Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0Everyone parted as Long Tianhao led everyone out of the Dragon Phoenix Ring. Tian Rou didn't linger for much longer as she had already kept Chenxi. As for the other three, Chenxi and the others were by her side, along with Feng Ling.    


"Brother Yuan Fa, you have to play with me properly next time."    


Feng Ling said to the cold Yuan Fa with a mischievous smile.    


"We'll talk about it next time."    


He had known Feng Ling for a long time, so he naturally knew her character. Every time he saw her, he would feel a headache coming on.    


"Welcome, mother."    


Other than Yuan Fa, everyone else knelt down in front of Tian Rou.    


"Alright, you guys take care of yourselves. Yuan Fa, you can help Tianhao from now on."    


"I will do it even without you saying. See you next time."    


Yuan Fa said to Tian Rou before a seven-colored Divine Light wrapped around Tian Rou's group and instantly disappeared. It had already left with the few little fellows. Who knew how long it would take before they could meet again.    


Long Tianhao and the others looked up at the sky. The next time they met, everything would probably be different. It was about time for him to truly grow up.    


Although Long Tianhao was reluctant to part with Tian Rou's short visit, now was not the time to talk about it. There were still a lot of things he needed to do, so Long Tianhao quickly organized his emotions and dealt with the many things that would happen next.    


After Tian Rou left, Yuan Fa replied to Long Tianhao's insides. He still did not like staying outside. He was used to being alone and quiet. He did not like being with so many people. Furthermore, he had to busy himself with some things.    


In regards to this, Long Tianhao did not ask anything. In his heart, he had always respected Yuan Fa, and even if he was the master of the Sword of Thunder Punishment now, he would not force Yuan Fa to do anything.    


After sending off Tian Rou and a few other kids, the ones who were the most depressed were Qi Ya and Long Huang. As mothers, they felt sad and heartbroken after separating them from their children. The worry in their hearts was indescribable.    


Long Tianhao also understood their feelings. All he could do was to give them more care and not be too concerned about them. After Long Tianhao and the other girls comforted them, Qi Ya and Long Huang recovered a lot.    


Although they were still missing their child, they knew that their child would be very well. As a result, they put that longing into their hearts and gradually recovered the joy of the past.    


On the tenth day after Long Tianhao returned to the Lightning Pavilion, an old acquaintance came to pay a visit. This old acquaintance was none other than one of Long Tianhao's close friend Tianqing, one of the few in the Cultivation Realm.    


He rushed to Heavenly Blue Star at the fastest speed possible. Today, he finally arrived at Heavenly Blue Star and couldn't wait to see Long Tianhao.    


"Bro, it's really you. I knew you wouldn't die so easily. I missed you so much."    


When Tianqing saw Long Tianhao, he was extremely excited. He directly gave Long Tianhao a big bear hug and refused to let go for a long time.    


"Hehe, old bro, of course I won't die so easily. I can't bear to part with you, old bro. Are you having a good life these years?"    


Tianqing was one of his friends and he cherished these friends. Although Tianqing knew him because of the Venus stone, he had to admit that Tianqing did treat him as a good friend.    


Long Tianhao's principle of being a person is that no matter how others treat me, I will repay them double, no matter if they are good or bad.    


"Hahaha, good boy, it's good that you're fine, all these years I've been worried about your safety, I don't believe that you'll die just like that, now that you're back, everything is fine, but since you're fine, why did you come back for almost two hundred years?"    


Don't you know everyone is worried about you? " Tianqing let go of Long Tianhao. However, he hit Long Tianhao's chest a few times. He blamed Long Tianhao for making everyone worry for so many years.    


"Sorry, brother, I also want to come back earlier, but because of some things, I have no choice but to come back until now. Come, brother, I'll introduce you to a few of my sister-in-law."    


Long Tianhao did not explain in detail to Tianqing. After all, it was better that Tianqing did not know about these matters.    


"Brother, let me introduce you. This is Long Huang, this is Qi Ya, and this is Wuqing. This is Luxi Feier, and this is Mei Ya.    


"Also, this is Wang Ying, these six are your sister-in-law. I originally had four children, but they were just taken away by my mother, so you won't be able to see them for now."    


At the same time, he said to the ladies of the Dragon and Phoenix Sect, "This is the person I mentioned to you, Brother Tianqing. He is my good friend."    


"Hello, brother Tianqing."    


"Haha, good, nice. Sisters, I didn't expect that after leaving for a few hundred years, I would actually bring back so many beautiful sister-in-law. I am really envious of them. Right, did Sister Tian Ye really come?"    


Tianqing first laughed, but soon after, he asked about the matters of Tian Ye with some seriousness. He could be considered to have become familiar with Tian Ye. After knowing about the matters of Tian Ye, he felt incredibly sad.    


"Mm, the heavens are saving me. Aiya, let's not talk about this anymore. Anyway, I will definitely revive Tian Ye. When the time comes, I will definitely compensate her and make up for the regret in my heart." Long Tianhao was much more relaxed now.    


It was no longer as sad as it used to be when it came to Sky Night. Sorrow was useless to try to salvage the situation. Long Tianhao had to get stronger and bring Sky Night back to life, that was what he wanted to do.    


