Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0Long Tianhao, who was received by Zhou Yu, gave Long Tianhao a great deal of convenience. At the same time, Long Tianhao could be considered a big customer with such a large amount of materials purchased on a large scale in Qianyu Tower. It would be difficult to sell so many materials in a few years.    


Thus, Zhou Yu hoped that Long Tianhao would go there often. Not only did it increase his relationship with Long Tianhao, it also brought about a huge benefit to his Qianyu Tower. It could even be said that killing two birds with one stone.    


After waiting for some time, the envoys from the Immortal Lord Mansion finally arrived. There were a total of five people, all of whom were handsome young men, and the young man had Cultivation Level of the intermediate stage of the Golden Immortal Stage.    


The Cultivation Level s were all extremely high. Although they were not comparable to Liu Hen and the other two, they were still Immortal Monarchs with Immortal Lord Mansion. Their statuses were completely on a completely different level.    


Long Tianhao naturally would not go to welcome someone from the Immortal Lord Mansion. He was not interested in bowing and bowing to the little fellow from the Immortal Lord Mansion yet, so he had to deal with these matters with Liu Hen and the others. However, Long Tianhao was secretly observing.    


In order to welcome the guests, Liu Hen and the others had prepared very well. Almost all of the important members of the three families had arrived at the scene.    


Of course, Dragon 5 and the others had also hidden themselves. After all, if Immortal Lord Mansion was able to discover such a powerful strength, it would also bring about a lot of trouble.    


"Welcome, Lord Rong Tian and the immortal lords."    


Liu Hen and the others bowed towards the newcomer. This was also the basic etiquette for treating people from the Immortal Lord Mansion.    


"There's no need to be so courteous, you're the Patriarchs of the three great families?"    


The young man at the front asked without any trace of politeness. He had an arrogant expression on his face.    


"The three of us are the Patriarchs of the top three families of Earth Saliva. It is our honour to be able to meet Sir Rong Tian."    


Although the young man's tone was full of pride and was very displeasing, Liu Hen and the others still welcomed him with smiles on their faces. They did not even hesitate to flatter him.    


They knew that people like them, who were full of pride, loved to listen to the flattery of others the most. They would be able to coax others to be a bit more pleasant, and would naturally be able to avoid a lot of trouble.    


"I heard that you three big families used to be very hostile towards each other and almost fought to the death. Why are you suddenly so close to each other now? And why would they work together to establish Lightning Pavilion? "    


"Sir Rong Tian is joking. At most, there will be some small fights between us, and it will only be for benefits. Right now, the three of us will join hands."    


As for establishing Lightning Pavilion, it's just a small matter, and cannot enter your eyes. "    


No matter what the others asked, Liu Hen and the others maintained a smile and answered whenever they were asked.    


"Oh ~?" A small fight? It can't be, I heard that you guys merged all of the clan's assets and even spent a lot of effort to advertise it. You guys even recruited alchemists and blacksmiths without restraint, and you guys said that this is the day the Lightning Pavilion will open.    


There's even a type of pill called the Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill, which can help people break through to the Immortal Monarch realm. This kind of thing is very rare, and you guys can even get hold of it, is this still considered a small matter? "    


Rong Tian seemed to have thoroughly investigated everything before coming here. Therefore, every single word was extremely targeted. It was as if he wanted to obtain some information from Liu Hen and the others. Perhaps it was due to his curiosity.    


But it was even more possible that this was the intention of the Immortal Lord Mansion. As a manager, he naturally did not want to face any uncertainties, especially after this incident which attracted the attention of the Immortal Lord Mansion. Otherwise, he would not have sent any messengers.    


"This was all entrusted to us by a senior. Someone came to us to help us auction things. We, who do business, naturally cannot refuse."    


"Who is this senior?" A senior with this kind of ability will not be a nameless person. "    


"This, we do not know. Our rule is that if the guests do not reveal their identities, we will not ask for their forgiveness. However, we have heard that the Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill does have a unique effect."    


Last time, he obtained one from the Qianyu Tower and it was taken away by a big shot. This time, if Master Rong Tian is interested, he will take it.    


If we can get it and give it to Lord Rong Yan, it might help Lord Rong Yan break through to the level of Immortal Monarch. At that time, Lord Rong Yan will definitely be very happy. "    


"We'll talk about it when the time comes. If it's really that effective, I can buy it back for my master."    


Obviously, Rong Tian was also tempted. If he could bring something like this back, he would definitely receive the reward of Fairy Rong Yan. It would also bring quite a bit of benefits to him.    


Milords, you have worked hard all this way, please come to my residence to rest first, then I will explain in detail to you all, and at the same time, I would like to thank you all for being able to attend the opening ceremony of Lightning Pavilion ten days from now, Milords, please!    


These were all esteemed guests, and could not be neglected. Although they were loyal to Long Tianhao right now, at this moment, they could not display any kind of resistance towards Immortal Lord Mansion, and were still as respectful as before.    


The arrival of the Immortal Lord Mansion Envoys did create quite a bit of commotion, as quite a few people had heard the news and rushed over.    


