His face was flushed red, his anger could not be stopped, he was humiliated, this was a blatant insult. Ever since he became the Illusory Sky Clan's Patriarch, he had never suffered such humiliation, even a clay figure would be angered to the point of spitting out fire.    


"Good, good, good. You're the first person who dares to insult me like this. You've got guts. You've truly angered me. I will definitely make you pay."    


The Illusory Sky Clan's clan head was so angry that he started laughing. He said the word 'good' angrily, clearly showing that he was extremely angry. Even killing him wouldn't be enough to quell his anger.    


"So what if I insult you? If you want to kill me, then show me your true abilities. If you want to beat me up, of course I have guts. How can a man like me not have one?    


If you don't have any balls and you don't dare to come out and fight, then scram home and pick up your child. Don't stutter in front of me like a woman. "    


Long Tianhao's words were more venomous than his words. No one could accept Long Tianhao's words. It was so venomous that the other party had to go home and carry the child. No matter who heard this, they would fight with their life on the line.    


"If you want to fight, then fight. Don't think that you're that powerful. Today, I will tear you into a thousand pieces to dispel the hatred in my heart."    


Finally, the Illusory Sky Clan's Patriarch couldn't bear Long Tianhao's provocation and accepted Long Tianhao's challenge. He wanted to fight Long Tianhao to the death.    


However, when he heard the Illusory Sky Clan's Patriarch's gnashing of teeth, Long Tianhao revealed a faint smile and waved his thumb towards the Illusory Sky Clan's Patriarch.    


"If you want to fight with me, you don't have the qualifications. Beat my subordinates first, then we'll talk. Any of you are willing to deal with him?"    


"Long Tianhao, you've gone too far. I, Huan Wujue, will never let you off."    


"How bold. You dare to be disrespectful to me, Master. You are courting death. Let me fight you. Master, please allow your disciple to fight."    


Upon hearing that the Illusory Sky Clan's Patriarch, Huan Wu, was disrespectful to Long Tianhao, Xue Tian's body moved and appeared in front of Long Tianhao, blocking Huan Wu's attack. At the same time, he requested to fight against Long Tianhao.    


"En, go, and play with the Formless Phantom Patriarch. But remember not to be too ruthless. You are still a junior, remember to respect your elders."    


Long Tianhao was angered to the point of not paying with one's life. His words were more venomous than his own words. He didn't even need to do anything, just his words alone were enough to make Long Tianhao vomit blood.    



They had never seen Long Tianhao's side, it was too shocking, and Chen Xiao had been holding back his laughter, afraid that he would be scolded by Long Tianhao. However, the more he endured, the more he could not hold it in, and finally, he laughed out loud.    


"Hahaha ~!"    


The moment this laughter was heard, the expressions of the big figures from the Immortal Realm all changed. This laughter was undoubtedly a slap to the face, no matter if it was an unfathomable slap to the face, or if it was an unfathomable slap, it would cause them to lose all their face.    


Surprisingly, Long Tianhao didn't say anything about Chen Xiao this time. Instead, he wore a peculiar smile on his face and looked as if he deserved a beating. Everyone wanted to pounce on Long Tianhao and give him a good beating.    


However, Chen Xiao also stopped after seeing this. He only laughed and instantly covered his mouth. Otherwise, he might be the one getting beaten up. He did not want to suffer this loss and at the same time did not want these people to remember him.    


"You actually let a middle stage Immortal Monarch come and fight with me, are you insulting me?"    


"Don't you like it? If you can agree to my disciple's request, I can kneel down and kowtow to you as an apology.    


But if you can't beat my disciple, I don't want your life, as long as you promise me one thing, what about it? Do you dare to bet with me? "    


"Good, this is what you said. I will bet with you. Just wait to kowtow to me. I will let you know that we, the hidden immortal clans, are not that easy to mess with. Hmph."    


With a cold snort, Huan Wujue moved his body and left the hall. If he wanted to fight, he naturally couldn't be in this palace. If he wanted to fight, he would have to fight outside.    


Long Tianhao nodded to Xue Tian. Xue Tian also moved his body and chased after him. Long Tianhao was not worried at all about the fight between Xue Tian and Huan Wuya. Xue Tian was extremely talented and had experienced many battles.    


The faster he grew, the more talented he was in battle. Now that Xue Tian was at the peak of the intermediate stage, perhaps after a fight with Huan Wuya, he could successfully break through to the advanced stage of Immortal Monarch. At that time, he would be even more powerful.    


Although Huan Wuya was at the peak of Immortal Monarch's late stage, he was still no match for Xue Tian. He would only become Xue Tian's testing stone and at the same time become Xue Tian's stepping stone to reach the peak.    


