Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0"Brother Long, you still don't understand the power of our Devil Beast Mountain Range right? Let me tell you this, our Devil Beast Mountain Range has 12 kings.    


It's precisely the twelve of us, we are the commanders of the Devil Beast races in the entire Devil Beast Mountain Range. Let me introduce myself, I am Wu Tian, the head of the Twelve Kings, and my main body is the Sky Poison Demon Flood Dragon.    


"I've indeed never heard of it, but I believe it's probably a bloodline passed down from ancient times, right?"    


"That's right, you're right. The twelve of us all possess the bloodline of Ancient Devil Beast. You guys should introduce yourselves as well."    


Wu Tianyi made everyone introduce the place to him.    


"I am Wu Yu of the Eagle Tribe, and my true form is Snow Thunder Hawk."    


"I did not mean it. My real body is that of a flying tiger."    


"I'm harmless, my main body is the Sky Tyrant Ape."    


"I am Swordless Sword, and my true form is Violent Gold Lion."    


"Heartless, Nine Hell Serpent."    


"Little brother, I am called Wumei. As for my main body, it is the Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox. If you have time, let's get closer."    


"My name is Wuxing, my real body is the Savage Worldbear."    


"My name is Wu Ya, my original body is a Soul Devouring Demonic Ant."    


"My name is Wuyou, and my original form is the Heaven Cleaving Blood Bee."    


"My name is Wu Yun, and my real body is the Violet Tattooed Scorpion."    


"I don't need to say anything. Wuying, where is your main body? Bloodthirsty Demonic Leopard."    


The last one to introduce himself was naturally Wuying. Although he had already gotten to know Long Tianhao before, he still had to introduce his original body.    


After listening to the twelve people's introductions, even though Long Tianhao was very calm, he couldn't help but feel a bit shocked in his heart. The main bodies of these people.    


As expected, none of them were simple, and many of their original bodies were found in some ancient books. They were all the top ranked bloodlines in the Devil Beast Realm.    


Many of them had already gone extinct, but Long Tianhao didn't expect so much to appear in front of him.    


If these people were to be placed in Long Tianhao's original world, they might not even be considered as much, perhaps even Divine Beast s. At most, they would be considered as Spiritual Beast s, but it would be different here.    


To command a myriad of Devil Beast races, if they were to fight, even if all the experts in the human race combined, they would not have as many experts. This was because there were simply too many Devil Beast s, and just too many species.    


"I didn't expect your main body to be so extraordinary. No wonder you guys became King of the Devil Beast mountain range. This is the first time we have met, right?    


Long Tianhao praised and then asked in confusion.    


"I believe you, because we've been waiting for you for a long time."    


"Wait for me? Why wait for me? How do you know of my existence? And how can you be sure that I will definitely come? "    


Long Tianhao's heart was in turmoil as he asked in confusion.    


"Don't be nervous, let me tell you a story from more than a hundred thousand years ago. At that time, the Bluefire Continent was known as the continent of the gods, and countless gods were born here, be it humans, beast races, Elves Clan or other races.    


There were deities that appeared to protect their people, but it was also because of this that their people became unduly dependent on them. At the same time, there were too many deities on the continent, which caused the space to become extremely unstable.    


There would often be disasters, and various kinds of wars would erupt between different clans as well. All of the experts from different clans would come out, and fight until the sky darkened, and the mountains ruptured.    


Summoning all of the divine beings back into our Divine Realm and using great abilities to restore our world, from then on, the continent of the God Realm no longer had any divine beings.    


It will also be a temporary peace for the continent, but from then on, the continent of God changed its name to Bluefire Continent, because there are no longer any gods present here. "    


Wu Tian spoke for a while before stopping and continuing, "I don't know why no one in the continent have cultivated to the Divine Realm ever since all the Divine Spirits entered the Divine Realm. However, there are still many strong experts present.    


There were still many who had made breakthroughs in the Dharma Gods, Fighting Gods, Beast Gods, Dragon Gods, and Fairy Gods. But even so, they were still unable to become true Gods, because they didn't have divine sparks, and since they couldn't enter the Divine Realm …    


However, they did not want to affect the stability of the continent with so many experts. As a result, at that time, the strongest people from all clans attacked together, opened up a new space with their great abilities, and named it Holy Domain.    


Anyone who had broken through to the level of Saint Devil master could choose to enter. And anyone who had reached the stage of Law God had to enter the Holy Domain, because no matter who it was, at the moment of breaking through to the Law God, they had to enter.    


They will all be summoned by the Holy Domain, and if they do not enter the Holy Domain, they will draw out the law enforcement team from the Holy Domain. That is a powerful law enforcement team, and no one will dare resist, because those who resist will no longer exist in this world. "    


"Are you saying that a Saint Magic Instructor like me can also choose to enter the Holy Domain?"    


"You are right, after reaching the level of Saint Devil Grand Master, one would already possess the qualifications to enter the Holy Domain. Of course, you can choose not to go, but the superior cultivation environment within the Holy Domain is a fatal temptation for all cultivators.    


This is something that everyone dreams of. As for the Dharma experts, there are no conditions at all, and everyone must enter the Holy Domain to be controlled under the Holy Domain. "    


Wu Tian patiently explained all of Long Tianhao's doubts.    


"You said that the Holy Domain was established a hundred thousand years ago, then a lot of people inside broke through to the Divine Realm, right? As for those who have yet to break through, are they still alive or dead? "    


"The Holy Domain was indeed established a hundred thousand years ago.    


However, no one had ever entered the Divine Realm before. It was not that their strength was insufficient, but that they did not obtain a divine spark, so they could not become true gods. Their powers, however, continued to increase, and their lives continued as their strength increased.    