Firstly, he wanted to see what this genius of the Immortal Lord Mansion looked like, and secondly, he wanted to see what kind of Lightning Pavilion he would attract the attention of the Immortal Lord Mansion. Especially since there were many people who rushed over to take the Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill.    


But although this treasure was good, it required strength to obtain it, and that included one's own strength and financial means. With Immortal Stone s, it was not enough, and one had to be strong enough or have a huge background.    


Even if he did get it, it would instead bring about a disaster that would kill him. Killing people to steal their goods was not a rare occurrence in the Immortal Realm, or to be more precise, it was quite a common sight in all realms. For treasures, many things could happen.    


Liu Hen arranged for Rong Tian and the other three to stay in the VIP room of the Liu residence. They would have delicious food and delicious food.    


Rong Tian was quite satisfied with the big shot of Immortal Lord Mansion that he tried his best to please, and didn't cause any trouble on Earth Saliva.    


Long Tianhao, along with Long Tianhao and the rest, had concealed their Cultivation Level and snuck into the Liu Manor. They did not interact with Rong Tian and only looked at the people who came to Earth Saliva unceasingly.    


Long Tianhao had no interest in befriending him. Otherwise, he would think that someone was trying to curry favor with him. This kind of person had high eyes and was used to being flattered by others. He was arrogant and despotic.    


As the day of the opening of Lightning Pavilion neared, more and more immortals gathered on planet Earth Saliva. Fortunately, the three great families had already made arrangements beforehand, and had arranged for the cultivators above Daluo Golden Immortal to rest.    


As for the others, they could only think of their own ways. After all, not everyone could enjoy this kind of treatment.    


Rong Tian was also a person who couldn't sit still, so he would bring people to walk around the planet everyday while Liu Hen was the host.    


Naturally, he was personally accompanying Rong Tian, the second generation's master, to every major city on Earth Saliva. Rong Tian played with everything good to eat and fun to play with.    


"Tianhao, where are we going today?"    


"Hehe, let's go to the Cloud Sky City today. That is the Shen family's territory. Let's go and see how well the Shen family is doing, and also go to the Fang family."    


On the cloud bed, Long Tianhao was lazily lying down while Long Huang, Mei Ya and Phil were sitting to the side, looking at the direction they were heading to.    


"Yesterday, I found a piece of Five-Colored Glazed Glass in the Wind Returning City. I hope that I can find some more things today, and it would be best if I could find something with Divine Realm. That would be great."    


"What are you thinking? Do you think it's so easy to obtain something from the Divine Realm? It's already good enough that you can obtain some high grade materials. Furthermore, we aren't here just for the treasures, so don't make yourself look like a miser.    


Also, I heard that Rong Tian also went to the Cloud Sky City today. It's said that the second generation have a crush on beauties, so it would be troublesome if we meet him. "    


Long Tianhao said to the three of them.    


"He's just a mere Golden Immortal, but he dares to set his sights on us? Let's see if we can properly teach him a lesson."    


Phil said with a look of disdain.    


After all, he is a member of the Immortal Lord Mansion, which is something that Eastern Monarch's subordinate, the Immortal Lord Mansion. We still can't offend him, so we don't want to provoke him.    


Long Tianhao was shocked and immediately stopped them. If they really were to mess around, it would be a big problem.    


"Alright, can't we just listen to you? "How troublesome."    


Phil held his breath as he spoke with some dissatisfaction.    


Long Tianhao shook his head helplessly. However, he didn't say anything else to avoid making Phil unhappy. This woman was hard to coax.    


Not long after, Long Tianhao and the others entered the Cloud Sky City. The three of them naturally changed their appearances and became extremely ordinary.    


However, the three of them weren't that interested. No woman would be happy if they had to pretend to be ugly, so Long Tianhao could only try his best to comfort them.    


The Cloud Sky City was now much more prosperous than before, especially with the cancellation of the rules for collecting Immortal Stone, the flow of people from the cities had increased. This was mainly due to the close cooperation of the three great clans.    


Being unable to distinguish between the two of them had also made Earth Saliva a true free planet. There weren't too many restrictions on it, and it attracted many people to come.    


Knowing that the girls weren't interested, Long Tianhao brought the girls directly to the courtyard, where there were all kinds of shops.    


However, not a single one of them held too much power. They were all small shops. There were even many people who put up stalls to sell all sorts of strange things. There were even people who called out for them. It could be said to be extremely lively.    


Walking in the alley, Long Tianhao had a feeling that this place didn't seem like Immortal Realm, but more like a mortal world.    


No one could have imagined that the Immortal would set up a stall and even call out for sale. Previously, it could be said that they had never even dared to think about such things. However, all of this was the truth.    


"This is quite lively. How does this even look like a Immortal Realm? It's simply like the markets in the mortal world. Even becoming an immortal is not easy!"    


Long Tianhao said with some regret.    


"What's so strange about that? When I was in my previous world, didn't I sell things to others for the sake of my own cultivation?"    


"Anyway, it's not that embarrassing, and even after I become stronger, I still like to sell some things and it's pretty fun. Who knows, maybe there's someone here who came to set up a stall because it's fun."    


