Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0After painstakingly climbing to the top of the mountain, Long Tianhao didn't stop for a moment. He entered the cave at the top of the mountain. This was a natural cave, but it gave people the feeling that it was man-made.    


Everything here seemed very strange, especially the pond at the top of the mountain, the clear water in the lake, and the lotus flower that flickered with five-colored Divine Light. Perhaps the five-colored Divine Light that Long Tianhao and the rest saw in the forest a while ago was caused by this lotus flower.    


Long Tianhao entered the cave. Although Long Huang was worried, there was nothing he could do. He slowly walked to the side of the pool and sat down. Looking at the lotus flowers blooming in the pond, Long Feng couldn't help but be enchanted.    


Carefully taking off her shoes, she revealed a pair of jade feet, which were slightly swollen and had some blisters on them. Thinking about Long Tianhao massaging her feet, Long Feng's face couldn't help but turn red.    


There was still some sweetness in his heart as he slowly placed a pair of jade feet into the pond, allowing the water that was filled with spirit energy to moisten his feet.    


Once the jade feet were placed in the pool, Long Feng immediately felt the ice cool down. The fatigue from climbing up was slowly disappearing, and even the swelling and blisters were slowly subsiding. This made Long Huang feel extremely refreshed.    


She was originally a divine dragon, so whenever she came into contact with water, there would always be a sense of familiarity. Especially since the water looked so clear, but when soaked in it, it felt so ice-cold and refreshing, giving people a feeling of being unable to extricate themselves.    


"Daddy is fine right? I really hope he comes out quickly. The water here is so magical, I'm so tired, I should be able to go in and take a bath. There's no one here anyway."    


Long Feng thought for a moment and looked at the cave that Long Tianhao entered without any movement. He looked around and saw that other than the rain and fog, there was nothing else.    


He stretched out his hand and began to undo the clothes inside, and very quickly, only a red undergarment and red underpants were left. After thinking for a moment, Long Feng slowly took them off, and at this moment, her perfect jade body was completely revealed.    


The dragon phoenix slowly entered the pond. Although the pond wasn't big, it was very deep. Even if the dragon phoenix's entire body entered the pond, it wouldn't reach the bottom.    


Entering the pond, Long Huang felt a lot of water particles continuously entering his body, nourishing his tired body. It was his beautiful body that became even more moist, gently putting down his waist-long hair.    


The dragon phoenix was meticulously cleaning. In order to cleanse his entire body, from time to time, the dragon phoenix would dive into the water.    


However, she did not go down because she did not know if there was any danger down there. She did not want Long Tianhao to be unable to find her and be worried.    


While Long Feng was bathing, Long Tianhao had already entered the cave. The passage inside the cave was quite narrow and there were stalactites everywhere that descended vertically from above. Some stalactites were extremely large.    


Who knows how long this has been going on. From time to time, a drop of milky white liquid would drip down from it. There was a small pond under it with a small amount of white juice. The pond was emitting a white mist.    


"These are 10,000 Year Stalactite Milk, it has the effect of rejuvenating a person. It is very good when used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, even a person with a high cultivation level can use it to refine their body. But unfortunately, I am unable to use my energy right now.    


I can't collect these things. Forget it, let's first enter the innermost area and see if there's anything there. If possible, we can come back to collect these items. "    


Long Tianhao shook his head and ignored the precious stalactites and continued deeper into the cave. The deeper they went, the harder it was to walk. Sometimes, they would even need to get annoyed by some obstacles or get through a hole.    


That made Long Tianhao very depressed. He treated people like monkeys. If he could use his own power, he would directly destroy these obstructions. Long Tianhao also discovered that the passageway seemed to be winding around and around, like a maze.    


After walking for a long time, Long Tianhao became extremely tired. After passing through a crowded and narrow stone path, Long Tianhao finally arrived at a rather open space. There were no rugged and messy rocks here.    


It was as if someone had artificially created this space. There were no rocks above, and the sky was directly above them. One could see the sky outside, but in this empty space, there weren't many things.    


There was only a single large fountain in this space. Yes, there was a fountain here. There were piles of rocks that formed a spring. Spring water kept gushing out and then flowing into a small ditch.    


As the water flowed towards the outside, Long Tianhao finally understood where the water from the pond came from. It came from here.    


The most special thing about this fountain was that there was a dragon-shaped sculpture. There was a stone bead in its mouth, and it was like a golden dragon playing with a pearl.    


It was as if the stone dragon was ready to soar into the sky at any moment.    


Long Tianhao was also very shocked when he saw this sculpture. He saw that the stone dragon seemed to be alive, and Long Tianhao even saw the stone dragon's eyes turn. Long Tianhao was shocked, could this stone dragon still be alive?    


Suppressing the shock in his heart, Long Tianhao slowly walked towards the fountain. This should be the end of the cave, but there was nothing special in this space.    