After the two of them left the palace, an intense battle broke out. Many experts within the palace wanted to probe the outside with their Spiritual Sense to understand the situation of the battle. However, in an instant, their expressions changed because they were unable to leave the palace with their Spiritual Sense.    


They had tried many times but to no avail. The entire palace was sealed off and not even a fly could fly out. The expressions of these people instantly turned ugly.    


"Long Tianhao, what do you mean by this?" Do you want us to stay here? "    


That Luo Tian with Ethereal Sky smacked the throne, which immediately caused the throne to be annihilated. At the same time, he angrily asked Long Tianhao.    


He was one of the five people in charge of the Ethereal Sky, had a lofty position and thought himself to be even more noble than the Great Emperor of the Immortal Realm.    


No matter if it was in Ethereal Sky or in Ethereal Sky, no one dared to disrespect him. Long Tianhao was the first person who dared to offend him, and now he even wanted to restrict his freedom, so how could he endure it?    


"What's the point of getting so angry? Master Luo Tian, let them settle the battle themselves, when they are done fighting, won't we know the result? If you're bored, you can come out and fight.    


However, looking at how old you are, I'm afraid you don't have much strength left, right? I really don't know about Ethereal Sky, but I should let you old man stay at it properly, and live through the years. If you old man has any injuries, then it won't be good. "    


Long Tianhao's words seemed to be on Luo Tian Ren's mind, but the moment he heard it, the atmosphere changed. These words were even more vicious, actually making Luo Tian Hao live his entire life. Wasn't this cursing him to die?    


Sure enough, after hearing what Long Tianhao said, Luo Tian almost fell down to the ground as he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"Aiya, Master Luo Tian, what's wrong with you?" Don't scare me, old man. If you stretch your legs, you will be here.    


Then that's too unlucky, do you want me to send you back to the Ethereal Sky? Luo Ye, even if you die, you should die in Ethereal Sky, am I right? "    


Long Tianhao was eager to see the world in a state of chaos. Although his words sounded good, they were extremely vicious. If it were any ordinary immortal, they would have already been angered to death.    


However, Luo Tian Ren's situation was also very bad. He opened his mouth and vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood. His complexion turned pale, and even his aura became a lot weaker.    


Even his own origin energy had been slightly damaged. In his fury, he felt as if he was about to ignite his Immortal Elemental Energy.    


"Sir, what's wrong?"    


Xing Feng saw Luo Tian Hao spurt out blood, and couldn't help but to reach out to support Luo Tian, his face full of concern.    


"Pfft ~!"    


However, just as Xing Feng was about to support Luo Tian Ren, he suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood, which directly landed on Xing Feng's face, causing his face to turn bloody.    


"Aiya, Master Luo Tian, how can you slander me? It's not good to be outmatched like this! "    


Hearing the words "slandering me", Luo Tian Ren spat out another mouthful of blood, after which his eyes rolled up and he fainted, white smoke rising from his seven orifices.    


The dignified Master Long Tianhao had just said a few words, and the words had already made him faint. It could be imagined that the Master Wu Tie, one of the top powerhouses at the peak of the late stage, actually vomited blood because of his profound Cultivation Level.    


Following that, he fainted straight away. He almost died from anger. It could be seen how venomous Long Tianhao's words were. It was even more powerful than those incantations.    


Magic treasures were even more powerful. At the very least, he had never heard of any magic treasure that could knock a person unconscious.    


"Ahh, so this is the so-called smoke rising from the seven orifices. It seems like the heart of Luotian is very angry. At such an age, his anger is not small either. Wouldn't this make the younger generation worry?"    


At this moment, Long Tianhao was still unwilling to let Luo Tian go. Seeing Luo Tian had fainted, he just stood aside and said some sarcastic words. From the looks of it, he was not going to let go of his anger.    


The Ethereal Sky experts all glared at Long Tianhao, but no one dared to say anything to Long Tianhao. Everyone had seen the result of the man from Luo Tian and no one wanted to end up like the man from Luo Tian.    


Xing Feng glared at Long Tianhao, and with a wave of his hand, a throne was formed once more, which helped Luo Tian and the others up. At the same time, he tried to comfort Luo Tian and the others, hoping that they would wake up earlier.    


At this moment, the other powerhouses looked at Long Tianhao strangely. Long Tianhao was too powerful.    


With just a few words, Huan Wudi and his disciples fought with one another, and Luo Tian was so angry that he fainted. This kind of thing had never happened before, so they couldn't see through Long Tianhao anymore.    


At this moment, no one spoke, afraid that Long Tianhao would grab the opportunity. The two people in front of them didn't have a good ending anymore.    


In terms of words, no one present believed that they were Long Tianhao's match. It was better to quietly wait for the result of the battle between the two.    




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