Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0At this moment, most of the people had gone back to rest or to deal with the matters after the war. Even Ba Tian and the others didn't know where they had gone to. Long Tianhao quickly brought them to the front of the hall.    


There was a gigantic magic space Transfer Array here. Long Tianhao took out a jade talisman and sent a message to Feng Baiyu through it, telling him to bring Mengli back to the Dragon Island.    


Not long after, everyone saw the Transfer Array light up a silver light and immediately saw Feng Baiyu and Mengli appear within the Transfer Array.    




The moment Mengli appeared, she saw Long Tianhao who was standing outside the Transfer Array and excitedly ran towards him.    


Seeing Mengli running over, Long Tianhao also revealed a kind smile and reached out to pick up Mengli.    


"Darling, do you miss daddy?"    


"I do, Mengli misses dad. Dad hasn't come to pick up Mengli for so long, I don't want to leave dad in the future."    


Mengli pouted, looking wronged.    


"Hur hur, alright. You can do whatever you want. I haven't even said hello to my uncles and aunties yet."    


"Hmm, hello Uncle Qi Nuo, hello Aunt Angel, and Uncle Jia Si, hello Aunt Melina. Dad, who is this auntie?"    


Mengli asked one question mark after another. However, when she saw Riley, she didn't recognize her.    


"Hello, Mengli. My name is Riley. You look really cute."    


"Oh, I know. I often hear Uncle Feng Baiyu talk about you. You are his wife, right? Hello, Auntie Riley. "    


Little Mengli instantly reacted.    


"Who's his wife? I still haven't said I'm going to lend it to him. Come, Mengli, let me hug you."    


After muttering to herself for a while, she reached out her arms to hug Mengli. Mengli didn't refuse her and went into her embrace with a smile.    


A cute child like Mengli was extremely deadly to girls. The other girls immediately became extremely fond of Mengli.    


At this time, Long Tianhao also walked over to Feng Baiyu. With a smile on his face, he patted Feng Baiyu's shoulder and said, "Bai Yu, it's been hard on you."    


"Tianhao, you don't know how hard it is to serve this precious daughter of yours. She's always clamoring about finding you, and if you don't come back, I won't be able to do anything about it. I'm afraid of her now, but I didn't expect a child to be so troublesome.    


In the future, don't let me do this again. I would rather fight to the death with the people of the Church on the battlefield than die here. "    


Feng Baiyu was on the verge of tears when he saw Long Tianhao.    


My Mengli is very obedient. Don't worry, in the future, you won't be allowed to bring Mengli with you. Quickly go over and take a look at Riley, she really misses you.    


"Mhmm, it means that I, Feng Baiyu, have good eyes. No matter what, I must marry her."    


Feng Baiyu looked at Riley, who was having a good time with Mengli, and said seriously.    


"Don't worry. You'll be together. I'll help you. But you have to treat Riley well. Don't let her down."    


"Boss, you're my boss. I admire you so much. With your words, I can be at ease. Don't worry, I'll definitely treat her well."    


Feng Baiyu immediately cheered when he heard Long Tianhao's words. He knew Long Tianhao's identity, as long as Wu steel-like words were spoken, no one in the family would dare to oppose him.    


"Alright, look at how happy you are. Let's go. Let's go. I'll introduce someone to you later."    


Long Tianhao patted Feng Baiyu and walked with him to the crowd.    


Seeing Long Tianhao walk over, Mengli also returned to Long Tianhao's embrace. She loved to stay in Long Tianhao's embrace the most while Feng Baiyu gently held onto Riley. Riley had just started to struggle.    


However, she immediately laid back in Feng Baiyu's arms. She really missed Feng Baiyu and was afraid that something would happen to him outside.    


"Mengli, let's go and take you to find Qi Ya's mother and sister."    


"En, Mengli, you can finally meet your elder sister. I also miss Qi Ya's mother." Mengli cheered, obviously very happy.    


"Mengli, in a while, you will not only meet them, but also the other mother that your father has found for you."    


At this moment, Jia Si interrupted on the side.    


"Really? "Someone else is playing with me. Dad, let's hurry up and go."    


Seeing that Mengli was so happy, Long Tianhao revealed a gentle smile and walked towards where Qi Ya and the others were. There was a special feeling between him and Long Huang, so he naturally knew where they were.    


After a while, Long Tianhao brought everyone to a small bridge that was filled with flowing water and fragrant flowers. There was a small, continuous stream here.    