The only thing that was special was that fountain. Think about it, this mountain was extremely tall, but there was a fountain on top of the mountain. There was even a special stone dragon sculpture in the cave.    


"Is there something wrong with this fountain?" What treasure was in it? "Since you've come in, I'll go and take a look."    


After making up his mind, he saw that there weren't any dangers here, so he bravely walked towards the fountain. Since there were no results, Long Tianhao would never give up.    


However, as Long Tianhao slowly approached the fountain, he felt that his body was becoming hotter.    


It was as if his blood was on the verge of burning. Although Long Tianhao felt strange, he still walked forward.    


However, the further he went, the hotter his body became. It was as if all the masculine energy in his body had erupted and all the feminine energy had disappeared.    


All living things in this world were made from Yin and Yang. As the saying goes, 'Solitary Yang' doesn't last long, but it doesn't exist in this world. Men are yang, and women are yin, so men and women are united '.    


It was possible to reproduce, but this didn't mean that the body of a man was filled with Yang, or that of a woman was filled with Yin. This was simply impossible. There were some special physiques, such as the Nine Yang Body, or the Yin Body.    


If these people didn't have a fortuitous encounter, it would be very difficult for them to live for a long time. At a very young age, they would die young, so the Yin Yang Harmonization Dao was very important to the human body.    


At this moment, Long Tianhao felt that his yin and yang were at odds. His yang energy was rising and his body was filled with a scorching masculinity. If this went on, his body would inevitably explode and he would die. This was not a joke.    


"What's going on? Why did this place trigger the disharmony between Yin and Yang in my body? His body was bloated. Not good.    


If this goes on, I'll definitely die here. I need to get out immediately. " At this moment, Long Tianhao panicked. This matter was related to his life, so he did not dare to move forward anymore. He wanted to leave this place.    


But was it that easy? Since this place was so strange, he could leave easily. Just when Long Tianhao was preparing to leave.    


However, he was shocked to find that he was unable to move. Long Tianhao panicked, "What's going on?" What the hell was this place? "Such powerful Yang energy, and it's still pouring into my body! My body can't take it anymore, so why can't it move anymore?"    


Long Tianhao was surprised and angry at the same time. More and more pure Yang energy was being poured into his body, causing his body to become hotter and hotter. His skin had already been roasted red by the scorching Yang energy.    


There was also a large amount of white mist that benefited from his body, as if all the water in his body had evaporated. Long Tianhao could only feel his blood boiling and his brain filling up with a sense of having a lower body.    


Yes, he needed to vent. He needed a venting medium, and he needed the balance between Yin and Yang to overcome this crisis. But was that possible? He was the only one here, and he couldn't move at all. Was he going to die here?    


Long Tianhao felt that he had gradually lost his consciousness. Before his last will collapsed, a thought flashed across Long Tianhao's mind: maybe he should bring Long Huang along, or maybe the situation would be different.    


Long Tianhao couldn't hold on any longer. His clothes were already burnt to ashes by the pure Yang's scorching heat. Long Tianhao only felt a blast in his soul and lost consciousness. He didn't know what would happen to him.    


However, just when Long Tianhao lost consciousness and fell down, a strange fluctuation was sent out from the space. Immediately after, Long Tianhao's body was teleported out and the space returned to its former tranquility. It seemed that no one had entered and nothing had happened.    


The dragon phoenix that was bathing in the pond suddenly heard a burst of rumbling sound. It looked up and saw that its entire body was crimson red.    


Long Tianhao, who was covered in white fog, laid on the ground. His clothes were all gone, and his body seemed to be burning up. He had lost his consciousness long ago, and only his heaving chest told Long Feng that Long Tianhao was still alive.    


Without thinking too much, Long Huang directly jumped onto the stone platform from the pool. Without bothering to put on his clothes, Long Tianhao quickly ran to Long Tianhao's side and reached out his hand to touch Long Tianhao's body.    



"What's wrong with dad? Why was it so hot? What should I do? "Right, water."    


Long Huang ignored the heat coming from Long Tianhao's body as he pulled Long Tianhao's body towards the pond with all his might.    


Long Tianhao's body was pulled into the pool. A large amount of cold water directly turned into steam when it touched Long Tianhao's body. However, even so, Long Tianhao's body was still red and extremely hot, as if the water couldn't cool down at all.    


"How can this be? What should he do? "What should we do?"    


Seeing that the method was ineffective, Long Huang's heart was thrown into disarray. He did not know what to do, but at this moment, there was a sound coming from the entrance of the cave.    


Long Huang followed the direction of the voice and saw that some of the stones on the wall had fallen off, revealing two lines of words.    


"Yin and Yang in the Yin Yang Polar Region, Yin and Yang in the extreme, Yin and Yang in perfect harmony, one with the world."    