"Mm. Brother, it's great that you think so. Come, it's rare to see you together today, but I still have some of this Hundred Spirit Wine left. We'll drink it when we're happy today. I reserved this specifically for you."    


I know you will come back, brother. "Hahaha, your brothers and sisters have always been here as well. Today, we must drink to our heart's content. No one is allowed to use their strength to force the alcohol out of their bodies, and they won't return until they're drunk."    


Tianqing took out a wine jug and said proudly. Normally, this wine of yours was his treasure and he himself would not be willing to drink it, but in order to celebrate Long Tianhao's return, he let it go.    


"Alright, I've always been thinking about elder brother's Hundred Spirit Brewing. The things that elder brother gave me have been taken away by Mu Tian, but I've been hungry for a long time. Today, I'll drink with you until I'm done. If you don't drink, no one is allowed to leave." Long Tianhao also responded with a smile.    


"Hahaha, let's exchange our cups today, lest you say that it's not satisfying enough." Tian Qing waved his hand and eight large quilts appeared out of nowhere. One for each person, and eight streams of water poured out from the wine jugs and poured into eight cups.    


"How can there not be wine? Come, old brother, let's see what these spirit fruits are like." When Long Tianhao saw this, he also waved his hand and more than ten plates appeared on the table in front of him. On each plate was a type of spirit fruit, and in one plate was a plate of lotus seed.    


It was the lotus seed of a five colored Immortal Lotus. It could be considered a rare item in the Immortal Realm.    


Heavenly Serpent Fruit, Dragon Striped Fruit, Green Spirit Fruit, these are all top grade spirit fruits from the Cultivation Realm. Brother, where did you get these things?    


Looking at these spirit fruits, the Sky Blue was dumbstruck. Even if he could eat them, it was rare for him to have any of them. Moreover, even if he did, he would still be able to get his hands on them.    


They were usually left to concoct pills, how could they be willing to use it to eat fruits? Especially those lotus seeds, that pure immortal aura was definitely not something that Cultivation Realm possessed.    


"These are all planted by me. These lotus seeds are formed from five-colored Immortal Lotus unique to Immortal Realm. They mature only once every three thousand years, but the taste isn't bad.    


Furthermore, some meditation techniques that contain some celestial spiritual energy should be useful for your body. There are still some songs and dances to it, hmm, there is still some. "    


Long Tianhao gave Tianqing a simple introduction. With a thought, he released a few of the evil women that he recruited back on Earth.    


Dressed in the same outfit, with a person playing the zither beside him, Long Tianhao waved his hand and a sweet zither sound rang out. The few graceful women also danced, giving off a sense of charm.    


"Bro, you really know how to enjoy yourself. Come, let's drink a cup." Tianqing was also shocked by Long Tianhao's move, so he raised his glass and said.    


"Hur hur, alright. Cheers!"    


For a time, everyone raised their glasses and drank a cup together. They listened to the zither music, enjoyed the dance, drank wine, and ate spirit fruits. It had to be said that this was a happy event in their lives! This is what life should be like. When the bank is happy, you must not miss it.    


Because they were happy, they drank to their heart's content and wanted to be drunk. The Hundred Spirit Wine was brewed from a spirit fruit, so it could be considered a type of fruit wine. The wine's power was not great and its taste was extremely good.    


It was also very hard to get drunk. Originally, Qing Shui had only got seventy to eighty kilograms of Hundred Spirit Brewing Pills left in his pot. Normally, it would take him a very long time to finish drinking them, but now, he just opened his mouth and drank them all.    


Of course, Tianqing and Long Tianhao drank a little more, while Wang Ying and the others didn't have enough alcohol, so they were a little dizzy after not drinking much. Luxi Feier seemed to be able to drink a lot.    


The only ones left were Long Tianhao and Tianqing. The other girls all went back to their rooms to rest because they were drunk. After drinking the whole pot of wine, Long Tianhao and Tianqing were almost done.    


"Bro, I feel so good drinking with you. Too bad I ran out of alcohol today. Let's drink again next time."    


Tianqing said drunkenly, but it seemed like he was not done yet.    


"Alright, I'll definitely accompany you then. Tian Bao, Black Panther, send Brother Tianqing to rest."    


Long Tianhao promised Tianqing as he called Brother Tian Bao to send Tianqing off to rest. After so many years, Tian Bao and Black Panther had both cultivated to the early stage of the tribulation. Now that Long Tianhao had returned, they returned to Long Tianhao's side and were waiting for Long Tianhao's orders.    


"Then let's talk later."    


"Alright, you can do it anytime." Long Tianhao agreed immediately.    


Tian Bao and Black Panther immediately supported Tianqing into the Lightning Pavilion's VIP room. Tianqing was an honored guest, so naturally, his treatment would not be bad.    


After arranging everything for Tianqing, Long Tianhao felt a little dizzy. He didn't force out any alcohol, as it had been a long time since he had last done so. If the alcohol could be dissolved, it would be a waste of good wine, so he might as well have a good sleep today.    