Most importantly, there was an elegant pavilion, carved with dragons and phoenixes. It was extremely beautiful. At this moment, Qi Ya and the other two ladies were sitting inside it, chatting and laughing.    


Long Tianhao carried Mengli and quickly entered the hall. Soon after, everyone else quickly followed behind.    


"What are you talking about?"    


Long Tianhao's words immediately cut off the girls' conversation and they all looked towards Long Tianhao's group.    


"Qi Ya's mother."    


Mengli got off Long Tianhao and ran towards Qi Ya.    


"Mengli, mom misses you so much. You little rascal, you're getting cuter and cuter."    


"Come, Mengli. This is your elder sister, Long Huang. You can just call her Sister Huanger."    


At this time, Long Tianhao also walked over, pointed at Long Huang and said.    


"Big sister Huanger, I've finally met you! Big sister is so beautiful!"    


"Little girl, your mouth is so sweet. Come, big sister will carry you."    


She had heard from Long Tianhao that there was a younger sister there. However, this was the first time she had seen her, but the moment she saw Mengli, she immediately became very close to her.    


"Mengli, I haven't finished introducing him. This is Wuqing, my wife. Do you know his name?"    


"Hello Mommy Wuqing. I'm called Mengli. Daddy hasn't told me about you yet, but I've seen you before. At that time, you were still Auntie Wuqing."    


Mengli said naively. She had seen Wu Tian and the rest before, and naturally, she had seen Wuqing as well.    


"Greetings, your Highness."    


Wuqing was obviously not used to it, so he bowed towards Mengli. After all, he used to address Long Huang and Mengli as princesses.    


"Wuqing, why are you still calling her Princess? She is indeed my little princess, but you cannot call her that. You must know that you are my woman right now, and she is your daughter. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, I'm just not used to it. I will slowly change. Mengli, there's a osmanthus cake here. Come and eat one piece."    


When Heartless heard Long Tianhao's words, he also felt a little awkward. He hurriedly picked up a piece of osmanthus cake and handed it to Mengli.    


Mengli received it with one hand and took a bite as she said, "Thank you, mother. Elder sister, please eat too."    


"Little girl, Big Sister doesn't want to eat it. You eat it."    


The more Long Huang looked at Mengli, the more she liked her. She felt that Mengli was just like how she used to be, which was why she felt so close to her.    


"Bai Yu, you know Wuqing, but now she's your sister-in-law."    


"Aiya, elder sister-in-law, hello. Boss, you're really great. I admire you so much. If there's a chance, you must pass some experience to me."    


"What do you want to learn? are you trying to find another woman? " The moment Feng Baiyu said that, Riley grabbed onto his ear.    


"Don't, don't, there are so many people here that want to save some face for me. It's not like what you're thinking, I just want to learn from my boss how to treat my wife well. I still want to learn, so I'll be better to you in the future."    


Feng Baiyu quickly explained.    


"That's more like it, it's not like I won't allow you to find other women. If you can be like big brother, I won't have a single woman to find you. I'm just afraid that you'll be a stranger to me, and if that happens, I'll definitely not let you off."    


"Hehe, that won't happen. The person I love the most in my life is you. I won't let you down."    


"You … Cultivate well. After this battle, you will be able to accompany your Rui Li properly. You can cultivate seriously now. Your current strength is still insufficient."    


Long Tianhao also said on the side.    


"En, I know. I will definitely focus on my cultivation. Princess, please give me some pointers when the time comes."    


Feng Baiyu said to Long Huang with a serious expression.    


"Alright, since you are my father's good brother, I will teach you some Dragon Clan techniques. As for how you cultivate them, that will depend on yourself."    


"Thank you, Princess."    


Feng Baiyu was immediately overjoyed. Who was this Dragon Phoenix, it had the Ancestral bloodline, with her teaching the Dragon Clan technique, it was definitely not a normal thing. If he could not become stronger even like this, he could really find a piece of tofu and smash it to death.    


Everyone sat in the attic and chatted and laughed about their lives and experiences. Long Tianhao hadn't felt this relaxed for a long time, as he was always in a state of combat recently.    


It had been a long time since he had talked to his wife, daughter, and friends in this way, always distressed by the war with the Holy See.    


"Bro, so you guys are here, but it's so easy for me to find you."    


Just as everyone was chatting, a straightforward voice rang out and Ba Tian's figure appeared in the pavilion.    


"Big Brother Ba Tian, you're looking for me. Is something the matter?"    