Seeing these 16 words, Long Huang kept on muttering in his heart, wanting to understand the true meaning behind them, "Yin and yang are congruent, heaven and earth are one. Don't tell me that one must fuse Yin and Yang in order to resolve the danger?    


Thinking about this, Long Feng couldn't help but hesitate. Although Long Tianhao wasn't his biological father, he was, after all, the one who raised her by Long Tianhao. It was hard for Long Huang to accept that Long Tianhao and her had a relationship of Yin and Yang.    




Just as Long Huang was hesitating to think, Long Tianhao unconsciously let out a painful howl. His face was completely distorted and a few small cracks appeared on the surface of his body. From those cracks, traces of blood flowed out.    


Long Tianhao's situation was getting more and more dangerous. If he didn't save him, he might really explode from the endless pure Yang energy in his body.    


Seeing Long Tianhao's situation, Long Huang didn't think too much and didn't hesitate anymore. At this moment, he was still thinking about other things, as long as it could save Long Tianhao, Long Huang was willing to do anything, let alone his own body.    


If it wasn't for Long Tianhao, he wouldn't have been able to come out of this world. Long Tianhao had given her everything, so it didn't matter if she sacrificed something for Long Tianhao!    


Having made up his mind, Long Huang picked up Long Tianhao's body and carried him onto the stone stage with some difficulty.    


Looking at Long Tianhao's pained expression, Long Huang no longer hesitated and looked at Long Tianhao's groin. At this time, due to the pure Yang energy, it was twice as thick as the last time Long Tianhao woke up.    


What kind of concept was this? And right now, it was as hard as iron and extremely hot. Long Huang's heart trembled a little, but she had no other choice. Her body moved and aimed at Long Tianhao's groin.    




When he felt Long Tianhao's groin entering his body, tearing a protective barrier inside his body, the heat almost melted his body. Long Feng screamed in pain.    


The pain of breaking a melon made Long Huang unable to endure it. Long Feng's face was somewhat pale as she leaned against Long Tianhao's body. She did not dare to move at all. This kind of pain was as if her heart was being torn apart.    


Lifting his head and looking at Long Tianhao, who was getting worse and worse, Long Huang steeled his heart, gritted his teeth, and began to move.    


However, every action she took caused incomparable pain to Long Feng. However, she stubbornly refused to cry out, and at the same time, did not stop. Instead, she moved even faster. This sort of pain caused her to feel an unforgettable pain.    


After a long time, Long Feng's body trembled and a wave of pure Yin energy poured out. Long Tianhao's body also trembled and a wave of scorching pure Yang entered Long Feng's body.    


The true yin of the dragon and phoenix continuously fused into Long Tianhao's body and began to adjust the chaotic blood and energy within Long Tianhao's body, gradually calming him down.    


As for Long Huang, he knew that Long Tianhao needed a large amount of True Yin energy because he was also trying his best to cooperate. His body continued to move and streams of True Yin energy continuously entered Long Tianhao's body.    


She only felt that her body seemed to be empty, she was already exhausted, she no longer had the strength to continue, and in the process, Long Tianhao had poured out his pure Yang Qi multiple times, under the interaction of pouring down and absorbing the Yin Qi.    


Long Tianhao's body finally returned to normal. The pure Yang energy that filled his body had been neutralized and Long Tianhao was no longer in danger.    


Long Huang powerlessly rested on Long Tianhao's body for a long time before he finally felt a little bit of strength coming back. Seeing that Long Tianhao's body was no longer in danger, Long Huang broke away from Long Tianhao's body and slowly stood up.    


Seeing that Long Tianhao's lower body was still as imposing as before, Long Feng's face couldn't help but flush red. He slowly walked towards the pond and wanted to wash his body, but the moment he moved, he felt a heart-wrenching pain coming from his lower body.    


After one day and one night, the Dragon Phoenix had already suffered a great deal of damage. Therefore, the Dragon Phoenix could only endure the pain and slowly walk towards the pond.    


After finally entering the pond to wash up, he returned to the shore and put on his clothes. Then, Long Feng once again returned to Long Tianhao's side.    


At this moment, Long Huang suddenly saw a drop of golden blood slowly emerge from the place where they had merged Yin and Yang. With a "sou" sound, it shot towards the cave wall. Immediately, a strange fluctuation was transmitted out and Long Huang's body trembled.    


Suddenly, he felt that his power could be used. The restrictions here had been removed, so Long Huang couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the previous action not only saved Long Tianhao, but also removed the restrictions here?    


However, this was also a good thing for Long Huang. A flow of energy circulated in his body and began to heal his injured lower body. She didn't want to wait for Long Tianhao to wake up and find out what happened.    


If Long Tianhao knew about the previous incident, he would probably blame himself. Long Huang did not want to do this, so she would hide this matter from him and bury it deep in his heart as a good memory.    




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