Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0The cave that Xue Qi lived in was very spacious and clean, except for the jade platform that served as Xue Qi's bed.    


There was nothing else, it was just a primitive structure. Long Tianhao was surprised, he did not expect Xue Qi to live in such an ordinary cave.    


"Emperor, I've let you down. I don't like those useless things I don't know, so everything here is in its original form. Emperor, please sit."    


Xue Qi knew what Long Tianhao was thinking the moment she saw Long Tianhao's eyes flicker. She couldn't help but to explain as she told Long Tianhao to sit on the only jade platform while she herself laid in front of Long Tianhao.    


Although Xue Qi is a rare Divine Beast, it was precisely because of this that Xue Qi was unable to take on a human form. After all, not everyone had the bizarre ability to take human form like Tian Rou had.    


On the contrary, they liked to maintain their original form, especially those Divine Beast that were cultivating in seclusion.    


Long Tianhao did not sit down. He felt that it was strange for him to talk to Xue Qi like this, so he walked to Xue Qi's side and said, "I'm not used to talking to her like this. Xue Qi, I'll teach you a body transformation technique.    


"Since the Emperor thinks so, then Xue Qi has no objections. Please pass them to me."    


Xue Qi said indifferently as the Divine Light swirled in her eyes.    


Hearing this, Long Tianhao did not hesitate. With a thought, he passed the materialization method to Xue Qi.    


After doing all that, Long Tianhao also stood silently to the side. He knew that with Xue Qi's talent, it was easy for her to learn this spell and quickly transform into her human form. To be honest, Long Tianhao was still looking forward to it.    


The Heavenly Lion Dragon Qilin was extremely rare, almost the same as the Chaos Thunder Beast. He wanted to see what Xue Qi looked like, but judging from her gentle voice, she must be a beauty capable of toppling empires.    


Sure enough, after a moment, waves after waves of bright Divine Light s burst out from Xue Qi's body. Wrapped within the Divine Light, they transformed into a human figure.    


When the Divine Light dissipated, a tall figure emerged from the crowd. He had long purple hair that fluttered to his hips, and a pair of purple eyes that shone with a mysterious light.    


It was captivating, like a peerless enchantress. Her skin was creamy, and she was emitting an orchid breath. It was hard to describe her beauty, but she was covered in a thin purple muslin.    


It was incomparably tight, completely revealing her enchanting figure. There was a white fur on her chest, and it added a hint of wild beauty.    


"Gu ~!"    


Long Tianhao couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He had seen countless beautiful women before and every one of them were all incomparably beautiful. However, when he saw Xue Qi's face, Long Tianhao's heart skipped a beat and he felt his mouth going dry.    


It could be said that Xue Qi was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her perfect appearance was even slightly better than Tian Rou's.    


Looking at Long Tianhao's dazed look, Xue Qi couldn't help but to cover her mouth and smile. That smile made the whole world sigh in admiration. It was truly overwhelming.    


"Pfft ~!"    


Long Tianhao suddenly felt a burning sensation in his nose. Two pillars of blood spurted out. It was so beautiful that it was hard to resist. It made him so angry that he even had a nosebleed.    


"Emperor, are you alright?"    


Seeing Long Tianhao spitting out nosebleeds, Xue Qi immediately leaned over to treat the nosebleeds for Long Tianhao.    


However, as her body neared, a strange breath entered Long Tianhao's mouth. As Xue Qi bowed, she helped clear the blood from Long Tianhao's nose.    


Suddenly, Long Tianhao's eyes swept across the snow-white skin in front of his chest. His mind went blank. Coupled with the aura from Xue Qi's body, Long Tianhao's blood started to boil.    


Long Tianhao's lower body also became restless. A nameless fire was ignited in his body, making him feel as if he couldn't control it.    


"Cough cough. It's fine. It's fine. You should stay away from me. I can do it myself."    


'Cough! 'Long Tianhao coughed awkwardly before he quickly retreated, trying his best to distance himself from Xue Qi. He was still panting heavily from the restlessness, making it difficult for him to control himself.    


"Space is color, color is emptiness, sky is not different, color is not different, color is empty, color is empty, color is colorless …"    


After retreating some distance, Long Tianhao began chanting in his heart to calm himself down. At the moment, Long Tianhao needed the Buddhism ability the most to suppress all kinds of demonic desires.    