They would also die. In these hundred thousand years, countless experts had died, but new blood had constantly been replenished, so overall, the strength of their Holy Domain was constantly increasing.    


Especially the Devil Beast and the's experts. They had a very long lifespan, so those who were killed by it were basically living within the Holy Domain.    


However, it's very difficult for the Devil Beast s to advance and they still have to face the slaughter of humans. Thus, their numbers cannot compare to human experts, but their quality is still far higher than humans. "    


Wu Tian was extremely proud of his clan of Devil Beast. After all, the strength and longevity of a Devil Beast was not something a human could compare to.    


"So that's how it is. They only lived a little longer than ordinary people. If they don't become true Gods, they will not be able to escape the shackles of life and death."    


Towards the fall of these strong warriors, Long Tianhao sighed in his heart, just like his previous world.    


Even if a cultivator could not improve with the Cultivation Level, they would still slowly die from old age after condensing the Aurous Core. They could live for a thousand years, break through the core to the Nascent Soul, and cultivate the Essential Infant; they could live for ten thousand years.    



But in the end, it would still disappear from this world, and even its soul would decay. There was no chance for reincarnation.    


"You're right, no one is not afraid of death, so anyone who enters the Holy Domain will train with all their might, letting their life become longer. The longer they live, the more afraid they will be of death.    


Everyone's dream is to enter the Holy Domain, and advance a step further. However, the continent we live in, has actually been noticed by the Dark World and Realm of Light, these two foreign worlds.    


These two worlds were originally places where we could use summoning magic to summon creatures from other worlds. However, as more and more creatures from other worlds came to our world, they began to fall in love with our world.    


They want to turn our world into theirs, and we will become their servants. Thus, five thousand years ago, they used humans to tempt some greedy humans with illusory benefits.    


It helped them set up an enormous summoning array, allowing them to descend into our world on a large scale. Countless otherworldly creatures were summoned, and they began to attack our world crazily, causing a large amount of land to be occupied.    


He finally provoked the movement of Holy Domain experts. Although there were many experts in Holy Domain, both the Light and Darkness Realms had planned for a long time and had many experts. The Angel Corps of Realm of Light and the Demon Army of Dark World were both incredibly powerful.    


Holy Domain practitioners were forced back into the Holy Domain, and at this critical moment, two people who called themselves the Dark God and Light God suddenly descended from the Dark World. They took out two books that exuded a holy and dark aura.    


Especially in the hands of those two, it was even more powerful. After one strike, it was actually aimed to kill the experts of Holy Domain, and at this moment, the few most powerful experts of the Holy Domain made their moves at the same time.    


It collided with the two scriptures, and the result was that the Holy Domain door was sealed, and all the Holy Domain experts were trapped inside, while the two scriptures were blown away and disappeared without a trace.    


The Radiant Church and the Cult of Shadows appeared on the continent. They began to preach without restraint, and countless people on the continent became their believers. They stole a large amount of faith.    


The continent has long made their world complete, and we have already started a war against them. Do you know why we knew you would come? "    


Wu Tian turned around and looked at Long Tianhao as he asked mysteriously.    




"Because of a prophecy, ever since the sealing of Holy Domain, the Bluefire Continent has been cursed. If the Holy Domain is not activated, humans will never be able to break through to the God Level, and even us Devil Beast are greatly affected.    


A prophecy that came out of nowhere and spread across the continent. Of course, not many people know about it anymore. "    


"What prophecy?"    


Long Tianhao felt that all of this must be related to him.    


"The prophecy says that when someone obtains the Dark and Light Scriptures, the Holy Domain will reactivate and the other races will be chased out of our world.    


But now, with the Dark and Light Scriptures on your body, you are the one who spoke out words. You will open your Holy Domain and change the history of the entire continent. "    


Speaking of that, Wu Tian's gaze towards Long Tianhao became a little heated.    


Hearing that, Long Tianhao also understood that all of this must have been arranged by that mysterious person. This so called prophecy must also be done by that mysterious person. All he did was to let himself pass this test.    


However, Long Tianhao did not expect that the mysterious person would arrange all of this for him in the past few thousand years, or even earlier. It was quite shocking.    


"So that's how it is. Then, what do you want me to do? Do you want to activate the Holy Domain as stated in the prophecy? "    


Although Long Tianhao was shocked, he looked extremely calm on the surface and no one could tell what he was thinking.    


"Of course, we hope that you can do all of this. I have already heard Wuying say that you are here to work with us, which means our goals are the same.    


As long as you are willing to help us open Holy Domain, we will cooperate with you and, in fact, we will even listen to your arrangements. "    


"Is it worth it?"    


"It's worth it, this is our mission, regardless of whether we want to fight or not, this result is unavoidable.    


We might as well take the initiative and attack. Even if we fail, at least we fought before and would not feel guilty, our Devil Beast are noble and we would never submit to people from another world. "    


Wu Tian's words were filled with determination. Not only him, but the other eleven people also had determined looks on their faces.    


Looking at their expressions, Long Tianhao's heart was also deeply conquered by them. In certain aspects, humans are simply unable to compare to these Devil Beast, and their performance also won Long Tianhao's respect towards them.    


"Hahaha, good, I really did not find you all wrong. Although our starting points are different, our goals are the same, we have a common enemy, I hope that we can cooperate happily, and pull out all the powers in Realm of Light and Realm of Light from the ground. I will destroy them all."    


"It's been so many years since a human has had a man as courageous as you. You are worth befriending the heavens and the earth. From now on, we are friends and brothers."    


"Brother, don't forget about us. We are all together. Brother Long is also our friend and brother."    


The other eleven people in the living room all stood up and walked to Wu Tian's side, showing their strong feelings of friendship.    




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