"It's not a big deal. I went back to visit Holy Domain and gathered all the experts there before making my way to the Devil Beast Mountain Range.    


There were still some people who would rush over with Dragon Island. Since they had broken off all decorum with Realm of Light and them, they had to make preparations in advance. It would not be good if we were to be ambushed again. "    


"I said, why didn't I see you guys just now? With the addition of the Holy Domain experts, I am much more at ease with the situation over here. Otherwise, the Church would send some of their experts over, which would be more than enough to make us flustered. "    


Hearing Ba Tian's words, Long Tianhao also heaved a sigh of relief. As long as the experts of Holy Domain were to take action, then it would definitely benefit the current situation of the battle greatly. Originally, Long Tianhao still had to shoulder the burden of the Heart Demon mountain range being empty.    


"Haha, in these few thousand years, our Holy Domain has held us in for a long time. This time, we must properly fight a good battle with Realm of Light and those ugly monsters." Haha, in these few thousand years, our Holy Domain hold us down.    


Ba Tian laughed happily.    


"Uncle, can you lower your voice? It hurts my ears."    


"Eh." Hearing this voice, Ba Tian was stunned. He looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a cute little girl in Long Feng's embrace covering her ears with her hands.    


"Little girl, who are you?" Ba Tian asked curiously. Last time, he was laughing loudly and got scolded by Long Huang. This time, he was scolded by a little girl. It could be said that he had lost a lot of face.    


"Uncle Ba Tian, this is my sister, Mengli. She hasn't cultivated yet and she's still young. You laughing so loudly already scared her." Long Huang could not help but glare at Ba Tian as he spoke with some dissatisfaction.    


"Eh, man, is this your daughter again?"    


"Yeah, Brother Ba Tian, is there a problem?"    


"No, no problem, but your little girl is not ordinary. Her physique is not just average. It would be rare to see her cultivating in a trillion years. How about I take her in as my disciple?"    


Ba Tian actually wanted to take Mengli as his disciple.    


Long Tianhao obviously knew that Mengli's physique was extraordinary, and it would be hard for her own Blood Essence s to be combined with the origin of the Tree of Life to form. If this was not good, then what other good physique would it be? Long Tianhao shook his head and said: "Brother Ba Tian, don't even think about my daughter.    


I will teach her myself, so I will not trouble you. I will bring up my daughter as a proud daughter of heaven. "    


"F * ck, not enough. I really envy you. You're a freak, and your two daughters are also so abnormal. I admire you."    


Ba Tian purposely said in annoyance.    


"Big brother Ba Tian, what you're saying is not right. We are not some abnormal being, we are just slightly better in terms of innate condition. This is all luck and there's no envy for us. It can't be that you're not even giving me a present, right? "    


"I'll count it as you. Come Little Mengli, Uncle will give you a pair of bracelets. It'll be even more beautiful if you wear it."    



Ba Tian glared at Long Tianhao and took out a pair of bracelets, giving them to Mengli.    


"So beautiful, thank you uncle." When Mengli saw the bracelet, she immediately thanked Ba Tian.    


Hehe, aiya, there's still one more that hasn't been born yet. I might as well give it all at once. Sister-in-law, I gave you this golden lock as a gift for your child.    


Ba Tian took out another small golden lock and handed it over to Qi Ya.    


"This …" Qi Ya was at a loss as to what to do.    


"Keep it, this is a little gift from Big Brother Ba Tian."    


"Then, thank you Big Brother Ba Tian." Hearing Long Tianhao's words, Qi Ya nodded and kept the golden lock.    


"As for this, I don't have it yet. I won't be giving it to you for now. I'll give you a present when you have children."    


"Big brother Ba Tian, then prepare a gift. It'll be useful."    


Long Tianhao chuckled.    


Hearing Long Tianhao's words, Ba Tian immediately lost his temper, "You brat, I'll count you in as vicious. You've almost emptied my little brother's body. It seems like I have to find a few wives and have a few children. I'll see what you can do when the time comes."    


"Hehe, that's great. Big brother, you must work hard. I believe that as long as you want it, there will definitely be a lot of beauties that will throw themselves into your arms."    


"Eh, I've really lost to you. I can't outtalk you."    


Ba Tian paused for a second and couldn't help but to shake his head gloomily.    


For a time, everyone in the pavilion couldn't help but laugh. Their laughter and cheers had completely forgotten about the cruel battle that was about to happen. If they could laugh, they had to grasp it, didn't they?    




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