After a long while, Long Tianhao finally calmed down. He exclaimed in his heart that this woman was too beautiful and was indeed a disaster. His state of mind, Cultivation Level, was also pretty good.    


It was definitely impossible for him to face Xue Qi. However, Long Tianhao felt something was a little strange. It was that Xue Qi seemed to have used her charm. Otherwise, Long Tianhao wouldn't have acted like this.    


"The Emperor is indeed powerful. Even under my Charm spell, he was able to recover so quickly. It seems that I haven't learnt enough of the Charm spell!"    


Sure enough, what Xue Qi said just now had confirmed Long Tianhao's guess that Xue Qi had used her charm on him.    


"Cough cough, do you have nothing to do? Why are you casting Charm Spell on me?"    


Long Tianhao said with a wry smile. He really didn't understand why Xue Qi did this. Could it be that she wanted to see him make a fool of himself?    


"Your Majesty, please forgive me. This is my first time taking human form and I want to test the power of the Charm Spell I cultivate. This is also my first time using it, and I have no other intentions. Your Majesty, please don't be angry."    


Xue Qi apologized to Long Tianhao.    


"I'm really asking for trouble. Sigh, forget it, come and sit down. Let's talk about proper business. What exactly is the secret hidden in this region?" And why are you bound here? "    


Long Tianhao didn't want to talk about what happened earlier with Xue Qi. That would only make him more embarrassed. He couldn't help but change the topic and ask about the important matter.    


Xue Qi also walked to Long Tianhao's side and sat down on the jade platform with him. This jade platform was where Xue Qi used to sleep.    


Naturally, it was extremely huge. Not to mention two people, even if there were ten of them, it would still be easy for two people to sit on it.    


After Xue Qi sat down, Long Tianhao's body moved to the side without leaving a trace. He was a little afraid of getting too close to Xue Qi, "This really is a demoness. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have let her take human form. This is simply a test and torture for me!"    


Long Tianhao muttered in his heart. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself and do something like this. He was a normal man, even though he had cultivated a buddhist cultivation technique, he would naturally not lose all his emotions.    


Xue Qi was so seductive. As long as it was a man, there were very few who saw that she didn't have any thoughts, and most of those who didn't had any thoughts were abnormal.    


As if she felt Long Tianhao's actions, a light flashed across Xue Qi's eyes. However, she did not say anything. This was not the time to talk about other things, it was more important to talk about proper business.    


"This region does indeed contain enormous secrets. It is a remnant of the great war between the gods and demons of the Primordial Era, and it is sealed within the Immortal Realm. It is a great secret of the Primordial Era, known by the five Immortal Realm, even those mysterious Immortal Realm races do not know about it."    


"The legacy of the Great War of Gods and Demons? What was going on? Why did you seal it within your Immortal Realm? "    


When Long Tianhao heard that this was related to the Great War of Gods and Demons, a thousand ripples appeared in his heart. He was even more curious about this place.    


"Don't worry Emperor, I will tell you everything I know. This place is indeed the legacy of the great war between the Gods and Demons, so there is an ancient and primordial aura here. There are also countless heavenly materials, so it is definitely a treasure land.    



But in reality, this is a dangerous place. There is an ancient vicious demon sealed here, and it is incomparably ferocious. It was defeated and sealed here by the combined forces of the Ancient Humans and Divine Beast, and has set up a sky curtain to completely isolate this place.    


Xue Qi had a serious expression on her face as she spoke to Long Tianhao.    


"An ancient monster? If so, why was he not killed? but rather, to seal it here? "    


According to the inherited memories, Long Tianhao naturally knew about the terror of fiendish demons. During the ancient era, who knew how many God People and other races' powerhouses were massacred?    


After instigating the Great War of Gods and Demons, the Evil Demon side backed off and disappeared into the universe. Every single Evil Demon was incomparably strong and hard to kill, so when Long Tianhao heard that there was actually a Evil Demon sealed here, he couldn't help but be shocked.    


"I don't know why, but fiendish devils are incomparably fierce and their strength is extremely powerful. Many years ago, countless great experts paid a huge price to defeat the fiendish devils and countless great experts perished because of this."    


Humans, Divine Beast and other races have suffered heavy injuries. After so many years have passed, they have yet to fully recover. As far as I know, this evil monster was incomparably powerful, and reached the late stage of Divine Sovereign back then.    