Mei Ya said in a matter-of-fact tone.    


"You're right. There really are people here for fun. There's an old man over there; he looks like a Celestial Immortal."    


However, he himself is a Ninth Heaven Immortal. He can be considered an expert in Immortal Realm, but he actually came all the way here to disguise himself as a Heavenly Immortal and even set up a small stall. Interesting, let's go take a look.    


An interested smile appeared on Long Tianhao's face as he said this to the three of them. Then, he walked towards the old man that he had discovered.    


The old man who disguised himself as a Heavenly Immortal currently had his eyes slightly closed, looking very relaxed. He sat on a chair, and in front of him was a small stall.    


The old man opened his eyes and took a look before closing them again. He could already tell that Long Tianhao and the other three were Cultivation Level in the early Heavenly Immortal Stage.    


As a result, he did not take it to heart. He did not know that Long Tianhao and the other three were hiding the Cultivation Level, but of course, with his strength, he could not see through it.    


After taking a look at everything on the stall, Long Tianhao realized that these things were actually camouflaged by someone in some way. Normal people wouldn't be able to tell, they just thought these were ordinary things.    


However, it couldn't escape Long Tianhao's telepathic thoughts. Most of these materials were high grade materials and they were quite rare. Who knows where this person got them from and what his intentions were?    


"Daoist friend, I'll take all of these items. Name a price."    


The moment Long Tianhao finished speaking, the old man immediately opened his eyes. Surprise flashed across his eyes. He had kept these things here for many years.    


No one cared about it, but today, everyone wanted it all. He felt very surprised, and at the same time, he couldn't help but look at Long Tianhao a few more times as if he wanted to see through him.    


However, how could he see through Long Tianhao with his strength? The more he saw, the more blurry Long Tianhao became. On the other hand, Long Tianhao was calmly looking at the old man and he did not show any abnormality.    


"Daoist friend, name a price, I'll buy them all."    


Seeing that the old man didn't say anything, Long Tianhao couldn't help but speak again.    


"We have ten thousand High-grade Immortal Stone. If you want to take them, then take them. Please leave." The old man indifferently said.    


If an ordinary person were to hear this price, they would probably call the old man a madman, and think that the Immortal Stone was crazy. All of these things that they displayed were the most common materials, at most they would only cost tens of thousands of low-grade Immortal Stone, who would spend tens of thousands of High-grade Immortal Stone to buy these trash!    


However, Long Tianhao smiled and said: "This is ten thousand High-grade Immortal Stone, I'll buy it."    


With a wave of his hand, a large group of Immortal Stone appeared in front of the old man, and Long Tianhao directly put away all the items on the stall. Although he had spent almost all of his Immortal Stone on Qianyu Tower, he could still take out a mere ten thousand Immortal Stone.    


This time, it was the old man's turn to be dumbfounded. He didn't think that Long Tianhao would actually buy the Immortal Stone, and even directly put it on the ground. This was completely out of Long Tianhao's expectations.    


Long Tianhao's actions not only stunned the old man, it also made the entire marketplace boil. Most of the people knew about the things the old man sold, but they never thought that someone would actually spend so many Immortal Stone s to buy them.    


Some people couldn't help but think that Long Tianhao's brain was working. Others stared blankly at the Immortal Stone on the ground, their eyes revealing a greedy gaze. To them, those ten thousand High-grade Immortal Stone were definitely a large number.    


All of a sudden, Long Tianhao became the young master of that family in the eyes of these people. All of them thought about how to kill Long Tianhao, they seemed to have treated Long Tianhao as a fool, but they didn't know that Long Tianhao had picked up a big deal and the one who should be feeling sorry for him should be that old man.    


Ignoring the gazes and words of the surrounding people, Long Tianhao turned around and walked to other places in the marketplace. Only the old man who was still in a daze looked at Long Tianhao's back.    


This old man's heart really ached. He didn't plan to sell those things, he only set up the stall here to play around with others, so he just called out a high price. Originally, he wanted to scare Long Tianhao away.    


Who knew that Long Tianhao would be so quick, in the blink of an eye he left behind a bunch of Immortal Stone and took away all of his treasures.    


After a long while, the old man finally recovered. With a wave of his hand, he retrieved the Immortal Stone in front of him. Without caring about the gazes of the surrounding people, he quickly chased after Long Tianhao.    


"That old man has caught up. Let's leave this place and find a restaurant to eat, then we can play with him."    


Smiling at Long Feng and the other two, Long Tianhao brought the three of them and sped up their pace, leaving the manor, allowing the old man to follow. Although the old man's method of restraining his aura was very brilliant, it was a pity that he met Long Tianhao.    


Long Tianhao and the other three entered a random restaurant. This restaurant was owned by the Shen family and was not considered as high grade. It was just an ordinary restaurant, and it could only provide ordinary things.    


However, there were not many people who dared to eat it. Who would dare to provoke Dragon Clan, even if it wasn't real dragon liver and phoenix gall, after all, there was still a little edge to it, and many people avoided eating it.    





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