"I thought you could drink that much, but it turns out you can't even compare to me. Come, let's help you return to your room to rest." Luxi Feier said snappily.    


"Hehe, Phil is still the best. But I'm not drunk yet, why don't we go back and fight for a few hundred rounds?" Long Tianhao mocked.    


"You're not proper. Let's go. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?" Luxi Feier rolled her eyes at Long Tianhao, still thinking about it at this time.    


"Wait a moment, I'll put them away first."    


Long Tianhao paused for a moment. With a thought, he collected the girls that were dancing and playing the zither. He couldn't let them stay here forever, right?    


After seeing Long Tianhao accept those people, Luxi Feier supported Long Tianhao and walked him towards the back hall. The back hall was specially built for Long Tianhao, and it was very luxurious. Long Tianhao even specially made a luxurious bed for dozens of people to sleep in.    


It was convenient for him to sleep with the girls. Of course, it was just for decoration. Cultivators almost didn't need to sleep, but Long Tianhao wanted to enjoy the feeling of not sleeping for a long time.    


When Long Tianhao woke up from his sleep, it was already noon of the second day. He slept soundly this time and did not think about anything else. When he woke up, he felt extremely comfortable.    


Long Tianhao immediately sat up when he saw six figures surrounding him and six pairs of beautiful eyes staring at him. He looked at the six people in surprise.    


"What are you guys doing?"    


"Watch you sleep!" Mei Ya said indifferently.    


"What's so good about sleeping, unless you want to sleep with me, hehe."    


"You don't look like you're being serious. Look at the time, it's already noon. You really slept for a long time. It must be very comfortable." The girls rolled their eyes at Long Tianhao and then immediately dispersed. They left the jade bed and stood beside the bed.    


"Eh, it's already noon. Where's Brother Qing from that day?"    


Long Tianhao felt astonished and immediately asked Tian Qing.    


"You're awake already, drinking tea outside. You're the only one lying here."    


"Uh, I'll get up immediately."    


"Hurry up. I've already prepared all the toiletries for you. We'll be going out first. You can take your time to wash up here." With that, the six girls left the room, leaving Long Tianhao alone.    


Watching the girls leave, Long Tianhao shook his head helplessly. He got up quickly and began to wash himself. After a good night's sleep, he felt quite good. Maybe cultivators should also sleep like normal people from time to time.    


"Bro, you've rested quite well, haven't you?"    


"Bro, you sure are able to sleep. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come and drink some tea." Seeing Long Tianhao come out, Tianqing immediately called Long Tianhao over to sit down.    


Long Tianhao walked over and sat opposite Tianqing. Although the tea Tianqing drank was not bad, it did not enter Long Tianhao's eyes. Of course, he knew that this was already a pretty good tea from Lightning Pavilion.    


However, it was still not excellent, and this tea brewing water was even worse. Although it was the best water source in the Demonic Beast Forest, how could it compare to the Spiritual Spring's water!    


"Bro, I want some tea. I'll get you some good tea. There's nothing to drink with this tea."    


"Oh ~!" Brother, not only do you have those precious Spirit Fruits, you even have a collection of tea leaves? " Tianqing asked in surprise.    


"This doesn't count as a collection, but the tea leaves that I grow from my own tea tree are at least a hundred times better than the tea that you drink."    


"Then I have to try it. If it's really good, then you have to give me some." Tianqing said with a look of anticipation.    


"No problem, wait a moment."    


As Long Tianhao said this, he waved his hand and a crystal clear water bottle appeared in the air. At the same time, a stream of water was poured into the water bottle.    


Long Tianhao had a thought and eight cups appeared. Each cup had some tea in it. Long Tianhao poured the boiled water into it and washed the tea leaves. Then, he filled each cup with water and gave each person a cup.    


As Tianqing held the teacup, he saw that a large amount of clouds and mist had appeared on the teacup, and these clouds had transformed into dragons and tigers.    


It was incredibly mystical, and an indescribable fragrance filled the air. Just the smell of it alone was enough to make one's heart tremble, making one's spirit much better.    


Tian Qing couldn't help but raise the teacup to her lips and take a sip. Suddenly, she felt a large amount of spiritual energy enter her body.    


As he washed his body and mind, even the special energy within the tea made Scattered Immortal's body more refined. It could be said to be miraculous.    


"Good tea, old brother, what tea is this? I have never tasted such a miraculous tea. It actually has an extremely great effect on my Steel Body. It gives me a slight feeling of flesh and blood. How miraculous. " Tianqing said to Long Tianhao in shock.    


"Hehe, this is the Cloud Mist Tea, the tea tree itself is not magical, mainly because the environment of its growth is different, allowing it to absorb a lot of spirit energy, thus gaining its spirituality, and the tea making water is the key, this is the Spiritual Spring's water, hehe.    



This is a gift from me. You can use it to brew the tea, or you can even integrate it into your body. I believe it will be a great benefit to you. "    


Long Tianhao smiled and took out a small box. Inside were some tea leaves and a jade bottle containing a lot of Spiritual Spring's water. It was a small gift Long Tianhao had given to Tianqing.    




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