He was simply unable to kill it, so he could only join hands to seal it. However, the heavens' law seemed to have changed greatly over the years, causing the seal to loosen a bit, especially when Ape Devil's avatar appeared out of nowhere.    


This has even touched the seal of this place. If this goes on, then the fiendish demon amongst them will be born soon. If this kind of peerless fiendish demon is born, I wonder just how great of a calamity it will bring about. "    


Xue Qi's face was filled with worry. If such a vicious demon appeared in the world, then perhaps Immortal Realm would directly be destroyed. The strength of a Divine Sovereign rank expert was simply unfathomable, so strong that it was unimaginable.    


"Even my mother only reached the early stage of the Divine Sovereign back then, so she wasn't a match for this fierce demon. So scary, it's almost impossible to kill a fierce demon at this level, no wonder it's sealed to this extent.    


Now that the seal had been loosened, if he was allowed to escape, it would be a great calamity. Could it be that this was the great calamity that the mysterious person spoke of?    


How to deal with that? I want to cultivate to the Divine Sovereign Realm for who knows how many more years, and even if I cultivate to the Divine Sovereign Realm, it would be very difficult for me to be this fierce demon's opponent! "    


Suddenly, Long Tianhao thought of a lot of things. He thought of a lot of things, as if there was a connection between them, but they couldn't be linked together, making it difficult for him to grasp the crux of the problem. The situation now made him more and more confused.    


"Since the seal has been loosened, what should be done? Unless a Divine Sovereign Ranked Ranker comes out to reinforce the seal, but we cannot invite that person out. Right, Xue Qi, there should be a reason why you are here right? "    


"Mn, I was born here, all the information I said was sent to me by the Heavenly Curtain here, my mission is to protect the seal here, at the critical moment, reinforce the seal with my Blood Essence and soul, although I am unable to fully suppress the Evil Demon.    


I have already been here for a hundred million years, and my Cultivation Level has long reached its peak, but I am unable to ascend through tribulation. Because my mission is here, and all these years, I have been following the information sent by the sky.    


The seal is being strengthened, but the seal seems to have been broken somewhere by the evil aura, making it hard to repair. I don't have any other choice, if it doesn't work then I can only sacrifice my own body.    


When the great war of the Three Realms is coming, which will only happen once every ten million years, countless Immortals and Fiendgods will be killed. The fiendish aura will soar to the heavens and the seals here will tremble.    


A determined look appeared in Xue Qi's eyes. He had already made the preparations to sacrifice himself. Even if he was unable to completely seal the fierce demon, he would still be able to buy some time. At that time, he would definitely have a way to deal with it.    


"Don't do anything rash for now. There are always other ways to solve this problem. Oh right, other than you, a guardian, is there anyone else here?" Here, my spiritual will is being suppressed, so I am unable to inspect the situation here.    


Long Tianhao pondered for a moment and asked Xue Qi again.    


"Other than me, there is another clan here called Purple Lightning Family. They are born for the sake of protecting the seal and their talent is extremely good, yet no one has ever ascended their Divine Realm. Almost every clan member that has cultivated to the late stage of Immortal Monarch has.    


"In the end, they entered the seal and increased the sealing power. The heavens gave them talent that far surpassed ordinary people, but made it impossible for them to leave this place for their entire lives. Their fate was to transform into the sealing power."    


At this point, Xue Qi's expression turned desolate. She sighed in her heart. All of this was fate, and nothing could change it.    


If this is fate, then this is destiny. There is no need to respect any Heavenly Dao, to step into the Heavenly Dao, to reclaim control over one's own destiny, although the matters of the fiendish demons are extremely important.    


Don't worry, I will help you. Since my mother was able to fight the evil monsters back then, I can also do the same, Xue Qi, bring me to Purple Lightning Family. I want to know more about this.    


I know that your fate is to be bound to the seal. I will help you break this restriction and allow you to travel to the outside world to become the true self. "    


The heavens' law is truly unfair. There is no such thing as fate in this world. The strong and the strong can't stop the strong from improving themselves. The saints of China have long proposed to rely on their own efforts to break the destiny they set.    


If the Heavenly Dao is unfair, then I will break the Heavenly Dao. If the heavens can't stop me, then I will destroy the heavens! If the heavens can't stop me, then I will annihilate the heavens! This was definitely not a slogan, but a rule that Long Tianhao followed up to today.    




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